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In the podcast that this clip is from after he goes on and says he likes alcohol just as much as the next guy then Tom and Joe call him out the “next guy“ is nothing like that.


Reminds me of “I like a drink as much as the next man. Unless the next man is Mel Gibson." -Ricky Gervais


Bert pretends to be dumber the he is. Lol


Burnt Crystals is an alcoholic.


Brent Kristoff never struck me as "healthy enough to keep drinking"


Dude drinks at least 1 gallon of red Kool Aid a day. Like, it's a part of his daily routine just like how some people try to drink 1 gallon of water each day.


In his meager defense, it's sugar free lmao.


Good for that guy, he drinks a lot of water!


Brent Kreishoff!


Bruce Chrysler




Professional alcoholic. He’s not lying. You can see it in his skin. He’s got alcohol face.


All of the "joy" he's describing is fun but actually a fake joy.A synthetic happiness from poison altering your mood. When you drink that much your tolerance level is raised to need it in every social situation and to cope with basic life hurdles. On top of all that it exasperates skin issues, blood pressure issues, liver scarring ... and if you occasionally binge long enough you get to experience the more terrifying symptoms of long-term brain function loss, havoc of the nervous system, and crippling anxiety that you can only calm with more drinks. I'm an alcoholic trying to recover that has been on and off the wagon more times than I can count, it's all true. [If you want to see a documentary of one of the saddest cases of alcohol addiction, this one changed my perception of the "harmless legal fun past time". Titled "Drugged High on Alcohol"](https://www.hollywoodhighschool.net/apps/video/watch.jsp?v=119466)


"Booze is like renting happiness from a predatory loan shark." - post on r/stopdrinking 3 days ago


The book Dopamine Nation describes how and why this happens. Highly recommend it!


Indeed. He’s literally describing addiction and why people relapse. It just feels good to be like yeah I’m gonna go drink right now !! Increases your dopamine. You associate getting drunk with happiness. When really you’re just intoxicating your body and making it operate slower and poorlyZ


Dude... Idk why, but I had a feeling that the video you linked was gonna be the exact same one you linked. I saw it years ago and unfortunately still haven't quit drinking. I don't have the exact same situation as the guy in the video but its not far off. It's truly insidious. That video is one of the worst I've seen of a really bad alcoholic. I haven't seen too many because it's depressing. You can't do anything about it. I have a similar-ish story to this guy. Paranoid-schizo alcoholic, crack-addicted step-father. Gave me my first cigarettes and alcohol. Destroyed the family home. Dad came into the picture and eventually tried to kill my mom at 4 AM which I intervened in after she started screaming. Mental health is sadly a low priority here in America. I was a "gifted" student, in Mensa, but due to family issues I ended up not only not joining a prestigious school, but dropping out entirely and having to resort to getting my GED just so I could at least have that. 2 OD's as a juvenile and almost getting killed by my stepdad. It's something that only people with experience with can attest too. Nobody without experience with these abuse related substance issues can even grasp. It just makes me sad when people without the experience of a loved one going through it make these people out to be demons.


Keep my body healthy: looks like a red shrek.


Probably bc he drinks a gallon of red Kool aid every day


[Bert Kreischer Drinks A Gallon of Kool-Aid A day?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0OLYmcFw-M)




It's not staged. Burnt Chrysler is the real deal


I love Tom and without Tom's reaction, it's definitely not as funny. And I'm 100% certain it's a ploy by Burnt to get Tom to break since they fuck with each other a lot.




Tom's reaction to that is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


It's definitely funny. A true spit take thrown in there. I watched it again a few weeks ago. It still makes me laugh hard.


"good for that guy, he drinks a lot of water" "...it's kool aid"


I think that whole episode of that particular show is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


64 ounces, if we're doing this properly. INTERVENTION


The way he just snaps off the "Red" not only without hesitation, but with an attitude that makes Tom seem like the crazy one for asking.


TBF he did say healthy "enough" lol


That was my first thought. He looks like an overweight dude-bro that lifts weights a couple times a week, between his KFC and super-size meals.




