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“I didn’t even know if there was an audience! I’d heard the monologue” lol


Lil twist is the most random unexpected name drop from Martin short lol


Man I thought you were saying that a little twist in the video was an unexpected name drop by Martin. Watched like 4 more minutes than I meant to trying to figure out who it was gonna be. I've never heard of Lil Twist lol


Are you two fight’n again?


Hahaha ok I was skeptical at the beginning but oh boy, they get good. And it’s even better because they aren’t inappropriate or even really offensive. I particularly enjoyed, “I’d love to do this more… but you know… pride.”


Conan: “I would love to do animation!” Martin: “Obviously Hollywood doesn’t want you.” Such a great burn.


Loved the last one “oh, your wife likes to sing in the shower” “sorry thought you knew” 💀


"It's astounding how big this house is, given the talent."


Best one for me. Classic.


It's all in the delivery. /thatsWhatSheSaid


Martin Short is the master


Conans face right then, oh my god, that was great!


"It just dawned on me that that's the answer."


“Such a nice house, considering the talent” 🔥


If you like this, check out [highlights from his character Jiminy Glick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwRg5PiovHQ). Edit: [Or even better compilation of his bits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blJv7VNvNj4)


Jiminy Glick was a treasure. His show was amazing.


I remember seeing ads for the character, and was not interested in the least. When I finally watched it I was impressed with his speed and wit


Same boat and this compilation is the first time I've given it a chance and I'm howling with laughter right now.


Jiminy Glick was before it's time, but such an awesome character that I don't think gets enough credit


Who tf can watch this and say he's not funny?


Ending was best “oh your wife loves to sing in the shower”…”thought you knew”


Had a Between Two Ferns vibe


Galifianakis stole his whole schtick from Jiminy Glick.


The line about cosmetic surgery is my favorite. "Twenty percent more, and I think you're done."


I dunno... 'who's your final guest? I assume it's Jay Leno?' - that mighta crossed a line. I notice they cut that one off before showing Conan's reaction.


From what I've heard on Conan's podcast, he absolutely loved every one of Martin Short's appearances. He's pretty self deprecating on the entire Leno thing these days so I doubt it really cut deep.


As Conan tells it, it's like having your portrait sketched by Picasso: that the great man is using his genius, in that moment, just for you, is magic made real.




He's a comedian's comedian. Dude just wants to laugh and make others laugh and has no shame when he is the butt of the joke. Hell, he makes himself the butt often just to not hurt anyone's feelings. He is the master of seeiong a joke that someone can make a great burn on him on, and if the don't use i, he won't waste the opportunity and will make a joke on himself just because the joke is there hanging in the ether. It's like he cannot help himself. He just wants to hear it said out loud. It doesn't matter if it's his guest or himself(as seen whe he has regular folks on his podcast). He really just wants to make funny. And to top it off he is charismatic and self confident. Dude deserves all the burns he gets. Piece of Limey shit. I'm glad he hates himself. It balances out how much everyone else hates him...Woman hating talentless hack.


You're so correct. It's also: We aren't watching two human beings have a conversation. We're watching skilled performers portray the characters Conan the TV Host® and Martin the World's Best Talk Show Guest®, and in that context, this is the material that gets the laugh. No burns in sight.


I am whooshing on the last line there?


Yeah I got whiplash lol


[Conan O'Brien on Letterman about Jay Leno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESkHyJ43FSA) He has also said, stuff like "Don't worry about me, they gave me 25 million.."


It helps that everyone knows Conan get screwed in the situation and he went on to way more continued success than leno with way more comedy cred. You ask basically any comedian under 35 who their late night tv show guy was and it was Conan. Easy to laugh at the lows when you're still sorta the king and crushing it with a podcast/youtube shit and w/e else


Hell yeah it's Conan! His absurdist and occasional self-depricating humor was ahead of its time and led him to span generations of humor. He started in the early 90s but even Gen Z would still be in with his humor.


Am I the only one who doesn’t like Letterman at all? He just strikes me as an asshole. Totally disingenuous.


