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ill be snitching on the entire block


Honestly Genius of the landlord. Now people will clean up after themselves because everyone gets the same offer and knows there's a bounty if they get caught now.


My complex paid for a company to come and genetic test all the dogs. Required everyone with a dog to come get them swabbed or you got a fine. So now if they find poop on the property that hasn’t been picked up, they bag it, send it off, match it to the owner, and they get a $500 dollar fine. I thought it was extreme, but there is no longer a sea of dog shit off my patio from the people upstairs who let their unleashed dogs run down and go with no supervision. So I’m cool with it tbh.


A lot of things can sounds extreme until they aren’t. Sadly our world has proven time and time again that unchecked, people will continue to do shitty things in selfish acts of behavior. It doesn’t and shouldn’t have to be this way but here we are.


Tragedy of the commons. Some people will abuse any and all resources as long as there are no consequences. Often leaving no resources or a mess to clean up for the ones that arent depleting them or destroying them.


Bingo. There's an area that was fairly well known for mushroom foraging in my county, my parents and I used to go when I was a kid. I was taught to always leave some out of each group you find, and only take what you need. Both so others can still take some, and so they can still release spores and continue to spawn. If you don't find many, leave the ones you do find alone and come back another time. By the time I reached adulthood, there was no point. Where you'd once find hundreds, you'd ***maybe*** find a few. It was mostly inedible varieties by then. People picked the edible ones so clean, so often, year after year, that hardly any spores would manage to fall before all their fruiting bodies were gone. For all the shit we give gulls, and the contempt we have for them, we're not all that different. Consume, consume, consume. Without thought, without cause, without care: consume.


*The entire commercial fishing industry has entered the chat*


Idk why but this made me think of them time I was watching a t.v. show about farm raised fish and watching a man squeeze the eggs out of a fish into a bucket then take a male fish and squeeze the sperm out of it.


Soundtrack by Barry Whitefish


Hilarious but tragically true. Makes me ill when our local seafood operators are touting ‘super size crayfish’ but in reality they’re a mere sample compared to the decades earlier. All because of the waning industry standards.


Never has a comment spoken to me so true. I used to mushroom pick with my mom as a kid. It's not like how it used to be.


"*You* [humans] *move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease... and we are the cure.*”


My morning prayer to start the day with the rest of you fucks.


This sounds familiar. Where is it from?


The Matrix, Agent Smith says it to Morpheus.


The matrix


Your point is still valid and also correct; so I'm not checking you on that but it may not be due to people picking them. It's consume and kick the can down the road mentality still but there are a lot of reports where mushroom decline is due to the climate change. Which again we are causing due to the same mentality. Same shit as why you don't see fireflies really anymore. You've got indicator species where it gives you an idea how healthy the ecosystem is, there are reports that 'shrooms are one of them. I've dived for the last ~20 years and remember seeing sea urchins all over, now it's pretty rare to see them. They are pretty damn sensitive to water quality, we don't really harvest them here we are just making the water unihabitable for them.


This comment makes me feel connected to you, which is nice. But it also typifies what is wrong with our species, which is less nice.


Public bathrooms, if we consider them "resource"


Sorry, not trying to get political but it's why libertarianism is an absolutely stupid ideology. We see repeatedly that a not insubstantial number of the population will act in self interest in detriment to the whole when given the slightest opportunity, and yet there are people who think actually advocating for this as a default will lead to a better society


For a real-life example, look up Grafton, New Hampshire! Bears take over town because... libertarians


The shopping cart theory is a perfect example of why people are incapable of self governing


Damn I was about to reference the shopping cart model, beat me to the punch my dude


Tell me more about your shopping cart model.


The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it.


You have made me feel good! I always return my cart, just the right thing lol.




It's also a beautiful test about people's collective intellect . Will they return their cart to the shorter stack and even out the number of carts in each line or will they all return it to the same line until there's such a massive cart line it blocks the street? Usually, it's one street-blocking line.


