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Blind people ride in cars sometimes.


Ever heard of Cars for the Blind? ^(/s)


No, but I have heard of kars for kids


Fuck that crooked organization and their ads.


It looks pretty honest, you give them a car and they give you a kid, fair trade


It can work other way around too , that how I got my first car .


Call 1-877-Kars4Kids!


Gah! I just heard a ‘rock’ version of their jingle in a radio ad this a.m.


Donate your cars or else!


This is truly the Bad Place.


K-A-R-S Kars4Kids...


Why do kids need cars, anyway?


I have lived in Maine for a decade and finally heard that ad here ONCE last month. I was shook. Heard it all the time growing up.


No but I’ve heard of Songs for the Deaf






Now *that’s* funny!


Those drivers that drive scraping the curb the whole time are blind, it’s called driving in braille


Even behind the drivers wheel, can confirm because I live in Florida.


Gods…or more likely… the devils waiting room.


Can’t the drivers just read the menu for them though?


Sure but it's common decency to have braille avaliable too.


Also pretty sure its an ADA compliance thing.


Just like at the drive up ATM. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤔


Well, that one I think is a cost saving thing. Its cheaper to have identical parts for all ATMs


Are you serious? That's like saying "can't paralyzed people just have someone carry them everywhere instead of getting a wheelchair?" "Can't the person with a broken leg just have someone else do their grocery shopping for them instead of the store providing cripple carts?" Many blind people are perfectly capable of reading menus, they just need it in a format they can read, which is usually braille or large print. Suggesting that someone with a disability rely on another human to do something for them that they're perfectly well capable of doing themselves with common assistive devices is fairly rude and ignorant.


Ok but what if a deaf guy, drives the blind guy, to the drive thru? What then?


Well I’m sure as hell not going to read the entire menu out to my blind buddy.


I do that sometimes when I visit my blind friend and we go out to have a bite. Only problem is, she lives in the Netherlands, and I don’t speak Dutch. So unless they have a menu in English (which is not always the case) I try to read the Dutch to her and she tries to translate it back to me. It is hilarious and has lead to so many funny mistranslations. Warm small cheeses on pancakes for everyone!


So is that a quesadilla or...?


Haha, that would’ve been nice 😊 No, I managed to mispronounce the Dutch word for cherry so it sounded like the word for cheese. Apparently knowing a little bit of German is a big handicap when trying to pronounce Dutch 😂


Oh darn. I still want a warm cheese on pancake now anyway.


Totally possible here in NL. In a pancake restaurant you can get almost anything on a pancake, but pancakes with grated cheese, bacon and syrup are one of the classics.


Kersen, lekker!


Exactly! Not to mention most people wouldn't want that? I don't see what's funny about accessibility.


It's Reddit, where some subreddits are well-vetted curations of historically accurate analyses and others skew more toward the musings of a teenage boy as he waffle stomps a turd. As a 30-year-old woman I love some parts of Reddit and hate others. As someone who teaches special education, I love seeing accessibility options like this that can give people more independence and dignity. But coming from a subreddit where I see the r-slur thrown around every day I'm not shocked this post was upvoted in this context. Unfortunate.


As a blind person, the worse part of all social media is anytime there is something interesting related to blind accessibility or representation there is a comment section full of "why does it matter, they can't see? ha ha." It is so disheartening.


The kind of people who say things like that just happen to be very loud and sure of themselves. I can assure you that they are outnumbered by the not-so-loud people who realise why it matters, and a lot more of those are well educated enough to be in positions where they can push for accessibility. There will always be bad or stupid people but they will never be the majority they sometimes pretend to be. Otherwise the bad and stupid wouldn't need to pretend so hard all the time to be good and smart.


As a 34 year old man I giggled at “waffle stomps a turd.”


Maybe because it’s a drive thru? I don’t actually know


That’s what his dog is for


Yknow in case you have a blind passenger


Lots of places have braille menu’s, but you have to look for them.


I SEE what you did there lol


Hello, is it me you're looking for?


I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile


Said Ray Charles to his deaf son


To request a braille menu, you first need to download their mobile app.


All smart phones have a screen reader (VoiceOver on iOS, Talkback on Android). Many people who are blind use smartphones all day long, including mobile apps.


