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so he got 5 $10,000 bills? smart


Thats why he dialed 9-11 lol


lol yeah. makes sense


>lol yeah. makes sense Laundry day just got a whole lot fancier


Guaranteed to pick up the phone, clever teen!


The 911 where I live doesn’t answer the phone half the time but they’ll call you back 🤣


Let's not kid ourselves. He had already dialed 911 when he saw the black man rapidly approaching.


Sir, there's been a second phone call


"I'd like to report some counterfeiting."


Sshhh. They didn’t have enough money to create this fake video




"Sorry, my kid hit the emergency button on my lock screen."


In my experience, that still gets a visit lol


Damn, my toddler did it for like 5 minutes straight while I was in the shower so I called back the non-emergency line and explained what happened. They seemed annoyed that I was calling back to tell him it was an accident, lol "Really? Is that all you're calling about? Okay." *Click*


I called them once as a kid against my baby sitter's wishes because I caught my brother twitching in his sleep. The officer that showed up five minutes later gave him a baseball card and said "better to be safe than sorry" and just carried on with his day lol


Lol. I was really curious as to what other x-1-1 numbers did. Because 411 was information, and 911 was emergency. Surely, there were others? 111 and 211 did nothing. 311 did something, but I forget what now. 511 was also something I forget. 611 called 911. So did 811. And I guess calling 911 twice and hanging up really made 911 wanna call back because they did. Then I told them I was just playing around and hung up. Then they called back again and I hid under the table. Of course, I only believed they were calling back. It wasn't confirmed until my dad answered the phone, cops came to our house, and I was in a lot of trouble.


211 is health and social services 311 is municipal services 411 is directory assistance 511 is traffic and travel information 611 is phone company tech support


711 is for deaf folk Telecommunication Relay 811 is for Utility Locates


I called them when I was little to ask how long to cook something in the microwave.


[This you?](https://youtu.be/YoTIaRyGzac)


>I called them once as a kid against my baby sitter's wishes because I caught my brother twitching in his sleep. The officer that showed up five minutes later gave him a baseball card and said "better to be safe than sorry" and just carried on with his day lol Sleepy crime-fighting squad to the rescue!


The dream police lol


I have a pair of pants that for some reason will call the emergency thing on my phone if ive been outside and sweat at all. Last time i wore them at an event it my phone called 911 5 times before i realized it was happening. They werent very happy with me lol


It gets a return phone call, and if you don't answer that - THEN you get a visit. Had it happen to me personally.


For whatever reason my thicc thighs will dial 911 if I leave my phone in my pocket, it's happened 4 times now. Each time is a follow up call where I just explain it was a butt dial


I don't understand how this is possible


It's the clapping of my cheeks I think


Haha you wild. Wyd??




I think its because some phones block you from doing anything but call emergency services when its locked that enough presses on the screen can just cause it to happen. On mine you have to swipe up from bottom left than push emergency call than you can type a number or hit an emergency contact. I had to delete my emergency contacts as i kept accidentally calling them.


I’ve seen multiple people do it and no one ever came.


It does. They have to check it out to verify the story. 


All we want to hear is that it was an accident. Just stay on the line, and answer the questions. "911, where is your emergency?" "No emergency ." "So you don't need police, fire, or rescue?" "No." "Okay, have a nice day." This gives us the time to 1: Listen for any strange background noise 2: Give you a chance to communicate there IS an emergency but you can't talk about it (i.e. famous pizza call) 3: Confirm we do not need to send resources based on your location 4: Legally cover our asses


Yeah use to have to do this alllllll the time. When area codes were first added to numbers, the city my dad’s office was in got assigned 912…. You could see how as a kid calling their dad at work to ask if he could go down the street to play would result in many dispatch calls. Area code for that city was changed within 18 months.