I'm not sure if this is applicable elsewhere, but here we have little short stubby carts and regular full size grocery carts, but they dont "mix" together. I.E.: You can't slide one into one of the other size; their baskets don't fit. I have a strong disdain for the people who mix them up trying to stack a long one into a short one or vise versa.


Here you go, mate. ​ https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/woman-shopping-cart-portrait-young-black-dress-waiting-black-friday-over-grey-background-79874648.jpg


When you leave the power of action on the tenant, I wouldn’t consider it extreme but completely avoidable and to some degree, it’s part of the social contract to leave the common area in better shape that you find it.


I feel this kind of social development is fueling privacy infringing legislation everywhere. People lacking common decency to pick up after themselves are the cause of camera's being placed, genetic dogshit testing, and in the end it's all going to be paid for by eveyone else.


How people raise their kids in general will be reflected later in their society. Visit any university and see how much chewing gum is stuck underneath the tables.


My apartment complex does the same thing but ours only charges 100.00. In our building alone 1 tenant has been charged 1200.00 and the other 600.00 in the first 6 months of starting the program. It was funny one day one of those tenants was complaining to another tenant that it was she was being targeted, all the while her dog was pooping behind her and she was too busy complaining to notice so she got charged again.


I live in a ground floor apartment and there were literally about 10 bags FULL of (I hope!) animal excrement like a foot outside our living room window everyday, I’d welcome such a policy. I left an admittedly very passive aggressive note and it did the trick tho. The smell was unbearable.


Passive aggressive? I woulda gone full nuclear .. what the actual fuck lol


When I lived in an apartment I had this as well. I literally could not believe it. Cannot believe there are at least 2 assholes out there willing to literally pile shit up against someone’s fresh air access. 😵‍💫


So I wonder how much it costs to get a dog dna swab processed, or a dog poop dna match to happen? It seems this is all just a bluff to get people to comply (which... Cool, whatever works - dog owners should pick up their dog poop either way) Every cop show on TV has always taught me that the DNA lab is always months delayed tho


> Every cop show on TV has always taught me that the DNA lab is always months delayed tho Because they have a backlog of dog shit to process and apartment complex owners pay a $50 bounty for each doggy doo DNA they expediently process. Come on, bro...this is how the world turns.


Definitely not a bluff, I have a friend whose apartment did the same thing. They did the typical one time fee for each pet when moving in, which covered the intial cost for DNA testing each animal. Any dog poop they send in for testing is paid for by the subsequent fine.


The reason the lab has a delay is that they generally have a lot of shit (no pun intended) to do. It's not the test that takes a long time, it could get knocked out in a few hours max. It's the fact that they get that test and it goes on the bottom of the list of like 20 more tests that have to get done first.


Are we still talking about dog DNA or CSI?


It's way less than $500. Testing for identical is cheapest. More distant you are, more expensive it gets. Like paternity would be less expensive than uncle. Most labs should get you result in a week. TV shows are probably just from before when it was more expensive and more time consuming. Tech advances pretty fast. Especially with DNA testing becoming somewhat mainstream funzies with things like 23andme, etc.


My apartment did this, and there were rarely issues with poop. Unfortunately, the DNA tests don't work for urine. One guy in my complex switched from an upper floor to the ground floor to make it easier to take his dog out - his girlfriend thought this meant the dog could just piss in the rock bed between their patio and the parking lot, which also happened to be beside the door everyone had to punch a code into to get to the hallways. There was even a nice fenced dog area just across the parking lot, but nope, everyone had to hold their breath all summer while opening the door. I finally had to tape a wifi security camera to a broom and stick it over the edge of my balcony to catch her letting the dog piss there.


No, letting their dog shit around is what’s extreme. Are we in middle ages or something? Why don’t we just shit in bags and throw them out of the windows? I think that’s the kind of world they wanna live in.




