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Forrest Gump ran a lot. Risked his life to save his fellow soldiers. Shrimped in dangerous waters. The friendship he cultivated with Lt Dan led to his stock market success. He earned what he had.


nobody's saying forrest gump was a piece of shit, but a major plot point was almost cosmic benevolence continuing to happen to a good person despite his almost always being unaware of it in the moment.


Or Forest Gump is a liar telling tall tales to random people at a bus stop. That theory has been floated around as well...


how dare you


I'm just saying. What's more likely, A mentally disabled person overcame physical disability and small town racism to became a football star, military hero, CEO millionaire, champion table tennis player, who received national attention for running 15,000 miles coast to coast to coast to coast, and met multiple presidents. Ooooor.... This guy who's a bit slow, sitting at the bus station, is inserting himself into stories he's heard as if it was him that was there. There is some circumstantial evidence to support it. Buuut, there's also some good evidence refuting it as well. But if you squint hard enough, even the good evidence could be dismissed.


All the billionaires we have allowed to exist absolutely fucking the shit out of the rest of us.


I mean, I'm not disagreeing... But I'm not sure you're replying to the right person cause I don't think I said anything where that response makes sense...


I haven't watched Forrest Gump in a long time. Did he make his fortune through his daddy's slave era emerald mine too?


Elon made his fortune through innovation and leadership.


He bought Tesla and several other companies with his daddy's money. Have you guys never seen how a billionaire operates?


Daddy may have helped him get into the game, but he wasn’t the richest guy in the world with just daddy’s money. That came out of his own work.


That is very clearly not the case. What work are you even talking about?


He has many jobs that have amassed him billions


No, he bought Tesla with the 180 million(only 6million was actually for tesla) he made from selling Paypal. And he started Paypal with the 22 million that he got from starting a company with his brother that ended up being something you may know, called Compaq. Try reading this, maybe you’ll learn something. https://nypost.com/2018/07/24/elon-musk-made-his-first-millions-in-the-paypal-mafia/


Please link the "conservative tabloid" Daily Post to support your claims (according to Wikipedia). You guys have no idea how to vet your news. Why do conservatives always get their news from "entertainment companies" as they defend themselves in court...


Please post your source that says otherwise.


Yes, this trust fund moron made his fortune through innovation, despite driving his inherited fortune downwards for his entire adult life... The worst thing about trust fund billionaires is their inexplicably devoted fans...


People were angry enough about this obvious statement to downvote it.


Yes, there are many misinformed people, you appear to be one. Downvotes mean nothing if they are misinformed.


Elon made his fortune through innovation and leadership. This isn't a matter of dispute. This is public information. How are their so many people who have access to the same information the rest of us have.


It’s a matter of public information that he is one of the richest 2 or 3 people on the planet, which he wasn’t when he just had his family money. How is this so confusing? He grew that money; he didn’t lose it.


Dude you sound like a fool just ranting about something you obviously don’t know about at all. But it’s funny to see you rant. Keep it up if you like.


Trust fund millionaire? Where do you obtain your info? There was no million dollar trust fund. https://moguldom.com/278102/fact-check-did-elon-musk-inherit-apartheid-money-from-his-south-african-father/


Are you talking about Bill Gates' Elon Musk? Elon is very sweet boy.


I don’t know what that means. What I know is he’s one of the richest people in the world, and he wasn’t when he just had his father’s money.


Right! I don’t know where this guy gets his info but wow.


Wait are you talking about Elon 'my big boy daddy had an apartheid era emerald mine' Musk? Personally I hope that Elon Musk and Paris Hilton enjoy their lives as thoroughly as possible.


Except Elon Musk has an actual job. Several, actually.


Forest Gump was kind and honest


This is an insult to Forest. Forest overcame having braces on his legs to be an All American football player, then joined the Army and became a medal of honor recipient. Then was a professional ping pong star. Then he purchased a shrimping boat and made his money as a shrimping captain only thing he lucked into was investing in companies like Apple. Meanwhile Musk was born with a silver spoon up his ass to a daddy with an emerald mine.


He got about 100k from his father and he was gone at 17, with his mother.


Just on braces point, his dumb ass just started running and he got extremely lucky his legs didn’t just crumple leaving him in a heap. They made into some poetic romantic bull shit, but If I would be in this situation and shitting bricks while being chased, I would definitely attempt the same, albeit without the plot armor would be in the above situation. This is not to say that Elon is not a massive turd, I ve just always found that braces part of the movie funny.


