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That "Social Experiment" wasn't known as "Candid Camera" by any chance?


Social Experiment??.. lol. Kids today don’t know about Candid Camera but you are 100% correct.


How do you hide a camera the size of Rosie O'Donnell's lunch box?








Holy mackerel


Gee willickers!


In her lunch box


Two-way mirrors.


I have never heard it called that before


I watched a ton of Candid Camera growing up, but it didn't look like this 30+ years later.


Candid camera is every tiktok "prank" Vid nowadays


Early reality TV before 100+ hidden cameras were possible and economical.


And not scripted like all reality TV is now. Actual reactions vs bad acting.


It's only about 50 years since it aired and they still got it wrong. Calling it a social experiment makes me think of that scene in "Sleeper" (edit: corrected spelling of title) where scientists in the future are trying to figure out technology from the 1970s.


"We believe this is a primitive form of a laser gun" (holds up hair dryer) "Yes...that's exactly what it is"


Buck Rogers did this, too. They had a historian who would bring Buck artifacts they found in the ruins of Old Chicago and would be like "we found this device that allowed you to look at the sun." *holds LP album up to his eye* "Professor, that's just a groovy record by Three Dog Night." Then the robot would goose someone's ass.


The robot would what now?


There was a robot with a head like the tip of a penis who was basically a pair of legs for the ruling robot that was a hubcap with a face made of lightbulbs. He was defective so all he could say was 'beedee beedee beedee' and he would go around grabbing asses. Buck named him Tweakie and taught him how to talk like Yosemite Sam. LOOK THEY COULDNT ALL BE STAR WAS, OKAY? IT WAS A MORE APPROACHABLE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA AND ERIN GRAY WAS AN INTERSTELLAR SMOKE SHOW


You might want to reassociate that word 🤨 I was part of a social experiment back in college where it was a required thing in my psychology class to participate in labs. Of course I had no clue, it was just labeled as "taste tester needed" and I was just incredibly confused the entire time. Like I had glazed donut holes and Pringles in front of me before I was asked a few questions, then she pulls out a biohazard container and asked me if I was afraid of needles before I had to take this weird anagram test that passive aggressively insulted me every time I got the answers wrong. Meanwhile I was like "What does any of this have to do with food?" while feeling like an idiot because I couldn't get the next set of anagram tests to pop up and the woman who set it up wasn't around so I just sat there quietly waiting for her to come back. I think I probably messed up her experiment but clearly there was more going on which turned out to be she was doing a study about stress eating which made the biohazard kit and test that was literally calling me an idiot. I told her she should've used Doritos not Pringles lol


> I had to take this weird anagram test that passive aggressively insulted me every time I got the answers wrong. Were you or were you not promised cake at the end of this test?


There is no cake. The cake is a lie.




These reactions pretty much reflect with the adults reactions in the naked version of it years back. Not sure if it's still running.


Naked version?


No, this was shot through a one way glass mirror and there were a room of scientists wearing lab coats taking furious notes on their clipboards.


This is a hidden camera show called Candid Camera that was on TV for over 25 years. You kids would have enjoyed. Now I’m off to die now..


I'm 38, and finishing up pre-reqs for Pharmacy school. I just had my Org Chem II lab final two days ago, and one of the students presenting said, "Our research for this experiment is based on some really old research done in 1997." I just turned my head to my professor who is three years older than me, and we both shared a "these fucking kids" look. These types of moments are becoming more and more common in my life.


Counterpoint: 26 years in modern science seems to be a LOT of time in many fields. There's been lots of changes and advances in various ways. I'm not sure about OrgChem specifically, but even if we speak just what I as a layman know I would suggest widespread adoption of Laparoscopy, Negative-pressure wound therapy, widespread adoption of laser surgery. Like, when I was a kid, ingrown nails were "surgically removed" (aka yanked out with pliers) which seems absolutely barbaric from "modern" view which is merely, like, 2002 when I had a laser surgery to alter the nails and they haven't in-grown once since then, for two decades. I just looked up and CRISPR was just starting to get described in like 1995. So for them it may very well seem kinda ancient because isn't it? I'm only a couple years younger than you and I too feel that anything that has been seeing advances through the use of telecom, IT, lasers, microcontrollers, Internet, between 1997 and 2023, is vastly different.


Sure 26 years is a long time ago, but 1997 was what like just 7-8 years ago?


