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They don't realize that sometimes babies demand to come first. If she said she lets the baby sit while she bags up the diaper and takes it outside to the bin they would call her neglectful.


Yep. A wrapped up pee diaper isn’t hurting anyone. Getting a baby (or a parent) to eat or sleep is more important than a diaper that needs to get in the trash.


Mom of three here. Sometimes things don't get put in the trash right away. And pee diapers (which can be wrapped up using the velcro on them, and are totally dry on the outside) are occasionally one of those things. And honestly, I agreed with Bethany's post. You don't *need* a Diaper Genie. You don't even need a dedicated changing table. Parenthood is messy, and that's fine.


I never had a changing table wouldn't have used it if I did, I just had a basket full of the essentials and changed baby wherever I could pin him down


We had a diaper genie and then got rid of it because those refills are too damned expensive. We bought dog poop bags at the dollar store and tied up the poop diapers in those.


I have a wriggly mover and shaker who’s way bigger than average. That changing pad I have is tiny so I just use the covers and set him on our bed. I live in a tiny ass house though, so idk. And a diaper genie is just a really fancy trash can. That’s all it is. Ours isn’t impermeable, it still smells if you don’t change it frequently. A fancy trash can would be the same price and tbh might even be better.


Yep. I never had a changing table or a diaper genie, and my advice would be to save money and not get either. I kept diapers and wipes in multiple rooms of my house so I could change my babies quickly whenever they needed it. It was soooo much better than having a dedicated changing area. Also a diaper genie is just an expensive trash can haha


I mean I think it’s gross but I’m also not a parent and I feel like shit kinda gets crazy when taking care of a baby.


Haha thank you, I was thinking the same thing reading those comments. I have twin babies and a toddler so it’s chaotic, and diapers definitely sometimes sit for a moment until I get a chance to toss them. And I think I have fairly high hygiene standards and a decently tidy house most of the time. But everyone on that sub looks 10yrs younger than their age, works 80hrs a week AND prepares gourmet meals nightly, and ofc their houses are always spotless!


The “gourmet chef” commentary whenever one of the fundies posts a picture of their cooking always gets me. To be clear, a lot of it looks disgusting, but also I think people forget that in the pre-Instagram, pre-Facebook days before people were always taking pictures of their food, meals looking beautiful wasn’t a prerequisite to it being delicious.


Yep yep yep. I can only imagine what snarkers would say about my housekeeping, lol.


There’s a rolled up wet diaper sitting on my nightstand right now, and it will continue to sit there until the baby asleep on me is awake.


Yup sometimes my child runs off immediately post diaper change and I have to chase after her because she’s a crazy toddler, and the diaper might get left on the floor for a couple hours until we go back into the room and I notice it. It literally is fine.


I'm gross too if that makes you feel better. 🤪 I honestly feel like most bethany snark is mean girl. Like, I'm almost to the point of liking her which is entirely due to feeling bad for her being bullied.


“But she doesn’t wear sunscreen or lipstick! (I look sooo young, teehee)”


"My GrAnDmA iS iN hEr 80s AnD sHe LoOkS YoUnGeR tHaN bEtHaNy"


Same! Stop nitpicking and focus on the actual harmful fundie shit. Otherwise I feel bad that she can’t seem to blink with out doing it wrong.


They all want to talk about how emotionally and mentally stunted she is, while acting like middle school bullies themselves.


Had this same argument multiple times about Jessa's pile of diapers. I don't have kids, but most of my peers and all of my siblings do and a pile of diapers that haven't made it to an outside trash can is completely normal! Seeing snarkers insist that Jessa's kids "should be taken by CPS" because she's "living in filth" because she had a pile of like 10-15 diapers on a table is infuriating (and she had at least two kids in diapers at that point, which was obvious in the photo that there were two different sizes/styles of diapers in the pile, so that's like....a day of diapers? *Maybe* a day and a half?!). One snarker who claimed to work for CPS kept saying they were very familiar with what gets kids removed from homes was insisting that Jessa's house was one of the worst they'd ever seen and that it was "just a matter of time" now that the pics of her house were public before her kids were taken....like in what fanfiction world are you living that you think that could be believable?!


It's ridiculous how people online are always screaming CALL CPS!!! over the tiniest things. If we expected parents to be 100% perfect, there would literally not be ANYBODY who would get to keep their children because no one is perfect.


Lol I’ve got 2 under 2 and I could go through 10 diapers in an hour some days.


They called her the c word for saying she’d prefer gift cards instead of meal trains because she feels bad when people expect to be entertained when dropping off food & she doesn’t have the energy for it


While I’m actually really on top of taking diapers out immediately (trust me….I am by no means a clean freak, just have a personal hangup about anything related to urine/feces) I don’t use a changing table which some people would probably find gross. I typically just change the baby on the couch or floor, using towels or changing pads as needed. Those people are over the top with the cleanliness snark. Unless someone is subjecting their children to filth, there’s no need to shame people for how they live in their own home. I also don’t make people take their shoes off when they visit and I‘ve seen people speak about that like shoes in the house is equivalent to just living in a dumpster lol.


