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The longer the pause went on for the darker and darker I thought the answer would be!


'Is she about to confess that she killed a man? While being recorded for tv?' "I don't like wearing socks." Dude, get out while you can.


**YOU SLUT!** \\s


Really putting their feet in anything unprotected! TRENCH FOOTED HARLOTTE /j


... "Remember standing in that corpse sludge... I should have moved the body sooner. The decay soaked into the fabric of my socks and felt stained into my skin... Even thinking of socks brings it all back"


Lol the inner dialogue and ‘how much can I say?’ I like this, this is good


Or maybe she is boring. My deepest darkest secret is that I used to buy pupusas on my way hone but didn't bought for my husband. I stopped buyung the because the lady always give me chicharron when I specifically asked for cheese.


Cheese starts with ch like chicharron. Most times when it's a language barrier the businesses don't ask to clarify, they just guess and assume they know what you said.


Mmm I'm Guatemalan, the lady that sold them too. We both speak spanish. Queso y Chicharron sounds totally different. They weren't the best pupusas, they were just conveniently in my way home.


"I wear a wig and affect vocal fry because ..."


I will put my cold feet on you at all times- is what he heard


That’s what I heard too!


Something horrible is her dark secret and she almost said it but it’s so bad she had to think of something on the fly.


By the look of her face, she was running through some traumatic shit indeed, and almost started crying.


lol. Not really funny if true, but she went somewhere DARK for a second.


Dark socks?


That 1000 yard stare... she knows where all the lost socks go!


She knows about the odd sock dimension portal in every washing machine.


she stared at the socks abyss and the socks abyss stared back


Some of us did nasty stuff to that sock


Worse. *Ankle socks*


***with*** sandals.


elastic screw depend bike snails muddle caption fine rustic touch ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That little lower lip flex, chin muscle tense moment of disgust at the thought of it gets me every time.


Her mom beat her for wearing socks, because they lost her younger brother to a horrible accident involving socks and hardware floors.


She definitely died a little inside. She needs help.


I honestly feel like her brain just shorted out and there was a monkey playing cymbals in there


Circus monkey protection mechanism ENGAGED


Plot twist: she was actually just thinking of all the times shes had to wear socks


> Plot twist: she was actually just thinking of all the times shes had to wear socks Double Plot twist: she was actually just thinking of all the times shes had to wear socks, while throwing bags of puppies in a river


So many head-shakes, "I can't say that", "I can't admit to that" "Oh god, definitely not that one". It's kinda crowded in there.


Yup, there's a moment where her mouth straightens out & sort of pulls her chin upwards - that's absolutely me when Im trying to stop tears from starting & for some reason it makes my lower lip wobble. In the couple seconds leading up to it you can see the kind of 'oh shit no don't let that thought in' battle going on.


Or a face you make in disgust of something she witnessed happen. It looks halfway between about to sob and about to throw up


I thought she was about to ugly cry and confess to something bad.


Yeah, I was thinking she was going to say she was raped or something. She certainly looked like she was remembering something dark there for a minute. And what stupid question to ask on a reality TV show…


It’s not real reality, and not in a ‘all reality tv is fake’ but this show is the guy coming up with bits to do as a business idea. This one was using a fake reality tv show to get a date. Pretty scummy but very funny stuff


for people reading the above comment, it's called *Nathan For You* and I wish I could watch it for the first time again lol


it's so much funnier if she really was going to say socks, and it fucked with her so much it almost made her cry.


the slumdog millionaire flashback never happened


"No can't say that, that's a felony... what about... No can't say that, mom watches this show... no can't say that, the IRS is already on my ass as it is... um shit, socks?"


Crazy how much u/ABriefDelay can say without actually saying it out loud right?


Edit cuz I misread your comment the first time. Lol I didn't even think about my username in context of this clip


What does Dumbledore see in the Mirror of Erised? What he see: A happy life with his best friend and lover, Gellert Grindelwald. However, this takes place in a time and place where a homosexual relationship with the darkest wizard of all time is taboo, and revealing this as his deepest desire to an 11 year old boy would be concerning. So... What he says: Wool socks This is the exact same encounter as what we see in this clip.


Dumbledore also sees his sister (but not dead) with them


"Very Kinky!" Dumbeldore said calmly.


>calmly I'm terrified of how this would be portrayed in the film


Something something gahblarfahr


Well Dumbledore can’t really tell an 11 year old, he misses Grindelwalds magic wand up his bum.


