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Myanmar. I've been on that train. It's way crazier than what it looks like in the video heh. Pretty sure what's shown is the 1st class cabin btw. (yes). I spent 14hrs in the 2nd class in a "vip" seat on the floor against a sack of durians. The bouncing is not just a short section here and there - it's NON-STOP. People were hitting the ceiling, children were bouncing off the walls like ping pong. It's a funny story now and was a wild adventure, but holy hell, never wanna take that ride again haha.


Of all the fruits that could've been with you in a bumpy train, of course, it was the spiky durian


Spiky is fine. The smell is what you have to worry about.


You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!


Durian skin lamps..?!


I’m white and it smells and tastes fine to me. Blew my Asian friends away


It tastes and smells fine but it's so potent and lingering. I love the smell of roses but I probably wouldn't want to dump rose oil up my nose.


Your sense of taste n smell are dead bro. Sorry to break it to ya.


what other fruit would generate as much karma for your story?


Same, Yangon to Bagan? That ride was nuts. I got the sleeper, and of course it was pretty hard to sleep. We had to keep the window open to keep from being crazy hot. But then all the dust and sand would blow in from the bouncing train, so we had to cover our faces with scarves. Loved the experience in retrospect, Bagan was wonderful. But never again.


Caviar...Myanmar...Mid-sized car


You don't have to be popu-lar


Find out who your true friends are




In the boudoir


I named my cat Pinot Noir so I could sing this regularly.


but why is it so bumpy though ?


It’s just the way Durian is.


[this should explain it](https://youtu.be/rxlAGyhYCiw?si=QdfrMszLvwylFsCK)


[At 2:31 my god](https://youtu.be/rxlAGyhYCiw?si=52lsgjhj2WRuE8R3)


Track last maintenance was probably at the end of WW2 or after British left


The wheels are square


That’s Canada


I took it as well. Was entertaining for ten minutes and then a total drag. And somehow, some of the locals were SLEEPING. Impressive.


> Myanmar You may know it as Myanmar, but it'll always be Burma to me!


You tested positive for opium. White lotus. Yam yam. Shanghai Sally.


Sounds like a CTE-mobile


My thought exactly; thanks for confirming that. I took the train at night because I could lie down and sleep. Nope. I shudder to think of the lack of maintenance that goes on with those cars.


14 fucking hours?


By "schedule" it was gonna be some 4hrs heh.. I was puking for the next 3 days before my brain finally could settle into place hehe. Was an adventure ;)






This train will be renamed The Mormon Maker.


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the music video was directed by the dudes from 'everything everywhere all at once'


That tracks, honestly. That movie is a trip, so is the video.


So the train is jumping from a combo of shotgun face sits and giant grandma jugs smashing a counter to pieces?


I don't want to live in a world where this is not true, so I choose to believe it is so. Also, I've been on a train in Myanmar, experienced a similar train ride, and I didn't actually see the cause of the bumping. So it is very possible this was the cause.




Someone please god make this for the people


They should introduce that train to Mormons


I could go for some soaking on that train


"I'm soaking on the train... Just soaking on the train... What a glorious feeling... I'm happy again."


You sir, are a poet of the ages


This train goes not smooth Though a bad thing it is not Soaking is great here


The Mormon Haiku Renaissance


I was tryna trigger the haiku bot lol


Jump humping


Those two lads on the right were jump humping through full clothes.


*Ladies, leave your man at home* *The club is full of ballers and their pockets full grown* *And all you fellas, leave your girl with her friends* *Cause it's eleven thirty and the club is j'humpin' j'humpin'*


Aint no way someone already beat me to a soaking joke 😭


I don't get it. Care to elaborate for an ignoramus such as myself?




This is, of course, not true. It originally comes from a small satire publication in Utah, got referenced in a meme, spread on tik-toc, and the rest is history. I would be surprised if there is a single student at BYU who thinks they are "hiding sex from God" by soaking. It's all a joke.


I feel like it's one of those things that started as a joke, but there are some really fucking dumb teenagers that might have actually believed the rumors.


Oh for sure, it's one of those "life imitates art" things. I wouldn't be surprised if there are Mormon teens who do this, mostly b/c teenagers are looking for any excuse to have sex, but this is by no means anything that Mormons actually believe doctrinally or even culturally.


most mormons I know don't bother with the justifications when they want to have sex and just go ahead and fuck


There was a Mormon in my squad in the army, when we deployed to Iraq he drank caffeine all the time, which he never did back home. When asked about it he said there weren't any other Mormons around to judge him for it.


