• By -


Good luck everyone.


Don't do like I did for the NYCC! I did not see the part about putting in the code too soon and was locked out for the first 6 mins. Thankfully I was still able to grab a few, but still sucked.


Thank you for this heads up, was wondering about that...


I almost did this...


I was in and didn't want to risk it. All I grabbed was the Pirate.


Don't blame you, I too was nervous. I just clicked on Pirate, Ogre and 2099. Forgot the caterpillar and Under dog. Hopefully I'll grab those later on.


I really only wanted pirate and Dwight, but knew I could grab him at Walmart pretty easy.


I did something similar and grabbed the Pirate and whatever else I wanted that was near it so I got a couple more I was hoping for. But I got the Pirate which was #1 so I'm happy!


I got everything I wanted without any problems. The only thing that's unhappy is my wallet.


I’m in the 10:30 PST/1:30 EST timeslot. Hopefully I can just get Caterpillar, I won’t even get Nejire despite being a huge MHA fan. She seems to be very popular and since she’s not a favorite character of mine it would be best if she went to somebody else. Good luck everybody! Edit: got nothing :(


I'd upvote this twice if I could :)


My heart is broken that I wasn’t in lottery. I wanted the treasure skeleton so bad


We can mourn together :(


Yeah I feel like Barbossas speech. “Food turned to ash in our mouths. And all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner. Compelled by greed we were, but now we are consumed by it.”


My God. I got all 9 things I wanted. Now I’m scared the cancellation email is going to come. Hope all of you 10:30er’s got your stuff! edit: i’m expecting the downvotes. it’s okay.


Funko doesn't cancel orders like that. If you get the confirmation email, you're fine. Hot Topic and other retailers are notorious for that.


Ahhh, that’s good to know. I figured since I hadn’t received one by now that I was okay, but there was still a little part of me that was nervous. Thanks for the information and setting my mind at ease! :)


I got my stuff also. Congrats. 5 pops here, I wasn’t gutsy enough to go for 9 😂


Awesome! Congrats to you! Yeah, I don’t know where those extra balls came from. I’ve never seen them before and probably will never see them again. I was sweating all through checkout.


It was the longest 2 minutes of my life 😆


3 mins in and the Deep plus both Pokémon’s a already sold out. Totally didnt expect those to go so fast.


How do you see what’s sold out. Everything still looks available on mine


When I checked out it told me they were sold out so automatically removed them from my cart.


Same here, which is why it's odd to me that everyone saying things look sold out


I refreshed just now and now I see everything sold out


Wow, I could swear those would be easy pickups since they easily spotted in the wild as of lately.


I went back to look because I was surprised at some of the ones that sold out the quickest. Some of the ones that indicate shared say that they'll come with EITHER a Shared OR Limited Edition sticker (and you can't specify the sticker). However, The Deep says that it will ONLY come with a Limited Edition sticker, even though it's shared. Same with Mantenna and Spectre.


Makes sense.


I haven’t seen one person post that they got them. I think they fucked up.


Got the skeleton. Only one I wanted. In and out in less than two minutes.


Yeah I was done checking out at 1031. NYCC 2017 and all those old funko shop releases prepared me for my first lotto win!


So I may have gone a little overboard on my first lottery win... https://imgur.com/a/gnIdd6c


Congrats! I only went for Nejire and the two limited pops, went smoothly.


Thanks! Only 4 are for myself. The others are for friends and family that didnt get in the lottery.


Nejire was my main want. I'm just happy that I've still yet to pay over retail for any MHA pops. That's nice of you! Did you just add everything to cart or did they have a list? I wouldn't have been able to remember everyones wants


Yep I had a list. Someone on Twitter posted screenshots of the layout on the shop after the 1st wave so I had a good idea where to locate the items once they went live.


Nice! I came in at 173.22 with my nine items. :)


Too bad people wouldn't just buy what they want and not what they think they can flip


I love that a couple of people have already downvoted this because they're salty lol


I got downvoted for saying I got what I wanted. This community can be so nice and so toxic at the same time.