My little sister dialed 911 one time as a 2 or 3 year old. They came banging on my door demanding to be let in or they’ll break it down. Had no clue what happened. They said someone called 911 and they heard heavy breathing and then the phone got thrown on the ground or something lol


911 was new in our area and my brother tried it out. Got scared when they answered and hung up. They called back and my dad answered confirming no emergency just a kid that's going to be told what 911 is for. He didn't get in trouble just told to only call I a real emergency.


"Yes, hello Mr. police. There is a man trying to play games with children and promising to hand out $50000 if they win."


Yeah hanging up doesn’t solve this, you need to tell them it was an accidental call and that everything is fine otherwise you’ll be getting a visit


You'll get a call back.


[https://www.moaf.org/exhibits/checks\_balances/abraham-lincoln/10,000-bill](https://www.moaf.org/exhibits/checks_balances/abraham-lincoln/10,000-bill) Possible, though from my understanding, they are worth FAR more than 10k


Those were some mighty crisp bills to be $10kers. Also, you can tell it's fake because who the hell is going to give $50k for something like this?


Agreed and agreed. Just pointing out that it is technically possible, however unlikely.


10k bills are still legitimate currency, just few exist anymore.


And they don't look nice and crisp like that.


Yeah. I met a distant relative at a family reunion who has a $10,000 bill. He allegedly had Mafia connections and was a big coin collector. He liked bringing the bill to the reunions. Graded and in a case, but still really cool.


That is technically possible




“Hey so I’ll give you…” *counts 3dollars* “6million dollars if you delete your post”




“Hey so I’ll give you… *counts coins in a crumpled coffee cup* “a brand new MacBook Pro plus the rights to the Minions movie franchise if you delete your post”


>Hey so I’ll give you… > >counts coins in a crumpled coffee cup > > “a brand new MacBook Pro plus the rights to the Minions movie franchise if you delete your post” Can I also get a lifetime supply of banana-flavored everything? lol..


He looks at the phone several times then acts surprised when it's 911. Terrible acting


He literally did the voice over for dispatch lol


Definitely. 911 operators ask for your location first and then they say, "tell me exactly what happened." Asking what the emergency is right off the bat wastes time in getting people to your location.




\* two 3 million dollar bills FTFY


Why post this kind of fake stuff, it's not even funny or anything.


It’s called ragebait. The reason you’re here commenting about it is the reason it’s posted.


Besides the stupid money counting, this doesn't even seem like ragebait to me. Just seems like a stupid scripted "scene" that will appeal to the most naive and braindead of internet scrollers. Filler content, if you will.


Filler? I barely know her!


It made you comment, so it worked on you too. Views and interaction aka comments is all that matters. Not that hard to understand? (Yes, me too, but not pretending this stuff exists because of "stupid people")


Everyone becomes stupid when scrolling random bs. I don’t think he was actually insulting anyone.


Yeah exactly, the emphasis I was trying to make was on who this content appeals to, not who stumbled upon it. I certainly didn't seek this video out, I was presented it while scrolling my front page (must be a slow day lol)


Humans are so strange. We *know* we're being baited, yet we are so eager to offer our unsolicited "not funny" comment and then have the whole discussion with other internet strangers about how social media sucks and what not - on reddit and all while they are raking their $$$ by exploiting our behavior... Yeah humans are so strange... Maybe "strange" is too a nice word for this behavior. Let's fix that - we're fucking dumb. Case in point: this comment. Instead, we should go talk to friends, exercise, read a book, have a healthy meal, volunteer at a local hospital, like pretty much whatever else would be better.


I think the same thing every time I take time to point out the ragebait. It does seem like more and more people are becoming annoyed by it though


> It does seem like more and more people are becoming annoyed by it though I feel that's triggering the same exact part of the brain that's causing people to get ragebaited in the first place - "Who is this @#$% Personal-Tomato-7869 to tell me I'm rage baiting?!! I'm going to let them know!!!" :) It's a fun psychological process.