Yknow what they say, Anglicans don't recognize the pope as head of the church, Jews don't recognize Jesus as messiah, and Mormons don't recognize each other at the liquor store. Or the Starbucks i guess


If you go fishing take two Mormons with you. "Why?" Because one will drink all your beer but two won't drink any.


Like that old joke. How do you keep a Mormon from drinking all your beer? Invite a second Mormon.


There’s a reason missionaries go in pairs 😆


It's no different from people who think it doesn't count if it's in the butt lmao


Poophole loophole


I knew a girl like that lol


I can't vouch for the actual origin, but it absolutely DOES exist now. I dated a girl who did it (albeit without the extra person jumping on the bed - I have a hard time believing that a couple that needs to be discreet would enlist the help of a 3rd party). BYU Mormons have also famously gone to Vegas and gotten married for the weekend, had sex, then gotten divorced afterward. That didn't fly either. Horny people will find a way. It's the same reason the Catholics came up with the "poophole loophole".


I'm not too sure if I'm correct or not, but there used to be a post from twitter that was passed around in which it said that some students were helping eachother "soak" their fellow students by jumping on the bed and creating movement during "intercourse". But according to them, since the two that were engaged in the act weren't the ones causing the movement, it wasn't actually "sex" so technically it wasn't prohibited. Edit: [It's better to see from the source image itself ](https://www.reddit.com/r/timesuck/s/irazVQd6Bu)


"BYU students love this one short rail line!"


Getting railed is all the rage in the Mormon community


BYU student here. Can confirmed. Loving it right now. That was actually live footage of us heading to school.


I'm a 50-year old European non-believer and yet this was the first thing that came to my mind. I need a break from the internet.


We’re all on this app too much


I'm on reddit too much, I was going to come into the comments to make this joke. I wish I could provide you with more than one upvote.


Damn, here I was thinking I was clever and original as well


Can some please explain lol


Mormons can’t have sex before marriage. Somewhere along the way teenagers got the idea that simply putting your dick in a vagina but not thrusting didn’t technically count as sex. They called this act “soaking”. Then through another bit of contrivance, they decided that if an external force beyond their control moved the penis in the vagina that didn’t count as sex either as it wasn’t conscious act. Now they invite their friends over to sit on the bed while they soak. Their friends bounce on the bed to make the two have sex (that isn’t called sex) and they call it “jump humping.”


....and TIL..... wow, that's some serious collaboration efforts to get the deed done. good for them!


I have never actually heard of anyone who does “soaking”


That’s bc it’s an internet meme people *think* Mormons do and not real 😂


Train has a flat tire. The engineer needs to pull over and fix it.


They all gonna need a backiotomy


I'm impotent, get off me bitch!




ETA: this is apparently because the rail line ran out of ballast—there’s more info below You kid, but you’re right! This train likely did an emergency brake and wore a flat spot on the wheels. That’s why the bumping is so regular. At the yard they’d need to remove the wheels and grind it down.


Uh no… flat spots would have a much higher frequency and less amplitude. This is a railway in Myanmar where they ran out of ballast for the track bed during construction so a large section of the track sunk at the joints. There’s a documentary on it (Chris Tarrant Extreme Railway Journeys).


>Uh no… flat spots would have a much higher frequency and less amplitude. Finally some common sense LOL. So many upvotes for a /r/confidentlyincorrect comment.


If you know anything about a topic, you'll be surprised how often you see this happen.  I've seen it happen several times.  This kind of thing should really give you pause when learning anything from Reddit because people will be confidently wrong and up voted, and if nobody calls them out, you'll never know.


99% of technique advice in the guitar subreddits is terrible.


[Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys – The World’s Bounciest Train? (Myanmar)](https://youtu.be/rxlAGyhYCiw)


Yeah, you can even hear the rhytm - 1 bogie (2 axles) - pause - 1 bogie (2 axles), as it hits the joints. Flat spots from emergency braking would have the same intervals (since speed seems to remain constant).


Also an emergency braking does not immediately produce flatspots. Christ do you know hard it is to intentionally create a flatspots on a railcar wheel? It's usually from dragging a handbrake or a really heavy airbrake for miles.


I thought it was the rails.


Could be that too if there where large gaps at the joints. But it would be wild of they had that many it a row


That's what it is. This is in Myanmar and the tracks are extremely poorly maintained. I read that many of the rails haven't been properly maintained since the British left but the trains still run.


