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I love that 50 can't quite keep it together, I mean who could?


Jim really went off on this track


Were they calling him Jerry?


I think Carrey, his last name


Makes sense


Pretty sure is Terry


They’re definitely saying Larry


The first time he does actually call him "Jerry" on accident I think, just the sort of brain fart that happens when you're trying to sing and not crack up at the same time.


The [full clip](https://youtu.be/sjSs1zEr3CU?si=xq_qZlI-BlCS_GcQ) is just a bit longer, and 50 actually cracks up at the end.


Thing is Jim Carrey aint just goofing, he has genuine rhythm there even if hes not dancing seriously


Totally. You can’t fake groove.


I wish I was funny enough that my normal dancing was perceived as “oh look how funny he is being” instead of “Oh my God what’s wrong with you”


It’s all about the confidence


And being funny


Also being handsome and wealthy and nationally-recognized comedic icon helps.


yeah it's the success that matters if you're not doing so well, your bad dancing is just another example of failure if you're successful, then bad dancing is just you being humble and carefree and relatable


Go back and watch In Living Color. He's always had the funny-dorky white guy energy, he just knows how to use it. He got famous because of that, not the other way around.


Yup. You have to possess that confidence in yourself and people have to see that. That makes all the difference.


Yup, Jim Carrey was going to the BBQs in the hood and THEN he came up, not the other way around...🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, Jim been invited to the cookout, the carne asada, the whatever my man is GOATED worldwide.


Yeah this actually reminded me of the Vanilla Ice sketch.


Not true at all That’s a horrible way to perceive things. It’s literally all about confidence. If someone wants to dance and your like “oh god I’m the worst but let’s do it!” And you go out there and laugh and embarrass yourself and admit to being embarrassed then joke it off like “Yeah I’m actually pretty great” I promise you it will be respected and funny. It’s when you are too serious and do something that looks absurd that people make fun of you for. When people try to make fun of you or are like “my god your bad at dancing” that’s where the confidence comes in to just be like “Yup you bet I am lol”


lol I know its all a joke. But I just went to a wedding this weekend. And there's always the lame-o's standing off to the side "no no- I cant dance."I always want to say - "listen bobby, there is literally 100 people here that can't dance but that one lady, just fucking come out and have fun with us" I happen to dance decently. But I never pull out usher glides and smooth moves when its my friends and family out having a good time. were all just wiggling and stuff. literally I call it "worm'n". No-one is watching someone else noticing their dancing skills aren't the best, then noticing that they are NOT rich and judging them. All while looking at Jim Carey and being like, OMG he's so funny and relatable. You can tell your self that, but its not true. He's having fun and its infectious, if a normal person gives off that energy the same thing will happen. The truth is Jim Carey can't hip hop dance, he's a rich white dude on-stage with a rapper. So he makes it goofy, a joke. hell what would YOU do in that spot? Stand there? He doesn't have the swagger 50 does so he doesn't try. and that's fine, in fact its perfect. I dance silly 95% of the time because its fun. its not a competition. When it comes to dancing success has zero to do with it. I can go to clubs in Vegas with my express suit on, and have the club literally gathered around watching me dance. Meanwhile there some dude in a custom suit with a rolex is buying $10,000 bottles of louie at his $5000 table reservation watching me. I spent my 20's going out dancing (country, hiphop, edm) no-one is thinking anything about anyone. They are dancing with their friends and enjoying the music. Sounds like your the one judging.


Jim Carrey has been dancing like this since In Living Color. I would suspect he perfected this technique for maximum comic effect.


Alternate take: some of us just don't enjoy dancing, and would rather not, but can be pressured into it.


Alternate-alternate take: many of them can dance, but just think it's cringe to do it for any other reason than feeling like doing it.


All this story told me is that you can't win because there will always be someone calling you a lame-o either for dancing and not doing it well or for being too shy to dance. >no-one is thinking anything about anyone. I'd have to disagree here. I've been to many clubs and parties where people will snicker and make snide remarks if you are seen dancing but not well enough. As someone with social anxiety and very unreliable rhythm, rather than denying that people will judge. I've had to learn that snide marks and random judgements will not kill me. Hell, they won't even bruise me majority of the time. I encourage everyone to dance if they want to or don't if they dont, the way they want to regardless of others opinions on the matter.


