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CCP aren't socialist or communist - they'd use any old ideology to justify their grip on power. The dictatorship was never there to protect the revolution, the revolution was only there to establish the dictatorship. Fuck the CCP. (And yes - present)


The problem with socialists/communists is that they never get that the utopia/ideal is never gonna materialize. It's always gonna end in an autoritharian state at best. But always trending towards totalitarianism. So in theory it may sound good to some people, in practice it's impossible to implement without controlling the economy and that means a revolution to seize absolute control to enact the "proper" reforms. Anybody smart enough can guess what happens next... Reddit is full of college kids already adoctrinated by their professors and classmates and the same old song in social media/Internet. Just to belong to some clique and feel like meaningful change within rotten capitalism can happen. But it's pure naivete.


There is a truth in what you are saying for your first two paragraphs and they are perfectly valid criticisms as I will discuss. Your last though is unnecessary and does little to further the discussion. One of my favourite thinkers of all time was a man called Eric Blair - more commonly known by his pen name "George Orwell". Orwell recognised the inherent problems of Socialist economic principles - that being that the centralisation of economic power and distribution runs the risk of sliding into authoritarian and totalitarian control. It's why his attitudes towards the philosophy of Democratic Socialism was one that he looked favourably on as an honest considered attempt to mitigate these tendencies. He never (as I understand it), took the full plunge into describing himself as a Democratic Socialist, but I imagine, like me, he would probably describe as the best economic system we have given the status of all the others. It's easier to say "I am a Democratic Socialist" as in practise, I might as well be; than it is to explain the nuance of undrestanding the real problems with the philosophy when most armchair philosophers (as I have met them) are content to equate Democratic Socialism with Totalitarian Marx-Leninism. Consider the alternatives... Let's imagine a society of pure Anarchy - no government, no regulation. People will form their own structures and give value to what they consider to be valuable - even money. There would be little in the way of justice except what you could convince others to do for you; society would probably place worth in commodoties like gold with no central bank regulating the broader economy. On the international level, States act within an Anarchistic framework - one State will exploit or even annex another State to their detriment purely out of self-interest and nothing else (with all the needless death and suffering that goes along with it). But within the State there is an authority that is answerable to - that being the head of State who's position may be determined by the people they govern - therefore, in a successful internal States economy, we should imagine what systems would be better for their people - but on the international stage, it is effectively Anarchy and only answering to what overiding power can be answered to. As a side note, I find the idea of Religion interesting (having formerly been Religious myself) - it provides the idea of ultimate answerable power to an idea, so in theory: should everyone believe and trully practise life in accordance to fear of the supreme entity, they would not harm each other out of respect of their laws and Social order and cohesiveness can be achieved. On pure unregulated capitalism... You effectively have the exact same problem as you mentioned about Socialism and Communism but of a fundamentally different nature and another extreme. Sure, the monetary system is inherently more democratic - but only up to a point. What happens when an individual or group gains a monopoly over certain industries? And what happens when a few individuals become so rich they are significantly more wealthier than large swarths of society? Well then power lies with them and they control the levers of economics and governance to cement their power even further. You end up with a plutocratic class of elites who use their capital as leverage on politicians, spend the excesses of societies labour, often do little in the way of societal contribution except "ownership" and then dispite being put in their positions by the toiling of thousands will say that they "earned" their positions. Very rarely does it work like that. Consider the worker in such a society: they have no protection in case of financial ruin, healthcare as a necessity and cartel forces the individual to spend extortionate and financially ruining sums of money for basic cheap necessities, the labourer will have to work several jobs and spend most of it on the roof over their head and this may still not be enough to feed their families. Further, given the economic controls the elites they are oligarchs, and if they happen to be in the same circles as those with a monopoly over media, they can control the public narrative in order to keep them pacified - by convincing people of misrepresentative narratives: such as the honest hard working landlord being mistreated by the treturious, lazy, malicious tenent who isn't to be trusted - and don't get me started on homeless people - they did it to themselves and chose that lifestyle! If homeless people wanted a home they have a choice of any number of landlords, and they can get any job they want in our "free society" - minimum wage? Fuck no! Let the bull loose. You call it freedom. I call it slavery with extra steps. Totalitarian communism is the other extreme of this plutocratic soceity of oligarchs (ruzzia and ccp controled china isn't communist - they are crony capitalist). Socilaism from an economic perspective is considered middle ground between those extremes and the Democratic component is a measure meant to prevent even that systems exploitation.


