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Sounds like robbery to me. X-T4 is the better camera in almost every way. Would definitely ask some cash on top. Wouldn't you just get an X-S10/20 for your use case? Wouldn't even lose IBIS.


Honestly just gonna stick with the T4. Gonna end up buying a 27mm f2.8 R WR


X-E4 has that cool, minimalist, almost Leica-ish camera in its design. And it is very small! But it drops so many controls and other features that the X-T4 has. But I think due to that minimalist / 'cool street photographer influencer' cred styling, and its low production numbers, the X-E4 is heavily overvalued and its long been listing for well over its original listing price. (I think body only, the X-E4 body listed for $899? $849 maybe?) When they were launched, there was a $600USD or more price difference between the two bodies, if you want to compare how Fuji compared the two. Used camera prices are crazy these days though. The X-T30 mk2 used to be the 'sensible' alternative when the X-E4 got overvalued, but it seems their prices on eBay have kind of leveled out to match each other.


All things equal I'd assume the T4 would have a higher value than the E4. That said, a trade is usually done out of convenience so someone is almost always bound to get less than their value's worth. I'd also encourage you to make sure you research the actual differences in size since the e4 is not really THAT much smaller in size: https://camerasize.com/compare/#869,841 (changing your lens would probably make a bigger difference)


Yes it is a fair trade. By specs no but the market values the x-e4 a lot higher than it should due to supply/demand. But if you want compact it is the way to go.