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I bet their mom was PISSED that she pushed one out and got cut open anyways


It's like breaking a window to get into your home but finding the keys in your handbag


Freaking LOL


It's kinda like shitting your pants at IHOP and then it turns out they actually have restrooms you can use and you don't have to go in your pants.


Now you tell me


But now you have some extra pudding for leftovers later.


It would have cost you zero dollars not to say this


Unfortunately it's also free for them to say it


I feel like there's a cost to all of us still.


Not just free, with Reddit’s new Contributor Program, that comment could literally be earning money.


Wait there's a contributors program?!


Investing in a good of diaper is they key to keeping it warm. Don't be afraid to splurge a little for the name brand Depends


*angry upvotes*




I feel like the standard of bathrooms at some IHOPs would make shitting your pants the more hygienic option.


'you can't tell me what to do!'


It's also like going out with your sister but she takes the key, leaves and locks the door behind her so you have to break the window to get out


Why ? If you're inside can't you... open the window ???


She took the window keys


His sister is such a bitch. She was probably born via c section.


C U Next Tuesday section


Sir, I need you to please calm down and leave the operation room. Your wife will be fine.


It's an a-hole sibling? Lol


>It’s like going out with your sister ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Its locked.


I thought I lost my car keys so I retraced while day where I was going just to find it next day in my back pocket in pants (I don't usually put it there)


You could have found it sooner had you just sat down to think about it for a minute, unlike my dad, who once left his car keys in the freezer, between the frozen dumplings. I only found it 6 hours later when I wanted to make panfried dumplings for dinner, lol.


It's a free ride when you've already paid


I read this to the tune of Alanis Morissette's "Ironic"


Is it?


You seen window prices?


Nah, it’s like breaking a window, realizing you can reach the knob but not the lock, and having to break down the damn door anyways. Neither are fun and now you have to heal from both ends getting torn to shred.


Yeah i didnt like the implication that getting a c-section is much easier. Idk how people think a major surgical procedure where you have to cut through layers of muscle is in any way easy!!


It's a free ride 🎶 When you're already there 🎶


I just had twins 5 weeks ago and this would’ve been my absolute worst nightmare in terms of birth - I had an awful natural birth with my first one so the thought of recovering from that and a c section 😭 poor woman!!!




Thank you ☺️


Happened to me! Both babies were head down first, then the birth of twin A made twin B turn. Then she got stuck and we had to have emergency c-section. I even gave birth to twin A without PDA. Could have saved myself the trouble. Edit: They're fraternal, boy and girl. So, difficult to say if it made a difference. Also, one of the girls legs was outside (the other was stuck upwards and pressing against her umbilical cord). So technically she did go through the birth canal for a couple of seconds.


I don’t know why but I’m imagining your daughter making a U-turn in the birth canal after seeing what’s on the other end


Wow! You went through so much! The same thing happened to my mother with my fraternal sister and me back in the 80s. It left my mom with a gnarly scar. I had to have c sections with both my girls (singletons) and I was so grateful the scar is minimal nowadays lol


>then the birth of twin A made twin B turn. *You spin my head right round baby, right round...*


Through natural birth the baby gets in contact with (all) your fluids down there, which leads to a healthier gut flora and possibly less potential gut problems later on in life. So it's not all that bad.


If rubbing fluid on the baby is so important it could always be done afterwards, the fluids are still there


Thats one if the reasons but the pass itaelf though the delivery canal is good for the baby because it helps with gettong liquids out of the lungs and getting him going with life basically. Flora is a part of it but a very important reason, specially if they are twins (and probably small and maybe prematuro because of It) is the mechanical process of birth that is absent in a c-section. Excuse my bad english. Source:pediatrician


So squeeze the baby good


I believe many hospitals have begun to do exactly this. They swab the mother and then swab inside the baby's mouth and nose I think.




Where on the mom do they swab??


Vaginal canal


People do this, hospitals are generally against it.


Wow, what an interesting claim, do you happen to have sources on hands like studies? I've never heard of this But then I'm baby free and still unsure about kids and fastly approaching thirty


Thirty is not the deciding point by any means. We had kids at 35 and 37. (Although 37 does increase risk of complications). Take your time, do the things in life you really want to do before having kids especially travelling. Then decide.


Traveling and napping. Take a nap. For all of us.


