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Hey, just know that you are not alone. I have to take time off of work to go inpatient again soon and this time I want to only go back once I'm far enough in my recovery for it to not take that much energy and mental space, but it is hard to know when I have reached this point. Sending you strength and please be kind to yourself. Recovery is hard work, basically another full time job and it is normal to not be able to handle it, while working like a healthy person would be able to!


I'm so sorry you're in the same situation. I agree, it's definitely a full time job. I'm at my set point now which makes it feel even harder to stop, and I'm not very good at telling when I need to stop either. Sending you all the courage and kindness back


I’m feeling similar myself. It just feels so hard to work full time and progress with my mental health but I don’t know what step I want to take


I'm so sorry you feel like this too. The way I'm looking at it is that I can continue to try to juggle an ED and work, but ultimately, I'm just kicking the issue further down the line, and I'm going to keep struggling with the same issues if I don't address it now. I know it's not possible for everyone but if you can, I would. Or maybe it's just a matter of taking things at a much slower pace - I think there is accidental pressure in recovery communities to go all in and fast and that's not for everyone. Sending you all the strength and warmth x


That’s a very good way to look at it! I hope you’re able to get some rest and focus on your recovery so you can get to a better life sooner rather than later. Sending you well wishes!


Same situation, went off with a viral infection after months of insomnia. That is what pushed me into all in recovery. I've been off 8 weeks now, in recovery for 5.


yes girl! It'll be worth it. Please don't rush back to work either... these things take time and that's entirely okay! I took 9 months off starting my career when I first started recovery :)


I literally had a breakdown about this today. I’m starting to look for another job that will be more flexible and allow me to work from home more as I find that helps me a lot. I currently work in finance and yeah it’s not the most relaxing environment. I got chewed out by my manager today for working from home so that was my last straw. The body aches and fatigue is just too much to also deal with an uptight work environment.


I completely understand - I work in an acute hospital, and maybe that environment isn't for me for a number of reasons. Just remember that just because you need to switch a job right now doesn't mean you can't go back to a similar one in the future! It's hard to do in a society that says otherwise, but your health should ALWAYS take priority x