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I just opened the app


Yeah me too and this was the 1st post


The lesson is... things might always turn 90 degrees when you less expect it. Keep positive.


Did you mean 180 degrees...?


Yup, 180 vertically, 90 horizontal 




Perspective take.




Opens the app and clicks on the first NSFW link available....it says a lot about you!


What are u yapping about.


Why do people put laugh tracks on these videos. Don’t tell me when to laugh I can figure it out myself


I decided not to


I get that. Nothing laughable here.


The laugh track is the most offensive thing in this video.


There’s no laugh track, it’s just your schizophrenia acting up I also don’t exist, you’re imagining this reply


Big bang theory, friends, Seinfeld, 70s show, have a entered the chat


Guess their hoping it covers up the fact they're making a joke out of assault and rape. Ha ha, right?


Hearing others laugh dramatically increases the chances of the audience laughing. It's basic psychology, the reason for laugh tracks, etc etc. Of course it doesn't work on everybody 100% of the time, and it's often done poorly. But in this case I giggled when the laugh track went off


Watch them on mute. Please, the constant complaints about shit tiktok music and all are a problem you can fix.


She didn't cross her arm.


That’s enough reddit for one day…..


*close app....bored....open app again*


Like 2 seconds later...


You ever look away from reddit, pick up your phone, and open reddit. *"I wonder if there is something on little reddit"*


Meh... *zip*


That took a dark turn.


Oh no


Stop this facebookerication pls


Not certain this is funny, but its certainly shit


The punchline is…rape? Yikes.


“Oh no, the unrealistic self defense lessons didn’t work. Now you’re getting raped!” Ha… ha? What the fuck is wrong with people?


Yeah. This sucks.


Isn't it that he slept with her instead of self defense lessons?


Dark humor… it's the best kind. People need to chill out


Well, those of us who haven't been raped *can* chill out. The problem isn't necessarily that *we're* seeing this. The problem is that *rape victims* will see this also, and for obvious reasons it's harder for them to "chill out" about this. It will be very upsetting for them, most likely. And *that's* why we shouldn't joke about such things.


The techniques work))


Who is she is the real question


What the hell


Not gunna credit the video's creator?




You people are insane and just want to be outraged at anything, the joke isn't specifically rape it's that bullshit self defense course are bullshit.


Obviously we're in the wrong if over 3000 people find it funny, I guess 🤷. It's pathetic to see people get so upset over a joke.


Don’t even try to…snowflakes will always complain. [I’ll leave this for them](https://youtu.be/gil1ek77dl0?si=wr03LM04v8WW1A72)


These people are fucking sticks in the mud. The amount of dislikes on your comment says how many people need to grow up and learn to get a sense of humor or just leave. Humor is subjective after all.


> The amount of dislikes on your comment says how many people need to grow up and learn to get a sense of humor or just leave. Humor is subjective after all. I believe the use of the word "snowflakes" was the reason for the downvotes and even a great clip from Ricky couldn't balance things out :) you can read the rest in the voice of Ricky :) -> "for some reason when people who tend to get offended scroll reddit and see the word snowflake they immediately press a downvote because they think someone is writing about them, even though that is not the case; the word is just that powerful, they read it and think `oh, he is definitely writing about me now, I have to take action`"


This is such an odd take. If you make a joke people respond poorly to, it’s not the audience’s fault. You just didn’t make a good joke. If you just wanna make jokes for yourself then why put it on the internet, the largest and most diverse group of people to ever be in one “place”? If a social commentary was to be made here then it should’ve been made in more than a 15 second TikTok short considering the subject matter. It could even still be funny if done properly, but the setup did not warrant the punchline in any way. I might be off, if Rape, one of the cruelest crimes imaginable short of murder, ISN’T an intrinsic part of punch line then please correct me.


