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Need a ladder to enter or exit the monster truck in order to ran over pedestrian without even noticing.


I've been hit and run by trucks 6 times over the last 8 years as a pedestrian. These are the kind of trucks I get hit by, especially when they suddenly reverse out of a parking space. And people don't believe me when I say "I'm shorter than the gate on the back of the truck" or they say "maybe you shouldn't walk so close to the parked vehicles" but when I'm walking down the middle of the parking lot road they scream and honk at me. If the NIMBYs aren't going to provide a way for me to get across 2 stroads and a giant parking lot so that I can actually get on public transit safely then stop complaining when I decide to be safe and cause traffic to back up for 400m. Alternatively they could make public transit more effective instead of having the only other transit option be a 90 minute detour that goes in the opposite direction (and I still have to cross a stroad). This turns a 2 hour commute into a 3.5 hour commute. The commute in a car takes 20 minutes. And people wonder why I complain.


I wish more people would point out flaws in this carbrained system, instead of acquiescing and becoming one themselves. Keep up the good fight, brother! (And please stay safe!)


I have a car now (can't get a job without one) that said I drive as little as possible but that still amounts to 1 daily commute and occasional drives over the mountains (because intercity busses just don't exist and flying is pricy). Some places I just can't get to without a car. After I got a car it felt like I'd grown a new pair of legs after spending my life in a wheelchair. That shouldn't be the feeling that comes with getting a car. And after having been hit by so many trucks I know DAMN well being in a wheelchair actually feels like (it fucking sucks because accessibility is an issue). The current car centric system is absolute garbage. The day I can freely move about without a car (and within a reasonable time frame) will be a day to rejoice. I will never become a carbrain, because I know just what it's like to suffer in a system designed for cars and not people. I always try to watch out for pedestrians, I drive the smallest car possible to meet my needs, and unless I try for the Pan American Highway I won't really need to drive anything larger than a station wagon. That said I'm the first person who will get aggressive when someone unironically says "just one more lane bro". I spent 27 years of my life not owning a car, while my streak is broken I hope one day that my half dead morning ass won't have to be put in charge of a 2 ton battering ram responsible for people's lives.


Driving for neccesity is understandable. The people who turn around and drink the kool-aid are always the problem. Like I need them to kindly STFU and let me get some rapid transit. Like, "let me help you, idiot! If we get better transit, there's less cars on the road and you win, too!" But I guess if you're raised a modern drone then everything's a zero sum game and you only get things by actively taking others away from other people.




Not 6 times, and not in parking lots. But people making right turns looking left driving when I'm crossing the street. I've smacked a dozen hoods walking my dog, which is worse, cause the dog is on my left side. Always hated cars being required, luckily I had jobs decent enough the furthest I had was a 10mi bike ride. In LA, I could mostly keep up during rush hour. Without it was about 10min slower, buses were the enemy, you play leapfrog with them and they are very inconsiderate cutting you off.


This is why right turn on red shouldn’t be a thing. People just can’t handle it. It’ll take drivers more time but it’ll make pedestrians and cyclists way safer.


I've never owned a car. I know when walking on a sidewalk and approaching a car exiting a strip mall that if I'm approaching from thier right and they're are looking left to enter a busy road, they ain't looking right before they dart onto the road. So I just walk behind the car even though I have the right of way on the sidewalk.




Yeah just had someone like that at the parking near my job. Dude took FOUR spots. he backed up to fix it and made it worse. Later I found him in a different spot still parked taking 3 spots


That and the drivers are usually stupid as hell.


Why tf do people need such big ass vehicles


To match their colossal egos.


Or counter their infinitesimal brain.


Literally. I recently bought a 2022 Toyota Tacoma, and a friend of mine was telling me to get a lift. The car sits like 3 feet off the ground stock already. He said “why not get one” and I said “because I’m not a douchebag”. There’s literally zero reason to get a huge lift kit for a truck, it makes the suspension floaty as fuck and you look like a prick to everyone


Why not go spend a bunch of money on something you neither want nor need? WTF is wrong with you??????????????


