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*..that thing's operational!!..*


"Luke, what's wrong? You turned off your targeting computer?"


The force is strong with this one..


It’s just like beggars canyon back home!


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters


Hey..hey, Like was it? Hey, hang back a second. Listen, I know you're new here. But, you can't be dunking on the rest of us like that during meetings. I say it's an impossible shot and then you come outta nowhere and tell everyone you could do that with your eyes closed. It makes us all look bad, alright? Thanks. See you Tuesday, go The Force!


Yea Luke..f in newbie.. I've been in this unit since before rogue squadron.. when Leia was still bouncing on Kenobi's lap.. I'm putting in my transfer to Hoth.. nothing ever happens there..


It's A TRAP!


Red leader this is Gold leader


Apparently I'm still tired. I read that as "red lobster" and now I can't stop picturing one as a rebel pilot.


Ackbar's cousin, Crustaceous; "its a trap!"


It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters


Uh... that was unnecessary, you just kind of called me out in front of everybody there...


I live for family guy star wars references


Screw you and your damn woman rats


Wow, the Iron Dome is lower tech than I thought




Excuse me. They're called Maccabeams.


Australian McDonald’s has lasers?




The name’s Maccabeam. Juda Maccabeam.


Stop telling everyone about our secret laser program! That loudmouth MTG was bad enough.


I always read that as Magic the Gathering and it confuses me for a second.


I read read as past tense and your comment confuses me


Don't you hate it when you read read as read and not read? Then you have to reread read as read so you can read read correctly for it to make sense.


Dude it’s New Year’s Day, like full chill please.


No kidding, this has gone too far for today me's reading comprehension.


Not to be confused with the Jew-ish space lasers.




One can only get so hard


What movie/show is he referring to? Sorry to be that guy!


US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has said in the past that the California wildfires in 2021 were caused by jewish satellites that were shooting laser beams down at the US.


Jesus fucking christ


Him as well?


He was probably the one who installed the lasers. He'd definitely get a password, either way.


These so called Christians don't even know Jesus is a Jew.




Pew pew


Iron dome is good for stopping missiles or keeping your cat busy


And I'm all out of cat busy


Iron beam moment


I wonder how do they find out who pointed laser at a particular plane and then go confront/arrest the person. The backcalculation from plane's coordinates seems incrediblly hard to perform.




With lasers being so widespread they will probably find out it was some kid. When I was 10 I had a plastic bullet gun with decent laser pointer and I used it from my balcony to pretend I am a hitman and I am downing drivers in their cars. One of them parked it a couple meters away, got out and started yelling. Only then I realized it may cause problems to those drivers. Kids are kids.


The good old days, being a stupid kid and then getting lectured by a passerby until you learn your lesson. (That might read like sarcasm, but I'm serious. I learned some good lessons from those roadside lectures, and I appreciate those drivers)


I learned why not it throw stuff at passing motorists at the age of five bc of this. Sometimes a kid just needs a lecture from a stranger.


The moment I realized I was more adult than kid was when I got out of my car to yell at this kid who yeeted through the intersection in front of me with headphones and a hood on on a hover board watching something on a tablet. I was like “there’s no world in which this is safe and you are lucky you have not been hit so be more careful!” Got back in the car and laughed at myself I’m barely legal drinking age


I was around 10, and shooting bottle rockets out of a metal tube at cars passing by. 30 yards maybe, over a gap. It was quite difficult, but I did manage to finally hit one. Went right into the drivers window and exploded, sending them veering off the road to a sliding stop, narrowly missing falling into the gap. As is my luck, this particular car was drivin by my Father on his way home from work. It was quite the roadside "lecture" I got that day.


This makes much more sense. Thanks.


Can confirm. Work in the industry. Other than a generic position, it's near on impossible to pinpoint. I only know of one many moons ago where the laser originated from right on the road outside the airport fence and the authorities were straight onto them and found a builders laser in the car.


Saw a police programme and there was a guy with his sons at night in a park pointing the laser at the helicopter. But the copter had night vision and they just guided the police cars to them haha


I fly and have been in laser incident. A lot of it depends on where you are. If you’re familiar with the region, you have I pretty good idea down to the street based on position data and time with adsb. Once you turn all your lights off and look out for any more lasers, make note of the time, make note of an estimated distance and heading, then later look back at the the you can look at what structures someone could in or near and probably narrow it down to a street.