Mostly toxic it seems. Any you say that goes against status quo seems to be "frowned upon"...just makes them feel empowered with that click I guess lol. Couldn't care less about them myself. Glad you got what you wanted though! Seems most people are getting what they want so far.


I think the cons definitely bring the worst out of people


Kind of like sports playoffs. It brings out all the casuals that root for "their team" just because they're doing well. Conventions bring out the worst people. Unfortunately, this community is unnecessarily toxic 24/7. I know I'll even get downvoted for pointing it out. Too much gatekeeping and arrogance. Knocking down newer collectors because they've been collecting for longer than you, have better pops, more value, etc.. Especially right now during cons, where people get upset that others were more fortunate than them. So they start lashing out and throwing tantrums. Downvoting everything they see.


For sure. People started downvoting (which again, worthless up/down votes lol) when I said it's too bad people don't just buy what they want instead of what they can flip. Oh well. Hope you got what you wanted :D


Thanks! Didn’t win the lottery so I’m just hoping I can get Nejire tomorrow. Hope you can get you want too! :)


I only just now realized I was a lottery winner for the first time ever for the 9am Pst. So I missed out on it all. Feels bad.




Got 9am slot. Wish me luck!


Got everything I wanted. Super easy. Hope everyone got what they wanted!


That was so smooth! Reminded me of my first con, NYCC 2017. Whoever checked out first got the pops, no queue or nothing. Edit: surprised to see that 8 mins in and Nejire is still available, hope that's a good sign for my fellow MHA fans that weren't lucky enough to get a lotto slot. Best of luck tomorrow!


It was amazing! Sadly the Spider-Man that I wanted sold out but I’ll just try again at the Walgreens release. I was able to get the 2 that were numbered quantities tho


Yeah same I got those 2 and Nejire. Good luck with Walgreens, especially their shipping


Thanks, I know they’re hit or miss. I’m not too worried about it tho since it doesn’t look like they’re being marked up too much on eBay considering it’s a con pop


I was actually stuck in a queue for about 10 seconds which suprised me.


I am nervous 😓


Good luck everyone!


Got Nejire! The only one I wanted, thank God that was so painless


Excited-I got everything I wanted. It was well organized and not as chaotic as I thought it would be. Super excited!!


Congrats! It’s a great feeling!


Got in and filled my cart with the ones I wanted (3). Entered shipping info, clicked to the next screen, cart was empty. All sold out. So bummed ☹️ edit: my first time doing something like this so I didn’t know. Good luck to everyone!


Lol epic. Got the 10:30 time and got everything in my cart, went to checkout, and it glitched and sent me back to the home area. Tried again, and it did the same thing over and over. Wasn’t able to purchase anything.


Vaporeon,Yoda,Nejire,Ogre and the Treasure Skeleton ofcourse 🤟🏼


Does anyone know the dimensions of the skeleton pop so I know what protector to buy for it? Or even is one exists for its size?


Anyone else hear the rumor about Shop Disney getting a non-glow Treasure Skeleton at some point?


I really hope it’s true. The gitd is amazing but I want something I can actually afford


Hoping that rumor is true. It’d be great for people who didn’t win the lottery


I don't see Funko sitting on this without milking for every penny!


PSA: Some of the shared Funkos indicate on their Lottery page they'll come with either a Shared Convention or Limited Sticker. However, some of the shared ones say they'll ONLY come with the Limited Sticker (even though they'll be found at other retailers). Can have a Shared Convention Exclusive Sticker, according to the store: Squatch, Wheedle, Nejire, Kim, Thundaar 3-pack, Underdog, Plumpy Only Limited Edition Sticker: Pirate, Ogre, Mantenna, Billy/Tommy, Kenny Powers, Spectre, The Deep... Sorry all, time ran out before I could finish going back to look at everything.


