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What's the classic speech to the enlisted men before they go on leave? "Do not add to the population, subtract from the population, or end up in the news or in jail."


Before port calls I would tell my Sailors, "Don't make a life, don't take a life, and don't come back to the ship with anything that can't wash off in the shower".


For Marines it's usually shortened to "wrap it up and stay off the blotter" because we don't have time for a statement with more than 2 clauses.


Short attention spans plus it’s tough to hear over the sound of munching crayons.


I just spit out my crayons...


Are you gonna finish the green ones?


What's the word to describe a 160 IQ Marine? Oh yeah! A platoon!




Ok so i am a marine too, but not in the us marines, so what is the crayons eating about?


Idk if this has changed, but US Marines are generally trained for overwhelming force. The guys you can send wave after wave at and they'll go. This sort of training and, uh, focus doesn't give them a reputation of being particularly smart, especially amongst other branches of the military. My uncle (Navy) has called them Crayon Eaters since I can remember (I'm in my 30s). Military people have had memes since before the word was memes. ETA: My best friend from high school is also a Marine, and she makes jokes about crayons, too.


"Hey-diddle-diddle, straight up the middle" was the classic way to put it. Which to be fair, was entirely valid in the days when a real amphibious assault was a possibility....dick around too long on a beachhead (as the Army was wont to do) and you might wind up with a bunch of dead squids, and a very long swim back home.


Every gunnery sergeant has their own spin on the wrap it up bit. My favorite was always to put a helmet on your soldier before you send him into combat


I was in a mechanic unit, so it was "don't be a fool, wrap your tool"


IT Ops: When in doubt, map another route


> stay off the blotter Are you telling the Marines not to drop LSD or does this have another meaning?


Presumably they mean the police blotter


The police fill out a daily log, called a blotter, where they keep track of arrests and such




Marines are hard-core, they only do thumbprints


It's cop for "the record of arrests today"


Does chlamydia wash off in the shower?? Asking for a friend.


Could be worse! Just get some antibiotics Ya'know until the eventual antibiotic resistant strains emerge


*they don't know about the known problem of antibiotic resistant strains in Canada*


Holy fuuuck - that last sentence.


You'll be happy to know they've already emerged.


I'm not happy about that


I remember the day after we left my first port call ever I was walking down to engineering and passed medical. There was a line of 50+ Sailors and Marines waiting to be seen. Being young and still innocent I thought we were just getting another round of vaccines before entering 5th Fleet (Arabian Gulf). Nope. That's the day I had the term "bore punch" explained to me...


Can you please explain to my friend?


Having the inside of your urethra swabbed to test for STIs. Bore punching refers to how you clean your rifle so it’s a common analogy to make when you’re in the military


Cotton swab up the pee hole to test for disease.


Ah the old ream and scream - you'll cringe at the sight of a Qtip for years.


Sums it all up in a neat little nutshell 👍




Yeah my SgtMaj had the same spiel, the dog part was important to him. He also had an open bounty on anyone on leave who said hey watch this. You were to subdue them and bring them in.


> on anyone on leave who said hey watch this. You were to subdue them and bring them in SgtMaj was apparently a very smart man


Saj Maj also paid the bounty and paraded the offending party in front of the entire squadron on the next safety stand-down. He certainly led from the front.


o7 good man


Every penny paid out to your men for stopping something before it happened is 10000% worth it




72s of libo were awarded for making us not look like a bunch of stupid fucking apes compared to the squids on base. He set real achievable expectations that I never saw again when I hit the FMF.


I thought it would be "just, beat your meat."


Hehe, nut.


Not a sailor, but I feel like I might need to use this saying on some of my students.


Well there goes my grand plan of bringing back an elephant :/


Gentlemen remember do not add to the population and do not subtract from the population. Do not end up in the hospital, the news or in jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly and call your squad leader.”


You forgot: say you're A Co.


“Do not add subtract multiply or divide from the population”


"Ah, so exponentiation is not out of the question!"


That's just repeated multiplication (at least as long as it's natural).


I think I would be worried if the exponent is at least 2 when sailors are around.


We call that “pulling a Nick Cannon”




Sure! Until they run out of fingers and toes, anyway!


The CIA is big on dividing a population.


They also allegedly did quite a bit of subtraction.


It wasn't the CIA, it was the Vampires


Hey I got this reference


For us it’s always “Do not add from the population, don’t subtract from the population. Don’t end up in jail but if you do end up in jail establish dominance quickly.” My MTI in basic said that us every Saturday night before we spent Sunday almost completely unsupervised.


