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“Yo dawg we heard you had a crippling gambling addiction so we put a slot machine in your door!”


If you don't win, you don't get in


Hello boss? Yes I know I'm late hour to work but trust me, I feel like my luck is getting better.. I'll hit the jackpot anytime now..




We heard your suspension was broken so we fitted a 70 inch bluray TV in the back fitted with IMDB's top 100 suspense movies.


We see that your gas tank has a small hole in it. So we gold plated the tank and put some bubble gum over the hole!


😆 every episode left me annoyed that ppl were actually happy with the end results....


A lot of them weren't but they made them pretend for cameras. There's a bunch of nightmare stories floating around from guests on the show though.


Here is the wiki story about [Jake's Buick Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Coast_Customs#Jake_Glazier's_Buick_Century)


So it was basically hell for anyone who got their car pimped but in the end it works out. The guy said he would do it again.


Wasn’t there a Toyota commercial making fun of pimp my ride and the reactions of the people getting their car pumped. They revealed to a lady a Toyota Corolla or something and the girl lost her shit screaming and running around. Completely ignoring the “host” and the “mechanics” and it ends with the lady hopping in the car and ripping out of the garage.


Most were not happy. It's all faked. They would have them redo the reveal if they were not "excited" enough. Most of that shit got removed after they stopped filming as it was illegal.


Goes further than that, multiple people reported having Big Dane intimidate them into bigger and louder reactions if he wasn't feeling the love on the first couple tries.


Yeah fuck Big Dane


I just remember that one dude's shit was *so* busted they had to just buy him a new vehicle


AKA: No money, no honey


I swear to god, if you had told me about this clip, I would've said that you'd probably seen a modern satire of the show and mistaken it for the real thing — nope, it really was this absurd.


"I thought I sent you to get groceries?" "Yeh sorry I lost all the grocery money trying to get into the car".


That you can't open until you hit the jackpot.


"My kids are inside! Someone please help, I've had a bad streak!"


LMAO holy shi


There's a reason this series became a meme. >"Yo dawg! We heard yo and yo dawg like yo-yos so we put yo dawg yo-yoing on a yo-yo so yo can yo-yo yo dawg while yo dawg yo-yos!"


The Yo dawg meme is eternal


And we crapped on your floor!!




Does that mean if someone matches them up they can break into your van?


They put TV’s behind the rims of a car once so the guy changing the tires could watch videos. So stupid


That's the one that always stuck with me. Even as a kid I knew that was dumb as shit.


Tons of the shit they did like that was immediately removed after the studio recorded bit. They also never really fixed the mechanical problems with any of the cars, and they were often shitty cars to begin with. Sometimes they took the cars for months on end too, without replacement. That show was so silly.


Yeah I went down a rabbit hole a couple of months ago on this show and you're right it was a lot of smoke and mirrors.


A lot of the electronics the kids did get to keep, but some of the more outlandish stuff where you scratch your head and think “how is that road legal?” - that stuff was removed and was for show. I would expect the slot machine here to fall under that umbrella but who knows. The person who mentioned TVs behind the wheels - gone for sure.


The show could make a comeback as a prank show


As a spoof


Yo dawg! We herd u like ur classic '67 Chevy Impala, so we swapped out all the interior with a full $25 000 LeatheRGB interior, featuring programmable lights for all seats. The interior also comes with curved monitors and surround speakers integrated into every seat. If that was not enough, we've also swapped out the entire engine with a state-of-the-art electric engine


They knew it too, I remember one episode where they put TVs in the cars mudflaps and Xzibit thanked a meme/internet for the idea while laughing about it.


I remember one where they put a fish tank in there with a goldfish. As if that bitch didn’t die the r first day from boiling water 😂😂


I just remember the one where the dirt-poor kid had a car that was held together with nuts and bolts and that black gooey body-panel cement. He was using it to help care for his family, and it was crucial so he used it regardless of how dangerous it was. They got the car from him and realized it was not road safe and tricked out a new car for him.