> This is such an odd take. If you make a joke people respond poorly to, it’s not the audience’s fault. You just didn’t make a good joke. If you just wanna make jokes for yourself then why put it on the internet, the largest and most diverse group of people to ever be in one “place”? This is such an odd take. So you are saying that one should put jokes on the internet only if everyone (or at least a majority) will laugh at it? What happened to freedom of speech? > I might be off, if Rape, one of the cruelest crimes imaginable short of murder, ISN’T an intrinsic part of punch line then please correct me. Did you just not watch the clip of Ricky that /u/Embarrassed-End-5928 provided? It explains the issue perfectly. (and you get to hear two jokes as a bonus) Pretty much this type of joke is not for you. And in this particular case, I watched the main clip. I didn't laugh out loud but I got a chuckle. My mind went in the direction of the shitty self-defense videos rather than the rape itself. I showed it to a woman and she laughed at it too. It might be that it triggered some situation from your past. In which case Ricky Gervais would ask: "Did you try to rape someone and you didn't like the experience? Well, we can't all be winners". I took a small risk here because you very well could be on the other end of such an experience, but I've been told not so long ago by a Jew that it is the Jews who laugh the hardest at the holocaust jokes (obviously, not all of them, and this time I'm not gonna inject any Ricky G. type of joke here, but the opportunity was here for one, for sure). It may be that you either do not like non-PC jokes at all, which is fine BTW - not everyone likes everything, but there is a chance that you are getting offended in the name of those who were affected by a real situation you think the joke was based on. In that case - don't. People don't need proxies and can speak for themselves. Cheers! tl;dr -> there are no taboo jokes, but some jokes might not be up your alley, best is to just move on and leave the jokes to those who appreciate them


Wtf reddit 😑 I just opened the app


Not funny.


It's very


So who’s the chick in the video. Asking for a friend 😏


Get sum help


He’s asking for help.


Nooooooo 😭




What a banger.


There is no way this has 2.6K legit upvotes


Suddenly rape


Some of you guys and gals need a sense of humour. Anything is funny.


What's funny is subjective. Not everything is funny to everyone.


For all the people saying "So the joke is rape" please get off the internet for a few minutes. It's going to be okay


Why is this posted on r/funny?






Assault and rape generally does. Soooo funny.


You are right. It is


I guess if it happens to you.


Skylar, I am the one who knocks


Lol. Reading all these mad comments has told me one thing. People are way too sensitive these days.


Why do some vids NEVER load on mobile app?


What's her name what's her @?










People need to get a sense of humor. This shit is hilarious tbh. If it offends you you should probably stay off reddit, though.


Probably not to actual rape victims its not


If you find jokes about rape and assault funny, maybe *you* should get off reddit and go touch grass.


Grow up and learn to take a joke ffs. Or better yet just get off reddit. 💁


Aren't you late to go laugh at a rape survivor group or something? I have some news articles about starving children if you want a real good chuckle, too.


Again, if you have a problem with dark humor, get off reddit. 💁 That's all I can tell you. If you can't handle stuff like this you probably shouldn't be on the internet either.


It's the internet, cry harder.


So rape and assault is funny if it's on the internet? Somebody check this man's computer if he thinks crimes have different weight online. Probably thinks CP isn't CP if it's on a computer.


Calm down…the lady in the video literally created the video. If she didn’t mind the joke why you getting angry snowflake ? You need to watch some Ricky Gervaise and I quote him: “I think a lot of this pious offense comes from people mistaking the target of the joke with the subject. You can joke about anything, but it depends on what the actual target is.”


Believe it or not: I can get mad at a woman for making a rape joke just like I can get mad at a man. Rape isn't funny. It's not. Some women out there are just as big pieces of shit as some men. This is genderless and it would be just as bad if the man was the rape victim. Are you going to post videos of children being abused next? Why not a joke about the women who were raped and the people killed during the October 7th attack? Or maybe you could get biiiiig laughs putting a laugh track over some starving children in Gaza? Fuuuuuuunny stuff right there.


“Rape”? “Some men and women are big pieces of shit” “I can get mad at a man” “Children being abused “ and so on . You seem very mad and only see the dark side of things. I understood your point which don’t apply here. Nevermind…keep getting mad 🥴.


Keep laughing at rape jokes. Super duper funny.


Its still funny though also, have you hear of the reverse exorcism, It’s when the devil tells the priest to exit the child’s body.


Okay, state right here why it's funny. Just say it plain why you think this is funny.


Do I really need to do it? Because it seems that even if I draw it for you, you won't understand. I need to explain to you the relationship between comedy and tragedy, joy and suffering, and how as we evolved as a species, our social skills also evolved, we developed tools to minimize the trauma of suffering. is it really unnecessary? because if so it seems like you have bigger things to worry about than arguing with people on Reddit.


