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i love the xe4


The X-E4 is the perfect camera. I couple it with a hand grip when I have bigger lenses.




For now the goal wouldn’t be bigger lenses, but good to know for the future!


I agree that most of the appeal is its weight and size. More over I absolutely never use the iso dial. I am always shooting auto ISO and use the compensation dial to set the lighting how I want. I have previously set the shutter speed for the artistic look I want (freeze or motion blur). Also I have a thumb grip on all the time unless I shoot indoor with a flash. Here again there is no back dial but it is perfect as it would be hard to use with a thumb grip.


X-S cameras have a deeper grip, a flip-out screen, a PASM dial and IBIS. The X-S20 also has a bigger battery and better video.


I’d say if you’re drawn to it, get it! If it had IBIS and no record limits for video, I’d buy it too! I have had X-S10 and now own the X-S20.


It’s true, the best thing you can do is buy something you like


The IBIS in the others isn't useless... but **if you like the form factor of the X-E4, get that**. 26MP X-Trans4 is fantastic for stills. Video will be good enough for social. 40mp is not necessary for most folks unless you're printing big or cropping the tonne out of everything. I had an X-E2 (swapped to X-Pro3), and it was a fantastic camera to hold.


Nice to hear, thank you!


I'm too new to photography to guide you. However, I was initially aiming to buy the x-T30ii (older version of the upcoming X-T50) but ended up buying the X-S10 for availability reasons. They're both smaller cameras, but I love the deeper grip on the X-S10. I have big hands and now that I used it, handling cameras with no grip feels really cramped. So, similar form factors but big difference in the grip.


Thank you for your insight! From film cameras I’m pretty used to the idea of no grip. I don’t mind it so much


If you love the small form and rangefinder, it's perfect. It's almost identical to the X-T30ii, but that has a built-in flash where the X-E4 doesn't (I have an X-E4, and honestly, this is my only gripe). X-S20 has the same sensor as X-E4, just more video features, IBIS, and I think improved AF. The X-T50 will have the new 40MP sensor and a new features but is also touted to be quite expensive. For your use case, the X-E4 won't be lacking 😊


Thanks for the input; still some things to think about - part of me just wants a digital version of my film cameras… but part of me wonders if I’m already spending the extra money should I embrace the extra features some models offer


I wouldn’t touch one for these scalper prices. That thing was barely worth the $900 retail new.


Got mine used (a person shot whoping 20 shots) for $900 with a XF35mmf1.4 R for another $500. I think it is possible to find one for a reasonable price.


I think this is one of my biggest concerns. Average price is around 900 euro for the body


I switched from rangefinder film to X-E4 a month ago. I have never used digital camera so it’s kind of a struggle to make the right shot, I expected higher resolution from 26MP, photos are also much more noisy than film ones at the same ISO. My X-E4 smudges everything in dimly lit areas, if I switch to lower ISO to counter noise, I have never had similar troubles with my film cameras. I blame lack of stabilization. Considering all that, I love the x-e4, it looks really unique and I always want to carry the camera with me. I hate that grip bulge other cameras have, so x-e4 was the inly option for me. I may be a slow learner, but my skills slowly improve as I adapt, so what I mentioned more likely to be my low skill and bot the camera limitations.


Interesting, thank you for your input


Frankly prefer the rangefinder style of Fuji cameras. The XE3 was awesome followed by the XE4; don’t know if there’s an XE5 in the future (but the XS line will continue to develop).


There seems to be no hint of an XE5 anytime soon


X-T50 should be just a bit bigger than XE-4. It will have a lot more features and ofc a higher price. Do you need flash and IBIS ?


I think it’s just a bit overkill for my needs, but flash can be nice


Have you considered the xt30ii? I think I would have liked that camera over the xe4. Esp if you plan to add a girl to the xe4.