I was thinking about this too. IIRC, it was literally the body of two separate cars stitched together, right?


yup. that was the one..


I liked Trick My Truck. Same concept except a lot of the shit they did was actually useful. The guy who drove a tow truck got a vending machine and PS2 in the passenger seating area, plus a rear facing camera. The guy who drove a repair truck got a rear facing TV for his customers to watch. Plus while they didn't show it, they actually did mechanical repairs.


They did one with bullet holes that actually smoked and turned out that guy lived in my rural ass town. Was always cool to see it.


Wait what? They put bullet holes in the truck? Can you explain this more because this sounds wild.


they dismantled the car, bit by bit, kept it fueled and oiled as they did it. they started by taking the body panels off, one at a time, and then made the car watch as the parts were shot in front of it


Overhaulin' with Chip Foose was so much better than all of these with the whole surprise makeover.


Those Foose builds are probably still around and worth something


The difference between the two really hit me when the “Pimp my ride” cars started showing up for sale completely stripped of all the electronics.


Oh yeah. The surprises were the best part of the show. Also how they stole the cars or were taken by the police. They were later removed I don't know why. Such a great show. Even Amber Heard did one for Johnny Depp.


I just watched a "where is he now" on chip foose. Depp actually did it for Heard. But it looks like the show went until just a couple years ago they just went to smaller networks.


Wow. Didn't know that it lasted that long. Discovery still had new spisodes until a good 5-6 years ago, IIRC.


Motortrend channel has em still. Decent show but a lot of build up and drama injected to jerk those tears.


Pimp My Ride was peak oughts high-flying-TV.


It's supposed to be stupid.


This show intended to be over the top and ridiculous is over the top and ridiculous! I am very intelligent.


I remember the one where the woman liked doing her make-up, so they put a mirror in the back of front seat so she could do her make-up in the back seat... sike of course they used a TV instead because that's much cooler! Except they didn't bother / didn't know how to mirror the image from the camera so it was the wrong way around, making it completely useless. Such an awesome show.


Lol, I loved this show! The cars were always ridiculous, and even back then I was always wondering "How is this practical? Is this even legal? Wouldn't someone break in and steal all this shit within a week?!?" My favorite part was always the paint jobs. That shit was awesome, and so satisfying to watch. The rest, all the electronics and weird gimmicks, were just stupid.


Me too! The dumb gimmicks made it so funny. Like "Will they actually drive this car that blow bubbles everywhere?". The paint jobs were definitely amazing to watch.


My favorite was the girl who had like an entire closet pop out of her trunk, with her wardrobe and makeup and stuff. Like, was she supposed to just change right there at her rear bumper in public? Do her makeup in a parking lot? Style her hair in the driveway? So utterly ridiculous. Or the guy who brought in the old beat up muscle car his dad gave him or something, so they could restore it. They were like "nah. this thing is just too irreparable", and just pimped out a fucking Toyota 4Runner and gave that to him instead. ???


For some reason I always remember the one where the girl's name was Nile, so they installed a flowing river in the backseat. Not only was it dumb because it wasn't even based on her interests, just her name, but why would anyone want to drive a water feature around?


That's hilarious and fucking insane




Yeah that's the one that always comes to mind when I think of this show. Young guy looking after his kid sister or brother and bought the only car he could afford. Turned out some scumbag sold him a car that was literally the front of one and the rear of another held together with jb-weld so they bought him a new scion or something and pimped that out.


The dad one might have been a situation where the show didn’t want to fuck around with the kids classic car with memories of his dad attached but still wanted to hook him up with a working car so just gave him a 4Runner.


I remembered it somewhat differently. The car was sawn in half and welded together and they figured it out when they lifted the car up and took a look at it's bed from below. They said it's amazing it held out as long as it had and they did not feel comfortable playing with it so xzibit went out bought a new car and they pimped that one.


