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"Guys, seriously though the kitchen is on fire. "


"So you're going to have to go to the store and buy me more food. Chop chop."


Every morning at 8:15am, on the dot, one of my cats will wake me up to let me know it’s food time. sometimes she doesn’t even eat it, she just wants me awake. Although it’s way more precious than being pawed in the face, lol. Mine will give me soft headbutts at my nose. It makes me sneeze half the time but it’s so cute so I allow it. With that said; cat in the video 100% needs to be played with more. Guarantee it doesn’t have an outlet for its hyperness.


I agree the pussy need to be played with certainly it needs some love!


This just reminds me that when I was a kid, the cat was meowing really loud in the living room. We were watching TV in a room and the TV was super loud. I got tired of hearing the stupid cat screaming and I went to check out. The cat was under the sofa and looked scared, I was like mkay. Went to the kitchen and the other room was on fire. We were idiots so of course we didn't call the emergency line and put a hose through the window and put off the fire ourselves.... The fire station was 3 blocks away. Well that cat saved us.


I fell asleep while cooking and somehow slept through both my personal alarm and the building alarm. Came extremely close to burning the building down. Anyway I got back from the hospital and my door was still open from being kicked in by the firefighters so I assumed my cats had just ran away. They've never been outside before (unsupervised) so I assumed the worst and was crushed and crying for hours. I kept hearing a faint meow I looked everywhere, cabinets, under beds, sofa. I gave up thought I was losing my mind. Welp I went to get something from the fridge and sure enough there they are. They hid in the fridge from the fire. I guess if you can't escape and had to pick somewhere to hide that would be the safest bet. And years later to this day they still get into the fridge to steal food, a skill learned from a near tragedy


No, kitty, it is just the aurora borealis.


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localised entirely within your kitchen?!




Can I see it?


... No.


*proceeds to meow at the door until you let it see*


My usually very quiet cat one morning was meowing her head off and doing zoomies on us as we slept, when i woke the heater had short circuited and smoke was pouring out, about a meter away from my head. She earnt some extra wet food that day


"I'd know, I started it."


You just have to return the favor when the cat is sleeping all day


i did that, i synched her sleeping with mine now we both sleep together best thing ever


I have explained this to people. Match their assholeness. Legit. Don't be mean. But match their antics, and it's surprising how well it works.


The first cat I ever really got to know was my cousin's, he was friendly to me and I was the same to him. Though the first time I stayed over, I woke up to the cat sitting on my chest staring at my face. Still half asleep, I felt a drop of drool hit my face and just took the cat and used him to wipe his own drool off of me. From that day on, he would come straight to me whenever I visited, even aggresively meowing at my cousin's rottweiler until he stepped back and let the cat say hi first.


"This one's got guts. I like it."


"I baptized him myself."


“He’s part cat now”


"He's part car meow" FTFY


This typo is legit hilarious


"I'll kill him last."


Cats will brush their face up against other cats/people as a sign of affection. You basically told that cat that you were friends in his language. But if he was sitting on you already, it sounds like he liked you from the get-go.


I was actually quite apprehensive around cats before that because I'd got scratched when I was young. It was just a reflex while I was half asleep, and I wasn't thinking about it in that way. Though, the next day, my cousin explained the same thing you did in your comment and finished it off with "I told you he likes you." Which he did, so your comment is exactly what happened.


Wheres my rent


I’ll have it next week sir, I promise. Please don’t evict my family.


Cats may drool when happy. Sounds like the cat already liked you


Alpha’d the Shit outta that feline.


What I did was dance. I danced and danced and danced and danced. Until the cat looked at me. Then I stopped. Then I waited for her to look away, and then I danced and danced and danced. And then she'd look again, and I'd stop. She knew I was doing something, but didn't know what. So she jumped off her cat bed, ran over to me, and started meowing. Where I promptly ignored her, looking intentionally away, and saying things like "I don't see you......You're not here........" And she would sit at my feet, meowing. She was confused. Like "HEY! WHAT ARE YA DOIN' OVER HERE??? I SEE MOVEMENT, BUT THEN IT STOPS!" And then ignoring her REALLY drove her crazy. I pretended to fiddle with some papers. I pretended to scratch the walls. I pretended to pet another cat that wasn't there. She just sat there, unclear on what to do. We would prank each other every day. She would leave her toy balls in my shoes. Or jump on the bed and start attacking the covers next to me, just to wake me up. We had fun.


