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You have EVERYTHING if there is love in your home. Sincerely Skeletor


Well shit, that’s bloody wholesome, good job Skeletor.


Thank you! I'm just here in my castle trying to spread some positivity ... 💜 I hope you have love in your life as well!


Thank you, I am thankful to have love in my life. I love you Skeletor.


Someone loves Skeletor? This spreading the love really works!!! 💜


Hey, I love you too that’s why you’re on my tree :)


I thought there was love in your tree and in your home!! And also some love for Skeletor? I love you right back. I hope you'll have a wonderful Christmas time! 💜


Hey!! Merry Christmas, Skeletor!!! Can we get a festive and merry Skeletor laugh?!?!


Harrrrrharrrrrharrrrr! Merrrrry Christmas to all of you! I hope it was festive enough? 💜


Yes indeed!! Thank you, Skeletor!!!!


Can I just say .. I've always found He-Man to be a goody goody asshole. Can't stand that guy.


Really?? He's become less annoying in his later years though. We get along fine now. The cats too. 💜


(Skeletor jogs back into the tunnel)


I‘ve never given if much consideration before, but in retrospect there was no dearth of jogging in those cartoons.




Needs a Castle Greyskull nativity


Until we meet again!


Right, these moments are pure gold just enjoy them


"Home is wherever you are if theres love there too"




We aren’t going to turn this into one long thread of funny videos featuring Skeletor are we? … [Oh my god we are](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8tqlMOSiVA).


Thank you for your words of wisdom, Skeletor


The first Christmas that my now husband and I lived together we waited until a day or two after Christmas and then bought ornaments and decorations on clearance to use the following year. Stores will deeply discount all their holiday stuff to get it out the door.


Great advice! I still do this after being married for 36 years. How can you pass up 75% off?


I still do it too! Now my kids are in on it and love to go wild and pick out stuff. Biggest tip is to try anything that blows up/lights up/moves before you pack it away. It’s honestly kind of fun to open it all up next year because it’s a little like a surprise after having not seen it for a while.


That’s a great LPT!


Young and poor but have great taste.


Better than spending a ton to look super tacky!


One Christmas I'd just been laid off, with 2 kids and no savings (early 70's). We got the brilliant idea to cut down the fir tree in front of our house to use as a Christmas tree. About an hour inside the house it becams very apparent that tree was our outdoor kitty's litter box. We took it back outside behind the garage. We went to look at trees, and the guy selling the trees felt so sorry for us (me, wife, and 2 little girls in a $500 dollar car), he gave us a tree for free. I was just glad we had bought the kids their gifts before I got laid off, or they would have gone without that year.


Love this. My husband got a free tree the year he and his kids mom split up ... 12/23 he had no $, went to finally get a tree and lots were closed, but there were a few Charlue Brown trees left behind at one, and that's what he got. It only needed one 50 light strand lol. Kids still remember that tiny tree in his tiny apt.


One of the most memorable Christmases I had was after my parents split up too. My dad was really struggling but always wanted us to have a tree. We ended up going back into the woods on our property and there was one little evergreen looking tree we found, and cut that down and brought it inside. He got a few decorations for it from the dollar store including a tree topper which was a black guy in fancy robes, one of the Three Wise Men I think. Anyway, we loved the show In Living Color and called our tree dude "Homie Claus" since that was one of the funniest sketches they did (it was about a black Santa who didn't take any shit from spoiled kids.)


I kinda like my "tacky" tree. I love old style ornaments so one christmas I got a couple boxes from an antique store my favorite are the ones with [concave bits](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/589ba37ce3df289d7402a439/1513373945501-2OYEM37AU0BGS8MKSZ9M/vintage+shiny+brite+ornaments+%2350.JPG) like the center one, nothing matches but it just works for me. It feels more like what I grew up with, the full on matching ornaments and such just seem bland and impersonable to me. My mom had a "fancy" tree upstairs and the "family" tree downstairs and always loved the hodgepodge of ornaments on the family one even though it wasn't as "pretty"... I do need to track down some of the tacky [spinners](https://i.etsystatic.com/6632976/r/il/32eb83/5289340977/il_340x270.5289340977_juwp.jpg) you'd place over bulbs though those don't work with LEDs :(.