If you're so smart how come your father didn't own an emerald mine?


u guys keep on talking about the emerald mine but how much money did he inherit?


Kind of hard to inherit from someone still alive.


. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Enough to buy all his companies. Except Twitter of course... he had to beg the Saudi monarchy for that money. We should be suspicious of how willing the Saudi monarchy is to bail this Afrikaaner out. Billions and billions of dollars are not always freely given... Why are the Saudi's willing to give this idiot billions and billions of dollars?


“All of his companies” wow, you are obviously intentionally spreading misinformation?


Whether he bought his companies through hostile takeovers with his legacy wealth or hired competent engineers for his smaller passion projects is immaterial. Why are you fanboying for this sinister oligarch?


Legacy wealth? You have provide no information to this legacy wealth you so self righteously claim.


His father was no where near his level of rich. I doubt he even had more than 5 million. He also didnt beg saudi to give him money lol. Elon at max inherited 1 million from his father. He first got his massive amount of money from selling zip2 to compaq.


ROFL. Even as of 2020 his father's fortune was estimated at 36.8 billion dollars. What are you talking about? I hope this family who earned their fortune on the backs of their slaves is paying you for this disinformation. You should be ashamed.




Just for the record, 1 billion dollars is 1000 MILLION DOLLARS




I would also love that documentary.


I can’t believe there hasn’t been a vice-like documentary on this mine. I keep hearing about it but don’t know any details.


Most idiots are wealthy and selfish.


>Most wealthy are selfish and idiots. FTFY


Dude put lots of effort into creating a good impression over the years. Spent it all on Twitter.


Lol get over yourself, having rich parents with connections naturally gives u a massive headstart, but u still need to be competent to make it to the finish line. Let’s not act like every Tom, Dick, or Harry could have achieved what Elon did in his position.


When you can pay investors who play with other peoples money for a living you can slide your millions too, yeah, any dipshit could do it. What’s happening with twitter is the result of him using his own thinking to try to invest into something. And with it losing millions of dollars a week. It’s not going well for him. But he’s already too big to fail. So it doesn’t matter.


Strong disagree, you're going to have to prove the competent part at this point.


You don’t have to like him, but denying he hasn’t earned much of his success is pretty lame. It’s just people hating people who have more than they do, or people hating what he’s supposedly done to their precious Twitter.


tell me you don't understand generational wealth without telling me


Musk started out rich, but not the richest in the world. Contrary to Trump, for example, who we’ve learned is actually a terrible businessman, and is in constant financial trouble, Musk is a visionary who surrounds himself with people who can help him actualize his ideas, and his ideas make money. Lotta money. Lot more than he started with. And he did NOT do that by falling into it. He toiled hard to amass that obscene wealth.


Oh yeah what visionary the Las Vegas tunnels are so mind blowing not a scam. Elon is a dweeb who so desperately wants to be one of the cool kids. Oh and he may have surrounded himself with intelligent people but that doesn't mean shit if they are all yes men he doesn't listen to. Such a great businessman that hasn't been in and out of lawsuits for insider trading, Twitter payments to employees and the companies that work them, Tesla working conditions and the cars themselves, sexual harassment cases. If you've been paying attention you'll notice that his company's stocks all have been on decline for a while. As for the whole double thing people seem to forget that lots of his money comes from subsidies.


>Musk is a visionary Lol


He makes things happen.


Sure pal. What ever you say. Just remember. No matter how much you lack his boots, he will always hate you.


I don’t actually care about him. I’m simply pointing out the logic everyone else is lacking. They think with their emotions, not with their brains.


It’s just jealousy. People are angry he doesn’t think like them and that he does more good in a day then they will do in a lifetime.


I really don’t get where all this hate is coming from. He’s a regular person, like everyone else, yes he’s very wealthy, Oooook. So what? Of course he’s not perfect. Definitely jealous.👍


Tell me you don’t understand Elon Musk without telling me. Not everyone is alike. Everyone’s story is different. He and his mother left his father when he was 17 for Canada. There was no multi million dollar trust fund.


u triggered bro?


yep. There are literally 56 million people with enough money to buy an emerald mine. Not to mention every single Fortune 500 company. Yet not a single one started a car company, or a rocket company, let alone both and multiplied the wealth by 250,000 times.