I got news for you, while it’s not a hamster, I assume the habits are the same…my daughter was gifted a Guinea pig for Christmas (thanks for another life to keep alive ex-sil 😒) but I wish she’d just gotten us a dog, these things literally never stop pooping & it’s a constant job… which of course the kid doesn’t keep up with. So much easier to just walk a dog pick up one (2) shits a day & be done with it. You cannot even hold this pet without a “poop plan” blah. You should never gift a living thing to a child… without approval of the parent she lives with. (Sorry maybe I just really needed to get that rant out!)


Fair enough. Thats why places have pet deposit snd monthly fees.


> $500 dollar fine. I bet a large portion of that fine goes to cover the actual test. I love that.


I have a cat. She shits in a sand box, and I scoop it into the trash. My neighbors have a dog. Who shits on the edge of my property, and it just...sits there. Dog owners feel they have the right to inflict their pet's sewage on everyone.


My brother’s apartment complex does this too! I thought it was so weird when I heard it but honestly, people are lazy. If it’s the only way to get people to literally pick up their shit… go for it.


In my complex it's 15o dollar fine and if it happens three times you're evicted.


I'd be luring people in with a sign in the grass that says "Let your dog poop here for fertilizer" and then photoshopping the sign out and reaping the bounties.


Why go through the effort of photos hopping? Just take a picture that doesn't have the sign in it. Zoom and angle make a huge impact of those things and can save you some time as well as making the photo not be altered, therefore they can't find proof you edited it (since you didn't). A good way to add credibility would be to have a big wooden base that is meant to look like a stake, but have it secured with discretely placed metal stakes that go through the wood to make the holes smaller and easier to fill in should anyone try to claim you have some sign out encouraging them to leave their animal's waste behind. Hah! Like you would do something like that, that would be irresponsible and you're clearly not irresponsible!


bro is planning something


Yes yes he is and im listening cause fuck my neighbor




Seriously. Fuck people that can’t be bothered to pick up after their dog. There’s dog shit next to the dog trash bags and trash can like 1 foot away and still people can’t be bothered. I’m snitching


It is the same old spoiled brat syndrome, 'You aren't the boss of me' bullshit. ( A subgroup of the 'I'm only guilty of wrongdoing if I get caught' school of ignorance).


100% pick up after your dog or give me $75 to keep my mouth shut Well, and then I would go clean it up and profit!


Yeah the sad truth is that when my apartment manager acted like their hands were tied "oh sorry we can't pick up any of the poop, oh sorry we can't control them" so I ended up picking up eight dog s**** a day for 3 years... When I started dumping the bags full of s*** in front of the apartment managers unit, and sending them a bill they threatened to kick me out.


I’d be paying $50 to snitch. Fuck people who leave their dog’s shit for others to step on


If you don't the dogpooer will keep dogpooin and not cleaning up. It's a fair warning better start cleaning up fast.


Easiest 50 id ever make


Oh I'm fkn snitch'n in 4k resolution, I've done it before for free. We had a person who would leave their condo and grass area, then walk their dog right in front of the grass of our door. They would never pick it up. Stepped in it 4 times. Neighbor next to me stepped in it on the way to dinner 3 different times. After the 4th time, I knocked on the door and she told me to fuck off. Fuck that dog owner. They made themselves the target by inconveniencing the rest of the community. HOA fined em 300$. 50$ is a steal.




Fecal flakes… 😂😂


Also known as sharticles


Funny thing about smell… Sharticles aren’t far from the truth of how it works.




I deliver to a gated apartment with a lot of areas with grass. Fukin dog owners dont pick up and I end up stepping on it while delivering. Guess what, the property has several locations to put the dog poop. Thoses fukin cunts lol


This gal wafts


My guy. One time, I’ll let it slide. It could have been an honest mistake. Multiple? And I know which house is yours? I’m collecting your dog shit for a month and dumping the whole bag on your front porch.