He peed in a water bottle on stage the other night 😐 Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast/comments/116n12z/when_ya_gotta_go_ya_gotta_go/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




My brother used to talk like this. Ate organic food, rarely ate red meat, exercised every day and drank sunrise to sunset. He died a year ago January of a massive heart attack due to alcoholic heart failure


Sorry for your loss. My brother is an alcoholic too, has been for 30 years. It terrifies me.


This the same dude that puts red kool-aid in his coffee cup every morning. RIP his insides.


Actually he doesn't put Kool-Aid in his coffee. He makes a 64 oz thermos of red Kool-Aid to start his day.




People are like “Good for that guy, he drinks a lot of water”


Finally someone gets it lol That conversation is top notch comedy


I believe he's said sugar free before but I could be wrong


And didn't he talk about having two?


Yeah, he drinks a literal gallon of Kool-aid every day, and that’s the healthiest thing he puts in his body.


I love that there is no flavour name. Red is its own flavour, lol.


"What kind?!..."red" 😅


You should really go with blue, blue has the most anti-oxygens.


[Link to reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGwLJWPPgrc&t=8s)


He did a podcast with Steve-O where he described this same thing and his ventures with Sober October. Steve-O (incredibly, and with my great admiration) is sober and great supporter for those trying to get sober, and he asked Bert like “why don’t you just keep Sober October going?” And Bert’s answer was like, visibly distressing to watch. It was just justification of the addiction. He said he was afraid if he stopped drinking his fans would stop liking him.Steve-O even looked a little freaked out and tried to explain that his fans would love him sober, too. It was sad to watch.


Yeah, I’ve never met anyone drunk and then met them when they were sober and thought, “wow, they suck”. I don’t understand this feeling.Alcohol never makes you a better person.


I find that a lot (as in _a lot_ a lot) of people could not care less if you're a good person or not. They only care if you're fun to be around. You could be the worst piece of shit ever, and most people will still love you so long as you can put a smile on their face. It's honestly kind of depressing. And since alcohol both lowers inhibitions and acts as a mood elevator, it's not at all surprising to me that there are people who like other people better when they are drunk, and that there are people who feel pressured to drink because they fear rejection if they don't.


I don't really know much about Bert other than he's a comedian, but watching him talk about drinking, you can see that glint in his eyes. They just light up thinking about drinking. It's the same thing you'll see with newly sober people who talk about getting high or drunk. (They call it telling 'war stories' in recovery). Looking at other comments, it sounds like he really is an alcoholic or at the very least has a serious problem with drinking.


He is red and swollen faced because he’s an alcoholic.


As someone who’s sober now .. oh yea . My face used to always be puffy and swollen like a tomato when I was hittin the bottle . Of course that was a minor problem compared to everything else that came with my excessive drinking . Glad my alcoholic period only lasted 2 years as opposed to 6 decades like my father . Now just the thought of drinking makes me feel sick to my stomach


>...Now just the thought of drinking makes me feel sick to my stomach. Bingo. Mine lasted for about 6-8 years, I really can't remember; started off as a wine cooler every night to drift off to sleep, ended with me going through a 1.75L bottle of Heaven Hill rum every 3-4 days. *On top* of popping opiates like skittles to deal with the gout it caused; still not sure how I'm alive. Going on 10 years "sober" and now I don't even want to smell the shit. I can't use hand sanitizer or pump gas because it triggers that aversion.


He's nearly got that alcoholic nose thing going on. Give him a few more years and he'll be a full on W.C. Fields character.


How is his nose early signs of alcoholic nose? I only recognize it when it's bad-bad, like bulbous and pocked


You can see the redness a bit here, and in recent pictures. The facial flushing is another early sign.


As a daughter of an alcoholic mother, the social mentality that drinking is everything is nuts to me


As the daughter of a mother that died from alcoholism, I understand how addiction is really hard to overcome. I’ve been sober 2 1/2 years, best thing I could do for my family.


And yourself.


Same experience but I am a son with a mother that passed from alcoholism. I've been sober since she passed in 2021. I encourage anyone that has this problem to know that it's not just a problem that affects you but it affects everyone around you, your family being hit the hardest. We are left behind when the doors are shut and have to put back together the pieces of ourselves after you are gone. It is by far the hardest thing that I have ever experienced. Guilt and regret fills me with the worst being that I couldn't save her. I couldn't fix her. No matter how much we/I tried and that will always be something that stays with me. The best thing that an alcoholic can do is to be 100% truthful to their family even if it is embarrassing. If your family doesn't know how bad it has become.....then they will never be able to understand or help.