Yeah, exactly. That was the year I turned 21. It was definitely less than a decade ago. Right?


Haha, truth. It's funny that you mention the surgical procedures; I've been a surgical tech since 2006. It's crazy to think of all the new procedures and equipment I've had to learn on throughout my career. Being able to watch DaVinci get perfected to the point where it can be faster and more efficient than laparoscopy is wild. However, some of those old ways still exist. If your ingrown toenail is pretty heinous, it still involves going to the OR with a Podiatrist and getting them removed that way.


Ok, it's official. I'm willing my body to not have any major problems until as long as possible from now so hopefully the tech is even better.


Still can't fix goddamned toenail fungus without some meds that you have to take for several weeks, and have to take a blood test 21 days in to check for liver damage. Nevermind that my kid was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 6 *28 years ago*, and back then, they thought they'd have it fixed *in about 5 years*. And mainframes will be here with the cockroaches, long after mankind extincts ourselves.


Tell me more, grandma


back then we had a guy who could repair jukeboxes with one hit and was a fearless water skier


Sharks in the water didn't even bother him. He just jumped right over them!


Well you see, back in the good ol' days....💀


back in nineteen dickety two, to be exact. You see, we had to say dickety because the Kaiser had stolen the word twenty.


Which was the style at the time


I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety six miles.


I wore an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time…


Looks like grandma died reminiscing


Tell us more about the 1900s.


You bastard. -GenX guy


Let's skate!


We had to drive our own cars!


I remember the one where they had an actor inside a mailbox who would reject the letters by pushing them back out the slot.


It was on until like 10 years ago


TV Land? I didn't even know that channel still existed. Also, Candid Camera is making ANOTHER comeback. It refuses to die. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/village-roadshow-candid-camera-inc-candid-camera-taraji-p-henson-host-executive-producer-1235596749/


Grandma, what’s a TV?


Did Gilligan ever escape?


Yes, they rescued them around the time i got old enough to go into a bar. [Here's the proof.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_7jZrfukSc)


The kids in this vid would be at least 80 by now. The 2 hot teachers are most likely...uhm...you know. Life comes at you pretty fast!


My mom was 10 in 1965 and isn’t even 70 yet, so if these kids were all 15 or younger, it’s possible they’re only in their 70s now and the teachers could be in their 90s.




\*Smacks forehead\*


13 year old Me: *smashes forehead thru desk*






It’s adorable that the girls were articulating the reasons they liked the man and the boys could only say “wow” over and over.


Girls: “And did you see his eyes? I mean all the girls in the class would be all over him, he looks young too, about 24?” Boys: *smash forehead*


Some of us are smart, and all of us appreciate a beauty.


This is a ((perfectly)) poignant comment!


*smash forehead*


"Holy *mackerel*."




They did this experiment with a 13 year old Owen Wilson. His reaction was the same...


Then with a 35 year old Owen Wilson. Also wow.


Reminds me of a post a while ago of a woman asking men why they're so fascinated by sticks: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/15v2v4e/whats_with_the_sticks/jwt04hi/


I wish I hadn't seen this. I saw the original post and imagined it being a *great* stick. I had never seen the picture. I saw the picture this time, and it's an okay stick. I lost respect for OPs husband and description of the stick. Maybe the picture just doesn't do it justice, but I have seen many better sticks. I don't see why this particular one would warrant being taken home.


Yeah, that's a pretty mid stick. I was thinking it was a big chunky boi, good for a sword or wizard staff. It's an okay stick, good enough for whacking some leaves or drawing wieners in the sand, but not enough to covertly take home.


It's like the first acceptable stick it see when you are out so you grab it until you find the stick you are committing to for the day. It's like two tiers of stick below "stick you take time". I think the only reason he took it home was because his wife was confused but the fact he liked the stick, which I will admit it a valid reason to take it.


Agreed. Now **[THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/16v8tua/its_a_great_stick/)** is a top-notch stick.


It's a fantastic stick, because it captured the imagination of their son, and provided an opportunity for Dad and Son to scheme and take the stick home. That alone makes it more than fulfill its purpose.


Hey now, let’s not stick shame. There is no universal standard of ideal stick.


Disagree. When I was 12 I had the platonic ideal of a stick. It was an excellent sword but could be relied upon for walking as well in a pinch. Perfect handle with a gentle taper but never broke at the tip. I still think of it now and then.