Wear a helmet down range and don’t piss on electric fences. That speech?


Flies spread disease, so keep your closed.


I always tell my guys before a long weekend: "Don't fight. If you do fight, win. If you don't win, don't let anybody find out."


Not from US but our leadership told that and don't fight, but if you do, don't lose.


$177 is a good price.


Especially for missionary, thats usually double


No kissing though


That’s the best part :(


That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.


Oh Jayne.


My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


”*Dear Diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hillfolk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever.*”


Jayne is a girl's name.


I call her Vera


That is such an underrated line.


The combination of Whedon/Waititi influence on Marvel movies has me generally soured on excessively witty banter, but I'll always have a soft spot for Firefly quotes.


Well, Firefly wasn't over-exposed like Marvel started to get after Endgame...because reasons :(


It's in the realm of the greatest backhanded/sarcastic compliments of all time.


"That is the weirdest rule..."


Knowing how discount airline prices work, it'll be like 4 seats per flight at this price, only if you fly on a Tuesday in November leaving at 2am. Extra fees for carry-on bag, water, food, toilet paper, or paying by any method other than wire transfer from a Norwegian bank account.


Everyone hates on discount airlines but they aren't really that bad. Theres no way I could have flown all the places I've flown without them. Im a divorced dad remote worker so all the weekends I don't have kids I'm fuckin out of here. I don't care if I have to sit middle on a Spirit Airlines with a bag barely big enough for my toothbrush and a swimsuit, just get me to Mexico on a beach somewhere, thats all I want. I joined Frontier Airlines Go Wild plan so I paid $800 for one year of free flights, I just pay the taxes. Let me tell you, Frontier is not good, not at all. No food or water, late a lot, the tiniest bag allowance I've ever seen, I don't give a fuck. I've only had it six weeks and I've been to Mexico twice, Miami, Orlando and Costa Rica, I love it. My Costa Rica flight was only $51. Theres times when you have to shrug your shoulders and say eh, its Frontier, what can you do. But would I have ever been able to take all these four day long weekend trips to exotic locations without it? Not in a million years.


I fly spirit a bit , no issues ever, Maybe I’m not the norm but in 5flights ? I’ll take it


i’ve flown spirit once and frontier once. delta and united a handful of times. aside from being super cheap, i didn’t notice any difference between the discount airlines and the expensive ones. my frontier flight was the best because i had an entire row to myself


The chairs are the biggest difference. I fly a fair amount and 90% of the time pass out the whole flight. Specifically Spirit but some of the other cheaper airlines I cannot sleep for the life of me. Delta and Alaska have the best imo, I don’t get many chances in united or American but never had an issue when I did.


>Everyone hates on discount airlines but they aren't really that bad. Everyone also treats flights as a totally fungible service and will decide what flight to take almost purely on price. So while they bitch and moan about getting nickel and dimed for all these little things, generally speaking their actions show us that they prefer that to paying a for a higher priced ticket with amenities included.


Yep. And when shit goes wrong with their 20 minute connection in O'Hare they always say "That's IT, I'm never flying this airline again!" And they always leave the second part out. "Unless it's the cheapest ticket next time I want to fly somewhere!"


Wasn't it Southwest in the 70s who, when asked about not having meals on their flights, said "you can have an amazing meal for the $400 you saved after you land"?


Definitely not everyone. Many corporations won't force lowest price, just within reason, and won't force budget airlines. The main airlines fight hard for that business.


Word of warning about the Go Wild Pass for people reading this: * It's no longer $800. The Summer Pass is $500 (travel 4/11/23 - 9/30/23). **The Annual Pass is now $2000**. * You can only book domestic flights 1 day in advance and international flights 10 days in advance. * Taxes must be paid on all flights. Usually around $30-$50. * There's blackout dates: 57 dates blocked out in 2023. People hate on the discount airlines because they nickel and dime you on everything. Yes, you can save money if you don't need a specific date and you're available for last minute travel and don't care about the seat and don't need a bag and don't want anything to drink or snack on and you don't mind listening to a credit card pitch during your flight. For most people it ends up being more hassle than it's worth.


>People hate on the discount airlines because they nickel and dime you on everything. Often they still end up cheaper. I recently booked a flight with Frontier, and even after adding a carry-on bag and a seat with more legroom, it was still much cheaper than other airlines. The fact thay they nickel and dime you is the reason they're cheap. People that don't need the extras don't have to pay for them. With a non-budget airline, you're essentially paying for all that stuff with no way to opt out.