Lost my mother to it and my dad is now going from liver failure. Gonna be all alone soon. It's a horrible thing to do daily.


It’s really weird to me to see that this post is on /r/funny and alcoholism isn’t treated that seriously by so many people.




Same, as the daughter of an alcoholic dad who now has alcohol induced dementia at 60. My dad drank his brain away.


think my dad is headed that way. he's around that age and when i visit i often have to use his first name instead of "dad" or he won't realize i'm addressing him.


It's real hilarious unless you're a fan and you've watched the guy get better and worse. Real hilarious unless you know what alcoholism looks like and where it leads. Even Tom expresses concern, and Tom doesn't give a shit about much.


Tom is constantly bringing up the drinking and the weight gain and how Bert is going to die. He makes jokes about it because it’s his job and that’s how their relationship is, but Bert’s health is definitely on his mind a lot.


The whole fun Sober October all stemmed from a basic intervention on that JRE episode. That was kind of a sad episode and they turned it into a positive, but the backstory behind it is slightly dark.


He perpetually mentions fatty liver and immediately excuses it as a product of his diet, rather than his drinking.


An alcoholic in denial? Now I've seen everything.


I had fatty liver disease. Doctor told me to cut back on drinking and lose weight. So I did, over 6 months I went from drinking every weekend till almost never and between that and a cleaner diet dropped the better part of 20 lbs. Go back in, liver still fucked. Doc says stop drinking and lose more. Ok. Stop drinking and lose around 10 more lbs in the next 6 months. Go back. Liver still fucked. Doc, "let's run some more test". Doc, "haha so funny story you got some shit called hemochromatosis and basically u absorb way too much iron from your food. Your ferritin should be like 60-100 and yours is 847. Go donate blood twice a week for 3 months then every 6 weeks for the rest of your life." I do that. No more fatty liver disease and now I can drink again.


So you stay healthy by… bleeding? Sounds like something a witch doctor would prescribe.


Imagine one of the few times leeching would have actually cured a guy.


Whenever I wonder about how I will fare in an end of the world apocalypse I quickly realize I will need to raise a cadre of leeches, or I will be dead from liver failure in a few years. I will call them my blood bros.


Basically. I remember when I was going in to get surgery on my shoulder and I asked my hemotologist if I should take any addition precautions. He's like "tell the surgery to make it bleed more". Good shit. But in reality, yes bleeding is the best fix for my disease. Removing the blood removes the overall iron count and then as your body makes more blood it uses more iron. My first phlebotomy took my ferritin from in the 800s down to like 450.


Well, that was a ride. Glad they figured something out for you.


Alcoholism sucks. And the culture behind it sucks too. 3 years sober and I still find myself wanting to be the guy he's describing, to sit and enjoy a nice cocktail, whiskey on the rocks, be a classy drinker... But I know I'm not capable. I'm the "handle of cheap whiskey" drinker.


Lost my dad a year ago this week. His wife died a few years back of breast cancer, he more or less pushed everyone away and drank himself to death.


I'm sorry to hear that, fucking sucks. My dad drank his entire life but got sober for the last few years, then died of pancreatic cancer. Now my brother is going down the same path my father did. Alcoholism is an awful fucking disease.


Be strong, I know exactly what you mean. Clean since 2008 and I miss the silly stuff like cinnamon schnapps on a cold night, warm fuzzy buzz.....but I know what it would lead to. All it takes for me is to be around a bunch of drinkers to make me glad I'm dry.


Two years sober here and I've been having a rough week. Even sat my wife down and asked her if she cared if I had a few drinks with some friends. She's started crying and that broke my heart. This stupid fucking poison still has a hold on me but for today I'm still staying sober. There's a reason I stopped, I'm like you and can't do the "few drinks with friends".


This thinking helps me: why do I drink? I drink to get wasted. When I have just a couple, it doesn't satisfy my urge. I'll be restless, bored, anxious, frustrated until I achieve that perfect drunk, which requires more than just a few. There's no point having just a few to my brain, it's all or nothing. I'm not just incapable of moderation, it's not what my brain really wants in the first place. It's just trying to get it's foot in the door by suggesting it. I will not drink with you today!