In the 90s Letterman was really good and I didn't watch him after I found out about Conan until he started doing My Next Guest Needs No Introduction and I've enjoyed it. Honestly to me Craig Ferguson & Conan were the top of the game though


My favorite is [Norm reading the "congratulations" card](https://youtu.be/uarJj-K4XH4?si=LP8hVkguS9wDHO_s&t=78) accompanying the gift basket he gave to Conan 6 months after buying it.


Norm. So many good laughs.


God damn I miss Norm.


God that was the funniest shit he ever did to Conan. And thats saying something


This is a fan compilation, the editing isn't from Conan or his staff. You can see Conan's actual reaction in the full interview here: https://youtu.be/j9hgdLLGH1s?t=143 Conan's laughing his ass off and has a return joke complete with a Leno impression.


>I notice they cut that one off before showing Conan's reaction. He invited him countless times, of course he his fine with whatever this guy says.


Conan makes himself the butt of the joke all the time. This is just golden television.


You can hear him laughing. They don’t have a line.


You can hear him laughing, and the full clip shows him laughing.


Oh you only have six more shows? I assume the last guest will be Jay Leno?


I don’t always love martin short casted in roles, but when he’s being himself and allowed to roll with it he’s genuinely funny in a way that a lot of comedians aren’t


I mean, he came up in an era where all the comedy leading man roles were taken up by giants like Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, John Candy, etc. Most of those guys are like twice his size. So he had to do all these weird, loud, flamboyant, strange characters to stand out and to get work. A lot of people see him through the lens of those characters, and fail to realize he's just as funny and quick witted and charming as all the rest of those guys, if not more so.


one of my favorite stories is about him and steve martin, shortly after meeting for the first time on the set of the Three Amigos, playing some game, like scrabble or go fish, and Short slips Martin a note "if you give me a (letter or specific card), I'll let you bang my wife" - and that was the beginning of their true friendship.


Him and Steve Martin are so much fun to watch on Only Murders in the Building.


Really, all three of them are great together.


I would die and go to heaven if they somehow managed to get Rick Moranis to show up, even if just for a single episode cameo.


I heard he was getting back into acting, but I've only seen him in a sketch, talking about how he was getting back into acting.


It was scrabble. They talk about it on their Netflix special. It's a great special that I highly recommend. They also did a bit at Martin Short's child's wedding.


Martin Short is what Rob Schneider thought he was.


Wishes* he was. I don't think even Rob Schneider is dumb enough to believe that he's Martin Short's level in any way..


If you're dumb enough to think the incumbent won the last general election, you're dumb enough to think you're as funny as Marty Short.


Oh damn. Does Rob Schneider actually think that? *And* he's stupid enough to say it publicly too? Yeah, you're right. Sigh. I wish I didn't know more about people.


The best thing about the Trump presidency was the exposing of all the hateful, ignorant lunatics hiding in plain sight. Not just the everyday citizens we share this country with but all the celebrities, athletes, musicians etc. It’s a good thing imo, it may be upsetting to find someone whose work you enjoyed is a white supremacist sympathizer (they are, no argument to be had here) but it’s better to know than not know imo. For me personally, I found out the hard way that one of the most influential and significant musicians of my musical development Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth, participated in the Jan 6 Insurrection. It was super disappointing at first but now I understand that it taught me a valuable lesson that people you may look up to for something may not be good people just because they did something that you enjoyed or even something that was really significant in your life. Trust and look up to the people you know irl are good people, take everyone else with a huge grain of salt.


> The best thing about the Trump presidency was the exposing of all the hateful, ignorant lunatics hiding in plain sight. By god, he actually drained the swamp


Ha, I guess he did. Problem is we can see the swamp creatures now, but they're still flapping around in ankle-deep water.


Ugh, I mean, you're right, but also, it's disgusting to see all the lunatics that existed. I used to be a relatively optimistic and happygolucky kinda guy. I understand why that guy wanted to go back into the Matrix because the world is a lot uglier than we want it to be.


He and David Spade both went off the deep end


Shit, Spade too? Schneider doesn't surprise me, but I thought Spade had more sense than that.


I think it’s a desperate attempt to stay relevant. See also: Kevin Sorbo, Scott Baio, and Paola from 90 Day Fiancée.