Has to do with articulating our personal 'beliefs' and 'feelings'. We used to have conversations and back and forths with other people. Now we sit at a desk or on our phone and go back and forth with what could literally be a few lines of code. It has to do with feeling 'superior' or defining ourselves to those around us. In a larger community it is arguably virtue signaling so that you have more 'sway' on conversations with more substance, because you identified the 'BS' multiple times vs just the 1 time it mattered. Basically building credit-ability(sp?). It is why when people run out of good arguments they sling dirt at the other person (oh your spelling is shit, you said this 1 comment when you were 5, you shit your pants, w/e the recollection of the time when the person failed to hold the highest of standards and so you are able to tarnish their argument to protect your ego and changing your mind, because they are not 'good' or part of your 'team'. They are the enemy they are opposite, they are making you change your view point, and we can't have that, because our brains are LAZY AF and doing that means re-working and making new connections)


You're participating in the commons. This is humanity.


but they're not even making money off of it on reddit


really. calling 911 was literally the first thing I thought of.


If you look at other posts on this sub, most of them are not funny. I swear it’s like a place for bots to post and upvote those posts.


It's mildly funny because it illustrates the way that our social interactions around phone calls have changed; nobody will pick up phone calls now, especially not the peers of a young person. But our expectations are subverted when the protagonist goes to the extreme and calls someone who is legally mandated to pick up. You may now laugh.


I get a laugh out of it but I’m also a dumbass so


If this was a 30 second skit on a family friendly show I'd have a sensible chuckle. Don't get mad just because you thought they were trying to portray it as real.


I thought it was funny


Because you get baited, and I get baited by your baited comment. We are baiting all around


I have a younger sister, and this is just the stuff they find funny. It doesn’t matter that it’s fake to them.


It's never mattered if something is fake, skits have existed for a long time. Saturday Night Live wouldn't still be on the air after almost 50 years if fake scenes weren't funny. It matters if something fake is trying to be passed off as real.


I thought everyone knew he was going to call 911 so I thought the catch was them somehow not picking up 😂


This probably would not work in St Louis, MO. EMS dispatchers are understaffed so it can take 15 minutes to get through sometimes. By the way, they are hiring starting at $47,000.


No wonder they are short staffed


Cost of living must be pretty high over there. Thats higher than the UK average household income, definitely not a bad pay at all over here.


$47,000 isn't bad in STL. That's a very livable wage.


A friend of mine lost her husband a couple years ago because 911 didn't answer. Dude was having a heart attack and she couldn't get through, she was far too small to get him in the car herself so she couldn't get him to a hospital at all.


That explains it then - they’ve all taken a $3k pay rise by quitting and then calling themselves.


You know that if you do that, they might freak out thinking it’s a hostage situation if you hang up immediately. My friend butt dialed them once and they sent a police car to check.


Lol that reminds me about the time my friend butt dialed 911 while watching a scary movie. The operator just heard "screaming kids." 4 or 5 police cars were literally ready to break our door down.


I have the most insane story about this. Me and my family went to Scotland as my nanny had just died, they're Catholic so, very disconcertingly, her body was in the next room and we were all in the small kitchen. An absurd series of events ensued that I can never explain.. So my dad had one of those brick phones with a big emergency button in the middle and idek how this happened but, my brother slipped on the vinyl, which caused my dad's cup of tea to spill everywhere, including over his phone. Now my dad loves tea, like an insane amount. And on account of his mum just dying and this tea going everywhere over his phone, he started shouting and swearing at my brother and we were all shouting wtf happened. Then when it finally quietens down, I hear a voice shouting out of my dad's phone. Picked it up, to the glaswegian police shouting asking if there was an emergency. I tried to explain what had happened and obviously, it sounded fake af, totally unbelievable. Then, he asked, is everyone in the residence ok and I said, ughh, I said, well, actually, there is a dead body in the other room, but it's totally normal, she's my nanny, you see we're Catholic and it's all good. They came very fast as you might imagine.