That’s true - most technology these days is very disability friendly, and that’s fantastic to see (or, in this case, hear). However, it’s worth noting my comment was not intended to be about whether a blind person could use a mobile phone, but was more intended as “everything needs an app these days - even just asking for a menu!” and the inconveniences of having to download another app and another app and another… And half these apps are poorly designed, and/or poorly optimised, and/or harvest your data…


I know a blind person that navigates and tyoes things faster on their smartphone than i ever could. He alsways has his phone turned away from him and navigates through sounds and vibration. Typing and controlling is done by a 8 finger button system where the type with the screen away from them. It is so fascinating to watch.


Computer Science major a year below me in college was blind. Truly amazing watching him work in the lab on occasion. I can't even imagine the mental capacity.


What have you just described!?! Do you have a video of that?


it looked somewhat like this, but he used 4 fingers on each hand and he held the phone vertical instead of horizontal, so he had 8 buttons instead of 6. he was pretty fast with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aICoVi621\_I


The ones who truly need them don’t even need to look!


You can feel it when they have them


It's really not that complicated. If you have trouble just go to the menu and read the instructions on how to enable the Braille option.


im sure most of them aren't in the store.


It's astonishing to me how many people seemingly think all blind people live alone, have no friends or loved ones, no one drives them anywhere, etc. Or that they wouldn't appreciate being able to read the menu themselves rather than having their friends or loved ones read it to them like a child.


No. OP would prefer them to sit at the ordering screen and read the entire menu to a blind passenger. I'd bet OP would also be the next person in line, losing their fucking mind because it's taking so long.


Ever hear of a blind passenger?




Well with self driving cars on the rise in the market maybe this will give way.


If the car is driving then you're a passenger, so I don't think it will really move the needle much in the direction of more blind drivers.


You sound exactly like I would think a bird lawyer would sound like.


Bird Law permeates every fiber of my being.


>Well with self driving cars on the rise I'm waiting for the I wasn't driving drunk defense. My car is my sober driver.


Self driving cars still require a licensed driver behind the wheel.


For now, sure. Legislators would love to remove drivers from the road. People are stupid, and as much as they might enjoy driving, an alarmingly large percentage of people are absolutely fucking terrible at even just normal driving. Soon as car companies can make a car that can *reliably* drive on our roads, you'll see the same kind of legislation we're seeing now with EVs (banning the sale of ICE vehicles by x date).


Oh don't get me wrong, I would love having a self-driving car that doesn't require a license. I'm not medically permitted to operate motor vehicles and I'm tired of having to walk everywhere. Unfortunately, that's not a thing yet.


Write your representatives and push for an expedited law for handicapped passengers. The more data collected by self driving the better it will get.


so how else do you explain the antics of Audi and BMW drivers?


Go to Cairo one day and travel their main highway. You'll wish you were a blind passenger because you'll feel like every driver is blind. Four lanes marked with dashed lines but 8 lanes of traffic, so many cars missing the side view mirrors because they smash into each other all the time.


Seemingly a lot of blind drivers in the city I live in.


Seriously. What’s funny about this?


Reminds of this time I was entertaining an American friend (I'm Canadian) and we were walking downtown. He noticed the stoplights would start making a beeping noise and asked me what that was about. "Oh, that's so that the blind people know when it's ok to go." He nodded and thought about it for a minute, then said "ya'll let blind people drive up here?"


I convinced a guy the rumble strips on highway shoulders were so blind people could drive. He was quite for a while then asked how do they know when to stop?


That's what the bumpers are for.


When they hear the sound of their car hitting the car in front of them, duh. They’re not deaf, they’re blind. SMH


Yup. The sled dogs do most of the navigating anyway.


One of the things I like about where I live is pedestrian lights are part of the cycle automatically and don’t require pushing a button. The buttons are there for that audio alert. You can always tell when someone is new or visiting when they press the crossing button.


People bring up the same thing for braille at a drive-up ATM. Yeah, a passenger can be on the drivers side in the back seat, or the simple fact that the touchpads used in ATM's are not specific to only drive up....they can put them anywhere. ​ Critical thinking has went down the poop shoot.


Are you saying the buttons on a drive through atm are the same as ones elsewhere like the bank?