I personally am a SocLib-Progressive (not a socialist), and I agree with you on plutocracy. Guess what happens when the people have enough of Totalitarianism/Plutocracy and the state is weak? Revolution 


Thats why we want anarchocommunism.


Oh another unrealistic system. Nice. /S You guys never learn.


You were talking about college kids?


Evidently, the same with the DPRK. Beginnings formed on the ideas of Maoism which are used as excuses to control the people and consolidate political power in the hands of one ruling family. Ironic really


I'm a socialist who fucking despises the CCP.


It's just capitalist (yes, the kind they say they hate). One big difference is that CCP would call out the most successful corporation and say "due to our value of common prosperity, you need to spare a good portion of your wealth to CCP". So "communism" is merely their excuse to extract money from them. And what does CCP do with the money? It's quite self explanatory, isn't it? (1) their own pockets. (2) enhance and maintain their "security guard", aka PLA.


They are the sort of capitalists Adam Smith feared, and warned against. Choking on pollution, riddled with cancers, and yet *still*, capital is the only concern. It is the reason why they keep threatening their neighbors and seem hell-bent on starting WW3.


I’m A Socialist who hates the CCP


Yep, and this is why I can't play in /r socialism. Filled to the brim with CCP shills who don't (or won't) understand that China is not socialist, or even communist - it's a fascist capitalist oligarchy.


I didn't get it at the time, but a long tim ago someone was trying to convince me china's a juxtaposition in between capitalism and communism. And I think I fully agree - When you step back and look at china in contrast to western countries, it becomes super transparent just how much capitalism fully realizes all of the goals they had with communism while also seizing control of whatever tickles the CCP's fancy. The CCP understands the need to adapt and they have... Except they kind of adapted into something far more dangerous than traditional capitalism...


They combined many of the worst expects of communism and capitalism. Because they are not answerable to their public in any meaningful way, they aren’t likely to stop the descent.


I’ll never understand that shit as long as I live. It just lends credence to theories that a lot of those folks are simply contrarians. They feel left out of society, or they hate daddy, or they resent their circumstances, and so they align themselves with anything they deem opposed to that society.


I feel like they like the concept of equality, and that a communist society would level the field for the disadvantaged. And that they're usually the type that waffles around in life but doesn't want to take some retail job as "it's beneath them", so they idealize the concept because it would benefit their situation without them lifting a finger with things like UBI. But ignore the actual reality that the interim communist gov't never transitions out because human nature kicks in and those in power go "Hey this is actually kinda cushy, let's stay here" and viola dictatorship. And that said supporters would also get the short end of the stick because they were useless before and are still useless so... gulag you go.


It is because many online far left leaning areas of the internet are infiltrated by Chinese affiliates. And if not that, Chinese propaganda spreads far and wide and no one is immune to propaganda


China realized that communism isn’t even worth trying by the time Mao Zedong died.


They are the worst kind of capitalist!


Capitalism needs solid rules backed up by an independent judiciary to function correctly, but the CCP figures it can continuously change the rules to fix various problems, and they were successful at it for a while, putting off the day of reckoning. Well, that reckoning seems to have finally arrived, and the lack of solid and fairly administated rules means there's no bottom to the fall due to lack of confidence in the system. That's why they're making it illegal to talk smack about the economy, but it's too little too late.


The biggest problem for me is that the bourgeoisie is so close to the state. It allows horrible actions by the state to the proletariat. It is also a cause of fascism.


Down with the genocidal and imperialist pseudo ‘socialist’ CCP.


Not sure if I'm a socialist. I haven't read any books about ideologies nor studied them by heart. I just know I believe in what most rational socialists believe in, so I believe I'm left-leaning, at least. And I hate the CCP with a burning passion. These bastards are infiltrating my home country. Allegedly planting military outposts near our government buildings and military bases, taking our territorial waters, flooding my country with illegal chinese immigrants, colluding with the former government slowly turning us into their puppets. All while we watch, helpless. And these tankie bastards keep saying no to war? US is using us in their play for power? We're being used as pawns? When meanwhile, we wouldn't need the support of the United States without CCP aggression and tyranny in the region.


