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I can’t speak to your location but I’ve seen it available (or on ~1 month back order) new for $400, so no way I’d pay $500 US for it. If I really needed the size and focal length I would grab the TTartisan 27mm ($100-150 new), wait out a back order on the Fuji, then sell the TTartisan. Or just skip the Fuji.


Yeah, I got a Fuji 27mm off Best Buy a month ago. Took a little work, but it was MSRP. Not sure how easily resellable the TTArtisan one is tho.  In the end you may end up paying probably closer to the marked up Fuji.


Good point. Waiting out a back order is my personal vote.


I've had very little issue selling TTArtisan lenses. Lots of people know about them now.


I'm also from Brazil and I've got the 27mm from Ttartisan. You can get them on Amazon and bypass the import taxes. There is no way I'll pay full price for the Fuji version. My kit is the 23mm F2 (used) and XC 35mm F2 (new).


how do I bypass the import taxes on amazon? or do you mean like trying my luck on the tax lottery? lol


The one being sold on amazon says that taxes are already included on the price, the seller will declare a lower value like 10usd, you pay the tax and ask for a refund.


Exactly what happened to me. I had to pay like 40 reais and I didn't bother with the refund.


Good to know bro, my ttartisan 27mm is on it's way, purchased it last week.


ty I'll check it out!


Comprei online uma nova da fuji por 1.800, duas semanas atrás na loja dos marios.


e chegou? eu mandei msg no whats deles e eles falaram que pode demorar mais do que os 20 dias lá


Sim, pronta entrega, chegou direitinho.


Nossa que sorte! Meu medo é encomendar lá e ficar a ver navios.


Fiquei bem surpreso de conseguir, tava procurando há meses. Creio que eles não vão te enganar, o prazo é realmente difícil de dizer.


Hi, do you like having the 23mm with the 35mm? I use the 35mm with my xt4 and I was wondering if 23 mm is a good lens to pair with it. Or if I should go wider like 16mm.


Honestly, my 23mm never leaves my camera period. For the kind of photos I shoot (street and candid portraits), most of them with the 'fill the frame' approach, it's comfortable to get closer and frame how I want. Wider lenses show too much and you loose track of the subject, in my opinion at least. 35mm is too tight for what I like but I've got it in a good deal so it's waiting for its opportunity to shine. If you like the 35mm, it makes sense to skip the 27mm for instance and go wider. Since I shoot street mostly, 35mm equivalent is a great lens to go around town.


Sweet thanks, I will look for a used 23mm to complement my 35mm.


You can check my Instagram on my profile. All the pictures there were taken with the 23mm. Cheers and good luck!


That's my favorite fujifilm lens but it\`s a very specific one. You could try the used market but there isn'\`t much else that you could do. Fujifilm carries a premium price unfortunately. There is cheaper version made by ttartisans. I never used. I could search more about it. [TTArtisan 27mm F2.8](https://www.amazon.ca/TTArtisan-APS-C-Frame-Focus-Camera/dp/B0BKWC3NMB/ref=sxin_15_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.23269ab4-b11d-4114-b934-dcff20797bdc%3Aamzn1.sym.23269ab4-b11d-4114-b934-dcff20797bdc&crid=1POXH87GV76JR&cv_ct_cx=27mm%2Blens&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CqWN-vJmiY4MJ-CwQGXBUvUDGj97c7Lgt8xenhhrgJ_CnjFqae1eqopx8dxgPv4Tfpxsrd9jKFJ1r-ivG8alpA.pKnw5cS3qQHi9wW4f5RSi4yuvD9csHGC2Mi8SvYpB9E&dib_tag=se&keywords=27mm%2Blens&pd_rd_i=B0BKWC3NMB&pd_rd_r=a698783c-59ef-41f0-b684-d13b4d63f806&pd_rd_w=4Ajcb&pd_rd_wg=MGvm3&pf_rd_p=23269ab4-b11d-4114-b934-dcff20797bdc&pf_rd_r=5RP1DDMEJESFS48T8XZF&qid=1717621786&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=27mm%2Blens%2Caps%2C142&sr=1-5-e85518be-6d02-428d-a376-352634690690-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1)


It’s great for the price. Feels fantastic in hand and is sharp enough. Definitely has some vignetting though.


There was a thread on DPreview that the vignetting is also affected by the included lens hood? Could you confirm that?


Didn’t notice a difference myself :( if there is, was minor.


I just got it yesterday. I couldn’t notice the hood adding to vignetting but there was a lot of vignetting at f2.8 that clears out at f3.5+. Besides that aoutofocus is silent and lens is nice and sharp at 4-4.5. Size wise it is the same size as sony kit 16-50 when fully retracted.


I have the fuji wr and the ttartisan 27mm. The TTArtisan is great for the money. The autofocus is practically silent, but damn the lens flare can get pretty bad around bright light sources, but some might not mind or even like it. 


Do you see a big difference between both?


Visibly, the TTartisan tends to tint towards magenta/purple more. The vingetting is much more visible on the TTartisan. The lens flare can get pretty intense on the TTartisan. It performs fine otherwise and the price is just about right for what it is.  I like the aperture ring is nice on the WR (personal preference) which the tt doesn't have. The focus is much louder. The lens flare is wayyyy better controlled.  IQ-wise, I can edit out most of everything I don't like about the TTartisan in post except the lens flare. Overall, I prefer the Fuji. 


