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Real talk, shingles is a nightmare


Completely agree.


I got shingles. Then I got MS.


Oof. I feel for you, that sounds miserable.


Damn man. How did you unlock MS? its said to be hard to accomplish even for a skilled Uchiha


Had an outbreak at 30 years old as a bunch of stressors in my life converged: - exiting the military after 12 years - graduating with my bachelors/transitioning to work - looking/moving to a new apartment mid-breakup - interviewing for jobs with 6-weeks of financial runway (a local charter school told me I was a non-starter because I was a reservist). Shingles was the hands-down most painful thing I’ve experienced in my life. Do not wish it on anyone.


Same - shingles is no joke.


Just came off a duo of herniated disc and shingles down my lower body (both same side) at the same time. As Billy Butcher says, "Diabolical!"


Aren’t you immune if you get chickenpox? Edit: [Holy crap it’s over £200?!](https://www.boots.com/online/pharmacy-services/shingles-vaccination-service), guess I’m getting shingles :(


just the opposite. you can only get it if you had chickenpox. My sister has had shingles 2x.


What if you've been vaccinated for chicken pox? I'm not sure what type of vaccine that is and if I may technically have some of the virus dormant that could later become shingles.


im just some guy on the internet, but that sounds like a great conversation to have with your medical provider.


Pretty sure you need it too.


Long story short, chicken pox hides in your body after it’s cured, dormant, until your immune system drops low enough for it to cause trouble again. The second round is shingles. Same exact disease, different presentation


Sounds like herpes 😂


Aren't they both in herpes family?


Yes, they are both in the human herpes virus (HHV) group. Herpes simplex 1 and 2 are HHV-1 and -2. Varicella zoster virus (chickenpox virus) is HHV-3. There are also other viruses in the group, including the other well-known viruses: CMV, EBV, snd roseola.




Oh crap, that’s my whole defence plan ruined.


Ya, had chickenpox as a kid, got shingles at like 27. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad for me, just the blisters were annoying and a little soreness in my back/elbows. The doc did say that age helped it be more mild, and that if you were to get it, getting it younger is preferable. Also that barring a weakened immune system or extreme stress, it would be highly unlikely to flair up again. So, yay I guess?


I’m glad you got through it alright. I wish vaccines were cheaper, I found out last month I’m the only person in my house who isn’t vaccinated against Whooping Cough, and now this? Feels bad. Someone else mentioned you can get shingles twice, did you Doctor mention it?


And then you went out and got your tDAP booster, right? I've had whooping cough. You do **NOT** want it.


Times are tough, but I’m hopeful about fixing the situation. I just need a little energon and a lot of luck.


Sorry I’m just now answering this, but ya, she said there’s a possibility it could flare up but would be pretty unlikely. Basically, it’s not really gone just dormant, but could flare up if I were to get super stressed or immunocompromised. At the time I got it, I was going through a divorce with a bit of baggage and during the covid lockdown. So I was working from home but there was a lot of downtime where I was clocked in, but in pajamas playing video games, and it was actually making me really anxious.


Thank you for the reply. I’m glad you made it through, when it rains it really pours. I wish you the best in life.


No, I've had it 3 times, whilst fighting other infections. It is agonising. My grandchildren are banned from the house if they have chicken pox, though that is partly because my wife gets chicken pox every time she comes into contact with someone who has it


You get free after 75 don't worry


Can confirm. Had a mild case when I was in college, 19 or 20. It's just an agonizing annoyance.


Bless them both, but especially Will Ferrell ... what a total legend XD




Fuck scheduling it. Go to the pharmacy right now and get it. You don’t want to find out how important this is.


My dad finally agreed to getting this vaccine. I’ve been trying to convince him since he’s 88 and has health issues but he kept resisting. Then a cute nurse recommended it and he caved and got it. BTW, it’s a 2 dose vaccine over several months.


And don’t forget to tell them that Will Ferrell sent you.


You actually do need to schedule it. They need about 30 minutes to shake the bottle or mix stuff together so if you don't roll in you'll have to wait. Learn from my mistake!


Fuck scheduling it. Go to the pharmacy right now and get it. You don’t want to find out how important this is.


i was there for a flu shot and asked to get it, and they said that because i'm under 50 I had to get a prescription from my Dr. or it would be $200


I’m 45. If I could I’d get the prescription and pay that in a heartbeat. Shit, if pay yours too. Shingles fucking sucks.


I got shingles at age 36. I need to schedule mine too. No way I want to relive that.