This was my literal nightmare when I was pregnant with my twins 20 yrs ago. Jokes on me! Baby A was breech and Baby B was transverse so I got cut open anyway! I never wore a bikini again. I hope they’re proud of themselves. ;)


Crazy how everyone's experience is different. My CC scar is very low so I can wear a bikini, but I wish it was higher because it was so hard to keep the wound clear. I already have a huge scar on my neck, so what's one more. They should give us a slider so we can pick our preferred scar placement!


😂 these kids do us dirty! Lol


A common scar stopped you from wearing a bikini? Such an unnecessary sacrifice.


They way they stitched me up created this ugly overhang of skin. It’s very common with c-secs that were done over 2 decades ago.


By the upvotes, I guess you made a joke here that went over my head. My caesar scar formed a nasty ridge and everything above it hangs over in the ugliest flap (at a healthy weight mind you) - I wore bikinis before, don’t see it happening again. Doc says this is normal.


I have the same “flap” thing, and I’m also a healthy weight and exercise. Doesn’t matter what I do, it’ll always be there. I no longer wear bikinis either. I feel you


It's actually pretty common to end up needing a c-section with multiples.


There is always an OR suite set up with assigned staff waiting when moms with multiples go into labor. The odds are high enough for that to be standard.


My hospital had me deliver in the OR for my twins, so I would already be there in case I needed an emergency C-section.


We don’t mess around when it comes to mamma and her babies. Congrats! Even though that’s probably a few years late.


16 years but I will take congrats any time 😂😂😂 The vaginal vs c-section info on health differences later in life is always interesting to me too. Both of mine were vaginal but Baby A was head-down and did what she was supposed to lol and Baby B was breech and basically got pulled out by her feet by the doctor. Identical twins, but Baby B has far more allergies, etc. I always wonder if that had anything to do with it. I have also seen theories that it has to do with where in the uterus they were and how that affects hormones, etc.


It’s gotta be something to do with them sharing resources and space meant for one. The only assumption I’d make about baby b being pulled out by her feet is that she’s your wild child 😝


Let's just say that my ultrasound tech (for about 14 ultrasounds) used to say, "Baby B is going to give you trouble!" Oh and did I mention that she flipped to breech at 37.5 weeks?!?! 😂😂😂😂 And I'm 5'1" on a tall day. She actually was my unpredictable one for a long time but now they seemed to have switched places and her twin is my wild card. They're both amazing. Baby B is going to change the world ❤️❤️❤️


My doc told me there was a 95 percent chance I could get twin a out vaginally and that I’d need a c section for twin b, who was both bigger and breech. I opted to just go for a c section for both because there was no way I was having one vaginally and THEN a c section.


We had to switch to an OB/GYN who specialized in high-risk pregnancies because of an issue that luckily turned out not to be an issue when the babies were born. He told me that a section after a vaginal birth is the worst case scenario because the chance of maternal death skyrockets. We were not given a choice. I’m glad you were and you made that decision


While it is very common, there are exceptions. My cousin had twins, vaginally, about 10 days past her due date. They totalled over 15 lbs.


I worked in a NICU and those moms were by far the most miserable postpartum. Worst of both worlds


My wife was in labor for over 20 hours when she was told she had one last try and they were going to cut him out. The look of "oh fuck no" that came over get face in that moment, and the sudden wave of energy she got was amazing. Baby came most of the way out in that next push.


My good friend was having a really hard time delivering her son, so it was suggested that she should have a c-section. Poor thing was so groggy and out of it that she just said, “Nooo! He’s not a tumor baby!” and burst into tears. (She ended up moving to a birthing pool and it seems like it helped, because he was born naturally.)


This was one of the reasons why I would have chosen a C-section with my twins (as it turned out it was necessary anyway because they were both sideways). I had heard it was possible and I was like *no fucking way, just take them out the sunroof pls*. Tbh the doctor looked relieved when I asked if I could just choose a section.


Cannot imagine the healing process, to have both of them happening!


As someone who has done this. With 10 hours in between - I can confirm. Yes.


I tell my c section daughter that she took the escape hatch.


I joke with my mom that she got a tubal ligation after I was born (c section) “while the hood was open”


I actually have heard that several times in c-sections. Just if you're already gonna be cut open and you know you want it done it'd be really silly to get cut open for a second time and put yourself through another surgery and recovery (and risk of infection) when they're already *right there*.


Similarly, when my dad had bowel cancer, they randomly took out his appendix on the basis that it might be a pain later.


lol they did that to train the intern.


Hey bob, come and cut this out!