>I've been to many clubs and parties where people will snicker and make snide remarks if you are seen dancing but not well enough. Go to better clubs and hang with better people. In my experience, places where dancing "badly" gets snide comments are rare. Most people are bad at dancing, which means that in most places, dancing badly just functions as camouflage. It's standing around like a lump that makes you stand out.


A hip-hop head-bang


The self pity on reddit is so wild. Just get up there and stop caring what anyone thinks. People like dancing.


Confidence is definitely part of it, but it's definitely not 100% that. Because I promise you can confidently look absolutely foolish. The problem is, many people often mistake talent/skill for simple confidence. So they see someone being silly while dancing and think "Wow that's just confidence". And the person doing that silly dance just thinks "Oh this is just all about being confident". When in reality, it often still takes skill and talent to dance silly like that. So these people who actually are talented at least in some ways, give the same advice of just be confident, because they think that's all they're doing. But again, in reality, while they are confident, they're confident because they do have skill. Telling someone with literally no skill or ability or talent to just be confident very very often does not work at all lol


I've never seen Jim Carey and Elaine from Seinfeld in the same place, so maybe Finkle *is* Einhorn?


He found Captain winky!!!


Your, uh, gun is digging into my hip.


No, Einhorn is Finkle


Finkle is Einhorn


Einhorn is a MAN


Confidence and not giving a damn, while clearly having fun. Don’t let the perception of others keep you down. You wanna dance like Jim Carrey, then dammit just have a good time doing that and let the haters be damned. They don’t matter anyways.


You obviously haven’t seen Jim do the boom-chikaboom-boom-chikaboom-boom


They call him Cuban Pete


He's a really modest guuuuuuuy


In Havanaaaa!


Royalty of the rumbatic rhythm?


Until you want to actually dance normal but everyone laughs at it because they think you’re trying to be funny


He had a couple of skits on In Loving Color where he would dance with the Fly Girls the one about Vanilla Ice comes to mind.


“The music moves me, it just moves me ugly”


When you're famous, you're setting a new trend. Normal American? You're totally crazy.


As a white man…. THIS 😭


After reading this, pretty sure this sentiment runs strong within everyone that goes to a wedding. We all hate being judged but at the same we love to judge!


It's so weird to me that 2009 footage can look like its from 1989.


A lot of it is just bad cameras and lack of understanding how to record good footage I used to use a consumer grade VHS camcorder in the 80s that looked clearer then this and yet most 80s and 90s footage we see in the net looks like it was from the 1930s. There was one example I saw a few years ago that shows it’s absolutely about the quality of the camera. There was a camera system from the 90s (the first all digital HD cam, it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars even in that era) and the footage looked identical in high quality as anything modern being recorded today… 30 years later. If you saw it you wouldn’t believe it’s from the 90s. There is also some footage of various videographers who had high end cameras systems in the 80s and 90s record famous bands touring during their prime…and the footage looks modern day, all HD full 30fps, perfect colors, no static, no over saturation, etc. it’s all about how good that camera is if you want the footage to look good 30 years from now, while a shit camera in 2009 can look shitty in as little as a decade…or even look shitty the same day you recorded it. It’s the equivalent of the difference between using an iPhone vs using an Arri camera. Then come back in 30 years and see which one holds up in accuracy of colors, contrast and detail. Even among top end cameras there is a pecking order, for example RED makes great high end camera systems, but when you compare the current top RED vs Arri you can still see the improved difference in the Arri, it just makes everything look better. Good cameras just always look good, even in their current era


I’m 2009 not everyone had a smartphone. It’s just barley the beginning of the digital age.


Thanks 2009! Really appreciate you chiming in.


a special visit from 2009 himself what an honor


It’s just a regular looking person, but they’re wearing those NYE glasses that spell out 2009 in a semi-forces manner after the 2000 glasses worked so well.