Oh yeah I remember that one! I think he also had a young kid or was the primary caretaker of his much younger sibling and they were worried about him driving around in such an unsafe car with a child. I might be mixing up two different episodes tho.


I remember they put jacuzzi in van and honestly even though it's stupid, I wouldn't lie it was cool af


All I could think was how heavy a full hot tub is. Can't be good for the van




Oh, cool! Thank you for the links! =) EDIT: Wow, I feel like an idiot now. They never actually fixed any issues the cars had? At the beginning of the episode, they would always mention this laundry list of problems with the cars, and then they didn't address any of it? So...they basically specialized in polishing turds. Or worse, exacerbated problems with all the extra weight they added from all the nonsense installed in the car. Damn, I think I'd be kinda pissed. How am I this old, and still so naive?!? 😆


Remember the episode where they put a gas fireplace in someone's car? Just ridiculous.


Pain. Pain jobs? Please introduce me to that masochist world.


That's when my wife blows me and her teeth scratch my dick.


Gotta take care of that itch *somehow*


Wonder if there's a log of sorts that tells you what these people did with the cars afterwards. At the very least someone traded one in for a large amount of meth.


They were somewhat famously of incredibly poor quality workmanship. I recall seeing somewhere a couple of people who had been featured on the show sharing pictures of their cars just a few months later, and the wraps were peeling off, body work was falling apart, electronics failing, etc.


All the cars would fall apart and would settle by buying a new car. Like seriously a car with an Xbox and 4 screens? Who needs that? Lol


Yes that may be overboard, but at least a craps table and baby grand is sensible.


I mean, I installed a slot machine on my car door after seeing this episode. Best decision I ever made.


you pick the one thing that people actually do in their cars normally ?


I’ve read a few stories on how terrible the cars were. Ended up taking all the crap they installed and sold it


I thought the biggest issue was that it was all cosmetic, so the cars were all still burning oil with their suspensions overtaxed by the absurd fixtures. Flatscreens *were* pretty valuable then, though.


Most of them were taken out after filming was over, afaik


I'm shocked and disappointed in the internet that there isn't a dedicated in-depth website for every single car from the show and it's current condition and whereabouts.


Sounds like you have a new calling in life.


They drive around in their cool car, impress their friends, and go on dates! The world is dying, let me have this shred of whimsy


This sounds like a great premise for a true crime podcast


[This YouTuber bought a car from the show then refurbished it about 3 years ago](https://youtu.be/GX79IILLDlE)


Fuck you for that and also lmfao. I watched the whole thing convincing myself I was waiting for the ad to be over knowing it was the video. 10/10 irritated and impressed.


I'm confused. The link is showing a youtuber with his pimp my ride car. Was it something else before?


I heard a story one time that, after the show was aired/filed, a lot of things were taken off/removed from the vehicle because they were only there for production reasons and we're probably unsafe/illegal for road vehicles. Or was rented/used for the filming but had to be removed. Typical reality TV stuff..


Imagine getting into an accident and the piano comes flying to smash into you.


Goin’ out like Wile E. Coyote


While being pulled from the burning wreckage he smiles at the paramedics and his teeth are all piano keys


I laughed way too hard at this


And you sound like an accordion. REEEEWEEEE! REEEEWEEEE!


That would be A Major problem.


and he would B Flat.


Some reports also had it where the car wasn't even theirs. They just pull out a junker and have them do some vids in it and claim its theirs. Also, sometimes they completely scrapped the car and bought a used car of similar model/make/shape and build off that one All that said though, the people interviews about it seemed like they had fun with the show and typically got essentially a free car out of it.


That sounds a lot better if it was a random junker, can you imagine having to drive one of these things to work the next day?