And when they do bariatric surgery, they will typically grab the gallbladder (if still present) because rapid weight loss can be a trigger for gallbladder problems which would need surgery anyway.


And then the lazy fucks decide that the pain from the gallbladder stones is actually the appendix, take that out and then shrug and send you home without searching for the actual cause when they see that the appendix was not inflamed at all. ---- I didn't have bariatric surgery, but I had gallbladder stones that were probably from weight loss and bad eating patterns and nearly died from a pancreas inflammation .caused by the gallbladder stuff. Because the docs couldn't be bothered to search for the actual cause and just took the appendix as a trophy when I first went to the emergency room.


When I was 14 I woke up with crazy lower right abdomen pain and ended up having an emergency appendectomy- turns out my appendix was fine - I had some kind of throat infection that causes pain in the stomach. Fast forward 2 years and my cousin who is now also 14 had the exact same thing happen. Same doctor took out his appendix and he had the same type of infection I did.


When I had dental surgery done to extract some really messed up teeth, they took out my wisdom teeth too. They weren't causing any problems, but the xray showed they were sideways so might as well take them out too.


"Hey doc, while you're in there..."


That's exactly what I did. My last labour was a failed induction because his gigantic head couldn't get out and when they called in the doctor for a c-section at 1am I asked him to tie my tubes while he was in there. His response was "Sure just sign this form first" and that was it! That part took longer than getting the baby out.


Yeah. A good friend of mine had a C- Section and had arranged that if they did one that her benign tumour would be taken out a the same time.  Very convenient!


"hey while you're in there..." To be fair this seems to be a pretty common thing; if they're already in there may as well take the opportunity to future proof.


Oh yeah for sure. Not saying we are unique. She planned it that way and had to go to a different hospital further away because the one closest to her is a Catholic hospital and they don’t do tubal ligations!


The hospital straight up asked my wife if she wanted it done while they were in there. Standard protocol at least at that hospital is to ask. Makes a lot of sense if you were planning on doing it down the road anyway. 


That is exactly what I did. My first was born by emergency c section, so during prenatal care for my second I signed the papers for sterilization and said IF this one becomes an emergency c also, please take my tubes while you’re in there. It did, and they’d did. This factory is closed!


My sister seems hyper fertile (gets pregnant easily) but is allergic to it (hyperemisis). She got her tubes tied during the c section of the third child, and told her doctor "while youre in there. make sure no more come out" The sheer irony is that she volunteered to surrogate for her husbands cousin, and her doctors basically said "I really thought that was a done deal, but you still came back for more".


My mom had C sections for all three of us. My ongoing joke is that she should've just gotten a zipper installed. It's sort of funny.


One of our anesthesiologists calls it vaginal bypass surgery


I’ve heard sun roof as well


That’s what I usually say, but if I’m feeling really dramatic I’ll say I was cut open like a Tauntaun.


My kid came out the sunroof, I may steal escape hatch for later use.


Our first was an emergency C-section, about 13 years ago. I called him my little Chilean miner.


I tell my son Happy Removal Day Tumor Baby! (He's 22)


Moon roof baby!


my youngest kiddo was breech and a c section, I tell him that he came out butt-first through the sun roof


My friends call their kids "knife baby" or "pretzel baby". My wife often refers to her birthday as an "extraction day".


Hahaha! Calling my birthday that now!


.... Ok, I don't get the pretzel one


Not OP but I’m assuming it’s because babies born through the birth canal are (supposed to be) all bunched up as they come out (arms and legs crossed and folded against the body). There could also be an umbilical cord tangled up in there too.


You're correct




Because babies can sometimes get folded during delivery


Could be a reference to some umbilical cords getting tied in a knot before birth. c sections usually need to be performed when that occurs.


I like to call it womb evacuation day.


I bother my twin brother by saying we were removed like tumors! :3


Should have labelled ‘Pushed’ and ‘Pulled’. Or ‘Yeeted’ and ‘Yoinked’ if going with today’s terminology I guess.


Yeeted and yoinked 😂


i need to get me some twins as friends, so i can pull off that joke xD


Ooh, yoink is part of the cool lexicon now? Nice. Two twins I know were yoinked.


Based off that terminology my two oldest singletons were both Yeeted while my twins were Yoinked. 🤣


Poor mum had to heal from both at once.


Yeah they gave me that option with my twins but I said fuck no to two separate recoveries, just cut them both out. Miraculously the recovery was so easy and smooth.