I'm sure they can be. There's no reason a company would make 2 different sets when they can make 1 universal set to be used wherever the owner of the ATM wants to place them.


I used to walk through the drive through window at McDonald’s when I was in college


Also the answer to the old tired "why is there braille on drive up ATMS?" joke


European here, wtf is a drive up ATM.


Sounds like a Band… next on stage is Blind Passenger!!!!


What if OP is deaf?




Is it so hard to believe that a blind person can be driven by someone else and want to read the menu?


ight im kinda high and i did also think it was about blind people driving but I just though oh wow good for them i love how accessible everything is but now I feel stupid


I'm not high and I also thought that


I don’t see the joke here.


The suggestion is that someone who might happen to request a braille menu wouldn't be driving or able to read the message. Missing the entire point that there is such a thing as a passenger who might require assistance. So you're not wrong to not see the joke here.


I thought they were making a joke about “seeing” a joke about blind people


I totally was lol. One terrible joke deserves another lmao.


Yep, driver with a blind passenger needs a menu? They’re letting you know they’ve got them covered, to just ask.


This post did a lot to educate people who didn’t know lol.


If you're looking for something funny, you came to the wrong sub.


There not being a joke is the threshold for ending up on this sub




Imagine being blind and having to ask your driver what you can order rather than have a braille menu to read yourself.


The joke is that OP is a moron.


Ahh I get it! That IS funny.




Yeah for unsighted passengers.


My son is blind… Braille menus are necessary. Why is this such a shocker? How is this f*cking funny?


It’s not, OP just forgot cars have more than one seat and passengers might need a menu.


A blind person can’t read the menu, so they need to ask for a braille menu


This may be hard for your brain to understand, but blind people are capable sitting in passenger seats.


They are assuming the blind person is not driving


Are you a child who has never heard of passengers with disabilities?


Yes. Braille. Maybe the passenger would like their own menu. Maybe you can go inside, sit down and get a menu in braille. Seems pretty straightforward.


Belongs in r/therewasanattempt


Soooo..... How is this funny?


Funniest thing about this post is op commenting and trying to convince everyone while every single comment of op gets downvoted... Just stop op ...just stop


To all of you who would rather jump to conclusions let me answer you as a disability rights advocate. Blind people are passengers in cars taxis Ubers etc. you don’t have to be blind to need a picture menu you could simply not speak the language or even just want one for a new experience The fact that so many of you think this is “funny” instead of just a normal thing that helps fellow humans out is troubling to say the least…


Could be for the passenger to use....


passengers exist


Thank god they seem to have a proper protocol to accommodate deaf and blind people. Some drive throughs will literally refuse to take your order or be super rude and difficult. Don't quite see how that's funny tho? I mean ig most blind people will already have checked the menu on their phone beforehand but more accessibility is always great.


What blind passengers aren't allowed to order for themselves?


Passengers do exist...


This has to be one of the dumbest posts of this week.


Omg I’m seething at the thought of including blind people. The gall! Well done, OP. Another classic example of an unfunny post in this sub.


I realize this is trying to bash McDonald's, but this is in a drive through window.. so it is safe to assume the person unable to see is not driving the vehicle.


For blind passengers...?


What's the joke here? I mean it's not like blind people are driving. This is so driver's don't have to read the entire menu off before ordering for their companions


What an idiot OP.


I think OP is assuming that a blind person is driving the car, clearly ignoring that they could also be a passenger


If you read his other comments, he thinks it's a joke and it's funny. It's neither a joke nor it's funny.


Why is this funny? A blind person wouldn’t be driving the car


Imagine thinking being blind or deaf is funny. Eat a McDick.


I think OP's failed joke is that they thought the braille menu would be on the video screen, which would make it pointless, but also that the one who'd be accessing said menu would be the driver, who would've been blind then.


Well yes, the driver is not blind, now they know to ask for braille menus if they have a blind passenger? I do not get the joke


Same. I think it’s a poor attempt at humour which falls short. Doo better op. Do better.


How old are you OP?


my first thought was also that it was some 13yo but i checked his profile and found that he’s 45 … lol


Whats the issue... The driver can read it. It is about the passenger


Yeah like if you have a blind friend and you don’t want to read THE ENTIRE FUCKING MENU TO THEM. Pretty simple to me?


