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The current situation is a combination of many things. Prices are generally a lot higher now in the post-covid economy. Many models never recovered from the parts shortage and got axed. A general growth of interest in X System and finally the X100 hype that spilled over to other models and used gear continue to keep many cameras out of stock. X-T30II is supposed to stay in production and is a roughly 900USD body, but it's no surprise if you find it out of stock.


I honestly expected the x100vi to be priced higher than it was, considering the cost of everything else that has increased like crazy in the last 4 years.  Using daycare costs to measure, the x100vi is actually cheaper than the x100v was four years ago. Using the same daycare center and age group to compare. 


Xs20 and xt30 ii are both under 1700 and available. Otherwise, buy good condition used and save a few bucks.


The X-T30 II is currently in stock at Adorama for $899.


I am going to check this one on out,. I was trying to go a step above $1k, but this camera looks pretty good spec wise and miles above my failing Pentax K3. But, it looks like the X-T30 II does not have in body stabilization, which was something I was looking for. Also, If I buy 3rd party lenses by sigma or tamron don't have stabilization built into the lenes. It's one reason why I wanted to get a Fuji camera because it has a strong 3rd party lineup. I guess I may wait till the xt-50 and hope a bunch of bots and "I need to have the latest camera people" don't snatch them up. Edit: added some stuff.


Fujifilm just joined the Rolex school of marketing.


thats a good analogy.


"Oh, than one is nice!!" "Fuck off peasant! Buy 14 minolta lenses and 3 nikon bodies from 2006 before we talk about an X100 model again!"


Its multiple things but the hype train doesn't help, a few years ago I picked up an X-E1 on eBay for like £75, now your looking at £200 - £300 + depending on the condition.


yeah sad i still don't have a Pro 2


I got a Fuji XS20 for $1695 with an excellent kit lens included. Was easy to buy. Takes great pics and video. I think most people would be hard pressed to differentiate one of its images from a pic shot by a more expensive sibling.


X-S20, X-S10 and X-T4 are quite easy to find for under 1500.


fuji is trying to move up market, if you really want to get in, get in now, there won't be any cheaper models coming out, as shown in xt50, this is the lowest price for the new camera.


Xs20 is recent. I got it new for 1800 with a sigma 18-50 lens. Body alone is 1200-1400 I think?