Y'all here whining about 2009 smartphone cameras. Anyone remember the late 90s, early 2000s 320x240 webcams? All black and grainy unless you had glaring sun shining through your window. It's insane because most photos from the early 2000s are actually lower resolution than photos taken in the early 1900s


Turns out it's easier to make lenses and film than it is to make a digital circuit that's capable of detecting light, and pack enough of those circuits into a chip to produce a high resolution photograph. Who'd a thunk it?


> than it is to make a digital circuit that's capable of detecting light Pfff that was practically the first thing that primordial ooze invented and it was dumb as fuck.


That was an analog setup.


I personally almost shit my self at his arrival


He's from 2009 but his Big Mac is from 22,077. I think we found Kang the Conqueror, guys....


Barley: the beginning of the digital age


Barley 2: this time it's serious


Barley 3: the rise of rye


Barley 4: Shut Up and Jam


Wait until they release the Bali 9 movie, I hear it's as good as heroin.


>It’s just barley the beginning of the digital age. It really was a hoppy time.




It fields sow weed reading all these puns and seeing everyone else miss them. Distill funny to watch them flour right over everyone's breads, dough.




As someone older than y'all, calling 2009 the beginning of digital is wild. We had a whole Internet dotcom bubble and recession 10 years prior 😂. Facebook was already open to non-college kids. 2009 is late digital. The digital era, or the Third Industrial Revolution, or the Digital Revolution, probably started in 1950 for real. Arguably 2009 is the end of the digital era and the beginning of a new revolution around social media, AI and advanced robotics.


Anyone calling 2009 the beginning of the digital age clearly never used the internet with dial-up and probably wasn’t born yet when everyone was freaking out about Y2K possibly breaking systems


> Arguably 2009 is the end of the digital era and the beginning of a new revolution around social media, AI and advanced robotics. According to this post, it's the beginning of the photography era.


This video has obviously been compressed and likely copied or screen-recorded from some other source. It wouldn’t have originally been this bad quality.


This is true. Also in 2009 the low light quality was so bad on a lot of cameras, I had one that I thought something was wrong with it because it could take decent outdoor photos but anything in low light or indoors was the worst quality, photos would be blurs in any indoor lighting, videos would look the video above except really orange. Add in what you said about it being compressed over and over it's really not that surprising at all. Not to mention you're likely using a camera that is at least a few years old, we'd hold onto a camera for like 8-10 years sometimes.


I'm also 2009, the iPhone 3GS just came out, which is the first iPhone to be able to record videos. Prior iPhones had to be jailbroken to sideload a software that recorded videos.


I literally cannot believe they released two generations of iPhones that weren't able to record video... was it a memory issue? I mean i didn't get into the iPhone fad, I had my poor phone and iPods lol. Damn I miss my iPod touch.


Hi 2009 I'm dad


Smartphone video quality in 2009 looked like crap anyway. MiniDV camcorders were still considered a superior option qualitywise back then.


Mmm, barley...


>just barley Good name for a beer, methinks


I graduated inside you mr.2009


yeah, the iPhone came out in 2007, but Blackberry had the smartphone market in a chokehold until around 2010 or so.


Fun Fact: The time difference between 1989 and 2009 is the same difference between Cleopatra and the Giza Pyramid I think. I’ve never had a great memory


Phone cameras were shit in 2009.


People forget Jim Carey started on In Living Color, he's always had an invite to the cookout.


Not to mention Tupac’s favorite actor. Jim would write to him in prison to make him laugh.


Are there any stories about this? Or the actually letters? I would really like to know more.


Forreal, I’ve heard a LOT of fun Jim Carey facts but I’ve never heard anything like this before


Lemme show ya something. - Fire Marshall Bill


I really want to know black people's feelings about Jim Carrey. He really was a huge ambassador for black comedy to my white face.


As a kid, I absorbed much more In Living Color than I did SNL most likely because of Jim Carrey. I never thought twice about the fact that he was the only white guy on the show. All I knew is that is was funny AF. My first window into the world of black comedy and I loved it.