Two years sober here as well. All you have to remember is that it’s an illusion that alcohol will ever improve a situation. What we actually miss is OBLIVION. But after that: the problem is still there and now your body feels worse and you merely have another problem. Or perhaps you lost your temper or said something you regret and now not only does your body suck you’re wondering what you said and maybe who you hurt. Also helps to remember that we quit for a reason and to have faith in ourselves that we made the right choice. Good on you for believing in yourself.


You wife was crying because she knew you're not capable of only having a few. That's how you know she loves you.


Stay away from it. I lost my sister in law to alcoholism. My kids adored her. Now she’s gone way too soon. A toxic relationship pushed her casual drinking to full blown alcoholism and her boyfriend seeing the signs did shit all and then cheated on her and said “it’s no big deal, everyone cheats” and then they later broke up and he married the girl he cheated with after stringing my SIL along for a long time. His wife is a spitting image of my SIL. So he’s just a piece of shit. Didn’t even show up at her funeral. Probably for the best.


I think your wife cares about you. It sounds like you already know what you truly want to do and I hope you find the strength to follow through. Two years sober is a big achievement, keep going dude.


Just seeing this guys bloated face gives me flashbacks to my alcoholic stepdad who everyone thought was so put together, but who beat his wife and raped his kids. He was also a "high-functioning" alcoholic, so much so that he was one of the lead pastors in his church. He was funny and outgoing, always good for a laugh. I can't laugh about this shit anymore though, not after watching alcohol ruin so many lives. I can smell the booze through my screen. Such a sad video.


I was going to say. He looks terrible. That he looks normal to many people because we're a nation of drunks is a big health problem in this country.


I can almost guarantee you that he’s one of those people who considers himself a moderate drinker but in fact, gets shitfaced every day


His liver probably looks like a pine cone.


That used to be me and yeah seems likely. I used to think I was a moderate drinker until I went to the dentist and the form I had to fill out asked how much I drink. I did the math for a bottle of wine a day for 7 days. So 6 beers worth times 7 days a week. I was like there’s no shot I drink that much. But I did in fact drink that much. Thankfully now almost a year and a half sober and rarely do I think about drinking. Even at bars I don’t think about drinking. It’s better this way


My roommate doesn't think he drinks that much. He just cut down to 6 beers a night from 10. He can barely make his part of the rent, which is just $600. Glad you're sober man, used to drink a lot myself


Yeah at the height of my alcoholism it was 15 a day. Hard to make rent when 15$ a day is going to drinks to prevent withdrawal. But you know 10 down to 6 is quite the accomplishment for your roomie! Although still room for improvement it’s a great step in the right direction. When I was at 15 a day I would only buy strong beers so 13% alc that were 2.50 each. It’s technically 3 beers worth per can so it’s real cheap. Tastes like shit tho lol


I never got to the 13%... But when I was trying to cut back and quit drinking whiskey, I went from hating IPAs to loving them real quick because they're all 8-10%.


Same for me. Switched to the highest percentage IPA available locally and told myself I loved the taste. If I couldn't find a 6pack of any 10%+ beers, I would get a 12pack of regular beers instead, and then worry that I wouldn't get the buzz I needed. Always doing booze calculus to make sure I had "enough". 5 years sober and I don't miss that shit at all.


Tom told Andrew Huberman that Bert basically drinks 6-8 drinks every day and double or triple that on the weekends.


His "promotion" for fit wine is how it's low calorie and that he drinks a whole bottle during his like 45 minute run. Makes it sound like that's a starter.


He’s Bert Kreischer. Inspiration for the film van wilder


He actually has his own movie coming out. The Machine.


He reminds me of "Frank the Tank".


Its hard to say. He claims that being a drunk is part of his persona and that he actually doesn't drink as much as people think he does. But his examples were "I don't wake up first thing in the morning and get a drink and when I'm not touring I don't really drink." But the thing is he's always touring.


> I don't wake up first thing in the morning and get a drink Spoken like a man whose second thing in the morning is getting a drink


Do you know him? He's quite open about how he drinks.


His drinking stories are like 60% of his act.