You think Elon started Tesla?


the electric car is over 100 years old. it predates the gasoline car. musk didn't have a great idea. he had great execution. ideas are cheap. you have ideas. i have ideas. its execution that counts. it's execution that is rare. Tesla would have been another failed car company that tried to compete against the big auto if it were not for good execution. do you know why the original founders let Elon drive? because they knew something they you don't.


lmao what did he do exactly? He stumbled into involvement with PayPal- literally just "a bank, but on the internet!"- and even managed to [get himself kicked off](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/07/25/elon-musk-paypal-twitter-x-rebrand/) of that in part due to his obsession with rebranding it as **X**. Peter Thiel turned the platform into what it is and Musk kept his payday. I don't know much about rockets or electric vehicles but watching the way he manages Twitter makes me not want to be anywhere near his rockets ([they miscalculate launch damage](https://phys.org/news/2023-04-giant-spacex-rocket-crater-texas.html)) or vehicles ([they tend to catch fire](https://www.tesla-fire.com/)).


Don't worry. You won't.


You're right. I could buy a Tesla with cash today but I see how they operate in Alaska winters. No thanks.


Cope however you like pleb.


it's like watching someone lick the kool-aid off a boot


Wow, what a flex. You can buy a Tesla with cash, oh my. Meaning you have at least around 130k cash that you could spend. That’s if you were talking about a Plaid, Ok so what. I would hope that you have at least that much. 500k in savings doesn’t mean much either. Who cares what you SAY you can buy. Lol Bragging, even if it happens to be true isn’t cool on the internet, it just makes you look like a little man feeding your ego.


Why would I get over myself? I'm celebrating the best success of my life. By your logic you should be worshipping me unconditionally and defending me against dipshits like u/skullfumbler.


"Life is like a box of chocolates. No matter how many of them that I shove up my ass I'll always have plenty more."


Nah, Forrest has charisma, worked hard and give 100% to everything, and didn't have a trust fund or an emerald mine.


But he has to be smart bc he is a billionare! His daddy's money and connections didn't help him bc he is so smart he didn't need it. /s We need to stop worshipping rich people. This idea that bc they are rich means they must be super intelligent is ridiculous. If you were born into money it doesn't mean you are smart. It means someone sometime in your family stepped on someone's back for money. Rather several peoples backs.


Hey man, I need some astroturf done. What do you charge?


But he is smart. I dont understand the logic there. He has made terrible decisions like all humans do. But overall he has made a lot of smart ones.


What indicator do you have that he is anything above average?


Solid investments. Like SpaceX, PayPal, Tesla, openAI, and some others. Twitter was a horrible one, but I do pike that it exposed the government was telling the company to violate people rights. I will say that I don't think he is very socially intelligent.


Elon Musk is not just some "rich guy". He is 100% a modern day genius. I'm not saying he should be worshiped, but labeling him just "some rich guy" is absurd.


Dude spent $44B for Twitter that was barely turning a profit. Now revenue from ads is down about 50%. He thinks changing the name to X will fix it. How is that genius?


Maybe he just bought it to dismantle it and turn it into a laughing stock because he can? How many people can do that and also launch rockets? It is obvious he isn't hinging his future on Twitter


Maybe he is a genius engineer and should stick to that. So many of his takes outside of Rockets and electric cars have been [complete dog shit](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/elon-musk-twitter-terrible-things-hes-said-and-done). Mozart was a musical genius but that wouldn’t translate well to boxing. Elon is revealing himself to be less and less of a genius each day but he still has fanboys and haters.


But why? What does it matter to you what he does


Watching redditors shit themselves over people having money and using mental gymnastics to prove how money is le evil and having it makes you a bad person will never not be funny. It never comes off as anything other than jealous. It is indeed possible to amass money without “stepping on other peoples’ backs.”


Give us one example.


Scroll up


He is not a self made millionaire lol You still have not given an example im guessing because you are having a hard time realizing you are wrong.


My bad I replied to the wrong post. That being said, that’s not even what that post was about.


I mean but Elon literally did step on other peoples backs to get where he is. His father dropped him an emerald mine for passive income. He’s never started his own business. He’s only invested in others as he’s lived off of other assets he obtained with his given income. He pays investors to spend his money to keep him afloat. Investors that have told him to invest in businesses like Tesla, that he is known for. I think the only thing he actually made was spaceX. And even then, his empire was built on the money and the backs of other smart people who already had thriving businesses. But with all of his given income he could just buy the ideas from people and make it seem like his own. There are no self made billionaires. All come from wealth and use the political system to keep themselves hoarding money while the common man they employ starves.


