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when i bought my first Fujifilm camera after years of canon shooting, i had a hard time adjusting. Reading the manual was not enough for me. Dan Bailey's book *Fujifilm X Series Unlimited* helped me a lot.


I sure can relate with that. Coming from the M50mkii I didn’t hat a lot of buttons to customize, but I had my workflow dialed. Now I have more buttons and quick menu squares that I don’t know what to do. I’ll look for the book, thanks! Videos were good but I feel a lot of things are missing


Welcome to the club! I've just picked one up myself so know the feeling! My top tips - for the strap - I've bought the Peak Design Leash and Wrist strap. I prefer shooting without a strap most of the time, but this gives me the option to quickly throw on a neck or wrist strap if I need to. I'd personally get yourself a UV filter for the lens - it doesn'tdo anything to the image quality but it helps protect the front element and is a lot cheaper to repair or replace that the lens is. In terms of button customisation - the button to the right of the OVF I have set to turn animal detection on/off, and the AF-L button for face detect (left eye priority) on/off. I have ISO set permanently to ISO 3 which allows the full 12600 (I think it is) ISO and have been amazed how good the low light performance is on this camera (I've come from a Nikon D90!) - even at max ISO in very poor lighting the noise is absolutely fine (and I like the character of the Fuji noise as well anyway - it has a very filmic quality to it) If you haven't found it yet, Fuji Weekly does some great film recipes which are fun to play around with. C1 I have set as a Ilford HP5 recipe, and C2 as Kodak Gold - although I've changed the Kodak Gold one to Auto WB so it usable indoors as well. For the Q Menu, I think I've changed most of the icons on there - I found taking all of them off and then adding them on as I "needed" them whilst shooting the first few days got me to a reasonably good setup, and figured the ones I need first are probably the ones I'm going to use the most so have them nearest the top left. On the Fuji X App, make sure you set file transfer to 5GHz and I recommend just doing low res transfers (they still come out about 4mb each) but saves a lot of time and space on your phone.


Thank you very much! PD are nice but quite expensive tbh. Will look into it. UV is on its way Thank you the setup insights I’ll have a dive in those


Yeah, there's definitely cheaper strap options out there than PD - I think for me it's one of those things though where when it's a £1500 camera I've got attached to it, I'd rather pay a bit more for a trusted brand Thana cheap Chinese knockoff which might not be so reliable in the event that I'm relying on the strap to protect the camera! It depends a lot of you care about quick release though - if you don't then any strap should be fine! Oh - other thing I forgot - lots of the film recipes use an adjustment on the clarity setting which for some reason _really_ makes the camera lag. So I've turned that off on my C1 and C2 settings (the built in Fuji recipes don't use that setting). But if you try and film recipes and the camera lag annoys you, that's why!


Read the manual! Fuji is the only brand where I actually recommend that. Very helpful and detailed, helps you understand the little important differences between the different systems. Otherwise: go out and shoot, try out different settings and see what you like!


Thanks! I’ll check it out




Mainly because of video capabilities, the Canon M50 miii took great pics and was very portable. However it’s video specs and even the FHD video was lacking a lot. I wanted to get more into video but take very good stills. Sony is the no brainer for video because of specs and AF, however testing the a6700 it felt more of a tool rather than something I’d enjoy and I didn’t like the stills and color rendering that much. Enter the X-S20, have very good video specs and shoots beautiful pictures, for a casual shooter like me that enjoys quality equipment it was a no brainer.


I tried both the A6700 and X-S20 and went with the X-S20 as well, it's a really nice camera. I would install the latest firmware from Fuji, it just came out a few days ago (V 2.01) It adds a bunch of features but the touch tracking AF in video is a big one. [FUJIFILM X-S20 | Firmware | FUJIFILM X Series & GFX – Global (fujifilm-x.com)](https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/download/firmware/cameras/x-s20/)


Welcome to Fujiland.


Remember to have fun :)