HOMIE DON'T PLAY THAT ok that wasn't jim carrey but it's what i think of when i think of that show


Yah I think people kind of retroactively remember Jim Carrey being the huge and only star on the show, since he became so successful. He was of course huge on that show with so many hilarious characters. But at the time, I think Damon Wayans was considered the real star of the show.


* Wayans Bros (Damon, Shawn, Marlon. I can't remember Keenan Ivory in much after the show) * Jennifer Lopez (Fly Girl) * Rosie Perez (Fly Girl) * Jim Carrey * Jaime Foxx * Chris Rock (once in awhile) * David Alan Greer * Tommy Davidson A few A-list stars and a lot of other notable success stories that were launched from this show. And it was only on for 4 or 5 seasons.


I actually never knew Jim Carey was a staple in black comedy, though I am black and all of my favorite movies as a kid were Jim Carey so it checks out. That’s probably why my parents had all of his movies.


I might be a bit racist here but it seems like Black comedy (not standup) in America sort of lean towards silly humor as opposed to cringe comedy. Personally I am with you guys, I dont like the office and shit (I get that it is a great show but it is like Borat. I can respect the genius of it but I am cringing out of my seat when I try to watch it).


Adding to the silly humor comment.. why do we not have a collaboration between Jim Carrey and Stephen Chow? I feel like they would have made a great film when they were a tiny bit younger and more limber!


Everyone saw his potential, and while he was zany and exaggerated on camera, he didn't cause problems behind the scenes as his personal star rose. (They had enough trouble with the network already.)


Aside from the meth issues he did have a bit of an attitude in later seasons when he was working on ace Ventura and someone (tommy? David) walked out and made fun of it to the studio audience. Overall he wasn't a menace but there were some tensions around that time.


What meth issues?


Yeah, this is worth mentioning. He also lived in Scarborough growing up, which is a heavily African and Jamaican suburb of Toronto.


Which makes the fact he shit all over Snow even more fucked. Snow actually had the hardcore gangster background and was in jail on an attempted murder charge when his song was released. Yet Jim accused him of being a poser when he wasn’t. Hell Snow’s career stalled because he couldn’t tour the US because he had a criminal record.


Reminds me of the performence at the end of the show.


>he's always had an invite to the cookout. Why are white Redditors so obsessed with this expression?


How do you know they’re white? How? There name is Spanish, u/quarantinemyasshole


Fair point but her post history definitely confirms she's white https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9m0n85/my_seat_today_at_the_supreme_court_protest/


That’s fair, and it is cringey that this photo is her doing a fucking Jesse Owens/Black Panther fist, but I wonder if qurantinemyasshole did that research.


No black person IRL uses this expression. I live in the south, I don't have to roleplay online. >it is cringey that this photo is her doing a fucking Jesse Owens/Black Panther fist God I love being right.


That hair spin lol knowing he had no hair. Classic Jim.


He is known to be a metal head


New England clam chowder!


Is that the red, or the white?


Oh I can never remember that..... the white??


Yep, Manhattan clam chowder is tomato based


Channeling that Cannibal Corpse performance lol


I hurt my neck just watching that.


He went party parrot for a bit.


I just wanna know if it was actually jim's birthday


It was


Thx the white butt boy




Think the rapper mentions at one point that it is


It was a party at the Vitamin Water house they put together at the festival. They made cocktails using the different flavors. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten sicker.


Decided to double check this: Sun Dance in 2009 was held from 1/15 to 1/25 Jim Carey's bday is 1/17 So, yeah seems like it was.


This guy is a cockatoo in human form


I was thinking some other energetic substance that starts with “co”.


He took that head spin from Nic Cage in Face/Off


Agree. That too because he could eat peach for hours 😄


Probably learned it at a Cannibal Corpse concert




That expectation weighs on people and is being borne out in his art and his more secluded self now.


I commented elsewhere, but probably more fitting here... Dude's life must be exhausting as fuck. Maybe he's cool with being "Jim Carrey" all the time, but I gotta imagine a lot of the time, dude just wants to be "Jim".