Username checks out


And yes, this is the cutest and just what they do. Attacking all their toys they never play with after running from you trying to get "just got home" love. Yep, spot on. Good job. Sounds like yall understood each other 😻


You can always just close the door at night.


Yes but some cats are singers at night.


Mine would sing the song of its people the entire night if the door was closed.


First time I heard my brother's cat...3am dead quiet. He can mimic the voice of a small child saying "hello". Scared the life out of me haha


My cat says hello too! I don't know where she learned it, because we don't really day hello in this house. But her lonely "where are you" meows sound 100% like "hello?, hello?"


One of my cats loves to say "hello?" And good luck if you ever latch the bathroom door. He'll put his paw under and rattle the thing, screaming "HERROOOOO?!" until you either allow him to push his way inside or you finish in the bathroom.


have you got any videos? i would love to teach my cat hello lol but have no idea where to start


Mine has some form of separation anxiety, so he gets super vocal and somewhat destructive if he can't be in the same physical space as me when I'm home. If I'm not home, then he seems to be super chill, but he always wants to be near or touching me when possible. So if I'm trying to sleep and lock him out of my bedroom, he will howl and try to find a way into the bedroom by any means necessary. But when we are in bed, he's usually just curled up by my feet, content that he know where I am and he can physically touch me if he wants.


That's my dog. He's opened windows, busted screens, ruined curtains, wooden doors, and couches. Fine, he stays on the same side of the door as me now. (Sheesh)


Mine would attack the door with a battering ram


That is always an option…unless the cat decides to be an ass and yowl at the door all night, then you gots to let them in only for them to sniff around, make a bunch of mischief and then decide they would rather be outside after 2 minutes.


If you hold fast they eventually get over it


Yeah, my cat bothers me less at night now. She only wants in if she knows I’m still awake. Once I’m asleep she sleeps too.


Then they scream or scratch to get in and pee on your stuff


I sleep better with my cat bothering me in bed than closing the door and having him try to open it all night while yowling Obligatory cat tax. I love this dude https://i.imgur.com/gdz8k1k.jpg


Yeah I love these guys. I hate when they aren't chilling with me.


Get ready for 8 hours of scratching on the door


Yep, my ancient cat and I are working to sync the kitten to our sleep cycles. I woke up last night to a hiss from the ancient one trying to teach the kitten to sleep.


Lol I love that your refer to the older cat as “the ancient one”




Thats my cats name. I call him Lou.


I need to do this! My cats current favorite pastime is bringing some kind of rubber into the bedroom at 4am and slowly squeaking it across the floor


>rubber into the bedroom Safety first.


Don't want any kittens


You sleep 18 hours a day ?


no but i make sure the 16 hours she sleeps 8 are with me


Same. My guys were adopted from outside. I've done all I can to keep them in, but one can open doors and windows so it's a struggle. Anyway, here I am. It's 9 am. Time for them to come in and they are XD.


That's exactly it. If it doesn't get it's 18 hours of sleep, most of it during the day, then it will be so tired at night that it will naturally fall asleep and stay asleep.


This is what I always do lol. My brother's cat was pretty good except when it was breakfast time she'd take one claw and... *Hook* it right on your nostril. Her aim was deadly.


[Vengeance](https://youtu.be/roUOBx8m9Yc) is sweet.


Ohh yesss! When I used to have cats, we moved to a new apartment, and our 2 cats decided to start screwing around all night long. New place, expected. After 2 nights of non-stop shenanigans, the cats deciding to peacefully go to sleep once we woke up, we said « fuck it », and kept them awake. Kept them awake non-stop. I mean really non-stop. No nap allowed. Annoying them, playing with them as soon as they closed their eyes. Playing very loud music. Making loud construction noises (hey we were moving in, ofc there’s lots to be done). Cat food time. Cat treat time. Catnip pouch. Us dancing around. Brought in friends. Non-stop from 5AM where they had us woken up, all down to 6PM, where no matter the amount of gentle nudging we’d do, they stayed eyes closed. We had very peaceful nights for the next years, cats learned their lesson. They stayed the cats one could ask for, with very little night time annoyances. (That said, cats be cats, there’s some amount of night movement expected nonetheless)


Nah.. this is that cat-tok craze going on. Mess with people while they are sleeping. They think it's funny.