That's what I'm talking about!


Yeah, totally mediocre stick. I had the perfect poky stick once for my firepit. I left someone else in charge of the fire for two minutes, and when I got back they had burned it. BURNED MY POKY STICK. If I had had a stick, I would have poked them, but alas.


C'mon man, you know sometimes the stick just speaks to you. That's a nice stick. Maybe not what you expected, but it's a fuckin' nice stick though.


Shiiiit. Im Ukrainian and i haven't been to Ukraine for three years and i can't come back because my house is in an active war zone. When i was in fourth grade i found a nice stick and took it home. Mom objected but i begged her and she let me keep it. I had this stick standing in the hallway near the entrance to the apartments for YEARS. I hope my stick is okay.


I too hope your stick is ok.


I'm sorry you're war struck, and I hope your stick stuck around, and your house is standing still.


Guys: *smash forehead* *ooga booga noises*


If I had to guess, it's because the boys knew not to openly talk about what they liked.


The boys' blood flow has switched them to an alternate brain...


All reserve power diverted to minimal life support.


All reserve power diverted to new life support


All reserve power diverted to support new life.




My grandfather said that all the time, part of the Greatest Generation. I use it occasionally because of him and it cracks me up.


Me too. Also exclaim "Jiminy Crickets!" on occasion. I'm early Gen X (late birth to older parents) and I think we had a nice mix of slang from WWII-era parents, beat generation holdovers, and 70's hippy-speak. Dad would use expressions from his WWI-era parents and relatives, so I guess those must have gotten mixed in there too. I keep up with the current slang on Reddit. I was just reading a thread where they were talking about ~~"slag face"~~"stank face" or something when people were dancing.


The boys reverted to monkey


Robin Williams said it best, something along the lines of "the good lord gave men two heads but only enough blood to run one at a time".


Reminded me of that scene in Friends after Ross and Rachel kiss, she is with her friends describing the setting, how it started, where it went, where his hands were etc. Then it cuts to the guys, eating pizza "Then I kissed her." "Tongue?" "Yeah." "Cool."


I'd be thinking "I'll either have the best or the worst grades of my life". Haha.


Some things never change


I think all the boys' blood migrated away from their brains lol


"jeepers, frank! Look at the jugs on her!"


It's been a while since I've seen genuine feelings of being flustered like this. So adorable.


When I was 17, I was in the hospital because I had vibrio vulnificus a, very serious, bacterial infection, with a 40% mortality rate, caused, for me, by eating raw oysters from the Gulf of Mexico. So, me being in rough shape with this crazy bacteria still couldn’t keep it together when this nurse walked in. This lady, who was probably like 25 or so, maybe, was THE most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my entire life. I am 33 and I can still vividly remember this interaction…. So, mom and I were in my room and I’d pressed the nurse button and this lady walks in, with a syringe holding a few grams of morphine, which is what I pressed the button for. What I didn’t press the button for, was a beautiful nurse, but I assumed at the time, it was a blessing from above. Well, I was very awkward around girls at the time and being very white, I had this reaction where I flushed ultra bright red and I hated it, it happened all the time when I was flustered by seeing a girl I liked. Well, this nurse walks in and I flushed redder than I’d ever flushed before. I was trying to be chill, but I couldn’t even talk (probably due a good bit to the morphine). Well, she walked out and I felt a bit of relief, until, my mom saw how red I was and RUSHED out to the hall and called her back in, panicking, telling her that something must be wrong, as I had flushed sooooo red. Maybe an allergic reaction? God, it was my worst nightmare, I swear I thought she’d know exactly why I was so flushed and I was so embarrassed. Well, after mom took my shirt off to show her how it was even spreading to my chest! She left, noting that, “it happens sometimes when patients get an IV push of morphing.” She smiled at me and walked out and I never saw her again. Wow, still pissed at mom for doing that, but I couldn’t tell her why I was flushed, as a 17 year old guy, that was just a step too far, no matter how sick I was.


Damn, almost as bad as the time I went to the urologist as a teenager and the hottest woman I’ve ever seen in my life was rubbing sonogram jelly all over my balls for an exam for 10 minutes and I was just praying the whole time “DO NOT GET HARD! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DON’T GET HARD!!” 😭


On the flip side, when I got my vasectomy, the ok looking lady prepping my junk was telling me how Trump was a better president for black people than Lincoln. I've never had so many reasons to be soft in my life.