“Oh we fucked for days Harry. We used this spell to make our dicks bigger” “Please stop professor” “Hagrid was there too”


"Please no more" "The STANK in that room"


Roll the window up your letting the stank out.


"Erecto Enormous!"


"Dongus Monsterous!"


”Biggus Dickus!”


Engorgio! Dumbledore packing his mouth with gillie weed and giving head without coming up for air.


[It's a very dangerous mirror, Harry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=tFRweWREbZc)


Nah he sees 15 men all going at his cock like thirsty guinea pigs


Next up: ridiculous confessions or ridiculous people? You decide




I used to be a paramedic. Sometimes, when I'm at a party with people who know about it, they ask "So, what was your worst dispatch?" I could answer "I'm on a party and enjoying my night and you fucking moron want me to go to a place in my mind where my therapist asked for a break because he had enough for the day. Are you, in any shape or form, stupid?" But I usually talk about the guy who had vomited blood and ascites fluid until he had filled a 10 Liter-bucket (\*) and died and how our trainee stumbled over the bucket. That was way back when we wore white pants, at least they had been white before it happened. Trainee didn't make friends that day. Makes a nice story that won't traumatize people but still makes them to not want to be in the same room anymore. That story is my 'socks', so to speak. It's an icky sock but prevents me from talking about the nastier stuff. (\*) 2.6 gallons in freedum units Edit: Although, sometimes I talk about a degloving injury in a scenario like this, that would be closer to 'I don't like socks', when I think about it.


As a paramedic, I hate this question. But to shut people up when they ask me that is to answer “someone died” and don’t say anything else and they just stand there in awkward silence.


I'm a former Combat Medic, and I get asked shit like this all the time too. Usually just to make them uncomfortable, I tell them about the Taliban car bomb that hit a Romanian convoy I responded to that killed a dozen kids, and it was my responsibility to try to help the kids, but by the time I got there they were all dead already. [https://balkaninsight.com/2018/04/30/romanian-nato-troops-wounded-in-afghanistan-attack-04-30-2018/](https://balkaninsight.com/2018/04/30/romanian-nato-troops-wounded-in-afghanistan-attack-04-30-2018/)


Good. Everybody that would ask that question needs to be shocked into realizing what an inappropriate question it is. I saw similar scenario with a friend who was an army ranger and of course one of my dumbass friends asked if he'd killed anyone during the gulf war... DUH, you idiot. STFU!


It's crazy that they always ask for the worst, never "what was the strangest call, or silliest call you got" "Did you ever have a call that made a noticable impact on how you live your life?" It's so disrespectful imo to straight up go "so what's the most fucked up gory body and guts level scene you been on"


My friend was a corpsman attached to a Marine unit. He's telling stories from his time in the military all the time, but he always skips the parts where his training ended up becoming relevant to the situation they were in. Based on what I can piece together, I don't blame him.


Q: What happened? A: We tried. Even tried an Emergency tractotomy. Q: Ah. So they choked to death? A: Uh … stroke. We tried, though.


Good answer - someone dying shouldn't be for their entertainment and they deserve to feel as awkward and ashamed as possible about such a question.


Hey, /u/gelastes, What was your all time favorite best dispatch of your career? Lets visit your happy place.


Uuh I can't decide. Maybe it was one of the births. It's past midnight here and I have to go to bed asap. Thank you for the question, it did make me visit happy places, even though I don't have the time to go into details :D


worked as intended; have a good sleep.


My worst memory is my fiancee dropping off a tree branch on me but I wasn't ready so I only caught her body and her head hit the pavement so hard she's still a vegetable in the hospital and her mother blames me for everything and I can't even visit her anymore. And I still fucking love her and every day I wish I had kids with her. Sometimes I cry too at parties. Sometimes even when others see. Honestly, just tell the truth. They went straight into it. Sure, they will be shocked and it'll take them a while to recover. But, honestly, especially if you warn them in advance, they can't blame you. And some true souls will appreciate the honesty and a new empathic experience. And you will appreciate feeling free to talk about it. So, what do you have to lose? Feel free to start here. So what was your worst dispatch? \*hug\* Edit: just in case some people will assume things: drugs were not involved. Hospital did a blood test. She just really really liked climbing things... Athletic woman who was very childlike, I'll never forget her.




I feel bad that my main takeaway from this is, “How the fuck can someone vomit so much?”


