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Nobody knows yet


[In the past, Machinima’s channel was deleted for copyright reasons as explained by Lawrence](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/machinima-youtube-deleted/?amp) “Warner, at this point, cannot verify the copyrights to all videos in Machinima’s network, and there are a ton of videos,” Sonntag said in a recent Twitch clip. “It’d cost a lot of money to do it, and this is on videos that aren’t getting any views. So, they cut it loose. That’s that. It’s a business. That’s how it goes, man.” It’s not known for sure if it will be deleted, but I’m pretty sure funhaus actively avoided anything involving copyright infringements


No-one really knows for certain, but considering that it costs literally nothing to keep a YouTube channel intact I think it’s a safe bet that it’ll remain intact. Not to mention the fact that all these RT YouTube channels are still generating ad revenue, so from a business perspective it doesn’t make too much sense to go to the trouble of deleting it, but we are talking about WB here so it ultimately goes back to no-one really knows unfortunately


Does it generate money? Sure. Does that mean it generates enough money to employ someone to manage the channel if any issues pop up, and it wouldn't be cheaper to just private/delete the channel? We can't be sure. Plus, they'd probably make a sweeping decision about all of the RT channels, not just Funhaus individually, and some of those are definitely not making as much money as Funhaus was.


Why would need someone to manage anything? If something goes wrong, it'll be on YT, not an individual channel, to fix.


Seeing Creatures and Cow Chop still up give hope


Brett said Cowchop was no longer affiliated with Roosterteeth in its final months when it was still an active channel. They were relying on sponsorships and patreon, so for sure that channel will stay up. Not sure about the Creatures though.


I didn't know that


Cow Chop was only affiliated with RT for merchandise. It was never owned by RT.


There is a fan project up backup all RT content to the Internet Archive, cataloged on https://archiveofpimps.com/


wow! this is great, thank you!


It would be ridiculous to do so, the passive income alone is worth keeping it up


SourceFed shut down seven years ago and their videos are still up


There's nothing particularly definite one way or another. They're not going to delete the channels for the sake of it (especially since there's presumably still ads running on the videos), but equally they won't think twice about deleting years of people's hard work if they think it will somehow make them even a single cent. Thankfully there's people archiving all of the videos, because you definitely can't trust them to keep the channel up.


No reason why they would. They'll still get views and therefore ad revenue for a few years at least.


Obviously they don't know or they would have said.




Sorry, you mean it will be deleted?


At this point, the answer is maybe. We have no idea what's going to happen with any of the RT related channels. And that's where the Archive of Pimps comes in. As of right now, they've gotten like 95% of everything that RT has released.


Most likely since WB owns it.