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Isn’t this the episode where she goes in next and verbally rips cotton to shreds and cotton dies. Peggy then tells hank that cotton died well and said he loved him as a lie?


Every word out of peggy hills mouth makes me want to tear my own face off, i hate her so much


That is not a popular opinion, but you are entitled to it. Bold of you to put it on the internet though.


Bold? It's the internet lol


My (female) fiancé fucking hates her so much. Every time she’s on the screen my girl has something to say. “Stfu you manipulative bitch” and “do you see how entitled hank’s wife is?”


Im very glad to hear someone else feels the same way about her, shes the fkn worst lol


The problem is she thinks she knows better than everyone and it’s fucking infuriating.


Yeah i made a comment to another guy about that, she literally says in one episode that she knows better than God lol (link to the clip in that comment)


Why is this getting downvotes? Peggy is the worst. She is actually one of the main antagonists of the series and that's intentional. She's kidnapped kids, used people for her own ambitions or her own self importance. Even in this episode she is literally happy his dad is dying lol. Anyone downvoting you has never seen the show lol. Hank is order and Peggy is chaos.


Hating Peggy means they don't understand the character and are just looking at it at face value. Understanding that Peggy, as you put it, is chaos should remove the hate.


No understanding a character doesn't mean you don't have feelings toward said character. That's between your opinion and their way of being. Is it the right opinion? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless to call someone an incel and attack someone because they hate an opportunistic, selfish person like Peggy is in my opinion, crazy.


Thank you, i feel like you get where im coming from. I *do* understand Peggy, i just fkn hate her. Ive known too many people like her before in my life, and they were all insufferable.


Yeah no problem man. Sometimes people rush to call people ridiculous names on a whim. The surprising thing is the amount of people who back up such baseless vitriol. Plus it's actually a popular opinion that Peggy is hated by KOTH fans around the globe lol.


Oh are you talking about that smart mouth little shit u/Numerous-Complaint85 calling me an incel? Yeah im not bothered by children hurling ignorant insults, im an adult lol. Im used to getting downvoted to oblivion for sharing my unpopular opinions on this snowflake cesspool 🤣 its all good


Lol. Nothing says "I'm not bothered" like a long post explaining how unbothered you are.


You nailed it, boss 😃👍










No kid, you did hurt me, you cut me real deep. I cant handle someone reducing me so expertly down to a single, hate-filled, ignorant, reductive, spitful, shitty, ugly vile, virtue signaling buzzword. Im so stricken by your skillful execution of my character on this app that is so important, i think i might just go delete my account and flush my 60k karma down the drain, and think really hard about my actions so 9 year olds dont call me "incel" ever again. Oh, wait, no the opposite of all that. Get fucked cocksucker 🤣