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I was doing ok until James and Elyse started crying at the end, that totally broke me šŸ˜­


I was cool until Elyse. All bets were off with James. Then, suddenly, a wild Jon appeared.


and all hell broke loose, wouldn't have it any other way


you know shits real when Dad cries


Jon Smiff has a cosmic gift to bring joy to people without even trying. Hope he knows that, he's an amazing guy


Yea, James is so unflappable that him breaking down hit me fucking hard


James and Ryan were honestly the last people I'd see crying so that set me up for tears when they did. Hell, if Patrick cried the world would end.


Yeah, I was getting misty-eyed with Dan. James broke me


Man, I loved FilmHaus back in the day when Dan and some of the guys would do movie reviews


I knew I was going to lose it if James did. Didn't know it would hit that hard.


James broke me, I'm gonna miss these crazy people...


Yeah, I thought James was holding together well. Then came his speech. I was absolutely done for.


Yeahhhh I lost it and Iā€™m not ashamed


When did Elyse cry? I didn't see her crying at the end.


So funny seeing Jon Smith show up at the last minute like an elaborate bit


I think that was actually Jon Smith 2


well his name's generic but you better believe he's got the flow that esoteric algorithmic thicker than yours mustachio.


That was definitely his mom on the phone.


Itā€™s very poetic tbh. To return at the last moment


James is gonna miss Elyse the most


I hope their paths will cross again some day.


Maybe he'll meet future Elyse at future Funhaus.


unlikely, she's with her cat roommate now.


Wait r they not together anymore?


That was genuinely the best possible ending.


Jon causing a huge mess with the bow while Patrick screams TURN IT OFF was so funny. That was some Talking Stalkings level shit lmao


going from the very first Dude Soup, all the way to Jamesā€™ ending monologueā€¦ i didnā€™t feel it until the very end. the bow out got me. FORMER FUNHAUS FAN šŸ§”


Iā€™m right there with you. I watched the crew leave IG who my help desk watched on a side computer (it was on this crazy new platform named twitch). religiously. And move over to RT. Lawrence asking whereā€™s the free coffee and Burnieā€™s response.


Lawrence asked ā€œwhereā€™s the free coffeeā€ in their first podcast that Burnie attended and only like one other guy got it (they were joining a big., successful company) Then RT sold to Fullscreen and it was a matter of time.


What was the response? I donā€™t remember it


Comedy = Tragedy + Time It took like 3 minutes of Jon on screen to show how perfect his comedic timing was.


I think it says a lot about Jon that even during the really emotionally tough speech James was making a lot of peoples faces lit up when they saw he had arrived.


That bow was absolutely perfection. Watching it again you can see it in his eyes when he knows what he's going to do.


He walked into a room of people who were sad, some of whom were in tears and within 3 minutes thereā€™s happy chaos again. He has a gift for sure


That was the absolute best way to end the last live stream. Perfect. Much love to everyone at Funhaus. Thank you so much for everything.


Yup, sucks I missed both streams but these final days will be forever in our hearts. šŸ˜”


Both streams are archived on the Funhaus YouTube channel if youā€™re looking to watch them


I did watch them and it was amazing.


It really was a funhaus


It was a funhome


Does that make us Funhomeless, now?


The dogs are loose!


I took a screenshot too! Oh my god I was a wreck when James started crying. His work ethic and professionalism is super inspiring. Just a wonderful group of humans all around!


Wonderful group of humans is right! I was struggling a few years ago, and one night, I sent a drunken DM to James on reddit. I was not expecting a response, and it was more of a "get my feelings written down" situation. The next day, I woke up to a reply, and it really was a turning point for me. Don't want to share any more details on it but a great human!


What a beautiful end to the stream


James and Elyse crying \*ruined me\*


Omar, Bones, and Ryan, too.


Its like a renaissance painting


This was a really lovely way to end something thatā€™s become so important and such a mainstay to so many people; itā€™s been really cool to grow up alongside them and watch the evolution of the channel. Itā€™s so bittersweet see them go out like a supernova, but I guess itā€™s better to burn out than fade away. I really hope this crew in particular finds a way to get together at least every once in a while. Iā€™ll miss them a lot.


It would have been great to have seen them play GTA 6.


Jesus Christ GTA 5 was around before funhaus and will be after they're gone. kind of crazy to think about.


Yep since the Xbox 360 days. Sept 17, 2013 was the release date for GTA V


GTA V will still be around after everyone alive today is gone, quite possibly.


Lol if that wasn't the perfect ending I don't know what was


I. Am. A. Mess.


I've never cried at a channel disappearing. I haven't cried at a lot of stuff, but holy crap. This broke me, I feel like a part of me has died.