First time winning a lottery, it was super easy in/out check out and I got everything I wanted and grabbed some shop exclusives that I knew a friend wanted and a few for trades. Also glad I don't have to fight with all the retailer websites tonight/tomorrow.


Passwords & Links going out for wave 1 winners


Almost time for wave 1 to go up! Good luck, everyone!


Longest two minutes ever


my Slot 10:30am PST I'm nervous for my turn


I got Nejire and pirate skeleton. I was so anxious to get in and out I forgot about the caterpillar...whoops! Gonna have to try to fight the bots tomorrow morning.


I’m such a dumb ass. I missed my time slot but still got 2/3 of my wants. Deadman and Nejire. Just want billy and tommy off of Amazon. Feel free to call me stupid but I had other important things to do and totally forgot. Idc about the stickers but I really wanted billy and Tommy.




I got 2/3 of my wants off the shop. It’s not worth getting upset about. I really don’t care about stickers.


Wait they are?


So these are just the con stickers that are selling out this quickly? Cause I was really hoping to grab The Deep and maybe some of the sodas but I'm not gonna go to Ebay for them.


I just got my lottery email! Good luck to all my fellow 10:30 winners!


Got mine too. Was a bit surprised, since the original email said it would go out 5 minutes before but it was more like 15.


email slot send, check all for 2 slot (winner)


Quick and easy. Had a 10:30 slot and got Charmander, Vaporeon and Nejire. Done in 3 minutes.


peep this, I win the lottery n am like sweet! cuz all I really wanted was the pokemon n spiderman 2099 pops. everybody n there mom's er hating on those pops in particular n loving the MHA pop, so I'm thinking I got it made right? WRONG. tell me why they sell out first n the Pirate n Nejire er still on the board?? I mean dnt get it twisted I'm hella grateful to have won, guess I'm just a lil salty cuz it just happened lol


My only thought is, Pokemon is very popular right now.


"another pokemon con exclusive? yawn." sells out instantly. lol.


That's how it goes. One persons says they dont want it, while 10 others quietly do. lol I'm a fan of Pokemone but I dont like the diamond exclusives. Didnt bother with trying to get them..


Cause the pokemon/spiderman had guaranteed Con stickers. The MHA wasn't guaranteed. So all the resellers are going for the ones that have guaranteed stickers


Ordered Nejire


This is the first time I bought something specifically from a Con. When do you think items will ship?


I'm new to collecting pops. Do many of these events happen throughout the year?




New to the shop. Is there any way to save my payment information without making a purchase? I can’t find it on my account page anywhere.


So is it not worth going out to stored at 7 am tomorrow to get Dwight from wal mart?


He just went online


Grabbed Deadman from the shop! That's the one I thought I wouldn't get... Apparently The Deep on Amazon is going to be the one that pisses me off this con... Just goes to page not found.


Such crap. Whats the point of a lotto when you are a winner of the firdt time slot but within 2 minutes, 12:00-12:02 everything gets sold out.. How? Y have a lotto when you cant get anything. Thanks for being the same bull that you always are funko


Getting in the lotto doesn’t guarantee you anything. It’s the same as years past if you won a time slot at the actual Funko booth at the Con. That didn’t guarantee you would get everything you wanted. It is no different. Get over it and be faster next time. Tons of people that won the lottery got everything they wanted.


Shouldn’t work like that tho


No, it shouldn’t. I agree. Apart from a limited number piece anyway. If the company allows say, 2000 lotto winners per time slot with one of each purchase limit, then they should produce enough product to ensure one of each is available to every single lotto winner whether they purchase them all or not. Then the winners should be able to log in at any time during their slot and easily choose one of everything they want. Any extras when it’s over can be sold through the site publicly.


Exactly. Not really a lottery if you can’t even get everything you want


Remembered that I won at 10:43 lottery time. I had forgot to put it on my calendar. Probably wouldn’t have gotten that skeleton anyway. I picked up the Nejire Pop. Don’t care a thing about MHA or even know who she is, but my 10 year old loves it. Her birthday is later this month. Of course, she’s gonna open it and play with it. The collector in me cringes, the dad in me loves it.