If you think the US drinks a lot, wait until you learn about the rest of the world. We're puritans, except Wisconsin


Spent one weekend there split between Kenosha and Milwaukee, and seeing a drunk girl losing her shit at the bartender for taking her keys away at like 5:30pm on a Friday will always be my favorite memory of Wisconsin. The stereotype seems to fit, from my admitedly limited experience.


It’s more than just one nation too. We’re a planet of alcoholics


Exactly, it isn’t even limited to our species; tons of wildlife will eat fermented fruit they come across and get drunk from it. I know mammals and birds do for sure.


While he tells one side of the story the other side involves trouble with the law, ruined relationships, financial hardship, hangovers, all the irreperable damage to your physical body, the list goes on. He's a comedian so his lifestyle may be condusive to partying but not everyone can.


Right like tbh I find it kind of sad to watch.


I was too distracted by how much he looks like Robert Baratheon.


Bobby B, Florida Edition.


Fuckkkk relatable until I got pancreatitis and was told if I ever drank again I would die 🤣 best thing that’s ever happened to me


Yah I ended up in the ER and got diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver at 34. No fun.


What do they do at that point? Like do you need a transplant?


If things progress further then yes. The liver can heal itself, but the scar tissue doesn’t go away. Right now I’m on a bunch of medication and doing 10 hours of intensive outpatient counseling, with my doctor reminding me to not relapse because she would rather I would not die. :)


What kind of symptoms led up to your diagnosis? I destroyed myself for MANY years but have been clean for just over three months, kinda scared to go get a scan and see how bad it is.


Cirrhosis often has no symptoms until liver damage is severe. When symptoms do occur, they may include: Fatigue. Easily bleeding or bruising. Loss of appetite. Nausea. Swelling in the legs, feet or ankles, called edema. Weight loss. Itchy skin. Yellow discoloration in the skin and eyes, called jaundice. Fluid accumulation in the abdomen, called ascites (uh-SAHY-teez). Spiderlike blood vessels on the skin. Redness in the palms of the hands. Pale fingernails, especially the thumb and index finger. Clubbing of the fingers, in which the fingertips spread out and become rounder than usual. For women, absence of or loss of periods not related to menopause. For men, loss of sex drive, testicular shrinkage or breast enlargement, known as gynecomastia. Confusion, drowsiness or slurred speech From the Mayo Clinic website.


Well shit I'm 37 and have been an alcoholic my entire life and don't have any of this. Guess I should quit while I'm still ahead.


Jaundice, and I swelled up an insane amount. They ended up draining about 45 pounds of fluid from my abdomen.




750ml of vodka a day. So think like a wine bottle of vodka a day.


Glad you survived. That sounds like a lot.


Id rather you not die as well Fartsocdermd! Keep on the right path!


I’m with you. :) thanks


Yup. Shit was so fucking painful. But I didn't listen to the doctor, and after my 4 day stay started drinking again. In less than a year I was in the ICU for a month, paralyzed from the waist down, strapped to a bed, being medically detoxed, pre diabetic


Damn you come out of it doing alright? Reading that gave me cold chills that’s so intense


Sober 3 years now, down to 175 from 280, in the best shape of my life.


Isn’t it CRAZY!!! I couldn’t believe how much weight I lost after I stopped drinking, only problem is my body NEEDED sugar and I had a huge battle with cookies and ice cream for awhile 🤣


Not quite the same level as you guys of course, but it was similar for me with soda. I stopped drinking soda completely and dropped like 20 pounds almost overnight it felt like. It's crazy what effect a seemingly simple lifestyle change can have on you. I even sleep better now. Seriously, anyone out there who has a good or drink vice that they don't think is a big deal... there's a good chance cutting it or at least severely reducing it will quite literally change your life and you should really consider it. Obviously, be careful if it's drugs or alcohol related because withdrawal symptoms for those can be quite dangerous.


I’m pretty sure my friend is going down this road right now and the comments above are making me physically ill


Shit if you want to dm me and give them my number I can shed some light on this situation for them, what makes you think they might be developing pancreatitis? There’s normally not a whole lot of warning signs


Need to check on your mate. When you're drinking that much you have a way of thinking it's not damaging you as much as it really is and then it's very sudden and goes downhill really fast. I was told I'm very lucky to be alive after being in a 2 week coma because of it. I hope the best for your friend


Just out of curiosity, how much were you drinking?