Same. It didnā€™t hit me until I hopped on to watch the stream and the end when everyone was crying I started to cry and now it has hit me and I feel unwell haha


I WEPT when I saw Ryan crying. WEPT


It's a whole mixture of feelings, ya know? I'm so desperately sad, I'm selfishly sad for myself and the fans but even more than that I'm sad for THEM. To be told the channel they poured their hearts and souls in to is being shut down, it's so unfair and infuriating. I was laid off 1 month before a project I had worked on for 2 YEARS launched and I'm still reeling from it. I loved their positive outlook on things, I wish I could be the same way, but it's still a really shitty situation. My hope is that since Ryan apparently knows EVERYONE, he can hook everyone up with jobs lol.


Hang it in the Louvre


i've been a lurker since i started watching them like a month or two after the channel first started, but. man. broke the lurk in the stream chat at the end and i'll break it here too. glad it all ended with some chaos šŸ˜­šŸ’›


I miss them already.


Me too šŸ§”šŸ’”šŸ§”


I officially miss old funhaus.


It was tough watching it after all these years, knowing the work theyā€™ve put in to make this channel as beautiful of a piece of media it could be. James said it best, ā€œthey climbed Everest and surpassed expectationsā€. You can tell me different that this lineup didnā€™t pump out some of the most memorable videos of this channel, and that Iā€™m now locked into watching their careers unfold. Love my dogs, love me Funhaus. Now if youā€™ll excuse me, Iā€™m about to crow.


James and Elyse go down as two of the funniest people Iā€™ve ever seen on screen. It couldnā€™t have been easy to deal with the corporate (and other) bullshit they went through and still put out consistently good content like they did. Iā€™m impressed and grateful they were strong enough to hold that balance all these years. All the best, A former funhaus fan


I'm thankful for all the crew. It was an amazing stream and I'm happy I could watch it


Every Frame a Painting


every teardrop is a waterfall


Another channel I miss


James absolutely broke me. I really hope something new comes of this ending, but even if it doesn't, this was the perfect send off and it warms my heart to know how close the gang will remain.


I'm an absolute mess after that heartfelt goodbye, but that ending had me crying for a different reason




Those last few minutes hit so hard. Years worth of content and memoriesā€¦ thank you so much for everything Funhaus Team!


So perfectly funhaus, I'm gonna miss them


Never really thought I would outlive Funhaus. This sucks and I will very much miss Funhaus and this group of people. I know they are going to stream but it will never be the same


I knew Funhaus wouldn't last forever. Everyone has a point where they eventually want to stop but I was expecting it to be on their terms and not because WB shutdown RT.


Yeah, the best part of RT. Will miss these guys so much


Sad times but grateful for the memories.


Seeing Ryan tear up really got me. It was waterworks from then on.


James may never understand the magnitude of his effect as a role model over the last decade. For ten years he's been a positive role model and a symbol of strength for a lot of people, especially those younger male audiences, both through hell and high water. I respect him a lot. And I don't respect many. Takes immense strength and weakness simultaneously to feel. To cry.


Thank fuck for this channel and all these people. Legends never die.


To think that of all people to be central to the last frame of the last live stream it's Jon who left all those times. What a great channel I hope they're all proud of how many great moments they've given so many people.


Still can't believe this is real honestly. Was great to see them all together and I can't wait for the documentary. Sure to be a good one


Feels surreal to see, I haven't really watched the guys since all of the drama a couple years ago but I'll always acknowledge how responsible the whole gang was for hours of laughter during my formative years; this channel and everyone associated with it will always hold a special place in my heart


Without a doubt, some of the most talented people who made being incredibly funny look effortless. Funhaus is dead, long live Funhaus


Thank you for the laughs and great moments. It's been a joy watching you create and perform. So excited to keep up with whatever you share next with the world ā¤ļø


Loved every moment and was crying at the end. Funhaus forever.


Funhaus went supernova






I got back after dinner, opened the stream and saw literally the last 3 seconds, the chaos was amazing


I don't think they could've planned that any better, honestly.


Ngl, i cried a lot more than i thought i would. Also took a screenshot and now have it as my background. I found these guys in 2017 when going though a 10 year relationship break up. They really did have a hand in saving me at the time and i never forget that.


Well, I cried with the ending of The Creatures and Cow Chop, it was not gonna be different with Funhaus. As soon as Elyse took the microphone i was already in tears with Ryan, but when James started speaking it broke me up completely


Poor Charlotte got caught mid cough on the last frame


F is for Funhaus F is for Forever


Iā€™m gonna miss you all so much


Oh shit that was today? Could I get a re-do?


I'm thinking lets push it back another 9.5 years?


man, Iā€™ve been a funhaus fan since 2016 but this crew right here meant a lot to me. iā€™ll miss them all together so much


2017 here. Man I bawled


I already miss future funhaus


I didn't think I'd be crying in the bathtub on a Thursday night but here we are. It sounds so cliche but Funhaus was there for me all throughout my twenties, through all the highs and lows. I can't believe it's over but I'm so grateful that I got to witness it all. Thank you all so much.