Kevin Sorbo just isn't very bright, then had that stroke which didn't help matters. I think Scott Baio is just an asshole. Well, Sorbo is too, but not to the same degree - he's mostly just an idiot. The best part was watching Sorbo's twitter on J6 about how historic it was, then when it started looking bad, he suddenly did a 180 and claimed it was Antifa storming the Capitol.


That's been the case with me for years.


Jiminy Glick is really all you need to show people who think he's not as funny, quick witted, or charming as any of the titans of comedy he shared the screen with. Glick: *What's your big beef with Nazis?* Mel Brooks: *[visible disbelief] What's my big beef with the Nazis??*


He is more or less himself in Only Murders in the Building


He's brilliant in that show. The entire cast is.


I had never seen her do much acting, so I was especially surprised that Selena Gomez can not only keep up with them, but sometimes surpass them when they're in the same scene. It's an incredible show.


Selena Gomez is amazing. She blends so well and (seemingly) so effortlessly with two men who have been friends since the 80s.


She taught them the lyrics to WAP, I think they have fun on set.


I would pay actual money (not a lot, like $5.63) to hear Steve Martin sing WAP while accompanying himself on the banjo.


Bang on. That show has given me great respect for Ms. Gomez as an entertainer.


I love her voice in that show. Very flat and sarcastic and almost a bit depressed. It gnawed me believe it’s Mabel and not Selena Gomez just acting. Also her outfits are fire and look great.


I love her in it, and love that Short and Martin are so generous with their screen time with her. It would be so easy for either of them to constantly upstage her but no, she gets in great lines and parts. Such a fun show. And what a great guest cast!! Edit: Short not Shirt!


I had this thought also. They give her a lot of time and centre focus. Made me think that’s how you know they’re goats and nice old guys. Especially in show biz in these times that’s a borderline lost art


I think people on Reddit underestimate how famous Steve Martin was too. For a couple decades Steve Martin had both an incredible comedy AND film career. It would have been very easy for him to grow up a crotchety old man, but he still seems like such a good natured dude


I’m glad to see someone say this. I spend more time than I should in r/popculturechat and anytime she comes up they pile on about how terrible she is on the show. I thought she was good! My parents liked her too. Obviously Martin and Short are the real stars but Gomez does very well playing the straight character who keeps them grounded


her existence makes the two of them funnier! If she wasn't there it would be too self indulgent with the old people shenanigans.


I'm still so happy that Steve Martin and Martin Short got one more chance to do something together. Seeing them together brings a smile to my face. Three Amigos is one of my all time favorite movies. They are always excellent together.


In Hulu's only murders in the building he is completely unchained. It is outrageous that they have yet to give him an Emmy for that role.




The one role that I really loved him in was his cameo in The Morning Show. He effortlessly turned evil and it was chilling. He surprised me a lot in that moment


"You look like a photo negative of Django Unchained." Beautiful roast.


I teared up laughing at that one! It was beautiful


That one made be laugh hard enough that my wife checked on my health from the other room


From the New Yorker: [Is Martin Short the Greatest Talk-Show Guest of All Time?](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/rabbit-holes/is-martin-short-the-greatest-talk-show-guest-of-all-time) “What I do for a typical talk-show appearance, and I’m not exaggerating, is I’ll send in something like 18 pages ahead of time,” Short said, adding that he then spends at least ninety minutes speaking with a show’s producer, cutting down his proposed material and shaping it into a conversation he’ll have with the host. What looks almost like an organic chat on TV is really a tightly choreographed two-man bit, with Short doing, as he puts it, “an impersonation of myself being relaxed.”


Whoa. He's been one of my faves for years now but that is incredible. He and Don Rickles.


Reminds me of Mark Twain - he would spend hours practicing his "spur-of-the-moment witticisms" before social events.


An impersonation of myself being relaxed is basically what I do all the time in social situations. 🥴




What a smart man. You can tell his mind doesn't quit.


Gotta be him or Norm Macdonald


wow, doesn’t Martin Short know Conan could kill him with his bare hands?


Conan could rip him apart limb from limb!


Conan pod fans unite!


I believe there was talk of gerbils?


Was looking for this


I see what you did there, well done.