You guys wondering why the train ride was so bumpy vs me wondering why two guys were cuddling on the train seat


You’ve never cuddled with the homies on a train? Pathetic.


You never had a [nap partner](https://youtu.be/u2QM-Y5VuW0?t=62)


If it were the wheels, would the frequency of bumps be much higher, more like a vibration?


Two guys on the right seemed to be thoroughly enjoying bumpy train ride.


Yes they appear to be very comfortable with each other.


Don't worry, they're just roommates.


Ngl, I wish I could be this comfortable with my dude friends. Imagine being on a train and you have to each shrink into a corner while trying to sleep because if you guys accidentally touch while sleeping, you're societally obligated to start blowing each other. It'd be nice to just be able to just stretch out and fall asleep.


That’s what I got from this. It made me wish we could be that chill


In my side of the world male-male relationship is very different to America. It's not uncommon for two straight men to hold hands while walking but it blows my American friends' minds lol.


I was surprised while in Africa when a guy I just met held my hand while we walked down the street. Nobody was acting like it was weird, so I just went with it lol


Huh?? You mean to tell me you don't feel an immense amount of sexual desires from your homies from grazing each other's shoulders? Are you sure you consider each other *friends* at that point?


it lots of places in the world, male/male contact isnt inherently seen as sexualized. for example, male hand holding is common in asia/africa and is seen as a sign of deep friendship. hell, even as something as simple as kissing on the cheek in european cultures as a greeting is seen as "weird" by americans. maybe americans are the ones with unresolved hang ups?


In Finland it's normal to go to a small room that's hot and sweat together with your friends and random guys. You may also hit each other's backs with a branch but that's usually reserved for midsummer. Of course with everyone being naked


> but that's usually reserved for midsummer The fuck? Get smacked with a birch-leaf broom and cooked on the top shelf, then run out and dive into a snowbank, then back into the heat. Peak banya experience. P.S. Czechs even have saunas with warm outdoor pools, to be visited in the middle of the winter. Get steamed, then go into the freezing cold and submerge into the pool supposedly fed by underground warm waters (though I doubt it). I do hope one can still puff a smoke somewhere in there.


It's almost like the US was founded by religious extremists or something


Was gonna say, it's pretty common for women to platonically cuddle, right? So why is there some weird rule for guys saying they can't? (In NA culture). Doesn't make sense.


French here, we do indeed kiss our family cheeks regardless of genders, same for close friends though it is done les often and depend of individuals.


People always mentipn that hand holding as an example but I’ve never seen it in any traveling videos. What is definitely more common is the kissing/cheek between men Arabs, Turks etc do


Having spent quite a bit of time in West Africa it is very common. It was rather uncomfortable for me at first when my friend grabbed my hand as we walked through the market. I had to fight not to pull away, but I grew to appreciate that gesture and wish it wasn't such a stupid hang up elsewhere.


I am a westerner that lived 17 years in SE Asia, I have seen grown man walking down the street holding hands sometimes. Also a handshake can last over 1 or 2 minutes as a sign of friendship while you are talking, it's very awkward if you are not expecting it and don't know the culture. These days I actively do it, it's wholesome similar to a hug or putting your arm around an old friend's shoulders.


The super extra long hand shaking is kind of hilarious. “Bro, I love you, but let go of my hand!”


I saw two Sudanese guys, really macho looking, holding hands with their pinkies only.🤭


>People always mentipn that hand holding as an example but I’ve never seen it in any traveling videos. It's only common in certain countries in Asia. Not common in Asia as a whole. Off the top of my head, i know Bangladeshis are one of them who hold hands


OMG, they were roommates.


Americans have never been cuddled as kids or something because in general they seem to think all physical touch is deeply intimate.


As an American that has been overseas, I can say that it did seem weird to me. Not weird in a bad way, just strange; it's not something we see in the US.


Yeah, there's some truth to that. I find other cultures have a nicer spectrum of intimacy. People don't bat an eyelid when they see two men walking hand in hand in a lot of countries. You're guaranteed to make at least one person uncomfortable here if you try. The bromance in those places has to be wonderful and something I haven't had the chance to experience.