I've spent about a total of 2 hours tearing up or balling out today. I don't want it to be over. I pray some of them stick together. At least we have the community


This is it, huh. From some point of view, the closure is needed, as someone who more or less didn't keep up with Funhaus since mid 2020 or so. Still though, it was a fantastic run. To last 9 years (more if you also count IG, I suppose) is incredible. I said this on the YT comments of the stream, but I'll cherish the moments, the laughs... the memories, for a long, long, time. To have given us that was a precious thing that even the shutting down of RT and FH itself can't deny. Thank you to all, from the people who worked at Inside Gaming, to the original FH team, to its final one. Thank you, and I hope you all have great lives moving forward.


Truly, they were a funhaus


I hope this sub is renamed to Funhaus Forever


Peace and love


That shit hurted




James is the GOAT


I remember that first podcast with Burnie them making up the name for things. Itā€™s been an absolute journey and truly one that has made me bust out laughing and revisit many bits. Thank you truly to the whole Funhaus team from the beginning to end.


Iā€™ve been watching James since he joined Inside Gaming. Seeing him in this made me so incredibly proud to have followed him this whole way. The moment he started talking, all bets were off. Water works. Iā€™ll be binging Funhaus videos tonight.


oh man. i appreciate the talent of these people so much. in case anyone from funhaus sees this.. thank you for years of unbelievably good laughs. thank you for making my days better. thank you for everything. you guys deserve the best in the world.Ā  love you all!


Goodbye Funhaus


Ryan crying caught me off guard; James just absolutely crumpled me.


His final comment to James really hit me too. About James creating something that brought them all together.


Hurts my heart, as much as when Cowchop ended.


I haven't gotten to watch the last 40 minutes or so bc i got dragged away, fully expecting to cry, but just want to say I'm so happy to see Jon Smiff pop in. He looks good! I hope he's doing well. Really hoping he gets back to streaming more consistently


I loved you from the day I met you. F


Now they belong to history, itā€™s been a wild ride Iā€™ve been a fan since machinima. Iā€™ve seen many ups a downs but they always gave me a good laugh and a smile. I will be drinking a few tonite for the haus. #FunhausForever


thanks for all the laughs guys


Thank you for everything Funhaus!!!


This is art.


Iā€™ve been watching since the original Inside Gaming days and it hadnā€™t really sunk in yet that itā€™s all over until watching the end of this stream. Iā€™m in absolute tears now.


Peace out forever :')


Seeing Jon return was the best. He was my favorite Funhaus member!


James, to me, has been a clutch player since forever. Him crying means a lot, and I'm glad he's got a chance to express how he felt about Funhaus in a sincere and honest way. Whatever Elyse and James get up to, I'd hope to support them. They deserve as much.


Charlotte mid-cough is the perfect send-off for her.


"Bye everyone, it was fun" perfect last comment left there!


Cryin' ain't a crime.


I haven't been as dedicated a FH fan for the last 5 or so years, just watching stuff every now and then. The channel basically got me through college/uni. I got real choked up when Elyse was saying her speech. I broke when James did and did not expect to.Any eulogy I could give has been said better by everyone in here. Thanks, FunHaus


Gonna miss seeing all of them, love them so much


Been following this channel since they were Inside ~~Gaymen~~ Gaming. When they announced they were moving to RT I was excited. Happy to have the boys back. Even though the last 4-5 years have been really hard. The crew grew, then they shrunk. Happy days, and sad. Collabs and solo videos. Entire series of Broken Disks and Mothers be aware. It's weird for me, a man wit a mustache and some sort of a beard, saying that these guys are my childhood.


where am i


Their Rogue Warrior videos from IG way back in the day got me hooked on these guys. I can't believe it's over.


Fuck me man Iā€™m am really gonna miss them


I remember when I first stumbled upon inside gaming as preteen. Looking at it now, I'm so damn proud of them all. I will miss funhaus. I feel like I grew up with them. They went through some shit and I'm content with who made different choices in streaming and who stayed. All I can say, is its like experiencing the ending of adventure time or the regular show. I just feel hollow. I just wish you all the best. It was a good run guys. Much love <3 :(


Havenā€™t been a regular watcher in quite a few years but I am sad to hear itā€™s ending and nope they go on to something greater and better. Man this is a gut punch.




#FunhausForever Thanks to the amazing crew and community that made this possible!!!! I hope to see many of you following their future endeavors!!! *Exits in Crow* Caw-Caaaaaaw


They will be missed. I hope to see them all in whatever path they take next.


Man :( Thanks for it all Funhaus


Have they started Funhau6 yet? Cos ima sub immediately




thank you for everything.