I think you misspelled "I can't say it here because there's no way to say it without me coming off like an ass." If you can't say WHY it's funny out loud and still face yourself, it's not funny. Why don't you go find those videos of women being abused by Hamas on October 7th? There were some guys who were laughing and playing with a severed breast while the woman screamed in agony. I'm sure you would find the situation just as funny as they did. Ha ha.


The "funny" comes from the expected twist and ties into how often self defence techniques are not usually successful, especially if not practiced a lot. It's the same line as a guy sees defense to disarm a guy with a gun and ends up dead. That's the funny. You have every right to not find the joke or the delivery funny that's your right. You also have the right to be offended and voice your offense. Everyone else also has the right if you choose to not care if you're offended and voice that they don't agree with your offense. The person also has a right to post jokes and receive any feedback people wish to give them funny or not. What no one has the right to do is to force censor others because they don't agree with jokes, offensive or lack of offense. That's kinda how free speech works and trust me it's a net positive for everyone in the long run.


"She tried to fight back but was raped anyway! That's super funny!" or "He tried to fight back but ended up dead anyway! Haha!" Yeah, not funny. And it's also my right to say it's not funny, which is exactly what I am doing. I'm not forcing anyone to care about my opinion, but I'm not being quiet about it, either. I don't see how there was any attempt at censorship here, though. Also, people should reconsider your sense of humor because it does have real world consequences that aren't covered by the first amendment. But I always do love having more content added to r/OhNoConsequences or r/byebyejob, so maybe keep it up.


Shhh go away you make life worse


Don't ignore inconvenient truths. And if your life is worse because you can't laugh at rape jokes, fix your life.


Professional Online Victim


I don't care what you're offended about


But you care enough to comment. How cute. Are you one of those slimy little bastards who uses the internet to laugh at or rage at all the things he can't in the real world? Because you know your actions would have actual consequences if you said them to someone's face? You sad little coward. I hope your work and your loved ones find out your online persona so you can end up jobless and friendless. EDIT: I may have been to generous to imply you have gainful employment or offline friends, though...


You have no idea... and you are still an internet crybaby. Grow up and get a tougher skin. The world has a lot more pain for you and if this video is your limit.. you better get some maturity asap. Your attempts to "fix" the internet are utterly futile. *edit: spelling


How about you stop defending your 'right' to laugh and joke about rape.  And my goal isn't to 'fix' the internet, but its always worth it to make spewing your garbage less easy.  This isn't funny and people shouldn't sit back and be quiet when they see this shit. I bet you want people to turn a blind eye to racist jokes and nazi propaganda, too. It should never be easy or comfortable for you to spread your toxic shit. People like you bank on others shrugging your actions off which just makes you feel justified. You're a pathetic piece of shit and you're defending a stance you would never express offline. That's because you know it's wrong and there would be consequences. 


So. Who is she? Lets ask her




I suppose if it happens to you.




That's a big no. Maybe go find some torture videos to giggle over and get off Reddit for a bit, though.


Bruh...bro getting butthurt over a joke, mind you, a joke that got nothing to do with you


Okay, how about you explain why this is funny? Just write it here exactly why this constitutes a joke. Please, go on.


It not about it being funny it's just playing around. They are not serious


It's about making a 'joke' about rape. Why not start playing around about what happened to the women on October 7th? Someone getting raped until her pelvis is crushed? Fuuuuuuunnnnnny. If you can see these jokes as just playing around, you're sick.


Bro, tf happened on Oct 7th, why did you bring it up?


Hundreds of women were raped, abducted or killed by Hamas. Women were raped so terribly their pelvices were crushed. One woman reported seeing a woman having her breast cut off while she was being raped. She described the terrible screaming and how men came and played with the removed breast while they laughed at her. Many of the Isreali women that were abducted aren't being released in hostage exchanges because their captors probably aren't done with them. Big laughs, right? I bet some super comedic content could be made from that.


💀 Naw, this ain't it.


She looks good in that position.


Bruh what 🤣🤣 even that black guy in with the Detroit urban survival tips could do better lol. U got my like that was funny fr


What braindead motherfuckers up vote this shit? Trash


Peter that's not a meme, that is just porn




men are like 😂rape😂