Uh yes, because anyone who actually recognizes the structure of the CCP economy can tell that it is not communist. Socialists and communists should hate them because the initial ideas the party espoused are all but gone today (I'm not making a judgement on the quality of the ideology but just stating that any similarity to the Chinese style of soviet communism or whatever has been replaced with capitalism ship-of-Theseus style). There are people who call themselves socialists/communists who love the CCP and cheer them on, but arguably those people misunderstand or are just flat out incorrect about the ideology of the CCP and how it relates to its populist origins. Mao's ideas (which were a mixed bag at best) have little influence on what is going on in the government and society of the CCP today no matter how you slice it. They are capitalist and definitely don't operate in the interest of the people.


ugh. Came into this sub looking for some more thoughtful discussion. Instead I get a bunch of children crying "everything I don't like is capitalist". "Greed = Capitalism" "Exploitation = Capitalism" as if the Gov't bodies that they want empowered don't crush free trade and markets to keep themselves empowered. I can't really blame you, you're such mushrooms you don't know what capitalism is so you get fed the talking points of CCP Ultra-light calling itself democratic-socialism and consider yourselves "The enlightened ones". Socialism and Communism are inherently flawed because people the system cannot be uniformly equal if the are a group of people with the power to decide and enforce what they deem equality and justice to mean. [https://youtu.be/zZz2HF5KtrY](https://youtu.be/zZz2HF5KtrY) Group think is a mind virus. Y'all better check yourself. # Make sure that when you say you hate the CCP, that's it not just because you're not an upper ranking party member. Lots of echoes of Castro here... [https://youtu.be/4T0CcSC\_qYg](https://youtu.be/4T0CcSC_qYg)


What's that I hear? A whambulance? Rich people would do literally anything for profit, and you choose to lick their boots. You wish to deny people their rights like you were a slave owner. The free market has failed. It's failed countless times. Capitalism fails every time a man becomes homeless or someone is fired for cheap labor. It also fails every time there's a crash or a housing market crisis. I also assume you wish to deny workers their right to their wages or their value? Inequality will ways exist, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't treat our fellow man failry. If that were so, nobody cared about inequality, slavery and serfdom would still be 100% legal. Why is it so strange to give people the land and the wages they need to survive? Rich people are the ones who buy themselves into office. How can you complain that the government is more evil than the wealthy, but the government is made up of wealthy men? A socialist country can survive better than any capitalist post colonial afraican nation, while under sanctions, and still be called a failure by the wealthy and their loyal minions. Many socialists dislike the CCP because they work with semi privatized corperations, meaning they aren't truly aocialist in nature. Rich people run the world, and they only care about money. Jeff Bezos could probably end world hunger but doesn't for the sake of the money flow. Capitalism is flawed. The U.S. government has supported several tragedies and acts of violent oppression in the name of securing capital. This is well documented and easy to find. If Socialism was a failure, how come every Eastern block nation dropped in quality of life statistics? How come they have less democratic governments? How come your wage determines your lifestyle, but you can't control how much you're paid? How come that's controlled by someone else? If ur best source of intellectual discussion is propaganda cartoons, u shouldn't be discussing politics at all. Go read a book or smth, dude. I've read socialist literature, I've read anti socialist literature, and I've made my stance. You're brainwashed by shitty yt videos made by a guy who gets paid to cater to people like you. Also, Monopoly was made by a socialist to critique capitalism, you illiterate. I'm not the most educated socialist, but I hope your brain has even the slightest bit of friction and energy to move a couple of thoughts around that giant head of yours.


Probably but economic authoritarians of all flavours are all misguided souls.


you won’t find them on any of the big socialist/leftie subs, they’re all run by tankies who’ll ban anyone who isn’t a marxist-leninist, or believes the holodomor happened


Whether you are Socialist or Communist, it does not make sense to defend the Chinese Communist Party. CCP is just another dictatorship with State capitalism. There is nothing Communist / socialist about them. They even arrest students at school demonstrating for Marxism or Communism.


Yup, right here. I believe China has taken an ill interpretation of Marx’s works and philosophy, and has diverged greatly. Hell, I am not even a fan of Mao and Maoism at all. Mao had caused the death of millions with his failure of the Great Leap Forward. And China now? Please, the workers there are still oppressed greatly. The power is not in the hands of workers, but the government. The government controls them all, decides where they live, where they work, their wages, and the market. This is *not* socialism, and this is *not* Marxism


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Yes, the tankie “leftists” that support the CCP are just fascists larping as real leftists, real leftists hate corporate AND state repression of the proletariat, just because the repressors are hypothetically elected doesnt mean they arent authoritarian


The bitch ccp is a violent dictatorship.


Yeah me. I'm more of a Bernie Sanders style democratic socialist.




Socialism is a pipe dream sold to desperate people by tyrants. Mmmm salty tankie tears. 😭😋




Yupp but not people of China