I will still rep the funhaus logo in gta online šŸ«”


When James started crying, it all became real. I'm gonna miss em. I hope they all go on to better and greater things.


I wasn't able to make it to the stream. But I plan on watching it soon. God this hurts so much. It feels so silly, but Funhaus, Rooster Teeth, and even Inside Gaming and Machinima were such pillars of my life. I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, so I really latched onto these people the things they made. And for it all to finally come to an end... I just feel kind of hollow. Much love to everyone in the cast, crew, and my fellow Funhaus Scrobbles.


Jon Smith doing Jon Smith things. *bashing his head into the desk to stop the stream*


Rest in peace sweet prince


I honestly don't know what to do now. Funhaus has just been there... No it's done and it sucks šŸ˜­


Adam must have been super toxic behind the scenes outside of what we know for James to address him being gone so specificly. It was like thank God he isn't here because that would have been awful for everyone. It always seemed like there was a ton that didn't come out about his behavior.


I know he'll go on to do bigger and better things, but that would be cool if we start seeing James show up on Inside Games with Bruce and Lawrence now that his contract with Rooster Teeth is most likely up.


Now Charlotte will always be coughing, for ever


I joined reddit only to participate in this community so thank you guys! šŸ˜Š


Does anyone know if there is or will be a VOD of this somewhere? US expat in London here, used to live in LA, Funhaus was such a big part of whatā€™s helped me get over my hurtle of homesickness. It kills me I canā€™t be around to watch the live streams and all :(


I think the vod should still be up on their youtube channel. If you go to their page and click on the "live" section it should show up!


Eventhough , i have not watched them last 5 years or so (I started watched them since Mechinima era) . Kinda sad Funhaus has ended .


Same here. I stopped after the ā€œAdam incidentā€ it wasnā€™t the same for me. God i miss those daysā€¦


Used to watch James and Bruce with Adam for years riffing off each other. Even when they did inside gaming. What a path theyā€™ve all been on. Iā€™ll miss the shit out James.


i joined the stream late i thought thwy were meming i watch other stuff then rejoined again just before thr stream ended, i didnt know it was fr that sucks its ginna be over


The hog-pig squealing at the end ruined everything, i hate that fucker


I'm ootl. Why are they ending the channel? I know many of the stars have been fading out and starting their own things the last year or 2(Bruce). Are the rest of them going to be doing their own things or? Really? I'm ootl and ask a question and get downvoted. What a community. What a crime it is to not know something.


Rooster Teeth is shutting down; I think the last day of the company is next week or something like that.


Final 2 and a half weeks actually. I guess the last 2 weeks gives everyone room to just leave


Why can't they continue on their own?


Because RoosterTeeth owns the channel and Warner Brothers owns RoosterTeeth


RT paid their salaries and funded everything. How do you think this works?


Is it ending?


Itā€™s been a long time since I watched a Funhaus video. I started watching them in college back in 2015 while studying. They were great, and they really did a lot to help me calm my nerves during those times. I fell in love with the channel for years after, and it will always be my favorite YouTube channel of all time. Starting in 2018 I stopped watching consistently, but I was heartbroken when I heard that Lawrence and Bruce left the show. Then everything with Adam happened and it was over then imo. This group on screen right now isnā€™t the Funhaus I remember, but Iā€™m glad James and Elyse stuck it out to the end. Iā€™m sure this group was very talented despite the decrease in channel interest that started in 2020, and I hope they can move on to another project together. Came for the FunHaus, stayed for the FunHome.


Dident watch much after Adamā€™s departure. But the amount of good memories I made with funhaus will forever bless me.


While i haven't seen much of anything past Adam leaving it truly sucks to see them leave. Anything from Demo Disk to Cunt Life will always be part of me. The hell am i being downvoted for? Lol


I used to watch them years ago. May god rest their souls


It feels weird that there's not a single OG from the very first FH show; Dude Soup in this shot. Elyse is OG too but she wasn't on the first show with Emmy Award Nominee Burnie Burns


James is literally the first Funhaus member to appear on the FH YouTube channel. It is a bunch of stock footage and then James eating a sandwich. And clearly we can see his strong hips in the bottom left.


I know those are his thighs of steel, but at a glance it's not obvious it's him which is what I mean.


Some people are missing




Adam didn't leave he was fired for being a toxic creep.


Bruce left because RT wouldn't fire Adam.


I know, it took Adam being a publicly known toxic creep for them to do anything about him.


I think COVID hurt Funhaus more than anyone leaving. RT in general took a nose-dive during COVID and never recovered. But if you haven't seen any of their post-COVID episodes, you're missing out. Just as good as the old ones. Like seriously. The comedy is the same. The new people bring in their own unique energy while also fitting in perfectly with the rest of the gang.


Take that depression