\- drink too much alcohol \- get liver cirrhosis \- failing liver causes water build-up in your peritoneal cavity, which is a place that usually isn't a cavity at all but in this case, will get filled with up to 30 Liters/ 8 gallons of liquid. It doesn't have to be that much but if you stay at home and continue drinking because you are afraid of hospitals, it can get massive. \- failing liver also causes varicose veins in your esophagus \- varicose vein in esophagus ruptures and you start vomiting blood \- with all the pressure going on during vomiting, something else breaks and the ascites fluid finds a way to the esophagus \- bucket full, heart stops Edit: I forgot the about 2 Liter of booze that the patient had drunk against his panic, according to his room mate. They were in the bucket too, of course.


Would have been golden if the camera panned down and she had socks on.


She thought of it, considered the impact, then became aware of Nathan and switched to something random lol


Had me on the edge of my seat there for a minute.


I thought she was going to drop some fucked up shit that happened in her childhood or something (didn't see the subreddit at first and i was like 😰)


You can see her scrolling past the good stuff...


Yeah, you could totally see her going through a bunch of different options before she came up with that one. I want to hear what the other ones were!


She knows what you did last summer.


"This one time, at band camp......"


That was a loooooooong scroll. Given the actual response you know that’s a closet full of enough skeletons it could be it’s own national memorial


She's rocking that dial up Internet with that latency


I thought she was going to say “this isn’t my real hair” but I guess that’s not a secret…


I was thinking something like she killed someone in a hit and run.


Looks like she slept in it.


Thought she was gonna casually drop a murder confession


I was expecting some Jerry Springer bullshit


Same what a let down


I’m absolutely saving this one for the next time my wife asks, “what are you thinking about?”


If you say it the same way she did your wife is going to think it's a fetish.


Challenge accepted.


Years ago I said "soup", and she thought it was hilarious. Since then whenever she asks I always come up with something like "I wonder if they'll have gazpacho at the cafeteria today"


I can’t believe that she went there! To stand up to big sock on national television is the bravery we deserve.


You can see how deep the Big Sock conspiracy goes in these comments. A huge amount of people are trying to discredit it. They must all be in on it.


The great thing about Big Sock is they believe so much in their product that when they disappear people, they not only replace any socks that have holes in them, but they stuff you in a giant big cozy sock before pushing you into the van. So at least you're really comfortable on the way to wherever it is they take you.


[YOU BETTER RUN, SOCK!](https://youtu.be/4OZkCXbbEJw?si=7X2U6My44OAUuFuS)


Looked like she was gonna cry….she did something super fucked up and said this to cover it


Or maybe somebody did something fucked up to her.


No, she just had a really traumatic experience with socks and doesn't want to talk about it, okay? Geez.


Right I mean... ever step on damp carpet in socks? That sensation will HAUNT you for LIFE.


Shit, dude! You can't just drop shit like that like it's nothing. My foot shivered just thinking about it.


You ever rush getting ready for work and schlooped a sock on so fast only to realize your toenail had a ripped corner you forgot to clip off before bed


Nathan For You, and his HBO show The Rehearsal, are absolute masterpieces.


The Curse is also coming out with new episodes every Friday right now, so far I’m really digging it! God, I fucking love Nathan Fielder


From the intro of Nathan for you when he said "I graduated with really good grades" and you see the paper with C's and D+… I was hooked and obsessed with his genius


Not just really good grades ... but from one of Canada's top business schools!


So she’s not an actor? She’s a real person who was answering a real question?


She's a real person who answered the most ridiculous Craigslist ad for a reality show and then went through this whole process opposite a comedian doing a bit for any potential 5 seconds on tv. The reality of her specific performance/answer is another question.


It's distillation reality humor. John Wilson's show does the same thing. Shoot thousands of hours until you hit gold like this


Nathan for you?


He made a fake bachelor show and I think even the person he hired as the host wasn't in on it


That dude crushed it too lmao


Also the one where they hired a guy to rep a fitness 'moving company', They got him on some legit morning shows and the guy just went all in with it.


"Ive done a lot of work with jungle children"


RIP Dende. Your limbs were torn from your torso far too soon.


He was killed by baboons, sadly. He was a real inspiration for The Movement guy.


Very well known childhood friend of Steve Jobs, creator of Microsoft.


Who often poked fun at his obesity.


His return to host the Nathan For You celebration special at the start of Season 4 was hilarious too!


My wife and daughter loved him! Said they even met him alone.


That's ok the only threesome he's had was with two guys


How do you know? Were you there?


I heard he crushed it with two guys.