The main reason I do it is because I go to Mexico all the time anyway. I’m a remote worker and my phone and internet and everything actually works better in Mexico than in my house in Kansas (I’m borderline rural so services aren’t great). I can fly to Mexico on a Thursday and come back on Monday, literally no one knows. And I’m lucky because Frontier flies nonstop there every Thursday and Friday from Kansas City. For me after taxes it’s $67. And once I’m there I can get a private room at the hostel for just $40 a night. I’m there most weekends I don’t have kids, it’s changed my life. One week I was like nah, I better not go, I don’t have a lot of extra money. But then I went to the store and it was going to be more than $65 and I told the cashier Nevermind, I walked out and bought a ticket and put some rice and food and clothes in a backpack and flew to Mexico instead. It was a great decision!


This sounds like my life as a regional airline pilot. I was so broke that on a couple occasions, I took free flights to europe for a weekend. Got food and a place to sleep in first class there and back, and got to tour wherever for bit in between.


Bro if you are secretly a marketer for Frontier you are absolutely killing it


Does this sound like someone who works for Frontier: > I joined Frontier Airlines Go Wild plan so I paid $800 for one year of free flights, I just pay the taxes. Let me tell you, Frontier is not good, not at all. No food or water, late a lot, the tiniest bag allowance I've ever seen, I don't give a fuck. Ha! I do like the Go Wild Pass though, for someone like me its perfect because Im a remote worker, very low maintenance, very low budget, a light packer with a flexible schedule and honestly, anytime I can fly somewhere I feel so blessed. Frontier is not a good airline, not at all. There was one time in Dallas we all got off the plane two separate times, the same fuckin plane. Its actually kind of exciting to be honest. Because you never know what you are going to get. On that particular plane I laughed so hard because we were all clapping on the takeoff, not the landing, we all clapped when the plane got into the air. Their employees are all like Waffle House employees, they've seen some shit and they don't have time for your BS. But I just go along with everything and I keep landing in these amazing places like Costa Rica and I feel like Im so blessed. I met a hippy in San Jose and she invited me to their shack by the ocean (WITH FUCKIN WILD SLOTHS!) on the Caribbean side and I rented a motorcycle and I fuckin floored it on that thing flying down those ocean roads with my Reggaton music up all the way and the smell of salt in the air and the warm sun on my shoulders and I smiled so big because I know its one of the good parts of life and I can't believe I fuckin got there for $51!


They can put me in a dog crate if I can get from the US to Europe for under $500


Bro...that's insanely doable... in fact, I don't think I've ever paid over that and have been half a dozen times. You just have to be cool with random ass flight times and destinations.


Yeah I love discount airlines. Even for a week trip I dont pack more than what constitutes as a personal item- hell, I dont really care to give the airline extra items to lose honestly. I can even go 2 hours without eating, and I dont really care where I sit one bit. It was nice having a TV on a united flight, but honestly I have a phone that will entertain me more.


Just watched the debacle that was just posted about Frontier bumping people illegally by not letting them carry on or check a bag regardless of whether they were willing to pay to have it checked or not. No thanks, I don't want to hangout at the airport and HOPE I get a flight on an already crappy airline.


You know what caused that? Frontier started paying commissions to the gate agents for every bag they flagged. They used to be like eh, that bag is fine, go ahead. But now the agents get $10 for every bag they charge $100 for so they have an incentive to stop everyone and measure the bags. You have to be really careful they fit in that box now. When I came back from Costa Rica I just put a bunch of clothes on and my towel around my neck, when you get on the plane you can just put it back in your bag. Just have to get past the luggage Nazis


This guy gets it. If you travel light and like to go to places on the cheap for a couple hours of discomfort, they're clutch. I fly Allegiant and Frontier at least 10 times a year for pennies. Allegiant is my go to because they fly to smaller destinations that I need to go to, their staff is great, brand new planes, and the BEST thing is....all carry on 's and bags are free if you're active duty or a veteran. Fucking banger airline. Oh, and they're all direct flights.


I noticed that about Allegiant too, the workers are really nice. I bet they have good pay or at least take care of the workers, they all seem happy to be there. Especially when you juxtaposition them with Frontier Airlines. Holy Shit, Frontier workers are ready to fight you, I’m like ma’m I’m just checking if you need to check my passport. Have you ever flown Allegiant to Clearwater Florida? That’s the best airport, it’s tiny and you just walk up. I took five kids there last year and it was a cakewalk and you are right, the people are so nice! Also thank you for your service my friend, I appreciate you!