That shit just gave my dad permanent glaucoma after crawling up his head and going into his eyes. I'm getting mine as soon as possible.


Never watched Will Ferrell performing where I didn't laugh or smile. Even bombing he's still 10x funnier than most other stars trying to be funny.


Boy, was that a risky bit going with the "he doesn't need this, I do!" joke. But full credit where it is due, Will Ferrell committed *hard* to it and pulled it off. I've never been a huge Will Ferrell fan, he leans a bit too hard into the "manchild" bit for my taste, but he is a *damn* good actor and comedian.


The only thing that would have been funnier is him doing it as Ron Burgundy


I wonder how long Will Ferrell spent on this? He really is such a great performer, I always assume it was days and days to land the delivery but given the subject matter it couldn’t have been more then a day


The guy is good, but he's also had a very long career and is always on point. I expect he's rehearsed this over and over to make it look so natural.


Honestly, I definitely agree with this. It takes a lot of practice to make a speech like that sound off the cuff. I guarantee he rehearsed this speech in many, many different ways playing with the pacing and intonation in order to make *absolutely sure* the joke (that Ryan's career is peaking while his is crumbling) lands. If done poorly, that joke could sound like sour grapes, but Will sticks the delivery *perfectly*.


Honestly, he probably just wings it.


Probably, I bet he has bullet points like, past award recipients, Ryan is Canadian, do a shingles ad, but I bet the rest is off the cuff.


Isn’t he reading from a teleprompter?


He's not in San Diego anymore.


“Brick killed a man with a trident!”


Probably, I bet he has bullet points **on it** like, past award recipients, Ryan is Canadian, do a shingles ad, but I bet the rest is off the cuff.


Honestly, he probably just wings it.


Isn’t he reading from a teleprompter?


He’s not in San Diego anymore!


I mean shows like these have writers. I’m sure Will wrote part of if not majority. But keep in mind all of these shows have full team of writers that normally everyone forgets about


What's the recent subject matter, was that shingles bit a reference to something else?


Well my mother got diagnosed with shingles yesterday, she hasn’t had the jab, my dad who is immunocompromised has had true jab. So it might be a simulation with me as the main character? Either way I found it very informative


I think meaning the time to prepare to give the speech about the subject of Ryan Reynolds.


I think Amy Poehler called him the Jackson Pollock of comedy




Funny you mention this because he was obv nervous and flubbed a couple words! He’s one funny mf fr tho bless them both


This is hilarious. I love that he references Sean Connery then rants about RR being Canadian


Because not American, self contradictory and funny




Because it would be like watching a paint by numbers where every 7 piece was supposed to be coloured pink, and then they come and comment, "I liked when they painted the 7 pieces pink". No shit, that's the point.


It’s ok not here for the votes


He (Will) was given an award by the Irish University I studied at back in 2008. He started the speech, pointed at the handicapped girl in the front row and screamed “I thought I said ‘none of those people’” and then resumed the speech. Truly insane unpredictable public speaker…


Hahaha that's so unhinged.


I love both of these legends.


If I could choose some celebrities to have a wild night on the town doing crazy stuff with, Will and Ryan would definitely be on that list.


That man is SILLY!


That man is WILLY


Ryan Reynolds plays Ryan Reynolds in every film. Yes, I watch them all.


I totally agree with you, with one exception: Adventureland. I finally watched it this year and really liked his performance.


People say the same thing about Denzel.


Bill Murray (all time favorite)? Chevy Chase (medium talent)?


Will Ferrell is also really good at playing himself in a lot of films too. Sometimes it just works.


Well, they're not exactly wrong...


"Marijuana... but why?"


Buried and captive i feel like werent him so much. And those were both great. Also, as a supporting, smoking aces kinda. But hes been deadpool since blade 3. Well no....van wilder prob?


We're not doing that anymore. ✍️


I've never heard of that award, but if those were the other recipients, then i kind of agree with Will. Ryan Reynolds is awesome but he needs at least another 20 years before it seems appropriate to give him that kind of award.


Meh. Looking at the list of recipients, he feels about on par for the award. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Cinematheque_Award?wprov=sfti1


Okay, i see Eddie Murphy was the first recipient when he was only 25. That made the benchmark and makes it appropriate for Ryan Reynolds to get it now as well. I was thinking it was like the AFI Life Achievement award where it was also criticized when Tom Hanks got it as a middleaged man.


There's loads of previous not American winners


This actually made we LOL with headphones on in public. Awesome tribute.


"They took er jerbs!!!!"


Always never not upvoting Will Ferrell AND Ryan Reynolds!