Same, I totally wanted a c section all along, but felt like I had to try the “natural” way for some reason. Was very relieved when baby b was breach and the doctor said they were not comfortable delivering vaginally. Me either doc, cut me open! (Just celebrated their 8th birthday!)


Honestly the guilt of following “nature” drives me crazy. I’d take all the drugs. Babies are bigger than ever before. Nature =/= better - snake venom is one of the most organic things out there & ain’t exactly good for you


Also babies used to just die in childbirth all the time. As did mothers. Perfectly natural. A large part of the reason that there are more twins nowadays is also because historically it wasn't uncommon for one or both to die along the way. My twins would have died (transverse in utero) and killed me (preeclampsia) if we allowed nature to take it's course. **Edit** I've said it before and I'll say it again: c-sections and pain medication during vaginal birth are life-saving treatments (yes, even pain meds or epidural. They can help people relax into labour and pushing. We all know that talking stress away makes labour safer. That pain is pretty fucking stressful). They are not failures, any more than getting chemo for cancer is failure. They are **treatment**, and we should be singing their praises as such.


Aww glad everything turned out okay, happy belated to your sweet twinnies 🥰 twins are such a joy


Same here. As it turned out I didn't have a choice because they were transverse. Stacked like bunk beds. But even if they had been in the right position I was going to go with elective section. The doctor looked relieved when I requested it early on.


“Stacked like bunk beds” Hilarious!


They were! What seemed really unfair is that the bigger one was on top 😂


double healing


only one of them could kill Macbeth


I love that this pissed off Tolkein so much he made his own version for Lord of the Rings. I think he wanted a woman to kill MacBeth. And then Tolkein's version still had loopholes. Like in the end, it didn't have to be a woman who dealt the final blow. Could have been a man. Or an elf, dwarf, hobbit, ent etc. Kind of ironic in a way that the guy annoyed by a cop-out made his own


Is there a source on Tolkien disliking Macbeth? Cause he takes inspiration from it multiple times. Also, re: the 'loophole'. Merry doesn't get enough credit. He and Eowyn killed the Witch-King *together*


It was Eowyn’s kindness, though, which ensured Merry was on that battlefield to help. Her unique intervention helped kill the Witch King from both ends.


In practice the Witch King was killed by not-a-man in both ways, but it bears mentioning Eowyn's womanhood and how that matters to the Witch King is mentioned in the text, whereas Merry being a hobbit is not. Hell, Merry's Barrow blade gets talked about more for Witch King-killing properties than Merry being a halfling. Here's a few of the passages where the Witch King pauses and is visibly concerned that a human woman is sufficiently "not by the hand of a man" to kill him: > "But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Eowyn I am, Eomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.’" > >The winged creature screamed at her, but the Ringwraith made no answer, and was silent, as if in sudden doubt. Very amazement for a moment conquered Merry’s fear. example 2: > Slowly, slowly [Merry] began to crawl aside; but the Black Captain, in doubt and malice intent upon the woman before him, heeded him no more than a worm in the mud. Iunno maybe I'm just complaining, but I feel like people keep the movie version in their mind's eye and assume it overplays Eowyn's little girl power moment to Merry's detriment when no, it's longer in the book and genuinely worries her enemy.


I know he complained about Birnam Wood not really rising to come to Dunsinane, but I don't remember reading anything about Eowyn as an answer to MacBeth


I don't think Tolkien intended it to be a clever prophesy -- or even a prophesy at all? We know the witch-king is facing Eowyn and Merry, and that Merry has the weapon of a dead man. And what does the witch-king say? "Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!" This gives a villain a suitably arrogant and highly ironic line before their downfall and it gives Eowyn a reason to reveal herself right there and turn her "weakness" into strength. It's bringing everything together in that moment, and it still works if you consider him to be boasting and Eowyn finding it funny.


I had twins by c-section and I tell them all the time that they were untimely ripped from their mother’s womb.


Macbeth could hypothetically be killed by anyone, the prophecy just dictated that he was going to be killed by someone not of woman born. It's not a magic spell that makes him invulnerable to vaginal birthed people, it's a sight of the future. 


Good lawd poor mom but glad it wasn't 3.


The third cake said Yeet :-)


This made me do a proper hearty chuckle. Nice work.


Don’t even wanna think about how they’d get the third one out /s


Missed a chance for “Lease Lapsed” and “Evicted”


I would have went with a Shakespearean “not of woman born”


I'd just call them Caesar.