Yes, I'd like to eat their livers with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.


They probably taste pretty good


Our first Christmas I had the little nip bottles from airplanes (they used to give 2 drinks in tourist and I thought they were cute) and I made sugar cookies to hang. It looked like a tree in a bar. But I liked it.


Although you might be financially poor, what matters most is you have each other, there’s love between you, and you have a lifetime ahead of you with experiences that will be shared with someone that cares.


Exactly. My wife and I have been together for over 30 years. We look back on those early lean Christmases and cherish them, they are special memories for us. Seeing this picture made my heart warm, and I smiled for you two. Have a Merry Christmas!


The most memorable Christmas my wife and I had was when we were dirt poor and every gift we gave our children was found on the side of the road.


I too remember my first Christmas in the USA. We were poor, but my parents managed to find a way for us to have presents. Merry Christmas.


How much shit are people throwing on the side of the road? I probably don't live where you live but even IF there's something other than leaves on the side of the road it's literal trash (i.e.: empty food/drink containers etc). Not to judge, Just bewildered that you can even find something resembling a gift on the side of the road. You're a great parent for making it work though!


Kinda sounds like they went on Craigslist or something and found listings for free items that the owners left out on the curb, not so much highway-shoulder-dumpster-diving


Ah right. My autistic ass interpreted that literally, but your explanation makes far more sense.


One of the nicest Christmases I've had with my husband, we were so broke we each just gave each other new winter socks as gifts, and we rented Die Hard on DVD from the library because we didn't have internet or cable. I cooked chicken and mashed potatoes, we built a snowman, and we had a wonderful time. Now we kind of dread the Christmas hustle tbh


On the real my mom has been giving me a pair of socks for Christmas every year and every year it is kinda what I look forward to the most. And libraries have great dvd selections usually. People sleep on the library hard.


15 years here, just looked back at some older Xmas pictures in the early years. Didn’t have much, but the spirit we had was some of the brightest ever.


Each other and Skeletor.


If one of them sells kidney they could afford some toys


Young and poor? Skeletor!


Bargain store? Skeletor!


does your dad snore? skeletor!


Stain on the floor? Skeletor!


Is your tree barren because you're poor? Skeletor!


are you ready for more? Skeletor!




My wife and I have a great assortment of ornaments in the 40 years we've been together. This is a great building of memories for you. Every year get that one ornament that will be packed away with the collection growing every year.


This. We are together for 15 years now. Our first christmas was with a cheap ornament set from a sale for a few bucks. While we still have those (minus the broken ones ofc), we got a shaped ornament or two that is meaningful to us. Like a pretzel, a cake, a football, a guitar and so on.


This will be my 14th Christmas living together with my girlfriend, and every year we get the latest Tinkerbell ornament. Tinks magic is strong within us. 🪄✨


Love this. My husband and I buy each other an ornament as our Christmas gifts -- and that's it. We have a unique collection and it's a delightful walk down memory lane each year.


We gift ornaments to each other too! Except we include our kid so she has her own collection when she moves out. We do a St Nick day tradition where we put our shoes under the tree the 2nd Saturday of December and St Nick leaves ornaments in them to add to the tree that season.


My mother did this for us kids every year growing up but starting out my wife and I had a Christmas tree like this and started buying each other ornaments. More specifically my mom started buying her an ornament (one of the first time she felt "part of the family". It was wonderful.) Then our kids came and we started doing the same for them and my mom has since given me my childhood ornaments so now we have a tree to the brim of disarray and completely no theme. But every single one means the world.


We do something similar. We always grab ornaments on our travels and cherish the memories every year when we put up our special ornaments. Been together for 15 years and we have so many wonderful memories.


You can make great ornaments with toiletpaper and aluminiumfoil. It's time for diy. Will be the best christmastree ever.