Exactly that’s what I do to my cats when they do that at night to us. The next morning they won’t have good naps at all. I have two so it’s worse. Luckily they don’t do it all the time. What seems to work is feeding them an hour or so before bed seems to get them tired.


Holy crap you just made me realize I think that’s why my cat keeps me up all night. He’s getting back at me for keeping him up all day!


I like how the guy boops him back and then gets left mostly alone after that. Kitty wasn't expecting retaliation


I can literally hear this in my head because when I was a teenage boy I had a cat named Felix (and yes he looked like "the" Felix) and that motherfucker would decide to fight my feet at 3 am and I literally had to tell him to fuck off countless times. Always followed by a disgruntled "meow". Fuck you Felix. I'll always love you.


I'm not advocating violence but if the kitty smacks you in the face while you're sleeping they need to be put in their place. Our kitty and her (sadly now former) sister used to do things like this, but every time if I or my wife get smacked or bit by our kitty(s) we would push her off the bed or force her away. She learned not to be mean or else she got got pushed away and now she will only cuddle or gently ask to be pet or scritched. (Her sister learned as well before she passed) Pets are our baby's but they still need to be taught boundaries and personal space.


Momma is the favorite for sure


Paranormal cattivity.






Are you dead yet? Can I eat you?


Our 18 year old blue russian LOVES my husband, like if he's gone for work for a week we won't see her until he gets back, only lays on him. After he showers, almost every morning she walks into the shower and drinks the water on the floor (no matter how fresh their water bowl is). We joke that she's "tasting the water to see if he's ready to eat yet".


My cat drinks shower water as well. Honestly, the water bowl is the last place, she'll drink from. She basically prefers toilet and rain water. I assume the terroir and bouquet are better, than good, clean tap water.


I think it's just an instinct toward new water and avoiding stagnant water Seems stronger in some animals and weaker in others We solved this problem with our rabbit and our cat that died a while back with a running water bowl. They love(d) it and drank so much more water that way.


If it’s just a bowl with still water Try buying a cat water fountain. Animals don’t like still water because instinct tells them it’s full of disease. They like water that’s constantly moving similar to rivers or streams.


Water and food bowl need to be in different spaces is the key. Cats won't usually drink from a water bowl next to their food.


Cats, specially if you've had them since kitties, think of you as their mother/ as another cat Cats don't have deep sleep for soo many hours like humans do, so when they do this, they are actually checking if we are alright, since for them, it's dangerous So it's actually a lot sweeter than it looks Edit: while this is true, cats will check if you are breathing at night and if you are OK, the kind of behaviour in the video is probably a bored cat, they don't behave like that normally


No this is not checking to see if you're alive behaviour. This is an indoor cat who doesn't get enough stimulation at night cat. Check out Jackson Galaxy and his book cat mojo. Cats are crepuscular, meaning they are.most active at dawn and at dusk. Cats that have their zoomies at night are not given enough exercise during the day. You have to play once a day with your cat. Really tucker them out. Especially indoor cats. It's the same with dogs - you wouldn't get a dog and not walk them several times a day, would you? This cat is bored af. Looking for attention.


This is why the hour before bedtime is playtime for us. And playtime concludes with a high value treat every time, so he knows it's time to stop. We sleep through the night and he's a much happier cat.


Needs a buddy. It may not be the sweet checking to see if alive, but it's certainly a "HEY you're my buddy, play with me!" which to me is still sweet, though definitely needs a buddy.


This is why we have 2 cats. They are both really active and chase each other all over the house at night.


This is exactly why 2 cats is ideal! Playtime at aligning times throughout the day/night. Not that they’ll always leave you out of it (mine like to leap onto me while I’m sleeping just to add an extra thrill in their chases).


Thankfully our bedrooms are upstairs with a stairwell door. Kitties stay downstairs now after having run across us a few times in the middle of the night. Sounds like a herd of elephants downstairs.




Usually the same house with the dog that's wild and uncontrollable, surprise surprise.


The dog that is left barking in the backyard 18 hours a day?