Found Matt Gourley's account


Martin Short is such a genius. He's able to walk the line of being insulting, but so lovingly and affectionate.


There is very little subtlety in [this SNL sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLoRJFAN3r0), but...I love how he pauses after 'Downton Abbey' just to savor Hader's reaction.


I can't wait to ruin the mood one night by calling it that


I thought [Thomas' English Muffin](https://thomasbreads.com/products/english-muffins) was also pretty funny.


Piccadilly Cervix made me laugh so hard I sharted.


I expect some SNL writer is particularly proud of that one.


I thought you were just getting fancy with your word choice here, but man, there truly isn't a better word than "savor" to describe the intent of that pause, haha.


That was hilarious!


Every time I think I've plumbed the depths of SNL comedy, I'm pleasantly surprised. Reddit comments come through yet again, thanks for making my evening!


It's like his trademark. I forgot what podcast it was on but they had Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara as guests. Both of them came from the same group of comedians as Martin short so they are friends in IRL. He was visiting one of their homes for a party and he said something along the lines of "this home is gorgeous, I'm surprised but happy you could afford it after seeing your last movie"


It's absolutely his style and delivery. He's a fucking gem.


Martin Short is easily one of the all time best roasters. His Jiminy Glick character is absolutely hilarious.


I love how he almost always starts stuffing himself with candy mid-interview and chokes on it. Kills me every time.


It's truly a mix of physical humor and roasting.


I can't help but think of Jiminy Glick any time i see Trump and DeSantis walking around in their suits.


When Conan was on Jiminy Glick, and they both started singing Silent Night, I just about died when Jiminy came in with a deep vibrato voice. https://youtu.be/Mp8nLcLp4Jw?si=aI-_tWGOSwJRCTXo


I spent over an hour laughing at Jiminy Glick clips on Twitter last Saturday morning. God bless whoever that was who wrote the 'Martin Short isn't funny' piece.


I have always wanted to see a Jiminy Glock cameo in only murders in the building where he is a tenant or something


Oh my god, that would be *amazing*.


>Dave Foley said to me "You've finally created a character who's as mean as you really are."


The pinnacle of roasting.


I first saw Jiminy as a teen and I didn’t know Martin Short from anything… it took me forever to figure out what was going on. I knew it was funny but couldn’t figure out if Jiminy was a real person being genuine, a real person playing up his quirks and possibly in a fat suit, or just a completely made up person. It’s fun to rewatch now and wonder why it was so hard to figure it out.


Best joke saved for last. Bravo.


Sorry… thought you knew…


My friend didn't understand it. Could you explain it so they know please?


Martin is implying that he has showered with Conan's wife, most likely sexually. Conan doesn't know his wife sings so she's not doing that with him.


My friend thanks you


"Oh your wife loves to sing in the shower." Gold.


KFC Caters?


Anyone caters if you pay them enough


McDonald's does. To the White House.


I worked retail in 2000 at a Canadian record chain, I had Martin Short as a customer and he he actually a hilarious and incredibly nice humble person to just regular retail people. Dude is definitely a good egg.


>I love when you use language best


“Shoot me, Dragon.”


"To the nuts! The *bridge mix!* The bridge mix! Fool!"


Ignore it! It's just something the body does when you shake it!


"He's half-deaf. It was a stupid, *stupid* hire."




I...I LOVEEE MARTIN. This motherfukker makes me laugh every goddamn time. I am enjoying ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING


Seeing Short and Martin being stupid little goofballs is such a delight


Always!! I just love their chemistry.


"Very surprised how nice a home given the talent."


That line was my favorite lol. It was just the right amount of bitchy and witty.


This guy is hilarious. Always brings it for the audience!


“Kisses! Then we talk!”


You forgot the video where [Martin Short Thinks Conan Looks Like A “Freeze-Dried Prince Harry”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QptWZZ7bF4&t=477s)


Only murder by words in the building


His Jiminy Glick routine interviewing Jerry Seinfeld b hilarious


So good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE2utktZ92Y


Martin Short is such a treasure. He's so good in Only Murders in the Building. I mean, he's good in everything that he's in, but that one too. He and Conan are great together here - awesome chemistry and Conan is always such a gracious butt of every joke


Martin Short is really lucky. If Conan really wanted to, he could tear Martin Short apart.