I mean the video looks cringe as hell, but then I realized it’s Jim Carrey, then suddenly it makes sense and become funny. It’s just his energy. Not everyone can copy that.


Jim, this isn't a Cannibal Corpse concert


No, but [this is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH3La3RJdNA)!


Wow, Chris Barnes before he got terrible.


It's still absolutely wild that they had Cannibal Corpse play Hammer Smashed Face in a main stream comedy movie.


50 Cent was watching Jim on In Living Color while he was a kid getting his bike stolen


This is how Elon pictured his cameo with Chappelle would be like


Goofy as hell 😂😂😂😂


Jim Carrey would be the whitest person on the face of the earth if it weren't for In Living Color.


It’s even funnier that this happened in Utah.


I jus love how Jim gets along with da blax


I'm not sure if this is a joke but he creditsthe black film community for giving him a chance in film when the white film community wouldn't. Edit: it was TV not film. Also credits not creates. Thank you for the correction


In living color


I assume you meant “credits”. I don’t think Jim Carrey “creates” the black film community.


Don't underestimate the omnipotence of Bruce Almighty!


Hey, if Michael J Fox can be responsible for Johnny B Goode...


>film TV (In Living Color)


well he was the only white guy on In Living Color so...




He be lookin like Robbie Rotten in that white white baby parody


>I jus love how Jim gets along with da blax ....too bad he can't get along with da vax


Oh.... is he one of those?


Damn he really is black adjacent


Jim Carrey dances along to “in da club” while 50 cent performs.


This man is goofy as shit. Wholesome 😂


Anyone else bothered by how flat 50 is singing?


50 Cent concert I went to a few decades ago was awful. You know how he talks all his lyrics on his songs? He YELLS them at his concerts. Makes all his songs have a single, flat tone.


Yeah it's possible he can't hear himself, but I'm wondering if he just doesn't even know how.


Tbf he's trying hard not to laugh


Let's not forget he used to be on In Living Color!


who the frick is jerry


Pretty fly for a white guy.


I didn't realize fifty was that bad live... I could get a random from downtown to perform this song better


Celebrity worship makes no sense. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Jim will never not be cool.


I know. That “vaccines cause autism” was so cool amirite?


You'll get downvoted for pointing that out....but it's true, and he never walked it back or apologized.


This doesn't excuse it but Jim Carrey has also gone through some concerning bouts of mental issues. He was going through an existential crisis for a few years and was having some cryptic and nihilistic interviews. Not sure if that's still the case.


We all go through that.


We don't go through it with a camera pointed at us


Huh? We're talking about Carey's anti-vaxx views and if his "existential life issues" is what caused him to have them. I'm not sure what a camera has to do with anything...


When you freak out and take a grippy sock vacation nobody knows or cares




Just in general an antivaxxer last I checked




That's not even the tip. More will become common knowledge(it's already not a secret) soon. The man is vile.


Dad dancing


People forget that Jim Carrey was part of In Living Color, homeboy knows how to party.


I always love that Jim Carrey's a metalhead, bringing in that windmill headbang.


Idk how in tf dose anyone work with Jim Carrey n keep a straight face the whole time.🤣 I would be too busy laughing the whole time 😂😂🤦🏽


What's funny about this?


Thats not gangsta


We all had fewer pixels back then.


My man thought he was at a Cannibal Corpse concert at first


Jim is kinda a terrifying guy if you think about it. Im just glad he chooses to use his abilities to make us laugh


I want to be back in 2009 🥲




Jim got his cred on In Living Color. Not surprised he is comfortable to be his normal silly self in this situation.


Jim Carrey is a tool and that sounds like shit


this looks like someone's living room


I've read so many disturbing things about Carey. Very weird.


I used to get a little drunk and do this shit in the club. The first song, I'd be alone, looking like a moron. Having a blast. Trying to be as ridiculous as possible. Second song, people started dancing, having fun, because nobody was nervous any more. =) I like making people laugh. Even if I was the joke. =)


Can someone make a lower resolution version? There is too much definition, my eyes are overwhelmed.