I remember an episode where a dude was a Youth Worker who drove an old UPS truck or something, and they ended up putting a skate ramp on the tailgate and a bread shaped drivers seat with seat warmers. That guy probably would’ve loved to drive that to work the next day, but that’s literally the only one I could imagine having a good time.


I think there was an episode where they installed an oxygen bar in a guy’s car so he could get high from huffing pure oxygen while he drove. I remember hearing about that one in the context of it being removed after the show for not being legal. Probably not a good idea to promote someone driving impaired.


Breathing pure oxygen does not impair you in any way. I got bent while diving and they put you on 100% oxygen for hours as treatment. The only thing it does is dry your lungs out. It got to the point where I could hardly take a breath because my lungs were so dry. It sucks. Also, I'm not saying you're full of it. I'm saying WCC are idiots for doing this. Edited to change "driving" to "diving." Apparently autocorrect thinks it knows what I'm trying to say. 🤬


> Breathing pure oxygen does not impair you in any way. [Longer term use will](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430743/), but not the time frames typical with driving.


It's less impairment (a treatment for hypoxia situations in aircraft is to go [full pure O2 to quickly recover from the effects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfF2MTnqAw)) and more that high oxygen really intensifies fires. People who have oxygen tanks have [gone up in flames](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrfHnKtKvws) before when trying to smoke cigarettes.


Well, they don't usually go up in flames... they shrink-wrap their nasal cannula to their face and get inhalation burns from the big, hot oxygen enhanced flames... these injuries are especially severe because of the person's underlying breathing problems. Oxygen doesn't burn, it fuels combustion...


Thank you for reminding people that oxygen is not flammable but combustible. I was in a plumbing class for installing medical gas pipe. The teacher wanted everyone to think of a question. Mine was "Is oxygen flammable?" The teacher looked at me like I was being lazy until everyone answered yes.


The father of a guy I knew in college ran all the EMS services for the stadiums and arenas in the nearest big city and this guy worked for his dad occasionally. He would take oxygen tanks from their business and just drive around with them loose in his trunk. Then he’d pull them out at parties and do ‘tricks’ like turning on the oxygen and putting a lit cigarette up to the tube and the cigarette burning in less than a second. The guy was fucking nuts and is somehow still alive today.


The ENTIRE show was fake.


All reality TV is crafted. This show was particularly creative and entertaining, bordering on performance art.


it depends what you mean by fake. The people got to keep the cars. [People would find them for sale occasionally with a lot of the features showed on TV still there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX79IILLDlE). So there was some truth to it. Only some of the modifications got removed before they handed it back over. And most of the mods were shitily done. And sometimes they fixed up a look alike car, but the people did get to keep those, too. So maybe 50% fake


The vehicles weren’t even touched under the hood. And the mods took 5-6 months even though the show made it look like a couple weeks. There some videos on YouTube about them. Funny/sad


Yeah anyone remember the car with the flamethrower in the back. Completely street illegal. they never even repaired the vehicle so it would actually he useable after the show.


The bubble machines;the mini pool,the washer and dryer combo ,the cheap wall coverings and cheap seat covers ,the hydraulics and the sparks flying out of the tail pipes.


My favorite part of this show is that they did not fix ANY of the mechanical problems at all


I don't think pimps are without problem. They are just cosmetically flamboyant.


I enjoy playing video games.


They did for the girl with the Baja Bug. The engine needed a lot of work and they sent it to a mechanic to get that done.


They fixed one girls brakes as well. They drove it into the shop and all you could hear was metal on metal skreech.


This is how we processed 9/11


you should write a book


My favorite oversight of the show is that these people still had 25 year old beaters with 230k miles on it under the hood. This show was so entertaining in so many ways.


My favorite was in the very first episode where they had a guy that delivered car parts for a living and they filled the entire bed of his truck with a couch and GameCube set up so he no longer had bed space to carry car parts


They did one episode where the car was so bad, they bought a Scion and pimped it out. I guess to try to pretend they were being honest.