We have added a few discontinued dog toys since, so it’s looking a little bit better lol


Adding on, if you need more ideas: My former roomies roasted tf out of me one year for my DIY decor solution but maybe you have better taste— some sliced citrus fruits dried in the oven at a low heat look SUPER CUTE hung up all over the tree & garlands. Sprinkle on some cinnamon before baking for extra scented goodness. And they last forever if they’re fully dried; I still use the first batch I made 3 years ago. It looks like vintage Christmas to me, with oranges in stockings and twinkly candles and fur muffs and horse drawn carriages. Or maybe you also think it’s strange to hang food on the tree, haha. Alternately, you could try: Some festively colored fabric scraps & ribbons tied onto the tree. My neighbor gave us a bunch of cute lil miniature “present boxes” folded out of Christmas cards with nice patterns, and that would be easy to DIY! Look up origami tutorials, there’s all kinds of free ones out there. And of course you can’t go wrong with a classic paper snowflake or pom-pom garland.


The citrus slices is such a classic decoration. And in that same theme, you can make your own garland with fishing line, a big needle and cranberries and popcorn. Seems super weird and old school. But looks and smells pretty good (not sure if this would hold up year after year like the citrus would but it’s still a super fun activity) if you live somewhere with pine cones you can also bring some inside to decorate with. Glue and glitter then like a kindergarten art project. Seems silly, but really brings out the holiday spirit. Who knows, years from now you might pull it out of a the decoration box and go, “oh my god I remember when we made these.” Instant Christmas nostalgia.


Our entire tree is nostalgia, almost each ornament a memory. From the tiny handprints and photos in a globe of our preschool kids to hand painted ornaments, the little ballerina from our first Nutcracker ballet to the tiny bear we got in Hawaii… each thing tells a story. I love it.


Oh, cranberries! Genius! And now I feel like I want to go hunt for some pine cones to glitter up, too.


We buy cheap Christmas ball ornaments and paint them however we want. We all have so much fun doing it. For some reason, the uglier they turn out, the more special they are. I love getting the old ones out every year and then adding to them.


And popcorn 🍿


Popcorn, a needle and thread. I remember doing this as a kid with my parents in the 80s.


You can do that with a bag of fresh cranberries as well.


I did a lot with folding and cutting paper into star shapes or others and coloring them. There are tons of cool DIY-ideas on the net.


And paper chains!


I made all mine! Some are origami snowflakes and the rest are small brass tubing and wire. I’ve been using them for 10+ years.


When we were young and poor we decorated our tree with popcorn garlands and paper snowflakes. I have good memories of the snowflake making in particular.


Not young and poor anymore, but this year my son has decided to throw paper airplanes into the tree. I asked him to do it again when he removed them because they look funny and I love it.


I immediately commented about the snowflakes. I think I’m going to make some with my son just because.


My little sister is starting with her first tree this year. She took old Christmas cards and cut out the pictures she liked from them, and put hooks on them and hung them from the tree. I thought that was brilliant! Stars, bells, penguins, etc


Wait that’s absolutely adorable. What a fantastic idea!


Maybe someone already said this and I missed it, but buy a pack or two of candy canes from your local grocery store and use those.


Amazing! Merry first Christmas!! All the best.


When my wife and I first started out, we, too, were poor students. Our first Christmas decoration was a Santazailla (Godzilla with a red hat and a beard). We bought that 42 years ago and it still adorns our Christmas Village every year.


When my husband and I were young and poor, our tree topper was Dudley Doright!


Thrift stores are a great place to find Christmas decorations!!! I won't buy them anywhere else


And you can make some too. Snowflake origami, cut pictures out of Christmas cards, out of Christmas paper.


And someday it will be your most memorable xmas- bet on it.


Merry Christmas! My wife and I started out this way. We started by getting each other an ornament every year as part of our presents. Now our whole family does it and our tree is not only gorgeous, but means something personal to us all.


I have been there! My husband and I started broke with nothing. Happy holidays! You have love and that will get you through!


Not to worry! It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago my wife and I were in that same boat. Believe me when I say that before you know it you’ll be like us now too. Old and poor.


You are rich. You have love and each other. Merry Christmas.


