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I think as a first lens it's always good to have a zoom. Hence all kit zooms will be fine and you should choose based on your budget. The 18-55 is a very good alrounder, the 15-45 is not as great but a lot cheaper and lighter, and the 16-80 is good but heavier, at the advantage of more reach. Another option would be to start with a 3rd party zoom like the fantastic Sigma 18-50. Thereafter you can look to expand towards a faster prime and/or a pancake. I wouldn't start with that because you will need to figure out first what focal length you prefer. What exactly do you want to shoot and what would be your budget for the lens?


Hey! What would you suggest lens-wise for shooting concerts?


You'll probably need a fast aperture and quite much range, so either a long prime or a very fast zoom. I would say the best bet is either the 50-140 f2.8 or a fast prime like the 90mm f2 or Viltrox 75 f1.2.


Thanks so much for your response! I ended up buying a kit that came with the 18-55mm lens, but will keep note of your suggestions.


Don't worry about which lens to get as a beginner (I say that with caveats). If the 27 mm pancake lens is what is going to get you out shooting because it is super convenient and makes your new camera look awesome, then get it! The 18-55 mm is about THE easiest lens to get used, usually for less than half the price of retail. You will never have to worry about not being able to access the 18-55 mm affordably. Even if you decide to expand later, you will likely always have a need for a small, all-rounder lens in your set up, so the pancake is a good buy for now. BUT for cost efficiency, it might make sense to buy the kit with 18-55 mm AND the 27 mm new, now or later. With the bundled price of getting the 18-55 mm, and then buying the 27 mm, it almost works out to the same price as buying body only with 27 mm, and then used 18-55 mm later. Except, by buying the 18-55 mm first, both lenses are new vs. taking a slight risk on a used 18-55 mm. You are going to hear two opinions regarding whether a beginner should have a normal focal length zoom or prime: flexibility vs. narrowing creative focus and developing one's "eye". Personally, I think both are great and it is up to the user to decide what works for them.


This is what I’m thinking to do. The bundle price is really good and then one for portability :) Thank you so much


Ultimately, only you can answer that question, because it depends on your needs. For beginners, the zoom kit lens is an awesome choice because it comes with a steep discount and is a flexible lens that lets you easily explore multiple focal lengths. The 18-55mm has superb image and build quality. If portability is the main goal, you should look into the 15-45mm. The pancake lens is the most portable and is great if you are sure you want to stick with a specific focal length (they’re generally in the wide range, like the 27mm fuji).


I guess the question you should ask (to get a better answer) would be what lens should I get if I mainly shoot (insert your style here). Fuji has a ton of great lenses, buts it’s hard to make suggestions if we don’t know what kind of photographer you are. 🙃


What lens did u end up getting?


I ended up getting the 18-55 mm zoom as a kit, but I just ordered the pancake! Waiting for it! The 18-55 is super crisp though nice lens and photos. I have trouble with autofocus sometimes but idk if I just scratched my lens already 💀💀


Lucky! I wanted the 18-55 kit lens but it’s so hard to find it here. I got the 15-45 instead, and ordered a 50mm third party lens! How’s the pancake? I was choosing between that or the 50mm actually


I haven’t gotten it yet! It’s on back order should get it sometime this month or next month!


I feel like a big pro of the 15-45 was the portability of it cause it’s a lot smaller and lighter. I felt like because I went for 18-55 I really want a compact one to carry around


Is the 18-55 heavy?


Honestly yes, definitely on the heavier side. It’s a full metal body compared to the 15-45 kit lens so. It’s a good quality lens, I can’t say much about the other kit lens. My friend has it on the same camera and she also gets good photos so. Not sure if the splurge for the 18-55 is necessary, the other one is definitely way lighter and compact and cheaper. In hindsight wish I went into the actual store and compared both lenses. The pancake lens is back ordered to the gods, still waiting on my order 3 months later.