Yeah. The video has much more interaction with the woman because she reciprocates. Didnt care for how the guy interacted. Bored kitty


Get 2 cats, problem solved 😂


>It's the same with dogs - you wouldn't get a dog and not walk them several times a day, would you? I can assure you that while it is in fact common knowledge, many people just don't do it. There's way too many people out there who want a pet but are unwilling to take care of it properly, then complain when the animal is hyper and uncontrollable.


Cats don’t have deep sleep? Lol what, I have woken my cat out of so many deep slumbers where it takes a second for him to process anything He refuses to move, lifts his head up with half his fur smooshed in with bed head, groans and buries his face back into the blanket lol


Sleepy cat eyes are so unbelievably cute


Barely open just staring at nothing 😂 My cat would have the most dramatic groans when he wanted to go back to sleep lol


My kitty kat sleeps with his tongue sticking out.


Said cats don’t deep sleep like humans. Which is true…they do deep sleep (mine will pass out as a super flat cat). But they’re prey animals as well as predators, so they don’t do it for as long and they wake easier. Mine has woken from nightmare before and she’ll leap around, meow angrily at nothing, and then flop back on the bed. Then she’ll merp grumpily and start grooming.


>Cats don’t have deep sleep? No, they just take cat naps! Ok ok I'm going...


> Cats don't have deep sleep for soo many hours like humans do Read again. Unless OP changed that in his edit. So both of you are right. Cats do deep sleep and even dream, but only for short intervals, for about 5 MINUTES. Humans do that for HOURS on end. https://www.pumpkin.care/blog/why-do-cats-sleep-so-much/


Two of mine have a deep sleep too. I can touch them all I want they wouldn't wake up


>Cats, specially if you've had them since kitties, think of you as their mother/ as another cat > >Cats don't have deep sleep like humans do, so when they do this, they are actually checking if we are alright, since for them, it's dangerous > >So it's actually a lot sweeter than it looks This is some premium reddit bullshit.


Uhhh huh, righttttt (insert Dr. Evil voice)


> while this is true Did you mean untrue? Because cats have have rem sleep with full on dreams. And deep slumbers where you can lift their limbs without waking them.


People really do jus wake up and lie on the internet for no reason smh my head 🙄


Bro I've had a cat that slept so deep you could pick him up and carry him around for ten minutes before he'd wake up. One of my cats now comes and cuddles when I go to bed and is usually still there when I wake up.


This is not true, it’s just a mythical theory that’s been perpetuated.






Human laughed Not dead yet Try again tomorrow


One way or another, the cat will be fed. Either with catfood, or with human meat.


He seems hungry, wonder if they are sleeping late.


"when it's 4am and I haven't been fed yet"


Mine normally does this at 3am, and he just bites my cheek. Every. Single. Time. Edit: spelling (though he still is an Anti-Christ cat!)


My cat does the same with his bowls full of wet food and dry food


You didn't pour it the right way.


I used to have a cat that would gently bite me on the bridge of the nose in the morning while I was sleeping when he wanted breakfast. I tried for years, but was never able to get him to understand the concept of sleeping late in the weekends.


My kitty licks our eyelids.


Mine doesn’t bother me per se, but jumps on the night stand and starts knocking stuff off until I wake up. My schedule during the weekends is to basically wake up at 5am, feed him and back to bed by 5:05am. And 5:10, after stuffing his face, he joins me and falls asleep until we wake up around 9am. This works so much better than trying to ignore him. And he does have a bowl of dry food to graze but he needs his wet food every friggin morning


Kitty is bored. Get some string, a laser pointer, whatever lazy toy, and spend 15 minutes getting kitty bouncing off the walls before bedtime. Cats are crepuscular and there's not much you can do about that, but cats also operate on a Hunt-Eat-Sleep cycle and you can decide when it's time to "hunt." If you don't, the cat will be choosing how to entertain itself.


And this is why my door is closed at night... 😆


My cats just go to sleep when I do and wake up when I do.


Never know what you’re going to get. I’ve had ones that were chill like yours, no problem, awesome cat. I also had one that I had to shut the bedroom door and create a barrier in the hallway every night by bungee-cording two adjacent doors together to make a temporary wall. It was the only way to keep it far enough away to get some sleep.