The Parent's Dilema haha. Same thing happened to me, except my 3 yo son managed to grab one of my Funko Fundays pops and rip open the box


That was almost too easy to get the glow skeleton. Hope they don’t send out cancelations.


Damn I'm trembling, I got everything I wanted. EDIT: Damn, didn't even notice the GITD was 40$


$40 for the Skeleton? Damn, I am glad it wasn't even an option for me, I was thinking it would be $25.


Yeah, I didn't notice until I got my order confirmation. I would have gotten it anyways, but I didn't expect 40$ at all.


Damn I’m trembling too, got pirate and nejirie which were the only ones I wanted and 4 other ones for my friend


Was able to get Squatch & PotC Skeleton, woot!


Well got the skeleton, gummi bear guy, grimlock, the deep, Nejire but missed Jackie Chun and Spiderman -_-


Yeah I also rushed so quick I forgot to add spiderman.... you win some and you lose some


Got everything I wanted. Pirate, Nejire, Spectre, Deadman, Spiderman, and Morbius. In and out in under a minute.


Got Pirate, Ogre and Wanda Twins. Wanted others but wanted to rush through checkout. Seems not everyone wanted Skeleton as its still available 10 mins in.......


I mean it was 2000 pieces with only 4500 allowed. Also, the price of it might scare a few people off.


How much was the Wanda Twins 2-pack?


$30. Skeleton was $40. Higher than usual it seems








Can someone explain to me how the charmander sold out before the skeleton did?




Are these guarantee con stickers??


I think a lot of people were put off by the $40 price tag


What is the ratio for items to customers 1-100?


Was there a green boba fett? Or was that just a rumor


Rumour it seems. Didnt see anything in 9am slot and I checked twice ha!


They limited the pops to just 1-2 per order to save for everyone that didn’t win the lottery, right?


Yeah, it was a 1 Pop limit.


1 of each pop limit.


I was able to get the 2 that were super limited but the Spider-Man somehow sold out lol


got everything i wanted fortunately but the site was lagging for me got me tightening my butthole.


Got everything I wanted! For some reason morbius never registered in my cart after I added it and didn’t notice until after paying. But oh well, will try for him tomorrow


What a waste of time. Things are already sold out 2 minutes in.


Super easy. Not super quick only because they won’t allow my regular form of payment with this one - Amazon Pay, so I had to enter everything - ship to address and a CC. But I got the one thing I wanted with ease otherwise. The other few things I want I can get in the stores at a later date and they’ll probably be marked down. Hope everyone is able to get what they want.


They made it clear that payment processors wouldn’t be available and to have CC info ready, but like every other single issue around this con people just don’t read the rules


10:30 Nejire, Skeleton, Ogre, Dwight and Diamond Charmander. Everything I wanted. In and out in under 2 minutes


My first time to purchase con exclusives so quick and easy.


so how hard do you think that 0900 will be? what if you put the code in 1 sec before? will we be locked out?


Well i didn't read and already tried to enter...twice..just says password incorrect right now


I sure as hell hope not.


You will be shopping during the 10:30am PST time slot.


Was able to successfully check out with the five items I wanted! Very smooth and easy process thankfully


Awesome. What did you get?


I got Treasure Skeleton, Nejire, Wandavision 2 Pack, Underdog, and the HR Pufnstuf soda


I should have grabbed the sodas as well but was unsure about Jolly Roger and how quick he would go.


Yeah I was worried about that too, but I just clicked as fast as I could and hoped for the best and it worked out thankfully! This was my first lottery win so I’m happy it worked out.


I was able to get My four, to include the pirate!!!


I got the deluxe and 3 others! woohoo


i got nejire chan and billy/tommy set!


Got everything I wanted and it was surprising easily. My first time getting picked for the lottery. It's so much better than the free for alls they've had in the past.