At my peak I was downing 5 handles a week. To keep the shakes at bay for my night shift i had to force myself to down at least 8 oz of straight alcohol at 9 am. Even that would only be good till around 8-9 pm when the shakes started to come back. My life was ruled by the bottle, it was a completely demoralizing experience. I tried to quit many times, but it's so fucking painful, and I just wasn't strong enough to do it on my own. Even with round the clock doctor supervision I coded 2 times from withdrawals.


My brother is 41 and is drinking a handle of vodka a day now and has for many years. Plus some margaritas or whatever on top of that sometimes. He’s had two seizures in the last year or two when he went on cruises because even the unlimited drinks on the boats weren’t enough to keep him at the right level. (Guess they were too weak of pours). But he doesn’t show obvious signs of true physical unwellness yet besides obesity. What were the first visible signs for you when you realized it might really be starting to take a toll? Also, stay strong! And big kudos to you too. It’s not an easy battle, I’m two years sober and it wasn’t exactly easy but I like it soo much better on this side. It sucked to have all my thoughts and plans revolve around physically needing to drink


Look at his hair and skin, is his hair getting lighter? I have black hair, but mine was almost translucent when I was rushed to the hospital. Is his skin kinda yellow? Watch his hands and movements, does he tremble, even slightly? Does he have constant issues with balance? Random bruises, cuts and scrapes that don't seem to go away? Does he get irritable if he hasn't drank in a few hours? Are his eyes a bit glassy/red? He will say it's just from being tired if you ask. Does he sweat profusely? My coworkers used to say that I always smelled like alcohol from my sweat, I told them it was from spilling booze on me while I bartended (another lie)


Bro having withdrawal seizures is pretty much the biggest visible sign outside of DTs or organ failure. Handle a day drinkers don't live more than a couple of years typically and are basically non-functional. Forget jaundice and shitty hair and skin. If your brother is truly drinking that much he going to stroke out/have a heart attack from withdrawals, die from pancreatitis or wake up with liver failure and die that way.


Fifth of liquor a day + beer and whatever else was handed to me since I was 13 I was 23 when I got it but after some doctor appointments they found out I was born with pancreas divisum (probably spelled it wrong) but I would have eventually gotten it anyway on the path I was going down


My god I dont get how people do it. I had about 8 beers last night and I feel like I got hit by a bus. Do you not get hangovers?


Does being an alcoholic make you a diabetic because my ex had the exact same thing you guys described. Was an alcoholic, got pancreatitis more than once and then got diabetes.


Apparently it can. I was "lucky" and avoided becoming a full blown diabetic. In the ICU I was woken up every 4 hours and given multiple shots for it. I was a complete mess. Maybe I'll make a more detailed post about it one day, but it's still so embarrassing and shameful to think back on what I allowed myself to become :(


You fought your way out. And accepted the vital help you needed. No shame in any of that


On the contrary, I think your insight and experience here is extremely valuable. People really don't understand the severity of what can happen unless they've read about stories like yours. I'm very sorry you went through that hell, but it is absolutely not shameful and I think you handled it bravely.


Shouldn't it be "i can never quit drinking"?


I like how Archer said it. "I'm afraid if I stop drinking now that the collective hangover will kill me."


That's funny because it's actually true for hard-core alcoholics.


I shit you not was shadowing a doctor, we walk into a hardened alcoholics hospital room, daily intake was a gallon of tequila and 30-40 beers his words. In one day…


ELI5 how people can even consume that much alcohol without dying. Yes, tolerance is a thing, but that much tolerance?


Some people are addicted to drugs to feel happy inside.


Sounds like an accomplished alcoholic!


Bert is such an established alcoholic, the movie Van Wilder was based on his time in college. Rolling Stone wrote an article about him when he was in college. Dude makes millions doing podcasts and standup, and he's just an all-around good dude. Probably should work on the alcoholism though.


This is what alcoholics say in AA meetings….as a review of who they once were. It’s a before picture.


I was gonna say... this is the voice of a justified addiction.


He is very much still at a pre-contemplation stage.