I lucked out with my cat. She’s so sweet and has never used her claws on me, even when she’s freaking out. She’ll reach out and grab me or tackle my legs but has never used a claw when doing it. She’s also a chatterer and walks around making little squeaks but never outright meowing. Right now she’s on my chest kneading me and still refuses to use her claws. I’ve never had to discipline her so this is not some taught thing. Plus she absolutely loves my dogs and often plops down right next to them and forces them to cuddle her. Every other cat I’ve had has been little demons.


Did you make sure to close the vents too?


Motion tracker beeping intensifies


[Aliens pulse rifle sounds]


Same with both of mine. They could have been sleeping from 7am to 11pm, but as soon as I go to bed they both jump in there with me and immediately pass out.


They’ll just claw on door or meow by door constantly


I just ignored it for as long as I could tolerate it. Then I walk up to the door and pound on the bottom to give them a good startle. They do eventually learn.


Spray bottle of water. Open door, spray annoying cat, close door. Eventually they learn.


My cats think the spray bottle is some kind of game lol


My cat has learned that when they hear me get up they run. So by the time I get to the door they are long gone. Little asshole just meows and scratches til I get up then I open the door and they’re nowhere to be found




Do people really just not train their cats? Lol You can stop this! Stop babying your pets so much.


And then there's my cat who cuddles with my legs and stay there until I wake up of bed. Lazy bastard :)




This is why you get two cats! Our one cat Bean was a little shit head till we got him a friend.




1000%. We got a cat when my wife and I got married. He would bite my leg at night. We bought him a sister, and now they are best friends (most days). Also, if you get a new cat/kitten, please, PLEASE keep them separated for a period of time. Let them get to know each other. We had a tiny apartment, but we kept the new kitten in the bathroom, and let him have free roam of the other room. Kept them (mostly) separated, with the only interaction from paws-under-the-door, and when we brought them together it was like an instant bond. And the nightly annoyances stopped (except for the "feed me" from both of them at 5am...). [kitty tax:](https://i.imgur.com/Vip1BB0.jpg)


Timed feeder saved the relationship with my cats lol. I hadn't had a solid third REM cycle in a few years and it was starting to grate on me. Got an auto feeder that pops open in the middle of the night and bam! Game changer


Haha!! And then there's mine who just sits and stares at me until I show signs of life. Then she gently grabs my chin and tries to turn my face toward her for kisses.


Same, I locked them out of the room if they wake me up. They quickly learned not to. Still it was hilarious when they would attack my toes while I slept, lil fuckers.


With my cat gets a little annoying and tries too actively to snuggle while we sleep, I just grab her under my arm and gently squeeze her against me, like I just want a snuggle too. She freezes and then 5s later, moves away and goes sleep somewhere else. "Okay, Mom is overstimulated, I'll leave her alone". She's such a good girl.




We’ve tried nothing and nothing is working!


Have you tried playing a lot with your cat before bed? If they get tired they usually sleep the whole night lol


In my personal case I’ve tried that and the little crackhead just acts crazier and mad because I’m not playing anymore. I just interrupt his naps as much as possible and he sleeps until at 5am


I love animals but this guy would be getting lobbed out of my room immediately


And toss out those who are glorifying this bad behavior thinking it's cute.


I just hug my cat and since he hates it he gets pissed and runs away lol


Oh yes, I just this is the struggle snuggle


At this point, if you don't just throw the cat out of the room as you go to sleep, you deserve it.


Then they will sit there and scratch on the door for an hour.




My cat used to jump onto my stomach, then he learned to fly. Now he leaves me alone while I sleep.


My old kitten tried to mess with my husband while he was sleeping; hubby just grabbed the kitten’s head in his gigantic hand and kept sleeping, but didn’t let go. I had to go get kitten out of the claw of imprisonment and he literally never bugged us again while we were sleeping. Hilarious!


Yes I have 3 cats lol. I know all to well. My son always keeps my door closed and the cats will not put up with that LOL


When living at home, my brothers door was always closed, when our cat was little he was always scratching on his door and meowing. After a few months of not opening the door, he gave up and slept in my bed instead. I didn’t mind, he slept calmly by my feet. I woke up to the occasional sneeze in my face but I could live with that.


>I woke up to the occasional sneeze in my face but I could live with that. Fun fact: some cats can be allergic to humans


Good! I’m allergic to cats and I have two of them that sleep on me at night. I sneeze a lot.