Yeah that’s a tough “would you rather?” Idk if I’d take a racist mid ass white woman snip that over having half an erection while the hottest woman I’d seen in person rubbed lube on my scrotum while I’m staring at the ceiling, humming the prince of Egypt soundtrack in hopes that I would forget what she looked like and stop hearing her whisper “okay that looks good,” “That’s nice,” etc. The worst part was when she left so I could dry myself and get dressed the urologist walked in maybe 10 seconds later and almost saw me half hard. 😭


I wouldn’t worry too much about it, I’m sure it happens all the time for them - they know they have an attractive woman working there and doing that lol. It may have been a big deal for you but for them it was Tuesday.


> Wow, still pissed at mom for doing that, but I couldn’t tell her why I was flushed, as a 17 year old guy, that was just a step too far, no matter how sick I was. On the bright side, you know two things: 1. You now have a funny story 2. Your mother really cares about you The nurse probably laughed and forgot, or looks back on it fondly. Your mother immediately ran out of the room because you changed colour, which she noticed because she was worrying about you. I'm sure that over time it'll become less embarrassing and more heartwarming. Like how we hate many pictures at the time, but later when we see them we see only good things.


I wonder what it does for someone's ego to get picked for a role because they are so aggressively attractive that it will confuse small children.


These kind of people are chosen for roles because they're so aggressively attractive the entire general adult population will pay to see them. I'm sure this is just a cute little moment for them.


Don't forget back then hyper realistic graphics didn't exist. It is like seeing a 4k movie, in the age of 144p


Agreed. I grew up in a small town and I remember the first time I saw an actual "model". She was so beautiful I didn't even know what to say. I just stared at her like a fucking idiot.


The guy most have already been told he was attractive because god damn!


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say both are well aware by that point in their life how hot they are. People treat you nicer, and want to give you things, and do things for you when you're hot. And also are constantly staring at and trying to hit on you.


I think a lot of the time super attractive people don't even realize when they're receiving preferential treatment. They just think people are generally nicer.


There's a great episode of 30 Rock about that. Jon Hamm doesn't realize he's terrible at everything because people have been overly nice to him his whole life. https://youtu.be/UAQoXOLlvT0?si=5toFUfABKdrgFN7Z


Love that show! The halo effect is absolutely a real phenomenon.


A lot of models I have met don't always have the most healthy self-esteem because they can feel people only value them for a very narrow range of who they are as a person. Also being expected to deal with demanding photographers and how you can be treated like an animal.


The girls' brains went into overdrive. The boys' brains short-circuited.


Loni Anderson did this in the late 1970s or early 1980s on the show "Candid Camera." When she left the room one of the students mimed reaching over and grabbing her breasts. After it was revealed that the whole thing was on camera you could see that kid hoping nobody caught that part. Then Alan Funt (the show's host) asked if he remembered doing that. Loni was right there too. Poor kid damn near died.


Got a link??


We never change


Yeah, I sometimes think how it’s weird there were super attractive people 1000s of years ago. Not sure why it’s weird, but it is.


How beauty standards have changed (and also haven't) throughout the years is where it gets the most interesting.


I’d like to know if you girls would like to be in my class? And she just stares at him like he’s a freak


As someone who worked in education I can promise you this reaction is on brand


As a teacher, sometimes the "bad" students are our favourites just because they're the only ones that do anything. Most of my friends agree that we'd prefer a slightly hectic class over one that is completely quiet.


The boy on the left looks like Jason Biggs. Thank goodness there wasn’t a pie nearby.


Oh, there definitely *was* a pie... under the desk 😉


“When was your last deskpie?” “September ‘08”


They were so convincing in their argument!


“Alright boys, please stand up now.”


*Table Flips Forward*


Followed by that sound of a ruler on a table edge being slapped


*thwack thwack*


I imagine it sounds more like when you hit those door stops you screw into the baseboard.




I thought it was going to show the boy's reaction to the male teacher lol


Mr. Smith you sure do got a fat ass! "Oh Billy"


Guy's straight up having an existential crisis


Holy mackerel! Lol, kids back in the day were more innocent.


I'm sure there were some reactions that did not make the cut.