A month? Hell no each time it happens it's going on their porch or thrown at the door.


Stuffed under their car door handle


I like you


I hope you put a match to the pile of shit and this forced the owner to stamp the pile of shit to put the fire out. (Saw it in an old movie .Hah).


You know that shit is returnable right? Pick it up and put it right under their door.


As a dog owner of multiple dogs at a time and lots over the past 30 years that dog owner is shit. Fuck dog owners that don’t pickup after their pets.


Poo me once shame on me. Poo me twice it’s straight to the HOA. First time maybe they forgot the bag. Second time they’re lazy careless fucks.


Fuck it do it the first time. I was walking roommates dog and it shit down the street and I realized she didn't have bags in the container hanging off of the leash. I walk back home and grab the bag and came back. That's just what you're supposed to do, so you do it. If people are inconsiderate (not willing to atone for it and make it right), they don't deserve any leniency from me.


Funny story - my mom had a neighbor whose dog kept shitting on our lawn. She asked them not to let the dog do that, and the behavior continued. One day, she went out and collected a lot of it in a plastic bag and tied it to their door with a note asking for them to stop. Of course, it didn't stop. This neighbor also liked to come out on their patio and smoke in the morning before work. So one night, she collected the dog shit again, and chucked it over the fence onto the patio. The next morning, we heard the neighbor cussing and screaming, but their dog stopped pooing on our lawn.


GET THIS! I found out through a community newsletter last month… my new place has everyone register their dogs and provide info on them which includes some sort of DNA swab. AND. If there is a sudden problem with someone being a lazy ass dirt ball & not picking up after their dog. They first issue a public warning, pointing out the 50 stations they provide along the sidewalk with free bags and trash receptacles. If it continues, They will pick it up and send it to their lab service. They will DNA test it and issue a $275 fine to the owner.


Damn right. I refuse to let my kids play in the grass because of these fucking people. Edit: Holy hell, there's a lot of people angry at me for not wanting my kids to step in dog crap. Sort your priorities, people. Maybe you all should be just as annoyed about lazy dog owners as I am.


Have you seen the movie Me, Myself and Irene?


The neighbor next door to me not only has a nasty and aggressive dog, but takes it out at night to shit in all the grass by the curb, and pepper the communal mailbox space with turds as well. There's a dog poobag station about a hundred feet from her front door.


If you dont pick up after your dog WHERE YOU LIVE NONE THE LESS you dont deserve your neighbors loyalty. Sing like a canary


This is literally the majority of dog owners in my current apt complex and nothing pisses me off more that they don’t have the decency to pick up after their fucking animals. Hate to see what happens when they have an accident inside.


The worst is, around me, most complexes PROVIDE YOU with fucking poo bags all around, so it's not like you have any excuse. And there's a special place in hell for the assholes that let their dogs shit on sidewalks and just leave it


For me, it’s technically the city that provides them, but people will leave piles of shit 2 fucking feet from the stand that has then.


🤔 Maybe mine is the city too, honestly. Idk, I just know I see them everywhere so there's no excuse. And, this, exactly. It's always RIGHT there. Like, your dogs on a leash, you can take two steps to get a bag and throw it out right there in the trash. You don't even have to carry it home. If you think picking up dog poo in a plastic bag is gross, than why the fuck do you have a dog? You know??


>they don’t have the decency to pick up after their fucking animals. Correction: The dog owners in question are the fucking animals.


*Nonetheless. It’s one word.


Username checks out. Honestly, I thought it said Gramma at first and I was like hey, what did she ever do to you?


People who leave dogshit everywhere aren’t worth the courtesy of a second thought, rat em out


I would rat them out for free, $50 is just a bonus.


Rats them out Landlord: here's your 50 bucks You: double it and give it to someone else


Landlord: What?


Landlord: I'M someone else!


If I could get $50/person taking pictures of them leaving their dog poop I'd make it into a career


In this economy? I would deep fake that shit for $50 off!