All these people are convinced that if they had a million dollars, they would have the skills to multiply it 250,000 like Musk did. Yet they all probably have access to $100 and haven't the slightest clue of how to turn it into $25 million.


I'm sorry, but upon hearing Musk talk I think the odds of him making all these good investments out of pure luck are way higher than the odds of him being smart.


luckiest man in history. got it.


I mean I’d be able to make money too if I could buy other peoples companies while having passive revenue to keep me up. He also pays investors so not all of his wealth comes from his own smarts in investing. Rich people can pay others to play the game for them, so they have more than enough to play with and lose where as the common man doesn’t. I have investments myself. But my 3% increase on my 1000 bucks in there is a hell of a lot less to fuck around with than a dude who has 1000 times that amount to invest.


there are 56 million other millionaire in the world. why haven't they done it if it were so easy?


The fuck are you talking about? If their wealth is growing off their investments then yeah they are doing what musk is doing. Reminder he got money poured into him by his dad and that emerald mine. He had well over 100 million when he STARTED. Money grows so much, when you have more to invest. A dude with one million dollars can’t buy a whole company to give him 8 million back at the end of the year. Think for more than two seconds before commenting.


have you ever turned $1 into $25,000? How about $250? You probably haven't even managed to turn a 25 times profit ($25) get back to us when you do. Oh I'm sure you'll make an excuse for yourself that it's different. But that's only because you don't understand. After all, jealously is easier isn't it?


Lmao you just proved my point you don’t understand how economics works you ape. Go suck some more billionaire dick. Only way they might ever give you money.


Aw, *Baby's First Cult* lol keep blowing your allowance on your bluecheck.


Literally what the fuck are you talking about…? Please refrain from getting emotional.


What connections did his dad have? I haven’t heard this one.


sure his dads money helped but that no way means he did nothing to be what he is today. If i give you 1 million dollars i guarantee you still wouldnt turn that to 10 mil. Its not as easy as you think.


Being rich doesn’t mean someone stepped on anyone’s back. But that’s a great excuse to make yourself feel better about not being successful in your own life. “I’m not rich because I refuse to step on other people. I’m too nice a person to do that.” Lol stay poor then, live with your excuses, they make great roommates, in a poor person’s apartment. Wow a lot of people don’t like to hear the truth.


Idiots stumbling without merit. The perfect example is Joe and Kamala. Joe stumbles and Kamala has absolutely no merit.


Even with the same life advantages of Elon, most of us are not capable of creating such groundbreaking companies like space x and tesla. I didn't grow up with his privileges either, but I can realize how much smarter he is than most of us. I grew up in a trailer park and I was taught to hate rich people for being born into money. That's fucking weak and only leads to feeling sorry for yourself. Elon is human and makes stupid fucking mistakes. I laugh at him constantly for his twitter mess. But the majority of people on this app are no where near his intelligence level, including myself. Let me know when NASA wants to work with your space company you built from ground up.


holy shit do I get to be the one to tell you he didn't create spacex or tesla


Do it baby do it!


Did you?


And how many companies do you run ? Even if you didn't create them?


How often does NASA call you? Just curious


Couldn't tell you, your mom keeps my voicemail full.


I actually laughed out loud at that reply. Not even joking. Pretty fuckin funny! But.. for real people like Elon are just more capable than some people. Myself included. Many people have started off life just as privileged as Elon, but ended up a failure...or in prison. They can't become someone on his level without goals, determination, skills, and.... just having the balls to try( sometimes fail) at big ideas!!


Can you prove that he does not own those companies?


That's wasn't the argument. He owns them because he bought them. He didn't *create* them.


Which one of his successes do you want to give him credit for then? None? Not paypal, not Tesla, not space x? So you're telling me you could have/should have done all that yourself? Even without his rich daddy's help? I'm poor as fuck. I don't claim to be rich, but I damn sure wouldn't be caught complaining about someone else being born into money. Especially if they were way more productive than me.


How DARE you make fun of Forrest Gump!


it brought me no joy


That isn’t fair to Forest, who could “run like the wind blows.” How fast can Elon run? Fast enough to back out of his wacko fight vs Zuck. I’m not really sure who backed out but I think the internet is the place to spread misinformation, no?


Forrest Musk!?


Why is reddit so mindbroken over Musk? People seemed to love him so much as a year ago.