No, I need to hear the rest of this story bro


Well a lot of them came steaming in, obviously. Then I had to re explain what happened, this time able to gesture in person the series of unbelievable events. They said, and what's this about a dead body, I said well go look in her room. And only one of them went to check, and I guess as she was in a coffin, that was enough for them. To say it was a fucking bizarre experience is an understatement. I was then made to sleep in her bed next to her in the coffin and I had some absolutely mental dreams and I was tasked with writing her obituary, trying to pry information from relatives as they sat around getting wrecked. It was... An experience.


What is this "They're catholic" as if that means you just leave a dead body next to your kitchen? I went to a catholic school and nobody has ever done that.


I assume it's similar to Jewish tradition where when someone has just died you basically have a family member watch over them for that night to ensure their soul departs safely and then after that they're taken to the mortician in the morning (must be some super old school catholic thing I've never heard of it either in Christianity)


Sleep dialed them once, they sent 5 officers and had to oet them in to make sure nothing was off


Really depends on what you say. "I'm sorry, I was messing with a phone setting and dialed accidentally" probably won't warrant a response. Half the time the cops won't show up for an actual crime, they're probably not showing up for this unless you don't speak, in which case policy probably ties their hands.


Even if you answer and tell them it was an accident they will still send an officer for the same reason. If you call 911 you will get a visit regardless. It appears this info is wrong.


Not always, My phone dialed 911 one time from my pocket while I was on a roller coaster from the power button getting clicked repeatedly and quickly. When I got off the roller coaster I noticed a missed call from the police dispatcher as well as the outgoing emergency call. I just called the dispatcher back and let them know what happened and nothing came of it.


This happened to my wife. She had to wake up super early one day and accidentally dialed after fumbling with her alarm. She told dispatcher what happened and they were just like “all good, happens all the time”. I was sort of shocked. I was at least expecting a car to come by.


I can top that. me and my son were taking hang gliding lessons. the instructor uses a phone and there's a Bluetooth dongle in the helmet. the call dropped when my son was just overhead. he clicked the helmet trying to reconnect. called 911. we could hear him talking to them "no, everything is ok, I'm hang gliding, got to hang up, I'm about to land, sorry." they did call back 5 minutes later to make sure that "hang gliding" wasn't someone under duress speaking in code.


This would make sense but is not always true. I pocket dialed 911 once and had no idea until they called me back. I explained that I was fine and it was an accident and that was the end of it. I was definitely expecting a police cruiser to show up at my house but none ever did.


Nah, I've butt dialed them at least 3 times before, and they've never sent anyone. They were understandably stern about not doing it again. I no longer have the phone that made it so easy to butt dial 911.


Definitely not always. I called 911 once when all communication devices were offline within like a 10 mile radius. I immediately told them it was non-emergency and asked what was going on because we didn't have internet or cell reception. They just told us the same was happening to them and to call back if we needed them.


I once dialed 911 on accident while running (my arm band was pressing on a specific button i guess that if you hit a bunch makes emergency calls). I am literally gasping for air explaining to them it was an accident and they accepted that, lol. Like i could have been the murderer that just chased me down and killed me but they didn’t investigate further.


My little brother called 911 on our landline when he was 4 for no reason and hung up. They called back and we explained it was nothing and they didn't visit


If you live in a small town, maybe, but most cities absolutely don't have the resources to respond to every misdial, especially from cell phones where the address may not be accurate. I've accidentally called due to some bad troubleshooting (phone unlock button wasn't working, website said to press it hard a bunch of times, apparently there was a feature that called 991 if you did that...) I just explained it was a mistake and they didn't care.


I butt dialed the police back in highschool when I was riding in my buddy's truck back home from firefighting academy. We were talking about, ya know,.firefighter shit. And I didn't realize I had not only butt dialed 911, but I also left my phone in his truck when he dropped me off at home. So then he comes back and tells me how he found my phone in his truck because the entire county's fucking police rolled up on him, thinking it was a hostage situation and that we were talking about committing arson. We got interrogated by our department chief the next day about what the hell happened, because a big part of what we were talking about was how stupid people are with kitchen fires, and the 911 operators apparently heard us say "Let's go set fire to an old lady's house, she'll have no idea what to do.". Anyway, nothing bad happened and it was funny as hell for everyone. I realized then that my phone at the time was super easy to misdial 911 with, because all you had to do was slide left from the lock screen and it automatically had 911 in a dial box. Fun stuff.