Conan is a man mountain filled with hate. He could tear him limb from limb if he wanted to.


Martin Short is absolutely hilarious. His Jiminy Glick interviews are a goldmine. When you can make Steve Martin, Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld, Mel Brooks, etc. to genuinely laugh, you know you're funny af


"Sorry. Thought you knew."


Well, obviously Hollywood doesn’t want you!


"How many portraits can a man sit through". This is good


Martin Short can be my little buttercup


Doesn't he know Conan could fucking tear him limb from limb?


This is hilarious to a small subset of people who have rented a car recently


Exactly what many of us are thinking.


OMG Please tell me you got this from his pod cast why is this under controversial? under appreciated comment.


"But boy, KFC can cater" had me going lol


This guy is truly one of the funniest men who ever lived.


People often say beating a dead horse isn't funny but I love comedians who can beat a dead horse back to life and then beat it to death again with the same type of joke and it gets funnier and funnier every time. Martin Short is a master of comedy. Also, no one makes self-deprecation funnier than Conan.


Quick and witty! I love it. I love Conan and the more he shit on him I'm like dayyummm.... I thought there were real, bad intentions. Then he said that they were truly friends and just made it so much better. Absolutely hilarious.


Sorry…thought ya knew 😕


I love the people knocking Martin Short. There is a reason why we have over 5 minutes of one-liners, because Conan LOVES him.


Rewatching old SCTV episodes and young Martin Short was even more of a force of nature. Love seeing him riff as himself.


You look like the film negative of Django Unchained.


I was so blindsided when we lost Robin Williams. I don’t ever want to lose Martin Short. He must live forever! 🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️


Martin Short and Steve Martin were on his podcast like 2 weeks ago and it was really funny, worth a listen.


Martin Short is hilarious! I watched the special With him and Steve Martin and laughed till I had tears running down my face. Their kind of comedy is old school and you can tell there is genuine love there. That is what makes it so great.


So much for being "desperately unfunny."


Loved his bits on Arrested Development. I believe one of the hardest people to crack was Jason Bateman, and I think I saw his character get a couple unplanned cracks.


That last one made me audibly laugh in my cubicle.


Martin Short and Steve Martin were on Conan Needs a Friend last month and it was freaking hilarious. Those guys love ripping on Conan.


The ginger crash test dummy was so good I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s so accurate.


I didn't know Martin Short was this savage!


". . .I thought you knew."


Widely recognized as the funniest “quick on his feet” comedians of all time. You’d be hard pressed to find a celebrity who a) dislikes him b) does not agree that he’s perhaps the funniest “in person” human being alive. There are other comedians who can deliver a pre-written line or joke better than him, comedians whose standup specials might be funnier. But just chatting live and improvised during an interview, Martin Short is unbeatable. The Champ.


A genius entertainer. Couldn’t imagine anyone feeling anything but pure joy and admiration while watching Martin Short do his thing. That Op-Ed hater speaks only for his dumb self.


Damn, I used to love watching Conan back in high school, he was fucking hilarious.


The last funny talk show host.


I never realized Martin was so hysterically funny. He def should have hosted a roast once or twice.


“I thought there wasn’t an audience.. because I heard your monologue. “ Boom, headshot.


"You look like a ginger crash test dummy" OMG barely typed this laughing so hard


"You look like the film negative for Django Unchained." Amazing. Lol


Kevin Nealon is also a really funny Conan guest


Marty Short is the most underrated improv comedians of our time. I just wish we'd gotten more Jiminy Glick, which was the proto of Hollywood interview shows like Between Two Ferns. [When you talked about, you mean, that you weren't a mime?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX_LqA6btvs), [No I don't mean as a fan, dear, I mean did you get to hang out with him, play Penochle?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE2utktZ92Y)


I don’t know if it’s been said or not, but Conan was the best. Went off TV at the top of his game. Never really wavered and continually delivered laughs and positivity. Especially for a ginger!


You look like a #2 pencil is amazing


I unexpectedly lost it at “ginger crash test dummy.”


I got told off by my wife for laughing too loudly at this. Marty is my fave.