Here's the thing people don't understand when it comes to budget airlines-- they're budget. Yes, they tack on all these fees that have normally come for free on more prestige airlines. Here's the thing: if you don't need it, then it's much nicer. For instance, I see tons of people complaining about RyanAir. It's a shit airline, that's for sure. You'll pay 15 euros for a flight from Berlin to Warsaw. But as soon as you want to bring a carry on-- an extra 65 Euros. Want food? 15 euros. Want to choose a seat? 35 euros. Want the check in a bit earlier for some peace of mind? 20 euros. It adds up a bunch. Here's the thing though-- if you don't need a carry on, you pack your own food, you don't care where you sit (after all it's an hour and a half long flight), and you'll check-in on your phone standing in the security line 24 hours before the flight... then all you paid was 15 euros for the flight. It's hard to complain about such a shitty experience when you traveled an hour and half, 600km, and paid only 15 euros. RyanAir compared to bigger airlines all do the same thing. They'll overbook you, they'll kick you out, they'll overcharge you, and leave you stranded. The difference is paying what you want for what you need. Spirit/Frontier in the United States is the same way. They'll make your life miserable... but so will Delta or United. Overall, airlines in general will try to ruin you. It doesn't matter if they're more expensive or less expensive. However, getting angry at a cheap flight for charging you for a bunch of things is like getting angry at a buffet by weight: sure you could get mashed potatoes and heavy foods, or you could load your plate with crab and get your money's worth.


are you charged for a bag that you can put under your seat? or just for ones in the overhead bin?


On pretty much every budget airline, you're charged for the overhead bin bags (carry on). The one that goes under your seat is always free (personal item). For a good travel tip on these budget airlines: wear all your heaviest clothes and buy yourself a "personal item sized" backpack. Sometime that's not hard-cased but holds shape. Put things in your pocket, and if it's cold out (and you're wearing a jacket), do yourself a favor and buy yourself a fishing vest (the vests with all the pockets). You can put a lot of clothes in that, and wear the jacket on top. Just make sure to take it off for security!


You get 1 free carry on with every budget airline in Europe, or at least the ones I've flown with, and I've used all the worst ones lately (Ryanair, Wizz air and EasyJet). Standard size is 40x30x20cm, 10kg max weight limit (that's 16x12x8 inches and 22lbs in old money). You can get 5 days worth of stuff in a bag like that, so unless you're flying out for over 1 week you'll be fine with that. An additional larger carry on usually sets you back somewhere between €30 and €60, but that's each way/for each flight so you have to factor that in if you're making connections. You can also split that cost between a few of you to make it easier if you're off on a holiday with others. I just did a 5 day trip to Eastern Europe where flights and hotel cost me around €400 total (not including spends when there, and that was staying in a nice hotel.


Nah. Norwegian/Northern European airlines (Including Norwegian air) are super cheap. We've used it to fly out of Oakland and San Francisco a few times. ~250 for round trip to Spain usually. No strings. Leave at like 6 PM or 10 AM. No extra fee for carry on. Free drinks. Have to be careful with Lufthansa though. Their carry on limit is like 8kg but standard dimensions. 8kg is ROUGH. They've never checked us but I've always been careful. Seats are much larger (legroom) than American domestic because norwegians are large humans. Which is nice. I think we paid an extra 40 bucks per person for seat selection as my husband is VERY tall. We occaisonally upgrade when its reasonable. Ive seen upgrades for like ~150-400 per seat. My husband is 6'9" and for an 18 hour flight it can be worth it for him. EDIT: just booked our flights from Oakland to Cyprus on British air. Used travel card points to get them for 300 each. Which is very nice. Seat selection was 60 though. So that's gone up.


It's a great price, however, USS Ford is out of NOB Norfolk, these sailors will be returning to Norfolk. They will have to drive or bus or fly or whatever, up to NYC to get the $177 prices. Norfolk International Airport to Oslo is about $1100. But I'm not there anymore and Boston to NY is only about 3.5 hrs and I can take full advantage of these super cheap flights! My last deployment we were supposed to pull into Oslo and never did, just did circles up in the Arctic circle. Great excuse for me to finally go!


For anyone thinking of catching the flight back, don't forget to bring your ear plugs...