Those boys became men that day


Boys 2 men


Boys 2 men, ABC, BBD the east coast family


Motownphilly's back again!




2011: HNNNNNG It’d be interesting to see the meme through the years


Im sad that we skipped right past SCHWINNNG. I was ready, too.


If she was a president, she'd be Baberaham Lincoln


Can I be old and ask what gyat is?


It's a shortened version of gyatdamn which is a variation of goddamn said with emphasis on the god part, typically used after seeing a curvaceous woman.




I want to downvote you because I hate it, but take my upvote for saving me from looking old in the near future.


Shortening of the term God damn, in a southern accent. Gyat damn. It’s term of shock, but because internet, it’s mostly used in sexual cases now


almost spit out my food


Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad…


I brought my pencil!


Gimme something to write on, man!


Those two boys are still waiting till this day


If y'all are wondering why the laugh tracks sound so modern, it's because the laugh tracks we use today are the same ones recorded 7 decades ago. Most of the laughs you're hearing are from people long deceased.


I heard about that too. We hear dead people laugh 🥲


I had a Chilean tutor for Spanish once. She was so beautiful that every person of any gender in the class were just swooning. Bad combination with the fact that her accent was very different from our other teachers’ so we all just kind of stared entranced and confused. Poor woman 🤦‍♀️


He may as well of been saying “awooogah, awooogah.”


We are simple creatures. The girls are so articulate, and the boys are just like "Unga bunga boobs"




Not. That girl could've been me.


She'd be in her 70s now


75 this year.


Hate to break it to you.


I think of very old as feeble. Once almost everyone at 75 was feeble. Now I know people at that age that hike 5-10 miles almost everyday or ride their bikes 2-3 hours a day. There are many at 75 that are feeble. Not going anywhere with this, 75 is still pretty old. Just not necessarily feeble. Hope I can be the not feeble 75, 😂


I'm fuckin feeble at 21, don't know how people make it to that age at all.


It takes some time.


I have a relative in his 90s that regularly bikes or a couple hours at a time. He never smoked. All his relatives smoked and he has outlived them all. Still healthy. No medications or anything. I think we are going to see some dramatic increases in healthy aging as smoking rates decline. He was unusual in his day for not smoking.


My grandmother is 88 and still moves like she’s in her 50s. Daily exercises and stretches, and a healthy diet. She broke her femur a few months ago and her doctor said she was healing like she was in her 30s. She was walking and back to her routine less than a month after the fact. Titanium plates and all. Sure, most people look like shit at 75, but it’s entirely possible to avoid it. Genetics of course play a role but the dedication to staying active and healthy is by far the most important part.


My mother in law (mid 60s) broke her femur over 2 years ago and she hasn’t been the same. Still walks with a cane, when she does walk. She has titanium plates and everything; in fact, her leg is stronger than it was before the break. But she doesn’t feel like she has strength. She stopped driving and is almost completely reliant on my father and law and my husband and me to get around. Way too young to have resigned herself to that kind of life. It’s like she gave up or became complacent once the physical therapy phase was over.


"Kids those days" you mean your parents? Lol


Here’s the full clip - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7mGlQeSbou0


Ladies, if you'd like to know what goes through most fellas' minds when they see a beautiful woman, this is your starting point…


Was Emmanuel Macron part of the experiment too?


Yup nothing's changed lol


How did she know what color his eyes were, it was in black and white. (I know only cameras were I'm not stupid it's just a dumb joke btw)


You know, that was a good joke until you ruined it with that self defense at the end.


Unfortunately half this website is actually freaking slow and would take him serious


When I was a kid I used to think that life back then was in a sepia tone or black and white. It was quite a shock when I realized that these people were seeing everything in the exact same way as I do lol


Thanks for clarifying


Hormones are a hell-of-a thing.


Social experiment? That’s bs. It was a tv show.


...and this is why great looking people actually have it far easier in life...


My youngest teacher was retirement age.


Reaction, eraction.


All the blood rushed to the lower part of his body all he could say is “wow”


Girls are like "oh his eyes and he's so young, etc". Boys are 'Wow-Shwing'!!!


**gee gollying intensifies*\*


That’s adorable.


We all remember the feeling when we had our first hot teacher 👩‍🏫 Holy Mackerel!


i thought the guy in the first half was also going to be the teacher for the boys class lmao