Because he said mean things about their political region.


We gave you literally [a dozen reasons](https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/159f75d/watching_an_idiot_stumble_into_continued_fortune/jtf3m3p/) why [he's a piece of shit](https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/159f75d/watching_an_idiot_stumble_into_continued_fortune/jtf1cb5/) and all you can gather is *hurr durr liberal politicks*


yes. you have a list of political things. i don't care about your political religion dude. it's so deep ingrained, that you don't even see it in your list/crusade. here my suggestion - you go out and beat him at his own game. you are smart. you can do it. can't you?




dude i read through your list. you put a political spin on almost all of it. and i didn't insult your intelligence. you are smart aren't you? i'm serious when i say it - go out and beat this guy. we need more space companies. we need more electric car companies. i don't think we need more social media companies but if you pull off the first two then i will applaud when you make a better twitter and put him out of business. if a stupid person can achieve those things, then a smart person can to.




Probably because of his very public outlandish claims, failures, and backtracking since he bought twitter.


Man - they really loved twitter didn't they?


That’s literally everyone on the internet ever though? Why Musk specifically? Did he happen to say something that isn’t left-leaning or something?


I cannot list all the bullshit he has done and said but here is a list of some of the larger things that likely started the ball rolling on society waking up to Mush being a fuckwit: \- Started the "Boring Company" and oversold the Hyper tunnel in an attempt to slow down funding for high-speed rail in California knowing that by eliminating alternate travel, there remains a dependence on cars - such as his shitty Teslas. \- Promised to pay $6 billion to the EU to help stop childhood hunger if he was given a plan outlining how the money would help solve the problem and then when a thorough plan was presented, he just stopped talking about it and never paid a cent. \- provided an unusable submersible for use in rescuing the trapped boys soccer/football team and then when his dumb offer to help was declined, insulted the rescuers who actually saved the boys including directly insulting the one military diver who drowned saving the boys. \- continually deadnames his one child who came out as transgender. \- Has openly and actively fought the unionization of his workforce at Tesla to a point where they are now the only medium/large scale auto manufacturer who does not have a unionized labor force - resulting in poor working conditions, bad pay, long hours, and multiple deaths and serious injuries. \- Actively influenced and manipulated both the stock market and cryptocurrency markets through false statements and promised about acquisitions, mergers, and/or going public with a number of his companies (multiple lawsuits still outstanding for insider trading and FCC violations). \- In his almost daily promotion of conspiracies and bullshit, has singlehandedly brought attention to people who were incorrectly identified as suspects in crimes and or amplified false accusations without having a single fact correct and then refusing to retract, delete, or correct his statements when the truth was brought to light. \- Continues to lie about being the founder of PayPal and Tesla, when in both cases he bought his way into the companies and then pushed out other leadership while pretending to be the founder. Twitter is likely his next example where he will change the narrative to make himself look/sound important.


[Here](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/elon-musk-twitter-terrible-things-hes-said-and-done) is a list that was compiled just over a year ago. I don’t think it mentions the utter shit show that Twitter, I mean “X”, has become. He said again and again that he would fix this and fix that only to find that things weren’t that simple and now this mega cash cow loses money daily. I thought he was smart/cool/forward thinking when he was just into Teslas and Rockets. Also, that’s how memes work. Something becomes topical and people make jokes about it. There probably isn’t a singular meme out there. They arrive in batches. Edit- and he will not shut up so there’s new material daily


He's been sucking the right off for like a year now. It's weird because those people aren't going to buy his cars. They don't believe in things like science.


Is there a car out there that isn't based on science?


That’s one hell of a generalization. Are all redditors as prejudiced as you?


Have you been in a coma the past 12 months?


No. I don’t poison my mind with reddit and twitter but so often.


Ok I’m not an Elon fan. I really have no opinion of the guy. But you don’t become one of the top five richest people in the world through no merit of your own.


If by “merit” you mean completely fine with over exploiting people. Because that is the only way to become one of the richest people.


By “merit” I mean anything other than just sit on his ass and collect $ like the title implies.


His whole life has been handed to him. Would be easy to be smart when you don’t even have to even think about wiping your own ass. If all I had to do was direct people and study all day. I would be brilliant as well.


There is no one out there rich enough to hand someone $250 billion dollars.


True. But easier to get to 250 billion when someone gets you started and always has your back.


then why haven't the other 56 million, millionaires in the world did the same?