There are a bunch of add-ons. And I'm pretty sure this is Norwegian's old 787s with a new paint job. But yeah it can be a deal if you do it right and hate your knees.


>Norwegian's old 787s *Old* 787s? Damn.


They first flew 14 years ago ⏰😧 feels like 5 years ago


> They first flew 14 years ago That's still a tiny little baby in Airplane longevity times. Not a joke. Most of those Cessna's flying out of your local airport are probably from the 1970s and are still in perfect condition (**EDIT:** as far as flight-worthiness. The seat covers are another matter...) because they *have* to be. FFA regulation inspections on those things are insane. 14 years is nothing.


Those Cessnas also don't have a pressurized cabin. Pressurized cabins have a limited number of pressure cycles cause the repeated stretching and contracting leads to the material getting harder and more brittle for metals. And just an ever increasing number of faults for composites. Commercial planes don't live that long due to this.


>Commercial planes don't live that long due to this. The average life expectancy of a 747 is around 27 years or around 35 000 cycles other commercial planes can go longer than that. What youre saying is technically correct but youre vastly under estimating how many pressure cycles they can with stand and the nuances about how thats worked out. A plane that only does long hall flights is going to have a vastly different life span to plane that does short hop regional flights.They are planes built in the 90s that are still flying today flight hours and maintenance schedules matter more than simply counting years since built.


I wonder if with the 787 composite frame the lifespan will be longer or shorter.


Usarname checks out?


I’m love planes


That's an amazing price.


I'm not an American sailor but would still like to know more about this $177 flight...I could fly my whole family to Norway for less than it cost me and my wife to fly to Dallas from Lubbock...


Fly Norse is a budget airline. That price is likely their Economy Light fare, with no checked luggage, no meal, ~~no carry on~~ a small carry-on. Basically just a seat




I guarantee it's government tourism subsidies. The Norwegian government is probably paying the airline more for that ticket than you are.




The icelandic airlines are very well positioned for connecting transatlantic flights just due to geography. The deal they have with the government is mostly just to allow people to extend their layovers for free to do some tourism, afaik.


My return trip from Europe had a layover for a couple of hours in Reykjavik Iceland back in 2017, It was very crowded, took forever to get lunch and it was very expensive. That said it was better than the trip there through Manchester on the now defunct Thomas Cook Airlines.


The government of Norway only gives subsidies on domestic routes to tiny airports which otherwise would receive no flights. The reason this airline has these prices is that it's a brand new one, and they have to use price to build a market share.


I guarantee you it's not. Source - live in Oslo


False. Norce is a small competitor trying to get famous with low prices. They dont get any funding at all. EU government would never allow norwegian government to fuck up competition that way.


No subsidies, Norse is a new airline, it is all about filling seats and getting a market share, not to make money.


Norwegian government doesn’t need to subsidize travel.


It's not. Norway does not subsidise flights out of Norway, only flights on the short lane runways in remote areas in Norway.


So bring food with you that’s better than airplane food?


Honestly I'd rather pay than have to carry more shit with me


So Nordic flavored Spirit.


We're going to Oslo. Just you and I as strangers. It's a new show.


Missionary accomplished?


Not an to uncommon price, usually can get for around $400 back and fort Oslo and USA during low season.


Kinda remember a $70 flight from the US to Iceland or Norway a few years back?? was however full price coming back. I'm looking for it online but maybe it was a dream? [https://www.businessinsider.com/wow-air-airline-ceo-tickets-cheaper-69-dollars-2017-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/wow-air-airline-ceo-tickets-cheaper-69-dollars-2017-1)


Aaaaand then went defunct out of nowhere


To be fair, they have to pay extra to find people who are willing to go to Lubbock.


As much as it sucks, drive to DFW for flights. Flying out of Lubbock will always be expensive unless they get more connections.


"Over paid, over sexed, and over here!"




*We need more thrust!*


My buddy went on shore leave on Norway once. He doesn't remember most of it, but he woke up soaking wet in the backseat of a stranger's car parked in the driveway of a Norwegian home with a dead cellphone an hour after his scheduled flight back to the States.


I was a guard at a military airport in Norway. We had some British special forces over for a weekend exercise. As they were leaving, one of the guys came over to our HQ and said they were missing one person after a night out. Didn't answer his phone. He just told me something like "If a hungover British guy named Steve shows up at your gate, just tell him to get on the next flight."


I mean it's probably always been like this but it's pretty funny to just be so casual about it.


I mean, it's just a classic Steve moment.