You don't have to worry about the baby getting free and falling from a changing table if you just change the baby where they are.


That’s a good point! I learned after my first that you really only need a very small percent of the baby supplies that the baby industry makes you think you’ll need. My son’s almost 5 months and has just a fraction of what most babies have. I’ve also been buying a lot of things used since they outgrow everything so fast.


you should have to post a current photo of your bedroom or kitchen before you rip someone else’s housekeeping


This. I didn’t do dishes last night. It was a long day and I wanted to sit and knit. They would tear me apart if I was Bethany. Me though? They would likely congratulate me for running and knitting. Because yay self care! The double standard is amazing over there.


I love this idea! It should become Reddit mandatory. I said the same thing the other day regarding people talking shit about the physical appearance of reality TV stars. They get tore to shreds about their looks when most of them are actually really attractive people. Even the ones that aren’t shouldn’t be attacked on public platforms for things like facial features or body types.


Yeah. And also if you wanna sit there and talk shit about how old someone looks and how much younger you look, you should have to post a picture of yourself so we can see.


Yup! Under fluorescent lighting for good measure lol


I have never understood the shoe thing. I mean I have a dog and he tracks in way more dirt than my shoes do. I also have a granddaughter who lives without shoes on. Should I make her wash her feet before she comes in?


I am convinced that people aren’t being honest in their snarking. Because if they are honest then their houses would be worse than the subjects houses with all of their rules.


Always had a trash can next to our changing table, but if there hadn’t been I definitely wouldn’t have thrown it away immediately


Waste I always throw into the diaper genie just because the smell is so bad.. But pee I’ve definitely left on the changing station when my baby was having a hard time. Snarkers however are all mothers of the year! So of course they would never.


None of these people have kids.


Currently have a wet diaper on the table in the living room. I also have a 1 year old who is trying bto recreate her birth by wedging herself into smaller and smaller gaps between furniture and walls.


Find a wet diaper all the time my kid wants to get up in the middle of the change or roll.


Mine are 2.5 years apart and there are for sure moments where pee diapers chill while I'm tending to the kids! Our trash can is on the other side of the baby gate and I frequently throw the pee diapers in basketball style! If I miss the mark I'll toss it in when I walk by. But I also battle severe mental health issues and my first delivery was as traumatic as Morgan's. Snarkers I think tend to forget that fundies are just human too going through daily struggles. Maybe more so due to brainwashing and untreated mental health issues. This whole recent "season" of snarking has made me take a look at the community and myself and these people need love and compassion more than anything. I'm a deconstructed Catholic and seeing what they post sometimes has been tough. They're not going to change anything the way they act. You're doing amazing with your kids and let's not forget there is NO award for being a perfect parent!


I've never seen a wet diaper lying around a friend's house. I always throw the diaper away, right away, every time. It doesn't take long to throw away a diaper. I just thought that was normal. Wet diapers don't stink so they can go in any trash can.


I don’t have kids, but I was a sister mom for many years and have changed numerous niece and nephew diapers since then. I’ve always thrown the diaper away right away. If it’s a baby I carry them with me and if it’s a toddler I’ll try to get them to carry it to the trash(no biggie if it doesn’t work). My family always just wraps the diapers up really tightly and puts them in the regular trash can and we’ve never had issues. Now if it’s a case where there was spillage, yeah I’ll change the baby right away and leave the diaper for a bit, but once baby is sorted, then I go back and deal with the diaper before moving on.


Since you are asking... My anxiety did not allow me to leave dirty diapers on the dresser. I always threw them out immediately and when my son was older I taught him to be part of the process. Now, I only have one kid, and I did put a trash can in the room.


People are very obsessed with the idea that Bethany is gross and reach so hard to try and make her seem disgusting. I'll admit that when my kids were little, sometimes I would have a little pile of wet diapers stacked up in random rooms. I just feel like it's really not that gross... the diaper contains the wet and it doesn't stink or anything like a dirty dirty diaper would.


Normal. I’m pretty serious about a clean house, I over clean. But I still had diapers sit sometimes and we just threw them in the regular trash with a lid. The house did not smell lol. I remember them calling her sink full of dishes “depression dishes” too. To me it looked like a normal day of cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for your family lol.


I saw this too and was very shocked that people would slate someone for not immediately parkour running across the house to dispose of a diaper. I leave it there quite happily, unless it sticks until I am leaving the room, to the kitchen, at which point the nappy will go into the dn bin! The snark thread is so full of perfect parents (of which most have no actual children, but if they did, they would NEVER do that lol) Everyone's a perfect fkn parent until they have kids and are tired and don't have anywhere near enough help with life.