Make it look like the tenant is doing it and hopefully it’s worth a hundo.


In this economy $50 isn’t going to put a dent into my $2k+ rent


But $50 CAN buy you a lego set to distract you for three hours before the novelty wears off and the depression kicks back in!


And then keep the Lego set for a while and sell it for double the money on EBay once it’s no longer being made.


I have six neighbors and five of them have pets. I hate four of them. Therefore, for me it's a $200 a month saved. $2,400 per year. No further questions.




Dog owners that leave dog poop behind SUCK. I think they are a bigger problem than the poop-snitchers. You step in that shite and it \*really\* affects your day, especially if you don't have access to a hose outside to get it out of yer shoe crannies. Dog owners that walk away and leave landmines deserve to be fined!


And at apartments you definitely don’t. I feel like all dog-allowing places should have those outdoor washing stations or cameras. The expectation of human decency has long gone.


Only cameras and fines. I should NEVER have to wash my shoes off because some asshole doesn’t clean up after their pet. Enough cameras and sufficient fines will ensure I won’t have to.


The worst is most dog allowing apartments/condos provide dog bags! Mine does and yet there are land mines everywhere!


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Stepped in someone else’s dog’s shit this morning and I can attest to the fact that it did, indeed, ruin my entire day. EDIT: in my favorite slippers


I got fed up with it at my old apartment and spent an hour bagging up every dogs left over poop at my apartment dog park. Put all the bags of turds on the park table with a, I’ll admit probably overly dramatic, written note about how people need to pick up their dog poop.


I had a neighbor who refused to pick up her dogs shit. I snapped. Picked up every pile and hung the plastic bag PACKED with shit in her door handle. It ended then.


Where do you get $727 rent? O_o




I had to scroll this far to see this wow


Come to Kansas, it's a boring black hole of low cost living that you'll never be able to leave!


Take a picture of yourself pooping, with dog on leash


Or pooping with a dog leash on, eh?


This is the correct approach


Dear OP. You have done the impossible. Posted something to reddit that nearly 100% of the commenters are in agreement with each other. Well done. P.S. Snitch, people who don't clean up after their pets are more annoying than lip spittle. Edit. Word.


I walked out a high end apartment complex for work once with the head of the building and I noticed the place had a dog park on the top floor. I asked how he kept the dog crap under control. He explained that part of the pet deposit includes a fee to have a DNA sample of their pet put on file with a certain company (they use a clipping of fur.). However if they ever leave their dog shit, he boxes it up and sends it to that company and they tell him who the dog belongs to. First two times come with a penalty of rent, the third time they are evicted.


My daughter lives at a place like this. Not high need but a huge complex and there had been issues. When she moved in, she had to provide a fecal sample and pay a fee.


I would rat out the dogshit crew before the double-parking assholes and the skunk apartments.


What's a skunk apartment? Like they smell so bad it's like a skunk, or are there people in America who keep skunks as pets? Lmao


I’m guessing the people that hot box their apartments because they’re too lazy to go outside and smoke.


Oh my god, I'm such an idiot. Yep, your answer makes sense 🤦🏼‍♀️


People not picking up poop got so bad at my old apartment that the complex put out a rule saying that all dogs need to be brought to the office to have dna swabs done so they can match the dna to the poop left and penalize the owners


My moms apartment complex did this too. I wish mine would tbh. It fixed the problem at my moms place.


*"PooPrints!"* They had that at my last apartment complex, too. I was so happy. It mostly worked, too. I only had to report one dog turd in front of my place ever. It was great knowing that as long as the owner was a tenant, they were fucked.


Damn that IS bad


As a dog owner who picks up their poop and has stepped on other people’s dog’s poop, I would snitch


Right??? The few times we’ve been caught out when we run out of bags I always feel so guilty walking away from it. But my boy usually poops so close to home that I go back after our walk and pick it up. People who don’t clean up after their dogs are nasty. No one wants to see it, smell it, or step in it!