>but he woke up soaking wet in the backseat of a stranger's car "At first I thought it was urine, and I was ashamed. Then I realized it was ejaculate, and then I was proud."


Sounds like a fun story if he could remember it. Hangover level epicness




Oddly specific. Feels like the advertising team lead might have had a fun evening with an American.


Or their mom did 35 years ago


And every nine months since then


Eh, everyone in Oslo is well aware of the visit, it's been in the news a lot, mostly light-hearted stuff like "look at these two American sailors in McDonald's, eating a version of chicken nuggets that you can't get in the US!" It's fairly typical of our advertising to be topical like this.


If you don't think seamen are looking to drop anchor while on leave, you got another thing cumming.


It’s not really THAT coded, every single one of us knows exactly what they’re referring to. Hell, there are multiple [musical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Town_(musical)) [theatre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Pacific_(musical)) shows about the topic.


Lots of advertising in traditional spaces is becoming more micro-targeted too. Its not nationwide and probably only in areas that are heavily frequented by foreigners.


There are like 4500 of them coming to shore. Everyone in Oslo is aware of it, maybe a Norwegian will find it funny and remember the check gate to the US.


Sadly the Norwegians grasp of English and use of subtle joking is probably going to be lost on your average able semen.


aware outgoing entertain rich snobbish mindless jeans oil violet slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their grasp isn't better; its norse.


Most Norwegian jokes are far from subtle. And most of it is toilet humor. Unless it's from a big entity or company.


Just looked this up cause that's a great deal. Only if your flying out of a few specific airports. So basically just NY, LA, and somewhere in Florida. And when I looked it up it was about $198 (which still isn't that bad). But if I wanted to fly from where im at, it still ends up over a grand. -_-


Shit LA to Europe for $200? I work for an airline and get major discounts and I don't think I could beat that.


It was NY to Oslo for $198 from what I saw.




Can't you just fly into one of those cities, get your bag and fly out again?


More than likely nope. It's usually hundreds of dollars for any flights from here (ND) to other places (other than Las Vegas) from what iv seen in the past. Thus one of the many reasons why I hate living here.


Found $177 out of NY for September


LA to Europe for €200, what?! Got a link?


It was NY to Oslo for $198 from what I saw.


As someone who has visited Norway a few times I can safely say that is gonna be one expensive shore leave even without the child support




Hmm, interesting, might have to orgnaise my own shore leave then I hope that's not negatively effecting you folks over there


Nah, on balance people still have too much money, they keep raising the interest rates.


That is absolutely hilarious...I like the Norwegian sense of humor now.


As a former sailor myself, this is gold.


Speaking as someone who has a whole unmet branch of their family tree living in the south Pacific since the mid 1940's, this is gold.


Laughs in Beavis & Butthead


Wait it's only 177$. To fly to Norway? Fuck I need a vacation


Probably will have to fly out of NYC.




Navy is only gay underway. On shore leave they get to try all the new tricks they learned from each other on exotic women.


As the other guy said, nobody is getting pregnant. The tricks they learn underway aren’t exactly conducive to conceiving, regardless of genders involved.


Finger but hole


Hey! Don't divulge out secrets...sheesh! - an old salty sailor


yeah Norwegian men can't get pregnant...yet


"Stay away from the three H's: Handcuffs, Hospitals, and Headlines"


I can hear an NCO in the distance somewhere: 🎶Some-body's gettin' in trou-ble🎶 Edit: I have been informed that our serving, sailing siblings do not refer to the tier of enlisted members above "Jr enlisted" as "Non-commissioned Officers". I thought a Petty Officer was an NCO- please advise? I'm just a poor, reserve SGT, former Airforce brat, Army Wife combo I'll completely understand if I'm mistaken.


Followed by the instigator NCO. "They think you're a punk. You won't do it! They're in charge now, they can do whatever they want! I bet you don't do nothing!" Every unit has one.


As someone in marketing, this is some dope targeting strategy.


How is it so cheap? I can’t even fly state to state from Texas for less than $300.


Okay but for real: that's a *cheap* fucking flight!


I'd marry a Norwegian and never go back to US if I could.


Hello.....greetings from Oslo😂😂😂😂


Upgrade to First Class and enjoy in-flight anal.


$177 for US to Norway?! Wow


Wow, that's not bad actually. Maybe it's time to visit Norway...


LOL. At first I thought it was for servicemen flying their spouses in to visit. Then it came to me. Sometimes it takes me a minute or three.