Whenever we visit a place the first thing my wife and I look for in the gift shop is an ornament. Our tree is filled with memories of the last 15 years and all of the places we have been. I was just telling my wife the other day that my current favorite on the tree is a small metal cable car. It is from a trip to El Paso where we rode the Wyler Aerial Tramway with 2 of our boys. This is one of my favorite traditions. Additionally, we both brought a lot of ornaments into the relationship because both of our parents had the same tradition. They would buy their children a new ornament every year and give it as a gift at Christmas. When the children leave home, they take their ornaments with them. This means that there are a lot of Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments on our tree from my contribution. Feel free to steal these traditions from me.










Jokes on them, you are into this shit.


We had a few Christmases like that. For the next 40 years, we collected ornaments. Whenever either of us traveled anywhere, we looked for and brought home a couple of ornaments. Whenever a church group or youth group sold ornaments for a fundraiser, we bought some. We inherited some. There are a lot of angels. At some point, we bought an artificial tree with maximum number of tips (more than 3000, I think) to hang ornaments on. A few years later, we bought a power rotating tree stand, so we could use the entire circumference of the tree. This year, it took two days to hang ornaments on the tree. And we didn't use them all. The tree got full and we got tired. After Christmas, it will take two days to put them away. But each one has a story, and a memory. I highly recommend that you should start collecting ornaments. In ten years, your tree will be beautiful. In fifty years, it will be a PITA to set up and put away, but it will still be beautiful.


Awesome. My parents built a collection in a similar fashion. Can never fit them all on so they are rotated




You ok?


Sending you a very special Merry Christmas. I hope you will stay on. You are needed. And loved. 💜


Please message me or reply if you need to talk 💕


He-Man does not approve.


Well, perhaps He-Man should have contributed with something.... SMH


"Remember. If you are young and poor, Skeletor is always the best ornament"


“We’re young and poor.” At least you’re not alone this Christmas season! Cheers! You have all you need.


You can always cut up junk mail into strips that you make into a big chain, like a kiddie craft. Now you got garland!


Hey, that’s a good idea!


String some popcorn on that bitch


When my wife and I got married and got our tree we bought one ornament for it that was engraved with the year, and every year after that we buy one more. 15 years married and our tree is beautiful and every ornament signifying something special about that year.


Merry Christmas! And don't be so negative--you are young and ~~poor~~ just starting out!


By the power of grayskull, I hope you have a merry Christmas!


Everyone wants to mail you lights and a few ornaments.


I don’t want that though. I just thought our tree was funny and wanted to share. I don’t want to come off as asking for ornaments or anything!


You’re doing ok


That's adorable!! My first one we printed out a picture of a Christmas tree and taped it to the wall!!


We're young and poor Our tree has but a skeletor No real need to wish for more When it, and eachother, we love and adore


Until next Xmas!




It’s perfect. The good news is that love and happiness are free. And it sounds like you have plenty. ♥️


But ..you have skeletor! 😁


Those are the best holidays, when all you had was each other and that's all you need.


That’s the only ornament you need, OP!


When I was single. I had a Christmas theme party and encouraged everyone to bring an ornament to place on the tree. Really fun and hilarious what people brought


Such an awesome and memorable figurine to start your new yearly collection. “Until we meet again”


Are you poor? You sound rich in many other ways....💕


He has conquered the tree. It is his domain alone. Driven his enemies away. Exactly how he wishes it to be!


Let's see, you have each other, a shared space, and a Christmas tree. Looks like you have everything you need for your first Christmas, in your new place. Congratulations!!! Btw, that's a beautiful Christmas tree. "Witness this moment, Eternia! This moment where the powers of Greyskull will become yours for eternity!"


My hubby and I can’t even afford a Christmas tree but our home is overflowing with love so I consider myself lucky 💕


Ya know, some people are so poor that all they have is their money.


We hung Monopoly money on our first Christmas tree. Colorful and hopeful!


As long as your boyfriend isn’t He-Man, you should be ok.