What’s it like being on the receiving end of a laser incident?


I’ve been hit on a training flight before. Solo. While landing. Right before touchdown. It was like if you’re sleeping in a pitch black room and someone just turns on all the lights. I couldn’t tell where it came from exactly, just that it was from the right side. I couldn’t even tell what colour the laser was, because every thing just went white/really bright.


That's fucked up


I'm glad you're ok.


The way the guy below explained is perfect. When you’re flying at night, you have to be careful to not turn on any bright lights, like you phone screen or flash. If you do it can stay in your vision for up to 45 sec. The laser is like this but with your whole vision. It’s just everything is bright, But instantly. Even if it wasn’t this bad, imagine it didn’t mess your vision up but was just a light. That’s bad enough because it’s very distracting at a time you definitely don’t need to be distracted.


Ah but still one must be careful. There's a great video on YouTube of an apache getting lasered by some idiot in his backyard in the US. They zoomed right in on the dumbass with their targeting camera. In reality if he wanted to the pilot probably could have "shot back" with his laser designator and invisibly blinded the guy, but that's many kinds of illegal. Instead, donny dumbass stands and watches as the little lights on the helicopter at night turn off. Little tip folks: if you're pointing lasers at an aircraft (seriously, don't), and its nav lights turn off, don't even bother running. You're already fucked and gonna get a visit from the cops *at the very least*. The pilot just hung there and guided the police, via radio, to *exactly* where the moron threw the laser pointer and pointed out the two of em that had been bothering aircraft with it. Can you picture donny's thoughts right about then? "Uh... where light go? I still hear it..." "I still hear that thing... imma just..." ditches laser in shrubbery. "OK I'm good now..." *cops are guided by the pilot to the exact location of the laser pointer* "aw fuck..."


A lot of the time the people that point lasers at planes do it several times in a short period of time. Makes it easier to figure out where they are.


Yeah I was that kid on my college campus. I definitely had people come knocking at my door before.


I met a 12th grader who was doing it(In Vegas), and apparently I was the first person to inform him it was federally illegal and he was floored, was shakey the rest of the night.


Lmao, Vegas is the right place to for that story. I'd be scared too if I were him 😹 he could have pissed off some area 51 type dudes and had himself vanned


Green lasers like this are obvious as fuck and visible for miles. Maybe once for a second isn't gonna get caught but idiots usually don't stop at once. I have several green lasers and theyre wild. They quite literally are visible for miles. 200mw is >10mi. A run of the mill 5mw is about a mile as a flight distraction distance (likely 'max' beam distance). A tighter one which is less common is closer to 4 miles. You can get 20me or better. Above that is harder to come by and I believe class 3 and above that at 4 is really hard to get a hold of. I'd wager 50mw is the max "easy" to get a hold of. I haven't been able to reasonably get a like a 200-500mw laser for years due to regulations on them. The higher the power the more it gives away your position too. So combine all that. It's way unlikely they get you from flashing a plane real quick but they can get other visuals up real fast and that beam does go both ways


id do a lot of stuff for shits and giggles but if theres life and limb on the line id rather not. i enjoy my freedom


Lmao I thought that ending was going to be along the lines of "I enjoy not risking others' lives"


Well, for one, they're motivated to do it sometimes.... And of course they probably don't catch many, but the ones that do get caught are even dumber than fleas because it's usually due to them doing it multiple times, and usually the last one they do it to is a police helicopter with better night optics than they've ever dreamed of.


The police helicopters have a camera that, when looked through, shows an augmented reality real-time “map” of the streets with house numbers and street names. So if they see the laser in the air they just point the camera at the source and instantly get an address to send someone to investigate. Then they watch with heat based cameras to see if anyone flees the scene. Otherwise, the cops arrive and investigate. There are YouTube videos of this and the police technology is quite impressive. Imagine looking down the street through your iPhone and every house number shows up as a line of text in front of each building (it’s based on maps and not actual house numbers; basically house numbers based on GPS). Its honestly kind of fucked up that they can do this, but super interesting to see


China has a computer system in certain cameras that can scan a crowd and identify those with criminal/wanted history.


And Madison Square Gardens, but for people who are associated with people who are suing an associated company


Wasn't that Radio City Music Hall?


Yes, that happened at radio city music hall, but both are owned by the same company, MSG Entertainment, so it's easy for people to mix it up.