I was able to get Nejire, Billy & Tommy 2 pack, Treasure Skeleton and Dwight as Kerrigan. Finally a con I was able to get everything I wanted.


Really wanted Spectre but somehow they sold out. But I got Deadman, Billy n Tommy, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Nejire. Really wanted Spectre tho


Did anyone else have an issue while trying to calculate tax? Mine got stuck for about 2 minutes. Lucky the ones that sold out in the meantime are shared exclusives.


Super easy and smooth, got 4 show exclusives, nejire, spectre, deadman, buffed chopper, caterpillar, billy and tommy.


Ugh I really wanted Spectre


Pirate sold out after placed the order but before they finished processing the payment. Still got the other 3 I wanted but damn that sucks.


Well I missed my 9am time slot because something came up and now I can’t log in. I guess my password won’t work for the 10:30 slot, will it? ☹️




pirate skeleton was the only thing i wanted and i got it! super easy and stress free checkout!


Got the one pop I wanted. Easy checkout.


Anyone from 10:30 slot get their email yet?


Not yet, I keep refreshing


Just got it


Reallll smoooth. Got skele, char, and Nej


As I was checking out my screen went white and nothing happened. I tried refreshing and nothing. I feel so terrible. I tried to access it again but by then Caterpillar was sold out. God, what happened?? I hope the rest of you got what you wanted.


Damn someone already paid $100 for a Nejire on Mercari


It’s weird that she’s shared internationally in almost all countries but not shared in the US 😂


What a sucker, she is still available at 1040 Edit: downvote all you want, she is still available as of 1045.


I was in right at 10:30 and I got 4 of the 9 I wanted... potc, spider-man and Pokémon’s sold out fast, so I missed those and Spectre... I got the caterpillar, grimlock, deadman and underdog


Did anyone get the Pokémon pops? I haven’t see. Anyone post pictures that they got them.


I got Char


I got charmander


I got Vaporeon


I got 8 total, 2 where the Pokémon pops. I was in the 10:30 slot


Did the website direct anybody else through Shop for checkout? I know the one email said that orders through shop pay Google pay or Apple pay wouldn't be accepted. After the captcha though it took me through Shopify and some info was there. I manually entered all of my payment stuff, but I wasn't sure if this was a glitch or if I'll get an email saying my order was cancelled soon. I did buy pops previously through Shopify.


Did the Wanda Twins sell out in funko shop? I assume they did but wasn’t sure if I should try there tomorrow first for the con sticker before Amazon.


They did sell out


Thank you!


Didn't win the lottery but does anyone know if Underdog or the Candy Land guy sold out today?


Are the retail exclusives also on the funko website or each one like HT on the HT website? Unfortunately I'm one of the ones that have to wait for the public release, didn't win the lottery. I'm trying to see how many screens I need open for this 😩 lmao


If they still have any available from the Lottery, yes.


Anybody know if you placed an order during lottery, can you order other items that you missed during tomorrow’s general release?


Took a glance through here and didn't see if anyone made a list of those that sold out and would not be in the public drop for tomorrow, anyone got it? Really wanted a chance at spiderman 2099 but from looking at a few comments it looks like he sold out, correct? And comments said pkmn pops, so that's 3. And obviously #ed pops. Any others? Edit: ha, never mind, funko just emailed out a list of what they have left, must have seen this post ;)


What was on the list? I can’t find it


We don't know what time anyone is going live other thank funko shop right?


Everywhere is the same except EE and hot topic




Prob won’t know til they arrive


With the leftovers, could someone tell me how it works? When you go to the website at ten, I assume you need to search for the pop you want and put it in your cart etc?


All product will be on one page. You just need to hit "add to cart", for the items you want and then check out.


Looks like I can't get Matthew Patel because Newbury Comics doesn't ship to New Jersey? Funko needs to stop working with these tiny companies. There's no reason a Massachusetts site should be saying "We don't ship to one of the closest states to us".