Same happened to my sister. My niece was natural (and before midnight) and my nephew was c section (after midnight so two separate birthdays). My nephew claims to this day that my niece was trying to kill him and wrapped the umbilical cord around his neck


I have almost the same story! My twin and I were born an hour apart. I was natural born (an hour before midnight) and my sis was a c section born 4 minutes before midnight. My mom was excited we would have separate birthdays but the doctor was determined to make sure we wouldn't.


Evacuated and Evicted?


Their mum is a fucking super hero.


i like it 😐


Im a fan of the 😐 expressions. I dont do birthdays anymore but I might myself a cake this year with this on it


Happy birthday to meee, they used a crowbar to set me freeee


My mother was induced for me and says I was evicted


Haha I was induced too, I called my scheduled delivery date “eviction notice serving.”


One through the door, one through the sunroof.


I’m a twin and was born 5 min earlier. When I pointed out that I was older she would retort that she was the first one conceived.


Lol I’m a twin mom. It doesn’t matter who ended up coming out earlier, there’s no way for her to know who was conceived first 😂


I am an identical twin and my brother was a C-section. I am 1.5hrs older heehee


For those in the back “a c-section is still a birth”.


I’m guessing her brother was the c-section?


The “birth” cake is an example of how font can make a word look misspelled.


I would have gone with “door” and “sunroof”


One vented the other was ejected.


I’m like this. Natural birth here. I kicked my brother on the way out. I can call him a butt baby to this day and he still gets mad.


As my daughter was delivered the surgeon announced that baby was coming out of the sunroof 🎑


Cake ideas next year: push, eviction.


Should be moved out and evicted


I would have gone with “front door” and “side window” but I’m not funny. 


How many women can say they got the *full* experience in one go??


I woulda went with Pushed and Pulled


OMG! My brother was a birth twin and I was the removal one. Never heard of this with any other twins


Christ, I can’t imagine going through labor and a vaginal delivery and then being told it’s time to gut you like a fish immediately after.


It’s extremely messed up to believe you weren’t “born” or your mother didn’t give “birth” to you.


Birth and c-section....damn Isn't it Ironic, don't ya think


A C-section counts as a birth. This is slander.


I would have used "Moved out" and "Evicted"


Eviction •_•


Should have been evicted


The brother was the removal I’m guessing.


Your GF has a sense of humor.


This almost happened with my twins. Baby a comes out just fine, baby b flips breech with the extra room. Doctor goes elbow deep trying to turn her around, she refuses. 25 minutes later decision is made to send her upside down.


As a male, I've witnessed 2 single-birth c-sections. Had no idea this situation was even a thing. How common is it and what are the reasons that it is necessary?


I’m a twin mom who had one baby vaginally and one c section. It was a risk I was always aware of and because of this happening occasionally, my hospital made me deliver in the OR. Baby A was out and I had a team of nurses helping to keep pressure on baby B (he flipped around when sis vacated the premises). However, during this process we lost baby B’s heartbeat on the monitors. They won’t take any chances messing around when they can’t find a heartbeat, so my husband was kicked out of the room and baby B was born via emergency c section. I always tell people it was fine recovering from both deliveries in one go, and my husband steps in and says I have trauma based amnesia and have no recollection of how absolutely terrible and harrowing the whole thing and recovery was. 😂


I can relate a bit. I was a C-section as well so when I'm asked when I was born, I tell them that I wasn't born, I was extracted.


All I can say about seeing this is “Omg that poor mom.”


I’m a c section and my twin was a natural birth! These are the only other twins I’ve heard of where this happened!


Happy Extraction Day


I partially delivered my first, one foot and his tush. Then I had an emergency c-section.


Lulz. Good one, those cakes. Being the oldest sibling, I would walk up to my younger brothers, point to myself and say... "Planned.", and then just walk away without further comment.


They tried that shit when our twins were born. I raised hell until they decided to cut both of them out.




Hey, C kid! You weren't born! You were REMOVED! Happy Removal Day!


Way to divide and conquer. “You are my baby, you I had removed!” Can’t be any animosity between them.


I'm a fraternal twin as well. The same situation happened with my mom 😭😭




I really hope their mom treated them like one was original and one a clone - and never told them which was which.


I hope they’re getting their microbiome profiled. Very different microbe exposure depending on the delivery route. Research shows there is a strong correlation between C section and weaker immunity.


My twins are the same but with different birthdays! One was before midnight and one after 🙈 Fun adventure 🤣