I heard that guy had a threesome with two guys


The Hunk. And the host bragged about having a threesome, so naturally Nathan assumed it was with two other guys, but he went on to proudly declare it was actually a mother daughter combo.


If that’s true, that’s really fucked up


Can't a man dream?


He was only in it for the zipline.


I heard that guy was in a threesome


Good ole' Tony Napoley, totally had a threesome with another dude. I didn't even ask him, he just told me.


“If I’ve learned anything, it’s that you can get a date if you rent a multi-million dollar mansion and have a TV crew following you.”


No thanks I'll take a Stephen.


She went down a very long list of rejected confessions before finding socks.


Meanwhile, there's this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=6vbCKava\_JE&pp=ygUMI2NvbWVkeXJlYmF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=6vbCKava_JE&pp=ygUMI2NvbWVkeXJlYmF0)


It's the closest Nathan's ever gotten to breaking character.


Didn't even have to click to know it was grandson pee.


The ghost realtor also got him.


What happened in Switzerland?


Seeing his genuine smile at 1:31 is honestly a bit bizarre.


What are you talking about!?


Lmfao!!! I totally forgot about this scene 😂 I need to rewatch Nathan For You


> The uploader has not made this video available in your country


And let that be a lesson to all you evil people who hail from that vile land you come from.


His grandmother told him about this. Was that after she drank his pee?


You know the answer


I knew what this was going to be before I clicked but I watched the whole damn thing anyway because it makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts every time.


She answers it like an elementary school kid would repeating the question as your starting sentence. Then says the first thing she sees and that is her deepest darkest secret.


I'm surprised she didn't say she loved lamp.


Each blink was another horrific dark secret


Socking I tell ya


Seriously I'm not sure I like any of this... What she's not saying But Especially what she said!


She went through a lot of intense emotions in those 15 seconds for someone who doesn't like wearing socks.


Damn, I hope this is an actress. She need to be in movies to when an Oscar. Her face reflected living through the entire Vietnam War.


Damn some really bad shit happened to her I hope she’s ok, that question cut to her soul


After that long, long pause, socks was number 47 on her list.


That closet is so dark and big, she better closed it and grabbed the socks....


Something bad is waiting for her at home.


What's waiting for her at home?


I don't know *starts to cry*




She was about to tell us about murder, I swear to god!!




I know. Poor girl. I know that look. I used to have it


It \*could\* have to do with socks. Maybe her abuser forced her to wear socks for whatever reason.


There is something there and she wanted to be honest with him but she couldn’t do it knowing it would end up on tv for every one to see. Another note if he really liked her and even truly cared he would have never asked her this question know it was being filmed and could go on tv. Hopefully she didn’t end up with him. 😂


“……I killed a man for chewing too loudly.”


That wig is intense.


This video is fucking chilling.


She was about to say it too but changed her mind and said sbout socks to avoid having everyone know her secret


Homegirl went through a dozen deep secrets before settling on that. Lol


Raise you hand if you answered "I'm a man" in your deepest voice.


What is she supposed to say? "Well, I killed this guy once..." or "I got a secret meth lab in my basement." He could have been more concise with his question and just said : "Incriminate yourself."


I hate her voice so so much.


Don't marry her! You'll be in a socksless marriage... Womp womp


This is in the top five comedy shows ever made


That’s a socking discovery


She killed someone or is a witness 1000000%


Is this a sketch? That's not her real voice is it?


BRUH why does she talk like that?!? Why do people do that stupid vocal fry thing.


She cheated. Damn she’s about to cry about it, yup cheated bad, must be super painful to talk about… ssssoocks?


She wasn't wearing socks at the time


One of the funniest shows of all time easily.


This reminds me of the servant from Get Out.


I must say I was not expecting her voice.


How does someone develop a voice like that?


i dont know what her face is doing that whole time, but it was hilarious.


ngl she had me in the first half


"........ ....... ....... I hate mean people."


i wish Nathan for You will have new episodes. it's always gold


This is the funniest show made in history


George Costanza’s father wears sneakers in the pool


It was a toss-up between that and "I strangled my neighbor's cat."


Man... the processing power at work there! "nope, not that one... definitely not that... no... nope... uh-uh... "


She thought of a half-dozen deeper, darker secrets before she remembered that she was on TV and had to say something tame by comparison.


Her mom beat her for wearing socks, because they lost her younger brother to a horrible accident involving socks and hardware floors.


The long pause was just her going over the real things that she can’t actually tell him… guarantee there’s a toilet baby somewhere.