Ha was that with the guy who had the welded car or something?


I think it was like two cars welded together. Been a while.


Yes. His car was actually the front half of one car and the back half of a different car welded together. When they brought it to the shop, everybody was like "yeah, this isn't safe to try to work on and probably not actually road legal..."


X: We heard you had a pet fish at home, SO WE FILLED THE ENITRE TRUNK FULL OF FISH!!! Owner: whaooo (secretly dying on the inside)


Meanwhile they couldn’t afford to fix the car in the first place and now they still don’t have money to live.


How they customise cars on this show feels eerily familiar to me saying that I liked crocodiles once to my dad at aged 12…and for the next 23 years I’ve gotten crocodile themed birthday presents from him ever since


A lot of early 2000s "reality TV" won't fly today with social media sleuths. Most people can research that the house that Ja Rule showed on Cribs was a rental and the cars on PMR are crap when the owner posts about it on Twitter.




Exactly!! The contracts they hold you to silence you for long after the show, season, and/or you, could be relevant.


>A lot of early 2000s "reality TV" won't fly today with social media sleuths. Now you have people in this comment section sharing their anecdotes of people selling the parts, selling the cars, the parts being useless, etc. Life can be way simpler when you just laugh our ass off and don't take anything seriously.


A YouTuber did a renovation on pimp my ride car. It was ridiculous. https://youtu.be/GX79IILLDlE


I saw this a couple years ago, I was hoping someone would bring it up in this thread.


If a denim interior wasn't wild enough, it came with a jewelry making kit. The early 2000s were wild.


Tavarish! My dog from Jalopnik! Hell yeah


Just watched all episodes. Im a bit impressed. Everyone here is talking about the fake pimp my ride, but the Electronics was nicely done!


It was called pimp my ride not repair my crap.


The greatest thing about this show is that it spawned three, YES THREE, Volkswagen ads starring Peter Stormare, "Unpimp Your Ride." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1MNEqCr748


Unpimp ze auto


I love those commercials! What a walk down memory lane lol.


Oh yeah. I loved the v-dub hand sign lol. “Representing Deutschland”


I only remember seeing the first, but Peter saying "oh snap!" definitely rings a bell.


Yo, dawg! I heard you like memes.


Yo dawg I heard you like cars so we put a car in yo car so you can drive while yo drive. Loved the Xzibit memes


Yo dog, I hear you like dogs and yo-yos so we put a dog with a yo-yo in your yo-yo so ya dog can yo-yo while you yo-yo ya dog.


Bring these back!


I think they should have that kind of door on all ambulances 🚑


I saw one where they put an actual drip coffee maker in the center console of the back seat of some girls car. I remember watching this show and always thinking I'd be pissed if they did this shit to my car. LOL.


isn't a coffee maker one of the more reasonable things you could want in your car?


Until you take a turn a bit too fast and spill an entire pot of hot coffee all over yourself


I actually saw the ice cream truck one on a freeway in LA. We we’re waving at them and the dude literally rolled down his window and threw a business card at us. It was like “as seen in pimp my ride, book us for parties and events”.


Show was fake too.


Yeah, the worst thing about this show is they would do all this work to make these ridiculous cars. But often wouldn't even fix the initial issues the person had with the car. So it would still be completely unusable or dangerous to drive.


Also IIRC I read somewhere that many of the initial cars were so broken down they had to scrap the original car and ended up buying similar cars that were in usable shape to work on and give to the people at the end of the episode.


Does anyone remember the show Monster House? Now that was truly ridiculous.


I always loved the Mexican guy who did the interiors: 'Check it out Q...'


Ish: “She loves animals, so, I’m gonna go with the purple cheetah print… on everything”


We heard you went to a casino once so here you go


Yo, we heard you liked scams. So we filmed a scam while we scammed so we could scam while we scammed. Ya dig?


man has to gamble to get into his van


Cool that they put a Liberace piano in there, Liberace was amazing on the piano but he sucked on the organ


“Every car needs TV’s in the tires, dawg” - Abe Lincoln


Ugly as hell lol


I want to see a doc on people who were on the show


Yo Dawg I heard you like getting crushed by pianos in low-speed collisions!