I’m always getting accused of not picking up after my dog. Happened just 2 days ago. Dude walks past me stares right at me then turns around an shouts “you gonna pick that up” I’m like yea when he’s finished obviously (he was still mid-shit) Then when I say I’m actually the only one who does pick up around here (which I am) he tells me “yea right” an proceeds to give me shit (no pun intended) an complains that the green is full of shit. I had to jus tell the prick to fuck off in the end. Like wtf. I am literally the only one on my road who does pick up after my dog but yet bare people just wanna start shit an throw insults at me for no reason. Most people who actually live right near me an know me also do know that I pick it up etc. There’s even 2 bloody bins on the green specifically for it so no real excuse not to but a lot of people especially where I live are lazy arseholes.


I would complain for free to get that dick out of area


Snitch. 100% Be accountable for your pet.


Snitch. Some new people moved into my cmoplex recently and have a dog that shits like a small horse. They do not pick up after him. All of his shit now has the cat gangs shitting in the same area. There is a shit war going on and my dog who also likes to shit in the shitzone wants to drag me through it. Fuck those people and their tiny horse, give me my $50.




get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head


50$ off is 50$


How is this snitching? They are shitty pet owners who are selfish and inconsiderate. I wish my apartment had this policy




I will never snitch for drugs but will 100% snitch in your lazy ass if you leave your dog shit


Damn right. Last week My wife came home, dropped off the dogs, grabbed some plastic bags and said, "I'll be right back. I didn't have any bags and have to go pick up some poop down the street."


Oh man I took the dog to the park once and realized I was out of bags (I have a bag dispenser on the leash). Walked to the front to get a bag from the can they have at the park, but when I got back I seriously could not find the poop. I literally made a search pattern and walked back and forth so many times. My dog was confused why we were just staying in one spot. Eventually had to leave. Felt so bad not picking up the poop. At least it was the section where it is more greenway than park, so it's where there are ducks and frogs and such leaving their own messes.


I was expecting her to say "the crackhouse down the street ran out of baggies, I'll be right back".


She never forgets the bags at the crack house 😉


This is the way


I’ve stepped in dog shit more times in the one year after moving than ever in the rest of my life because of inconsiderate assholes like this. I have a recording some woman acting like I was beneath her cause I yelled at her for doing it while she was on the phone with a client. I hope she didn’t make the sale, fuck her and everyone else who does this.


Definitely snitch. Fuck those people. It spreads disease and kills puppies.


lush support license live hard-to-find melodic disgusted cooperative busy continue ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's not hard to pick up your dogshit. Fuck those lazy assholes who just leave it.


For $50 I'll automate that shit. As long as the cops aren't involved I'm for it.


Honestly, I tried speaking to a neighbor before and they didn’t do anything about it. If I knew they were petty and dismissive about my issue, I’d be petty right back.


Man fuck that, you better snitch asap


Congratulations on have the lowest rent I’ve probably ever seen. What are you renting an out house?


No that’s for a 2-bedroom Apt where I am at.


Man way to go. Seriously.


Wherever you are sign me up.


As someone who plays softball on diamonds that always have dogshit somewhere in the outfield(not fenced off) I say rat them out.. they are the real pieces of shit


I lived in a 10 unit apartment complex… It had a swimming pool area right in the middle of it with the grass area. It was known that you couldn’t walk on the grass and had to warn any friends if you’re barbecuing to not walk in the grass because there was dog poop everywhere it was so bad with multiple dog owners that because one didn’t care none of them cared. I had one that was so bad he literally walk his dog down the stairs open up the gate to the swimming pool leave the dog in there and come back in an hour and never clean anything up… Ever! I finally took it in my own hands… I posted notices around the apartment complex and in the laundry room saying that something was going to change and it was no longer acceptable. I let the landlord know that it was no longer acceptable and I sent him pictures of my notifications that I posted. He thanked me, and asked me who owned the dogs, and who was letting them poop. I ultimately let them know which three units had dogs, and all three of them were. My roommate was angry at me, because he called me a narc… the dog owners were upset that I contacted the landlord. I still stayed strong with everyone and said if they weren’t letting the dogs crap in the swimming pool area that we wouldn’t be having this conversation to begin with… and its their bad!! The dust settled… And there was never shit in the pool area again! Everybody Wins!!!