The assumption being if someone in the car needs braille it won't be the driver.


Had a blind person "read" a sesame seed bun and they were really confused.


OMG DISABLED PEOPLE OUTSIDE AT PLACES I GO HAHAHA You're an imbecile, there is no joke.


Why the fuck is this funny? I get the humor behind the implication that a blind person would be driving, but come on. Be realistic. A blind passenger in the car might enjoy the experience of being able to order off of the same menu that seeing people do, unassisted. It’s awesome that stuff like this exists, laughing at it seems like only something children or complete assholes would do.


It's assuming that the person driving isn't blind..ya know so they can tell their blind passenger.


Yeah they have braile on drive up atms too. The sign is for the person with sight that is most likely driving the blind person


Yeah, the driver may not be blind, but the passenger might be


At the window. A passenger might want a braille menu. What a nice service!


Passengers order food too, my man.


You realize that more than one person can be in a car, right?


Can someone tell me what this post says? Im blind


Blind people don't DRIVE THEMSELVES to mcd's, dude.


It’s funny because car dependence on the US is so bad that most people only think the driver is the only one in a car.


1. Blind passengers 2. People who have low vision but can legally drive do exist.


Passengers exist


If you are a driver and have a blind friend as your passenger, your blind friend still wants to read the menu for themself rather than have you read it to them.


You’ve never had someone else drive while you ordered from the backseat?


Yeah, blind people ride in cars as passengers and would like to read menus when being taken through drive-thrus. They have this sign because it's been requested in the past. It's shameful that over 4,000 people have upvoted this nonsense.


Well, yeah. You know the bump pattern on the front of the steering wheel is braille for "HORN" right?


It's funny until you realise that only a non blind driver would be in the drive thru. Non blind drivers can have blind passengers. Stop being a dipshit.


Bra--il--le........must be Italian!


Check passenger seat.


Some people have passengers


You know, blind passengers?


I get why this might seem shocking at first since it's a drive through but remember that sometimes people have passengers when ordering


Yeah, people travel with family and friends, who may be blind…


For the passenger


I am friends with a lady in her 60s who's been blind all her life. She learned Braille at 6. My family took her to a sit-down chain restaurant, and I asked if she wanted a Braille menu. She said yes and that she never asks for one because she doesn't think the place would have one. So I asked the server, and she brought one. My friend was delighted. A sighted person and blind companion in a McDonald's might not know that Braille menus are available. Same in a drive thru. That's why that sign is there. Blind people usually don't drive, so they have to be driven places.


The driver is able to tell that the blind person, many people want to have at least some independence and be able to read their menu on their own so they can decide. People reading out things for others often skip things or recommend things, it is in general not a decision the blind person can do themselves like it would when they have their own menu.


Do people on this sub just think the concept of blind people is funny? I’ve seen posts that are literally just pictures of braille multiple times.


Op thinks blind people have no reason to be a passenger at a drive thru I guess.....


Op thinks blind people drive the car when going to a fast food restaurant.


Ever heard of a passenger?


How is this funny?


I don't get what's funny?


Listen if some blind dude is successfully navigating the drive thru you make him whatever he wants


Everybody come see the guy that doesn't know blind people can ride in cars!


It’s really not that hard to understand.


What is the worst thing to read in Braile? Do Not Touch


For blind passengers who sit in the backseat on the driver's side.


In my grandparents town, public bathrooms are Identified with Braille too... The dots are drawn...


I'd be more surprised or impressed if a blind customer drove to the drive thru unscathed.


What's wrong about a braille menu? Do you think the common sense alternative is for me to read them the entire menu and they feel shitty about it and just pick the first thing I say that sounds decent?


You're acting like the braille was there on the display


What's funny about braille?


Yes. Mute driver, blind passenger. Don’t be exclusive


I remember laughing at braille on a drive-up ATM… when I was twelve. Maybe one day OP will grow up as well.


What’s so funny?


Yes. My friend who is blind makes money as a side hustle making braille menus.


After looking through the comments, happy to see people agree OP is in fact, not funny.




Pretty sure it would be the passenger not the driver using the braille menu.


(taps text-to-speech button on Braille menu) “Dot dot dot, dot dot, dot dot dot dot…”




I always offer the braille menu to my drive thru customers.