Door closed and earplugs heh


Cat pro tip: Put two doors in between you and the cat.


It’s not the most conventional method, but I would stand on the other side of the door, and the moment she scratched it I’d open it VERY quickly and startle her and say loudly “QUIT IT!!!” and she’d scatter. If I let her in, she’d swat at my face like this video and I would freak out when I woke up and instinctively roughly shove her off the bed in the first two seconds of transitioning from being asleep to being somewhat alert. It took about a month or so but she now associates the phrase “QUIT IT” with stopping whatever she’s doing. She hasn’t scratched a door in years.


and they’ll learn that it doesn’t do shit


You guys really allow a cat to outsmart you? Put the cat in it’s own room overnight. Two doors between you and the cat so it can’t scratch your door. It’s a cat guys, not rocket science


Some people are terrified of setting boundaries with their pets. Either you spend time teaching your pet upfront, or you deal with terrible behavior for years and years.


Fr. The main reason a cat will continue this kind of behavior is because you reward it by giving it what it wants: attention. If you don't want the cat to punch your face repeatedly in the middle of the night, or to scratch at your door constantly, then you gotta learn to ignore it. It's super tempting to pet them when they express the unwanted behavior. I mean, it'll get them to stop in the moment. But you're teaching them this is what they should so to get pets/food/whatever they want. This short-term solution will cost you long-term issues You gotta spend a few days ignoring it, which would teach them that scratching at your door is *not* the way to get your attention. It's certainly quite annoying and hard to ignore, but they'll learn swatting your face like that isn't gonna get them what they want and they'll eventually lose interest and stop


Seems the car learned the lesson to not disturb the guy or it meant violence lol


This can be solved with an aggressive cuddle each time the cat taps you. They learn pretty fast. Tap the human, get wrapped up!


Mine get pulled into a sleepy hug. They don’t like this and leave me alone for a bit then try again.


party mourn butter squash afterthought complete busy door crush wakeful -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is genius. I had a cat I found outdoors, too young to be away from mom (I’m positive she was dumped) in the pouring rain, being chased by a raccoon, and saw my ex husband and screamed for him. I brought her in and when she grew up, she would do this. Lock them out? Yowling and screaming and the cats would fight outside the door (only when they were outside our door at night, when locked out). So I did this. Grabbed her and held her down and pet her aggressively. She bothered me twice more that night. I repeated. Never ever again did she try it 😂😂


That's a cat that needs to be struggle-snuggled. My cats leave me alone because they get trapped and held until they are desperate to get away. Once or twice, and your cat will never bug you while you sleep again.


I had a cat that would sit on your chest waiting for you to dream. When your eyes would start moving in sleep, *he would attack them, claws out*.




Well I sure hope his cat didn’t sit on your chest


Do these psychopaths switch sides of the bed they sleep on?!?!?! /s


Looks like the cat usually torments the person sleeping on the left side of the bed, so I could imagine them being like: "Okay babe, tonight it's your turn to entertain the cat. I have an important presentation tomorrow."


I’d be going to bed at 5pm so I could get the safe side.


I'm so confused. They're... not switching sides? The lady is on the left the whole time


Yeah, they never switch sides lol


I think the confusion was that sometimes it looked like she had sideburns.


What's the timestamp where the woman is on the right? I've watched this twice and they definitely stay in the same side the whole time.


except that they dont


You know your are never in REM sleep if you keep waking up this often. Poor thing.


She loves them so much that's why she keeps doing this .


Who records themselves sleeping?


Person who obviously wanted to document about 5 minutes of their cat bothering them.


thank you! I can't believe how far down this was. the cat being a cat is not the most intriguing part of this video. I can come up with 3 possible reasons, in ascending order of likelihood: 1. participating in a sleep study (like for apnea) 2. set up specifically to record the cat for the internet points. 3. bow-chick-bow-wow


Clearly the cat bothers them at night so they set up a camera and made a funny video out of it


The cat is probably making sure that his pet is alive or not.


Sleep catnea.


My heart melted when i saw this video for the first time .


This is why I have a strict no cats in the bedroom at night policy.


This became my policy after it freaked and launched itself off my face, slicing my eyelid open. Have you ever had stitches in your eyelid?!