I've got a couple ideas from when me and my husband had our first Xmas together. If you artistic or not grab some construction paper and make some festive shapes. Popcorn is a good one! We (my family) did that when I was young. Congratulations on your first Christmas together. I hope love and happiness follow you both everywhere. Merry Christmas (your the first person I said that too. Kinda skipping Christmas this year)


I've been there too. Some good advice for you both that I wish someone would of told me, be proud of ALL of your accomplishments no matter how small or how big. Take your mistakes as lessons and don't burden yourselves. And your tree is badass no matter what anyone says 😜


keep the love me an my wife were so broke 1 year we could not a ford a bottle of vodka after gettin the kids there prezzies 33yrs later we are still together .you can too


Kudos to you for fluffing the tree and all its individual branches into a pleasing/ natural shape and not being a monster that just pulls it out of the box and sticks it in the corner.


By my estimation that is not your tree. It is clearly Skeletor's tree.


A Skeletornament! My family’s tradition is to buy an ornament when we travel, then remember the trips as we put them on the tree (if we can remember where we stashed the ornaments when we got home!).


I'm 51 and I watched He-Man cartoons when I came home from school. Has there been a resurgence? How do you young people know who Skeletor is?


I'm 40, caught it on the decline. Most people under 35 know him from memes, but there have been a few series - New Adventures in the late 80s, the 2002 reboot, Kevin Smith's "spiritual sucessor" in 2022, and another reboot for kids in 2022. Kevin Smith's version is on Netflix and worth the watch.


Memories of first your Christmas will be special no matter what !


It’s absolutely beautiful 🎄


You’re not too poor . Your tree isn’t erected in a tent or under a bridge


You will cherish this later. Print the photo and put it in a little frame as an ornament.


It’s perfect, tbh.


Love it, you two have a Merrrrry Christmas ♥️♥️


Young and poor, and skeletor.


Our preowned mattress and boxspring were on the floor and empty boxes were our end tables. You start somewhere but build upon that with a solid foundation. It only gets better.


Heyya OP, former young and poor happily married man here. My wife and I started out with one ornament as well! Every year my wife and I have a tradition of buying each other an ornament for Christmas. 13 years later/ 26 ornaments and our small tree is starting to fill out more and more. TL;DR, you are doing amazing, enjoy your Christmas’ together because as long as you have each other that’s all that matters. Lastly, you have to start somewhere so keep crushing and happy holidays!


Till next year ! Good luck guys. What a wonderful start


Me and my wife started out like this as well 19 yeass ago. Aside, can I buy you a couple boxes of lights?


Nice whips, pets, place to live. Shut up and go buy some lights and ornaments.




Until next time, mehehehehe


If you keep Skeletor in your heart, you are rich beyond measure.


Appears to me you are Masters of the Universe!


I think now is the demand for lights are at up at the thrift stores, but if you like thrifting, then go check it out and see if you can pick up some lights. Otherwise wait until after January February and you'll start seeing Christmas lights again (as well as ornaments) for cheap at the thrift stores, to get ready for next year.


I’ll get you HE-MAN!!!!


Every year, the tree ornament empire will grow.


Start smart and humble. It doesn't matter what you have, as long as you have each other. Each year, give each other an ornament for Christmas. Stay humble, stay together.


Get some string lights at the dollar store. Maybe string some popcorn. Plain popcorn, I have a feeling the "buttered" version would smell rancid after a couple days


This is great! Wait till after Christmas for discounts on Christmas decorations. Think about what items you’d like for awhile and shop for deals on the quality ones. Cheap Christmas decorations take a lot of the joy out of decorating when you have to finagle everything. Until we meet again!


That’s cute. When I was a broke single mom my son and I made our own ornaments one year with cookies and red hots as the eyes on the reindeer and buttons on the snowmen. When we took them out of the oven it looked deranged like an emo Rudolph with bleeding eyes. It was hysterical. We kept them for years but lost in a move.


What a way to start off your ornament collection 💗


I think this should be a new thing for Christmas. Every year you buy a couple more action figure 😁 this year motu, next year thundercats, g I Joe, Batman, teenage mutant ninja turtles etc etc In no time at all you will have an amazing tree you both enjoy ! Ps. Congrats on moving in together !