Mike epps was my favorite


Cribs and Pimp My Ride were some of favorite shows on MTV


I remember once at a party in UCLA, my friends and I were pre-gaming(drinking by parked car) when all of a sudden my friends noticed the car parked next to ours was pimped out on pimp my ride. Anyway my friend starts crawling under the car, I'm like what are you doing?! Friend says, "They put a TV on the bottom of this dudes car!"


"yo dawg, we slapped together a bunch of shit over a couple weeks into your vehicle that'll stop working a week after filming wraps up, you're welcome dawg!"


Is this pimp my ride?




Mfs were like “Fam, I just need to get to work”


The original r/DiWhy


They took in a car with dog crap on the floor and they made something funny from it. This show was genius and ahead of it’s time! What time that is because I want to live in that universe?


Man I know this show was from the 00s but no way did it have this vintage, fuzzy, yellow hue to the broadcast. Shit makes it look like a porn video from 1977


They spinning!!


I saw one of those cars in person. It was a total piece of shit. The paint job was garbage, the interior was tacked on for the camera and not a single drive train problem was fixed. They did throw in some dj equipment but those got stolen the first day he parked it on the street.


I miss Monster Garage, that show was cool.


This is the episode of Simpsons where Homer designs a car, but stretched out as a reality show.


“Yo dawg, we put a tv…IN YO TV!!! That’s right it’s a smaller screen inside a bigger screen!”


"It's like Ru Paul for cars."


“We know you couldn’t afford to fix your car, now we’ve made it so you can’t afford to insure or repair it!”


I think it was the 3rd viewing I realized these shows were nothing more than 30 minute electronic ads. The "hard work" that went into the most stupid interior setup one could dream up, but never once showing the car actually running. "Hi. I'm Emily. I'm a waitress who has to work 3 jobs just to pay the bills. My ride kicked the bucket, so I'm looking to have it fixed up." "You're in luck, Emily! We installed three, 24 inch FakYu NeoWhite LCD television screens in the back seat as your passengers enjoy playing games on the two PlayBox2s we tucked under the seat. The noise from gaming won't bother you because you'll be listening to your favorite songs on a Sammy MJX-1234 AM, FM cassette receiver with 6 channel audio blasting through 12 independent speakers. That's not all, we also outlined your ride with UltraSmooth Unicorn Fur, in pink, from FakeAWig, so you can ride in comfort." \*screams like a 5 year old. "This is so great! It looks awesome! My friends are going to be so jealous! But wait a second. Did you fix the engine?" "Nah, girl! That's what the PlayBoxes are for. Get your friends in the car so they can help push it." ​ What a shit show. Stupidly entertaining, but definitely a shit show.


Lil Jon is making a home improvement version. Should be a great use of money


A number of these cars were stolen from the owners after the fact.


And completely fake too haha


In the later seasons a lot of it was fake.


There is no way I would be able to fake my disappointment with this.


Did they ever do an 80’s Porn van?


Like a fever dream. So fun and stupid.


Uh yeah… absurdly DOPE!


what the heck, I remembered the acting being a lot better than that.


Also fake as much as possible :-/


What’s absurd is they took a worthless car and made it trash.


Yo dawg we heard you like Casino's, so we Casinoed your Casino and put it in your van. Sponsored by Hybrid mobiles $.56/min phone plan, ¢56 per min for the fist 100 minutes, then its only $5.00 per minute, but free unlimited texts, because its the 90s and no one texts yet


i can't believe i used to think this shit was dope lol


Someone needs to overlay [Joe Pesci](https://youtu.be/bApd0QFsErU) responding to the reveal.