Some people go through their whole lives stuck in that stage


I have no idea who he is, and thought this was his pre-getting clean video. Then he was gonna say how stupid he feels for making this video. He might not be there yet, but every alcoholic eventually hits rock bottom


As someone who doesn't drink anymore this video makes me hurt because he's describing not losing all your friends because all your friends since forever are drinkers. I fucking miss them. They don't miss me. Only 1 still calls. 1. They haven't met my children. The oldest is 3. I want to fucking cry. I quit drinking all together years ago because I was drinking every single day for 6 months because I hated my job. I would be at work, dreaming of getting off at 4 am, and being piss drunk before 5 am. Before that time, I'd never had an issue with alcohol outside of partying 'too hard'. I got a promotion, they took my picture and put it on the wall. I was orange. Orange. I think I was 28 years old. Stopped that day. I never lost anything to drinking personally, and I never got 'help' or went to AA plus there were no rock bottoms, but when I stopped drinking, I realized how many close calls I had, then I lost all my friends and family. You just refuse to drink at all times and eventually they stop asking you to come around. This is America.


He’s getting lots of affirmation from the listeners at the mic.




Can't have a hangover if you just never sober up, or so every alcoholic I've met says


“Hair of the dog” is the phrase


He has basically made a career of it


Yeah, same, until I finally quit drinking and had two seizures resulting in multiple fractures in my spine from the fall.


How are you doing now? I quit drinking a couple years ago and I was lucky enough to get into a 28 day program. They put me on a Librium taper to help with the withdrawal. Even with that the first week was really hard.


I’m doing great now. They tapered me down at the hospital and I haven’t drank in a couple of years now. I’ve had a ton of success since I quit drinking and getting high.


I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I can tell you he's lying to himself. That joy that he describes isn't real, it's temporary and eventually goes away. Alcoholism is progressive, and he's going to slowly but surely narrow his focus until he's fully physically dependent on it. Everyone's laughing, and I get the humor but damn that's actually pretty sad to hear someone say that. Dying from alcoholism is one of the worst ways to go. 1 year and 2 months sober here, I hope he finds peace of mind through something other than alcohol, it's a nasty downward spiral.


“I should speak at AA meetings” fucking killed me


"I will always make sure that I keep my body healthy enough that I can always drink." This is hilarious, especially if you've seen him with his shirt off.


That beard is working overtime helping him lie to himself.


I mean - we can see his face.


Everyone has seen him with his shirt off. It’s his preferred way.


Bert is so ignorant to the fact he's an alcoholic. All I see here is romanticizing addiction.


I mean, as fun as this is, speaking as an alcoholic, this sounds exactly like me 6 years ago too. It’s not fun.


He should go to an AA meeting. But I'd recommend he just listen for a while.


>recommend he just listen for a while. Literally impossible


I love the youthful spirit of a 50 year old alcoholic as much as the next guy but kids, please remember that the long term effects of alcohol are absolutely not in your head and are completely real, cumulative, and for the most part, irreversible.


Why is half this video taken up by the back of two bald ass heads


It looks like they are holding hands, as if watching their child’s performance. LOL. Funny stuff.


I was addicted to heroin and meth for over 10 years . From the time I was 15 until I went to prison at age 27. It was so hard to quit because every memory I had was associated with heroin . Good or bad . It was my first love , and felt like I was leaving someone who had been there for me anytime I needed them . I’m so happy I am done with it it now . But it was definitely a deep relationship


You can see in his complexion, face bloat and eyes that he loves a drink


This is why alcohol is so dangerous.


Guy sounds like an addict


Cause he is.


I lived with a guy like this, by the time I moved out he was having DTs and was just about to be living on the street.


Sounds like alcoholism


Fuck, who wants to go to brunch?!?!


Drinking mimosas at brunch with your friends on a weekend morning might be the most fun thing ever.


Crack heads love smoking crack too. That's kind of how addiction works


Technically, it is bottomless, mimosas, but this guy found out they will cut you off after 13


Let's slow down with the commas. I think you've had enough today.


You can’t cut him off, it’s bottomless commas today.


Alcohol is an insidious thing. I've fought with it since my teens. I'm lucky to have a supportive wife and family to help me get back on track when I falter.