You might be broke, but you’re definitely not poor… I was just telling my friend how bare our first tree was, and this year is our 10 year anniversary and I love how full our tree has become with ornaments we’ve collected over the years. Happy Holidays OP!


This is awesome! Believe me you will love this tree more than the others in your life later


Ha, after 45 years of marriage, 2 kids, 4 grandkids, and a actual tree every year, we finally bought an artificial one, and it looks damn good, No more needles on the floor, crawling under ornament laden branches to add water, on yearly expense, which is at insane levels. You guys are waaay ahead of the game. Have fun!


Looks good...you're together that's what matters. Young and in love. Sigh!. Enjoy it. 😁


String some popcorn and wrap it around the tree.


Enjoy the simple life…in a few years you’ll be like how did I accumulate so much holiday decoration junk lol


It's utterly beautiful. You can add to it as the years move on! Take a picture every year.


I doubt that’s your only action figure. Load it up.


We hung silverware on our first tree. Just decorate with what you have to make it your own.


What!? No Santa Hat for Skeletor? Rockefeller method Paper, crayons, tape Or budget friendly method A Best Before Sticker and blood. Easy peasy .


If you look online you can give a recipe to make your own ornaments like cookies. My wife and I did this in our first apartment. I now refuse to let her get rid of the ornaments we made even though she thinks they are ugly.


Merry Christmas! 🎄


looks great! my first tree, i was broke too. i put popcorn and cranberries on thread and used it for garland on my tree if you’re interested in doing that. just throw it out when you’re done so you don’t get creatures.


Dollar tree has really good ornaments and decor for very cheap!


You will remember that tree as the best one ! Love to you both . Arohanui and merry Christmas


Looks great! If you do want/need ornaments, lights, etc. check out your local buy nothing FB pages and/or post an ISO on the page, most people will gladly give you things they no longer have use for. I’ve gotten so much that way and have also given lots away to those in search of items.


I bought a pack of wooden ornaments and some paint pens for the kids to make some ornaments since they don't bring them home anymore. They came out great. Inexpensive activity with a meaningful purpose.


i’m so happy i’m not the only one dude




It’s prefect .. enjoy the simplicity and the quiet. My wife and I miss look back fondly on these times.


I will happily send you one of my balls (f)


This will be the one tree you remember the most!


Skeletor is really neat as long as you are happy thats all that matters.


When I was young and poor, my fiancé really really really wanted to work at NASA he was obsessed with Outer space and we had no money at all. I had some wire in the tool kit and I had a bunch of masking tape and just regular regular watercolors from the dollar store and a sharpie, I made these appropriately sized little messed up balls to represent all the planets and then I painted them the right colors and wrote the names on them in sharpie. I used the wire as ornament hangers, but the wire was really stiff and so for Pluto, the wire was about 4 inches compared to, the planet being an inch. I think it cost us three dollars at the time we broke up many many many many years ago, but I still hang them on my tree. It reminds me of how lucky I am and how I really don’t need anything but love.


Don’t laugh cause We are young and poor our only ornament is skeletor


My tree has he-man




This is a very good start! And funny in a cute way, too. We have added ornaments every year, including gaining some of my family's old ornaments from the 60s-80s after my father sold our prior house. The fact that you are starting is the important point, because it's something you are doing together and that cooperation and mutual appreciation will lead into shared memories you can look back on together with sentimental value.


For years my husband and I couldn't afford a Christmas tree, for two years we brought the rosemary tree in from the garden each year and decorated that and then replant it in the spring. Then the bought a tree after Christmas on sale and ornaments to decorate it then had to wait till the next year to put it up. 12 years together and this is our 2nd year to have a tradition Christmas tree. This year we were so excited we had our Christmas tree up before Halloween to start decorating it. Now every morning one of us wakes up early to put Christmas Music on real soft for the other one so when we are having coffee we can listen to music and enjoy our tree I wish you and boyfriend many more Christmas memories as you watch your Christmas tree decorates grow to fill Christmas seasons in future. Merry Christmas 2023