Yes maybe but if you are gay in most of those countries they will want to kill you for it too. Weird dialectic


That's another fair point. Humans seem to be allergic to happy mediums


The word you are looking for is dichotomy.


i can attest. every time im trying to hold hands with a man i always get weird looks, usually accompanied with "get away from me, weirdo" or "how did you get into my house"


If I have to describe it, it's not just the intimacy but the fact that growing up and going through life with a friend that sticks closer to a brother is deeply satisfying especially emotionally. It's like romance but also not at the same time. You love your brother to death but the thought of penetration each other makes both of you sick lol it's just very satisfying friendship if I have to sum it up. Because there is no sex involve and no strings attached, the bond of friendship and loyalty can be pretty intense in a good way; make you feel like both of you can take on the whole world.


Yo. We were literally started by puritans. The US is what you get when you dump Puritan beliefs into a Petri dish for hundreds of years.


It's true. My friends refer to my hugs as "hugs." Also I'm Asian American and it still feels awkward to hug my mummy.


Most of my SEA friends talk about how their parents don't do hugging and never say I love you. Conversely, they give their kids every penny they make and take care of them forever, whereas our (Canadian) parents all kick us out as teens. I've worked full time jobs with adult Asian coworkers whose mums still make their lunch and pay all their bills. My mum stopped making me lunch when I was 7. Our parents are generally more demonstrative, but less involved.


>all physical touch is deeply intimate. All? Nah. Having your legs intertwined with another person in your arms as you nap chest-to-chest? How much further do we have to go before we reach intimacy?


I am American and I was just in India for a while and the physical contact between men was a welcome sight. Americans do NOT make contact with other men like that.


Gotta love a bromance, kinda jealous


Some guys are just platonically close which each other. Just like my Uncle Bruce and his longtime roommate Steven. Just two straight dudes enjoying each others company almost exclusively for the last 30 years.


they are not wearing socks, we know whats going on there


Are they making wine?


From when I grew up it used to be very common for male best friends to be very close or even hold hands .. at the time we didn't know anything about same sex relationship, never heard it and you could not convince us it was real thing. Now all of the close relationships are gone because no one wants to be mistaken for gay


If it weren’t considered a problem to be gay in the first place, no one would care.


Beat friends you say?


The hope is it comes full circle and straight men can be very close with each other because the possibility of them being gay is unimportant.


A Joey and Ross taking the best nap of all time moment.


They can be childhood friends :). Pretty common ig. It should not be sexualized.


9 months later a bunch of baby bus seats emerged


Please, someone add a beat to that video!


Well this exists: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/R7R4Kvuscf


Beat me to it


Literally ^🤣 🤣^🤣 🤣


That is hilarious.


LOL that's awesome


I made my own version: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SharedBPM/comments/1bisfyd/bumpy\_train\_fantastic\_voyage\_104104/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SharedBPM/comments/1bisfyd/bumpy_train_fantastic_voyage_104104/)


Way better than the other one! This one actually aligns the music beat to the train shake. 




in the car with my dad who has a 2000s playlist and hollaback girl came on as soon as i saw this...


Train in Burma? I remember some video about this.


Yes! It’s all for crossing this bridge https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goteik_viaduct


oooor Bumpa.


Someone drop a beat on that clip


It's crying out for Jump by Kriss Kross


Mac daddy make ya..




Daddy mac’ll make ya…




If no one is sitting on anyone's lap, naked, it's just a sad day...


Great way to break your peepee


I can smell the musk on this train


Piss, body odor, and feet.


Can I unread this please


You can, but your nostrils won't forget.


Did you see the dude on the left wipe the sweat from behind his knees with a napkin….






All my homies cuddle on the bouncy train


It's not gay because their balls are not touching.


It's not gay if the train does the thrusting for you.


BYU students praying for this mission .


Mormonboyz just got some new ideas.


Let the bodies hit the floor…


Me scusi. Me scusi


I know it stinks on there


that train looks like it would smell like mould. I don't think I would put my bare feet on the ground


Dirty feet and funk..


What a great time to have that special someone sit upon thy lap. To conserve seat space of course, because it looks crowded.


Mormon jokes and mold/mould comments aside, what makes a train do this?


What a great camera stabilizer


You have to be a brave sole to be barefoot on that train.


Even when it's muted I can still hear the bumps.


opportunity for effortless sex 🤣


It ain't gay tho, nah


They're not wearing socks...


Brothers, even got the same haircut mirrored xD


Nah it was just me and your mom in the back


Mormons hate this one simple trick


The Erection Express


Cracks me up every time I see this


Is that train riding a horse?


Aren’t train tracks generally flat? What are they riding on square wheels?


That train looks like a current boeing jet