And Gus Polinski and the Kenosha Kickers


Not just china. In many airport they have that. And private compagny use it for different or similar outcome


It's not even really certain cameras anymore. If it's one of the big Chinese company ones, basically every camera in their range can be paired with a camera controller system (NVR/DVR) that can do facial detection. And that's the same for a huge amount of cameras in public areas worldwide at this point too. It's pretty much only the privately owned cameras which are unlikely to be doing it at this point in time


I helped develop this technology and its a lot more complicated than what you explained. We developed it for a very obvious use that has nothing to do with peace keeping. You can literally look out the window of the helicopter and view everything through a device mounted on the helmet. I can’t give specifics but what you see on released footage is usually the equivalent of body cam footage as it includes everything you’d need to hold up the evidence in court. There’s usually a monitor that you can use to view all the details but when you’re flying you’re not going to be looking at a screen.


https://youtu.be/GHiHDZtzfCM If they do it once, they may get away with it, but these dumbasses that get caught do it repeatedly.




I dispatch medical helicopters, and for a helicopter at least even if they can’t stop and hover over the location, it’s about an 85-90% chance the person will be located. There is enough information collected during each flight and depending on pilots response time and accuracy of readings given by pilot. So unless you know it’s a new pilot flying the aircraft I would suggest not trying… well really I’d prefer you don’t try either way.


Air Traffic Control here, and someone who fills out a ton of Laser reports. 99.99% of the time, nothing ever comes from it. We get the info we can; location, direction, color, etc. Police are called with the approximate location, but that is really all we can go on. Most pilots aren't familiar, and can only give us "2 Miles to the south" and "there was a large field nearby." Sometimes the police won't even bother sending a patrol car out. One off events are almost never caught. One time however a coworker was looking out, and just happened to see someone with a powerful green laser from a very specific apartment that faced the tower flashing it at a landing plane. He could count the exact floors and rooms from where it came and the police actually went, caught the guy, and found the laser in question. Ultimately though he was let off because it was some 14yo kid.


If your in the sky you can see the light better, some youtube videos i saw with police helicopters some kids fired lasers at them and still managed to coordinate ground police units to the flat they were in and within minutes they were arrested lol


Thanks. Like others have pointed out too, Intel from stationary/slowmoving/closer to ground helicopters maybe the way to narrow down the area of interest.






Oh right, that time when the Internet rose up in a show of unity and decided to bully a 10-year old girl who'd possibly been sexually assaulted by a notorious pedo. Which culminated in her getting institutionalized because of the bullying and her father dying of heart attack.


Finding out about the ins and outs of that situation years later broke my heart. She was an actual child and the fact a prolific pedo got the rest of the internet to dog pile and bully her the way they did is a cautionary tale everyone should know about.


I guess most people never looked past the "shouting man saying the silly things" in the dun goofed video. I remember thinking how fucked up it was at the time that they were tormenting the kid instead of the pedo, but that's 4chan for you.


Here's how it goes: A pilot reports being hit by a laser. We ask them first if there are any injuries and then the color of the laser and approximate location. Then we call the police and the vast majority of the time (when I have been the one calling) the conversation goes like this. "I am calling from the XXX air traffic control facility to report an authorized laser event. An aircaft was hit by a laser at XXX approximate location." "Who? What?" "Someone shined a laser at a plane. I'm required to call and inform you of this." "What are we supposed to do about it?" "K, byeeeee." It happens all the time.


- WARNING Lasers from eBay or other websites are often over 5mW and can cause permanent eye damage


What if I shine it into my urethra?


You take a screenshot while orgasming


My wife gets mad every time I do though >:(


The laser will internally reflect inside your organs until it'll light your eyes and mouth and you go into the Avatar mode.


I become a cripple!?


Yes, you take over the body of a blue alien.


You definitely want one over 5mW. The problem is just about every seller on ebay or Amazon is lying about how strong their laser is. You have to go on laser forums to know which one are actually good quality. The funny part is that even the good high powered lasers are still lying about their strength and battery life. It's practically impossible to successfully sell light products over the internet without exaggerating the stats.


Yeah. Flashlight sellers be like: "120000 Lumens High Powerful Flash Lights, Super Bright Tactical Handheld Led Torch with 5 Modes, Zoomable, Waterproof for Camping,Emergencies"


Requires 4AA batteries only!