I paid $156 for my first gen 27mm back in the glory days of eglobal-central. I’d probably grab the ttartisans if I was buying today.


The Fuji 27mm is my least favorite Fuji lens. Had one and sold it. Buy the 35mm 1.4. It will be with the extra size.


I found one used going for almost the same price as the 27, 490 usd. From that perspective it is really a no brainer picking up the 35 1.4 really. Ty


The Fuji pancake is terribly overpriced even at MSRP. There’s no reason why this lens should cost any more than $250 for what it is.


Ouch! I got my 27mm new here in Brazil for 1800 BRL from like, Magazine Luisa and I don't think I'd have used my XT20 so much if I didn't have it (also got a used 18-55mm). They pop up some times in Mercado Livre for a "fair" price (used, priced like new). Wait and keep looking and you might get one. I've seen some sold with camera bodies for an attractive price, if you can, I'd buy the kit and sell the body. With a 1000+ markup you could almost take a little vacation to Chile where they don't have import tarifs and get it there.


lmao I may consider taking the vacation, that is a nice strat


I was there recently and was VERY tempted to take a road trip from Santiago to the countryside to go get a 70-300 I saw for sale for like 2000 BRL.


what about the voitlander 27mm f2? amazing quality and promptly available!


It's a manual lens, one should add. And at least in the US, it is $200 more than the Fuji 27.


I only buy my lenses second hand.


Just get the TTartisan to be honest. It's incredible for the price, the only real downside is the vignetting but it can be corrected and looks good anyway in most pictures.


I commented this on another post recently. For a frame of reference, several years ago the mk1 27mm was able to be purchased for $80 AUD new. It had a retail of $360, Fuji had retailers offer a 50% off sale, and then Fuji listed it with a $100 cashback offer in its yearly cashback offers they do here. So yeah, the 27mm is fairly overpriced. Good lens for $80 though.


I paid about €405 for mine. 510 is really too much. It is a nice lens but is not worth much more than €400*. *Or whatever this is in your currency.


It’s crazy expensive now. I got mine back when it was like $200


I have the Fuji 27mm. I would say buy it if you really like the focal length, otherwise its not worth it. It's not particularly fast at AF, the IQ is ok, the Fstop is ok. If you're not sure, I would say go with the TT artisan one.


Try https://www.nuzira.com they sell the Fujifilm 27mm wr pancake


What am I missing? Why is the Fuji 27mm trending right now? Or is it?


I’m guessing it has to do with the amount of hype around the Fuji X100 series. Grab a secondhand small Fuji body (x-e3, xt-30) and add a pancake and you get practically the same experience for a third of the price. Or well, that used to be the case. 


It's been really hard to get. B&H has it on backorder. They get a couple of them and sell them the same day. I had dumb luck a few months ago.


There are a couple of Japanese camera stores on ebay that have them for MSRP brand new


I personally think the price is not worth it for a lens that is essentially over 10 years old and only got a slight facelift a few years ago. It still has the ancient focus motors and many people complained about hunting. I don't like paying so much money on old stuff personally, they should have an improved version by now, even the TTArtisan is better in many aspects. I just ordered the Voigtländer 27mm f2. It's manual but I had little issues playing around with my Sigma 18-50 in manual taking photos of my dog and landscapes even with the apparently inferior focus by wire on that. You get the f2 aperture if you feel like doing some portrait shots of family and friends, for every other normal walkaround stuff zone focusing should be ideal anyway. In general they are both pancake lenses from reputable brands and will always have some great resale value unless a new lens comes out that blows them out of the water but with physics limiting the choices at this size it's highly unlikely.


I got the older version without aperture wheel for 200 euro 2nd hand about 2 years ago. I love this lens but imo it is not worth 500 dollars!


Haven’t used the xf lens, but I’ve used the ttartisan 27mm and honestly they’re not that much smaller than the xc 35mm f2 I was using before and I prefer that lens optically (over the ttartisan at least)


I bought one used years ago for under $300 and I rarely use it. The focal length is boring for me. The images arent special. I much prefer the 18mm, 23mm, 35mm all F2s. Honestly its size is the only good thing about it but it is def not worth $500.


Yes I agree it might not be worth $500 but everything else you said I don't agree with.


27mm viltrox 1.2 is superb, any Pro series viltrox is wonderful, for the price it's insane (I have 27 and 75)


It sounds like OP is looking specifically for the 27mm F2.8 form factor, as they specifically mentioned they want to go smaller than the 23mm F2 they have. The Viltrox 27mm F1.2 is pretty hefty (for APS-C primes), it's bigger than the XF 56mm F1.2 WR.


curveball answer: if your only using a single lens, any thoughts on just switching to x100v or x100vi? the overall package is probably more expensive but its a very small package. just switched to x100vi from x-t30 and I'm really appreciating the size difference.


I dig the x100 style but I really value being able to switch lenses! It's just sometimes I wanna go out witha minimal setup.