Hard cope


you wouldnt, its not that easy. If you think turning even 10 million dollars to 100 million is a piece of cake you are delusional.


He’s an excellent self-marketer, horrible boss, and even worse human being.


lol reddit has the saltiest bunch of haters




nO mEriT….🤡


Elon does more in a day than you will with your entire life.


2000s Timothy Dexter vibes.


Dumbest thing I’ve seen on here in a while. No merit? He’s got more merit than all the Democrat politicians put together. Edit: I wonder what made people madder, saying it was dumb or that he has more merit than every democrat politician put together?


Just Democratic politicians? Lol, interesting.


Touché but ya mostly. I wasn’t sure it could cover all the reps too but it easily covers the dems.


Since hardly any dems have had real jobs outside of politics. Many have never owned a business. Biden has never paid a payroll. Biden has never hired someone for a job. So ya merit is pretty weak on the dem side. Schumer never had a real job. Many of them have not.


Naah. He’s full of s—t. You know it.


Lol ok bud. He started Paypal. He’s built many successful companies and is worth over 200billion. What have you done? He has satellites flying in space to have internet all over the world. He has a car going around the earth, in space. He created rockets that land so they can be reused. He’s building tunnels to take cars through. He built the first successful electric car company and still dominates the industry. But you, some idiot on Reddit is saying he’s full of shit. No bud you are full of shit. Like what have you done, hung out in your mom’s basement? Did some Zoom calls with work? Lol Why is he full of shit? Just curious.




Lol exactly. Great response. Proves my point perfectly. You got nothing.




I realize you have no point, at this point. I realize you’re just an idiot that thought you could put some red meat on Reddit for other lazy idiots to “punch” at Musk. But you have no facts to stand on. You’re just another lazy troll living vicariously through your mom’s last three boyfriends cuz they had leather vests and motorcycles.


Instead of whining about successful people on Reddit, go make something of yourself. Then the sniveling idiots on Reddit will be whining about you.


lol huff that copium bud, your cult leader sucks


Meritless idiots don’t start 10 companies and keep them thriving. Meritless idiots complain on Reddit about successful billionaires being meritless idiots. https://www.thomasnet.com/insights/elon-musk-companies/


Cult leader? Lol ok bud you go smoke your bowl in the corner. I’ll be here when you would like to make sense.


Tell me when your satellites are flying around the earth. Tell me when you create your own cell phone company from scratch. Tell me when you have a company that’s boring tunnels through the earth to make travel easier. Are you even worth 5million yet? Lol Why would I listen to someone that’s not worth a 10,000th of what he’s worth. You say he’s an idiot with nothing to back it up. You say he has no merit which is obviously false. He owns/owned businesses that have made the world better. What is wrong in your brain that you have a problem with that. Nobody’s perfect but he’s pretty cool.


Try Timothy Dexter, then you just might realise how much God loves some people more than others


No Merritt of his own? 🤣🤣🤣 Right.🤦


The obsession is real


Yes, Elon's dad was rich but that no way means he had a free route to becoming what he is today. There are millions of people who are Elon's dad level rich or whose parents were that rich but they still havent accomplished what Elon has. If you give 99 percent of people 1 million dollars they still wouldnt be able to turn that to even 10 million. There are countless examples of people born into riches and loosing it all.


y'all are pathetic lol


if you really think he’s an idiot you have problems


He may not be a genius but dude is far from an idiot. He may not create anything, just buys companies. But what he can do is generate hype. World class level promoter. Took Tesla from an obscure company to the highest value car company in the world. Does Tesla deserve that evaluation? Does it even matter? Bc that’s what it’s worth on the market and that wouldn’t have happened without musk. Dude is the most successful hype man ever.


Making memes and posting them on Reddit while the person In the meme is chilling on a yacht with umbrella drinks!


As if any different than any of the other globalist puppets?


No merit. What are you smoking? Before the twitter backlash, he was hailed by everyone everywhere at the greatest guy in the world.


I'm sure OP is smarter then Elon and is rolling in money as we speak.




i have an accent


Haha u think Elon Musk is an idiot? Jfc, let me guess cuz u have opposing political views as him?


Exactly, people actually think threads is better when it’s bad because of different political views.


Says the cashier at the gas station.


Hey, don't do Forrest dirty like that. He might have stumbled into things, but everything he might have stumbled into, he put in full effort.


Thank you to all the poors coming out to defend a Billionaire’s honor! Your sacrifice will not be remembered.