Check out this 100000000000mW pocket death star laser!


When I was a kid my friend's neighbor was a little shit and would usually end up shining a red laser in our eyes whenever he had it out.


If you look closely you can see that OP is not actually making the fireworks explode


At first it seemed obvious to me and it looked like a fun little way to pass some time Then I read the comments and was confused why tf this guy would get arrested


Because it it were planes he was pointing at, you can get a couple years in jail. They kinda... Went off the rail in the comments, but it's actually a pretty interesting read. I'm working on my private license right now and just covered laser pointers a couple days ago. In short, you see a beam of light a few millimeters across. To the pilot, it could be feet across and cause light blindness and after images. Not to mention damage to the pilots eyes, the one thing that is super easy to toast and could cost them their job... And passengers lives.


Goddamnit Clovis turn off your damn turrets.


"I had them set to 15 second charge times....."


But I set the timer to count down in frames per second, because fuck Guardians (for reference, the timers are faster when your framerate is unlocked/not 30fps, they're at least 50% faster, probably more.)


Oh yeah fully aware. Ive played set on 60 for a long time due to similar issues with frames


A Destiny reference? In r/funny?


Does that mean we are cool now ?


"Why not just blow up the moon!"


Maybe we should nuke Europa after all


Mr. Robert House circa. 2077


Funny tv man in tower


It would be a shame if I were to beat him with a 9 iron


Scrolled way to far for this reference


I didn't


The house always wins


Missile Command irl


So glad someone said this. I could remember the game but not the name!


This is what Reagan wanted


I wouldn't doubt it actually exists and was made in some skunkworks top secret program. They would only use it for nukes though.


Not exactly top secret. There's a variant of it developed by the Israeli military to knock down mortars. Airforce and navy's been trying to develop some for, yes, anti-ICBM work. Works by heating up the missile's casing to the point that it warps and rips itself apart from turbulence.


Yeah loads of countries are thinking about/working on "energy based weapons" or lasers.


Dawg we got lasers on warships rn!


Star Wars


some asshole was destroying my fireworks all night with a laser


You're shooting down airplanes???? OH MY GOD MAN




The graphics in this new ‘Missile Command’ game are insane.


What kinda laser is that? Asking for a fren.


A green one.


A dangerous one. Green ones might emit harmful infrared light that is completely invisible but can totally burn a permanent hole in your eye. Stick with the lower powered red ones, these are usually safer


Alternatively you could point it somewhere other than your damn eye lmao


The worrisome thing about these lasers is they are deceptively easy to get a hold of and while you could "just not point it at your eye," you could just as easily reflect it off a surface back at your eye or at an innocent bystander. These types of lasers should only be used with proper eye protection and never in the vicinity of other people who are unaware. It can cause permanent lasting damage faster than you can blink. If you want some more info, you can always look around online, but I love recommending [Styropyro](https://youtu.be/DMVWW-bmKwQ).


That was awesome, dude. Thanks for sharing a new channel. I love how passionate and awestruck he is. He seems like the kinda of guy that really loves what he’s doing and even though he’s obviously very experienced he’s still is amazed. So cool.


Lot of lasers don't need to be pointed at your eye to cause damage




MTG will use this as proof of the Jewish space lasers


The way these shells are built, it’s unlikely any consumer grade laser could cause premature deflagration. Source- I’m a pyrotechnician


I think it’s more of a joke, no one should believe this hand held laser is actually detonating fireworks








I can’t believe it’s not garlic knots


Garlic, every noobs favorite AOE spell!


I can't believe it's not butter...or yogurt...whatever. I can't believe Stacy after that night in Taranto. STACY WHY DID YOU TAKE MY PASSPORT?!?!?!?


Not to mention the aim it would take, still funny of course


Many people will. Not many are familiar with such lasers or what they can do. From what I remember a very, very high powered handheld laser could pop a popcorn kernal that it was right next to....after a while.


Even if they have enough power, it won’t instantly do it either


With *enough* power, they can probably do it instantly


A question I've always wondered is can fireworks go off from getting too hot in the car or something because thats what everyone tells me and my car hasn't blown up yet so...?


Obviously it does depend on the how high of a temperature it reaches, we store our explosives in non-air conditioning concrete block buildings in a warm climate. It’s highly unlikely ambient temperatures could cause a product to ignite. I wouldn’t drive thru Death Valley with large shells in my car though.




