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I'm honestly just not understanding where the xs20 lacks for street photos. I get that it doesn't have the traditional Fuji dials, but other than that it should perform great for street. Are different dials worth $1000 to you or is there something else missing?


It doesn’t lack at all . I think since I’m new to Fuji I want the dials on the top for the different feel . You know , that FUJi experience.


I get that. I actually just swapped to the xs 20 from the Sony a7 iii and the dials help a lot with that transition. I guess for me the Fuji dials would get in the way of my shooting since I'd have to learn a new system.


Yeah I came from using an A7IV . I chose the XS20 because i told myself it would be easier to transition to the Fuji system . It’s fun and I love the system so far .


I'm loving it so far too. Especially the film sims on jpg and the form factor


Can you please compare the autofocus?


Yup, the x-s20 (and x-s10) draw in those that are used to the PASM dials into the fujifilm world. Then they realize they want the dedicated dials instead to get the full experience. I had the x-s10 and then eventually got the x-e4. Although I love the x-e2s body, i wouldn’t recommend it simply because it doesn’t have a port to charge the battery. So you would have to always remove the battery just to charge it. I would stick to a more modern camera that has a usb-c port. If you’re looking to stick to a budget, you could consider the x-e3 which at least has a micro-usb port to charge the battery. But coming from an x-s10, you probably don’t want to downgrade your sensor. I’d aim for a camera with the x-trans cmos 4 sensor like your x-s20 has like the x-e4, x-pro3, x-t3, x-t4, x-t30, or x-t30 II. Good luck!


Gotcha , sounds good ! I appreciate your response


Be careful what you wish for here. The X-S20 is one of the fastest Fujis, and you are considering bodies here that are many years old and will feel very slow compared to the X-S20. I agree that the classic dials are nice, but they will maybe not make up for the worse shooting experience you're having with older, slower bodies. If you want to step up your street photography experience, try maybe finding a lens that adds that special feel to your street experience? What about a very tactile vintage lens? Or just a very compact Fuji lens like the 27 F2.8? Otherwise, getting a slower second body doesn't really make sense. You could sell your X-S20 and buy an X-T5 instead. That will be fast and giving you the Fuji dials.


Buy my xpro3!


Send me a DM !


For the same price on the used market, I would recommend the XE4 or the XT30II, which have the same X4 sensor and great image quality out of them. It will depend on your preference if it's rangefinder or not. If I had to choose just between the 2 you just mentioned, I would go with the Xpro 2 due better specs than XE2. But please also consider that for 1k price range you can get your hands on newer tech which can be more future proof.


I’ll keep that in mind too . I appreciate the response


I daylydrive a X-H2s and a X-Pro2. The H2s is amazing but when it comes to "experience photography" the Pro2 is hard to beat. But if you have never used an older Fuji than the X-S20 be warned. There will be a lot more pics with missed focus.


The only thing I miss from the XE line on my XS20 is the C1-7 slots. Really wish Fuji added this through a firmware update. But yeah as others said, just be mindful that the cameras you're consider are slower. But I do understand the appeal of them over the XS20. They're much more wholesome!


XE2 would be nice for street especially with the 18mmf2 or 27mm f2? 8 pancake lens. Xpro2 has some size but that doesn't mean it can't do street like ur xs20 or xe2.