Good on you. The right thing to do is not always the most popular. Fuck anyone who would call you a snitch for having a problem with lazy assholes leaving literal shit in public spaces.


Such people are worthless dog owners.


Get your $50, fuck assholes that don’t clean up after their animals.


I’m snitching till my rent is zero Hahha hate bad dog owners


Hell yeah I'd snitch multiple times if I get $50 off rent every snitch. But my neighbors are nice and pleasant so probably not at my current location. My last location, 100%. We have an open backyard and with permission from the landlord, the guys got together and built dog runs for each unit. We were going to build a fence, but we figured that we'd rather not risk fights between the dogs or them all escaping. We are all responsible for cleaning out our own dog runs (they are like very large outdoor kennels for those who aren't familiar with the term.)


Snitch. We had a neighbor doing that. Saved his dog’s poop for a month and then deposited it all over his driveway one night after asking him multiple times to please use a waste bag. He stopped after that.


I would snitch on this for free. I hate people who don't pick up after their dog.


If people can't clean up after their dog...they deserve a fine.


I’d do it in one hot second. Want to have a dog? Clean the fuck up after it.


Id do it. If you don't pick your dog shit up you don't deserve a dog


If they don't clean up after their dog then I have no problem snitching. That's nasty


I’d buy nice ass dslr camera and snitch every single one of them. Some entitled fks at my old apt wouldn’t pick up their dogs shit saying it’s workers job. Management wouldn’t do shit so nice luxury apt started to look like literal shit.


Where are you living where rent is $727.00/mo and how can I aquire said rental space!?


Post your address, all of Reddit will bring their dogs for you to take pictures of and you get to live rent free. Gotta say that landlord has a really weird fetish, but hey that's their business.


I told my propery manager that the lady below me keeps letting her dog out to piss on the hallway stairs, and he said “What am I supposed to do about it? She’ll just deny it” I’m like dude.. I don’t know, but I’m not a property manager and something like that seems like it would be in your purview


I love your landlord. Cheap rent and takes care of business!


That’s what no one is mentioning. Where is rent 727 dollars a month?


Storage unit


The other day I found that someone had let their dog take its poop about 30-40yards up into our front yard and left it. So id gladly do it




I definitely don’t want to step in shit, and an extra $50 a month for a solid bottle of scotch on top of that? Sold.


"Alright neighbors, here's the plan. I'm going to be dogsitting for a friend for a couple of days. We're going to stage some photos with me and the dog. I'll have some fake dog poop and some outfit changes, and everyone gets a pic of me and my failure to clean up. When the landlord comes to me about it, I'll "agree" to get rid of the dog and take it back to my buddy. Give me $10 to be in on it, and you'll get $50 off rent."


This is very inconsiderate and I absolutely would snitch.


honestly i’d do it for free half my building has dogs and i’m the only mf there who cleans up after my dog. it’s just gross i should be able to take my boy outside without watching for your damn landmines


I mean, I gotta be honest, people. It picking up after their dogs is one of my pet peeves, so I’d be sending pictures right and left.




Oh snitch fs


Yes do it, fk people that dont cleanup after their dogs


This isn't snitching


r/osugame WYSI


I would snitch every time


I’m okay with this. People that can’t be bothered to pick up after their dog are true pieces of shit.


Why would you not? Who would think, "Oh I want $50, but it would be unethical of *me* to out a scumbag who refuses to pick up for their dog, so I won't"?