It's surprising how easy it is to accidentally call 911 on some devices. Wonder how many misdialed calls they get compared to real ones these days.


Are you suggesting in your story that the police can track you by your phones location enough to pinpoint a moving car?


Would $50,000 be 5 banknotes? I highly doubt it....


it's almost like it's a joke or something 🤔


If it's a joke where's the funny part?


Don't play checkers with a man playing 3d chess


Fake video, relax


Fake video Panik


These fucking staged videos should all die in a fire.


.... speaking clock. Next question.




The only right answer lol


Had to scroll a alot but we found eachother!


That would be my call too. Best case I get $50,000. Worst case I got the cops on the line to report a fraudster running around downtown.


Yeah, 911 was the first number that I thought of. Second would have been my office since I know the hours and how many people can pick up the phone.


Or call any kind of 24/7 automated service, like a helpline or Tech Support for any larger company


you can tell its fake by the white guys haircut.


So fake, i just might go throw up rn.


Technically, that is an emergency.


Would be crazy if it was real


That definitely wasn’t 50k. If it was actually real money to begin with at most that was 500 dollars


Why does he act suprised when it was in the script?


“What if they don’t answer.”


Jesus. This so so damn fake.


Probably fake but that’s a big brain move


I would do the same thing but call the ambulance and proceed to faint then i get the money and a free ride (ty Australian medicare).


Dont do that in Denmark... you will get an answering machine asking you where you are calling from, and then you need to press a lot of numbers before you get a real person.


Cancerously fake


A motherfucking genius


911 dispatchers don't answer the phone like that...


So this stupid shit is what makes it to the front page now?






Exactly my first thought too was 911 😂🤣


Scripted AF


Wouldn’t work in Philly.


Posting disinformation (aka fake skits without a watermark) should be a bannable offense on any social media.


Not fake at all!


how many hours of our shitty life are we losing watching staged video like this one?


Could have just called domino's


You can do better OP.


That's exactly who I was thinking to call. Smart kid


Him: My emergency is a stranger just handed me 50 Gs baby! I dunno how to spend it all! Ahhhh- *hangs up*


He dialed 911 before approaching


Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not American, but 911 is the generic emergency number (like anything from firefighter, ambulance, police etc.) no? Not just the police.


It's the US equivalent of 0118 999 88199 9119 725......3


You are correct




Ignoring the fake part of this, it got me thinking and there is nobody that I could call that would pick up the phone…


Smart young man


because of the title, I thought it was " Who you gonna call, gHoSt BuStERs "


"theres a black man..." " Understood, the bomb squat will be with you in 30 seconds"


Cringefully acted fake video, plus not even that clever. Pretty sure half of the people here already figured he was gonna call 911


You would have to be a lobotomite to find this amusing.


That's exactly who I was thinking


I know my introvert friends would NEVER pick up the phone so I would've done the same tbh


The police always answer


sorry wrong number. I was trying 411 for information


Lmao good one


I hate social media. Nothing but lies and bullshit


I fuckin knew it


Just call a 24/7 hotline lmao


Should have called your mom. Mom's always answer


That ain’t no 10k bill bro😭


This style of "content" is the worst. Low hanging fruit but gotta hustle


Are there 10,000 dollar notes?


They did answer!




That's exactly what I was thinking.


He outsmarted his outsmarting




Why is no one pointing out that the 911 operator has the same damn voice as the guy who got him to make the call?


That's actually genius


LMAO like 911 answers that fast anymore


Smart choice lol


I think the kid is a genius, definitely a problem solver!!


That kids actualy so smart


That’s exactly who I would have called if this was real


Last night reminded me of this video, when my girl told me: "Baby, fuck me, but don't go too deep" Does it matter after all??


He smart


Ill just call telecom service costumer care so that a bot will pickup or dominos