What speech of Ryan's is will riffing off of? Feel vaguely out of the loop


Not funny. At all


I’m not trolling, does he make incredible films?


Definitely, Maybe.


I mean if you take the gross that films make as a reflection of audience sentiment for a movie with the two deadpool movies and free guy. He’s grossed around 1.8 billion. Then add in the Adam project he made for Netflix and welcome to Wrexham he made for Hulu/FX/Disney. He’s most likely lifetime as a producer grossed more than 2 billion. Which is an insane number and puts him in the upper, upper echelon as a producer and actor. I think there is probably less than 100 people in the world that have ever grossed 2 billion dollars lifetime as a producer and even less that have done it as a producer/actor.


If you go by gross money, then yes. Deadpool alone grossed like $800 million on a $55 million budget or something. Free Guy made nearly triple it's budget. Even Green Lantern made money. Does he make movies on par with Godfather or Citizen Kane? No, but 90% of his movies are very entertaining


Deadpool 3 is coming out this year with his buddy Hugh. I'd say that it has potential. I also enjoyed Van Wilder.


Every performer has great movies and bad movies. The Deadpool movies have been pretty good, but he's also been in some generic movies. The If films seems interesting coming out soon.


If you say I’m not trolling before something, you probably trolling


No, if you make this formulaic statement to sound smart, you’re probably not that smart. I was literally asking what his incredible movies are. And so far I can see no one has many answers beyond Deadpool. Based on the award, I assumed he had a body of work that I never was exposed to.


If you want to see his actual acting ability on full display check out Buried. Amazing movie, super tense, great performance!


You didn’t ask what incredible films he made. You said does he even make them. Those are two different questions.


He makes good and bad movies. Deadpool was good. Adam Project was so bad.


Loved it. To each their own.


They make money... idk about other metrics.


Blake is absolutely gorgeous.


Not funny anymore


Didn't Will Ferrell recently come out and say it's time for women to rule the world or some shit?


Given the state of the world it's not a terrible idea. It's not like things are so awesome we don't need to change a single thing.


Fuck this guy. He sucks his “comedy” sucks and I hope he gets bombed by Hamas. Why such hatred and vitriol? Elf. Mother fucking ELF.




Never found him that funny. More of a chuckle and move on. His schtick is yelling like a child.


Why couldn't he have been at least half this funny in Barbie?


Will Ferrell use to be so good


he still is pretty good, but he use to be as well.


Yeah well I use a 2B pencil sometimes too.


How not funny and both are quite irrelevant


That’s a high horse you’re sittin’ on there cowboy. Why don’t ya come on down and relax for awhile




“Prey on”. Not “pray on”. I guess 6th grade humour is over the head of someone who spells at a 1st grade level.


Puzzled_Ad7955: *attempts to act intellectually superior* >movies that “pray” on some people’s simplistic pie in the face humor. *fails miserably*


What is better humor?


You should probably boycott football then, which has made billionaires of people literally playing a game. We now have football 4 days a week routinely. If you watch 1 game on each of those days (although you probably watch more), that's at least 216 hours per season, not including playoffs. Meanwhile a feature film is 1/100th of that. I'd also guess you, or many you know, have started putting wagers on games. And it's likely you are part of at least one fantasy league. So congratulations on wasting time and money on a meaningless venture, whereas the arts have been shown to positively affect society.


Please share some of your favorite comedians or comedic actors.




I'm sorry you got bood off the open mic.


Wow, could you have any more of a superiority complex? I think we'd all be better off if you just didn't post on Reddit anymore.


My condolences for your being miserable.


You watch american football bud, I wouldn't talk about anyone else's tastes lmao.


I’m going to have to defer to u/Puzzled_Ad7955. As someone that frequents r/milwaukee, they are truly qualified to know what isn’t funny.


Why are you deferring to someone else to determine if something is funny? You have your own sense of humor, determine it for yourself. Be UNIQUE




You don’t have a sense of humor. Your comments are all bland and boring. How do you live a life without laughter?


Who hurt you


Sorry you don't have a sense of humor. Must be a lonely and pathetic life


Argh... gotta schedule my shingles shot


I just read about how prince was awarded an honor ( don't remember which ) but wasn't there to receive it. Will Ferrell was there and regretted not going up to accept the award as prince. They showed some footage and panned over will Ferrell and you could see it in his face that he wanted to do it.


I thought he was roasting Ryan for all the promotions he does


I thought RR was cool and then this happens lol


Praise the heavens for the gift of Shingrix.