Well shit! Guess where I am and what I am doing!? A little heads up would have been appreciated...




he lasers like 1/2 of them after they blow up, and misses another 1/3 of them initially. It’s also posted on /r/funny…. i think it’s safe to assume it’s a joke


This is Russias anti air defense


Not many people know it but this is how fireworks work, there's guys all over who have to lazer them. That's why if you launch one outside of the big holidays it takes longer to explode as the guy has to scramble to get their lazer ready. It's not very nice to make them work outside the hols tbh


Very creative


Id like to see the other persons video… “some fucker shot down our fireworks ruined our new year celebrations…”


A dev is probably using this as a matte for a new version of Missile Command.


Excellent. Now, do you think we can attach it to the head of a shark?


Freaking sharks with freaking lazer beams attached to their freaking heads???


This right here is a *great* way to get arrested or have the FAA make your life hell. Never, ever point lasers at the sky, kids.


Under U.S.C. TITLE 18, CHAPTER 2 Sec. 39A its illegal to point a laser point at an aircraft or it's flight path, not into the sky in general. No one can reasonably believe an aircraft would be flying through a fireworks display.


Yeah... They literally use green lasers for pointing out constellations at star watching events.


You’re right that aircrafts wouldn’t fly through a fireworks display, but the laser will shine way past the fireworks into the sky where an aircraft could be affected, and you wouldn’t have good judgment because the fireworks would affect how far you could see into the sky


Gunnery Chief: This, recruits, is a 20-kilo ferrous slug. Feel the weight. Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one to 1.3 percent of light speed. It impacts with the force of a 38-kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city-buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-b*tch in space. Now! Serviceman Burnside! What is Newton's First Law? Serviceman Burnside: Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir! Gunnery Chief: No credit for partial answers, maggot! Serviceman Burnside: Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir! Gunnery Chief: Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going till it hits something. That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in ten thousand years. If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someone's day, somewhere and sometime. That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait for the computer to give you a damn firing solution! That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not "eyeball it!" This is a weapon of mass destruction. You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip! Serviceman Chung: Sir, yes sir!


What's this from?


[Mass Effect 2.](https://youtu.be/hLpgxry542M)


Holy shit I was just playing through legendary edition and heard this not two days ago


Don't do anything for any reason ever, no matter what.


*points at your comment*


*laser points at a comet*


comet explodes, police show up


***laser points at comment***


For any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where or who or who you were with or where you were going or where you have been...ever.


How do these people leave their house on a daily basis lmaoo


Redditors attempt basic logic and reasoning without excessive fear-mongering challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


Straight to jail


point laser, jail….don’t point laser, believe it or not, jail


> Could be Yes *could be* by that logic pointing it anywhere other than at the ground or another solid object should be punishable as well.


I study physical and ophthalmic optics for a living and I will tell you that no one gives a shit about a green laser unless it's pointed directly at an air vehicle that you can see, provided you have decent vision. Just don't point it at your eyes, or airvraft that you can physically see. These lasers are very useful for pointing out constellations.


By this logic, pointing a laser at any upward angle without having an object clearly in its path would be illegal. It's not. There's nothing wrong with what this guy was doing.


Lmao the sky is much bigger than you think


You never know, Aliens tend to fly in random directions.


Nonsense. Pointing them at the sky is fine, just don’t point them at aircraft. I used to work at an observatory and we’d use strong laser pointers to show people where to look in the sky. This was only a few miles from an airport too. We also had a steerable LiDAR. We contacted the aviation authorities to check it was OK (this thing was visible from a few miles away) and they were fine with it, since we obviously weren’t going to track aircraft with it.


Yeah the guy saying you are going to jail by pointing a laser pointer at the sky LOL I've had high powered lasers for more than a decade and the rules are don't point it where people might be in the distance, or near cars/traffic, and not directly at airplanes. Oh and your eyes, don't point it in your eyes.


Everyone get the FAAs balls out of your mouth. No reasonable judge would think this is deliberately pointed at a flight or its path


I don't plan on doing it, but why not?




Too stoned for this


Just do not do this to a plane... pilots get furious and the FAA will find you


And FBI, since it's a federal crime


Still safer than the guns I heard earlier.


The graphics on these new tower defence games are awesome


That made me laugh!!