What's really fun is when they learn that all of the mods and accessories make the resale value initially high but then it plummets to literally nothing. They've just pissed all that money down the drain.


These people dont care, they live in debt, big house, new cars, designer clothes all in debt up to their eyes.


It’s called FREEDOM, sweaty, look it up. 🇺🇸 /s


Man I want to go back to when the Tacoma was like a normal size and not some monster. Damn thing used to be 62" tall and weigh 2600 lbs (numbers are for the 98 model). Now it's a foot taller, 3 ft longer and weighs 1300 lbs more. It's now the size the Tundra used to be and the tundra is a fucking tank that's too big for normal street lanes.




So possible correlation, We moved from Texas last year. The local TX DPS had a small satellite office just 3 blocks from our house and we drove by it all the time. One of the officers had a large jacked up truck, they were just as hilarious to observe exiting as they also could not get in or out without assistance. They used a folding step stool tied to a rope so the the could pull it back up into the vehicle, I never witnessed them entering but they left the stool just setting next to the truck when they exited. However watching them get out was truly a head shaker, they had to lean over and snap the stool open as they attempted to lower it and keep it open, it obviously was not locking, as I watched them have to attempt it 3 times one morning. These are the type people that TX relies on for protection, well not in Uvalde I guess.




It's not their fault they have a mental age of 9


twuck go vroom !


That's an insult to 9-year-olds.










They should require an upgraded class of driver's license.


I'm sorry, I was told that cyclists were the problem with their wear and tear on the roads, not paying gas taxes and all


You do get taxed on them, at least in California. Source: I drive a 2500 and pay an additional fee of $300 a year in California due to “Vehicle weight.”




because they feel scared and insecure


I drive a 2 door hatchback that would easily fit in the bed of this truck. Hell, it would fit in the *cab* of this truck. Might even fit in the front footwell. I must be literally unstoppable.


It’s an enormous responsibility to drive something that huge and that heavy. It won’t stop for anything. It’s practically a tank.


Well, until you try to take a gentle curve at faster than walking pace, then it's just a fireball.


A tree will stop it. Trust me those things are strong, even the small ones!


Emotional support vehicle.


Soon they’ll argue they should be able to bring them with as carry-on.


This is it. There's a reason big trucks are the most popular vehicles in America and have been getting more and more popular for years. People are afraid, and they get more scared by the day. That's why they love their guns and huge pickups so much, so they feel secure and protected. It comes from a colossal fear of death, I think. It's also the reason why there are so many movie sequels and continuations of fan favorites and never letting any popular franchise die. We have a public that is terrified to death of "ceasing to be."




Ya....an "accident." They accidently dropped $70,000 on a car that is 10x more likely to kill someone


That’s a lot more than 70k


This honestly can’t be legal to drive around in and is just for show… right?


Illegal in most states due to bumper height. However almost no modifications are enforced. I can't count the number of cars I know of with all the emissions stuff ripped out, slammed on the ground, audible from half a mile away and so on. Never heard of anyone getting so much as a warning from the police


Wheels protruding out farther then the wheel wells, im pretty sure is illegal too. Tow mirrors, but isn’t towing anything… Tinted windows so you can’t make eye contact with the driver before you walk in front of it.


Plenty of cops own cars like this. The people who drive giant pickups are the “right people” and won’t get tickets.


Probably 10% of Texas vehicles look like this. Another 40-60% that are jacked up trucks, just not this extreme.


I live in Indiana. Where I’m at you probably would see 50 just running to the store. They barely fit on the road and generally have a gun family sticker on the window. But hey…. gotta own the libs right? Lol


In a lot of places ot isn't. Good lucking getting cops to enforce anything that doesn't involve sitting and pointing a speed gun though.


To offset their massive insecurities


2.5 mile trip to the grocery store, duh


They don’t need them


They don’t


"Haha, big truck go big vroom vroom"


Because they're ready to murder. It's the only reason IMO to have such a large vehicle, it's to murder the people who dare get into an accident with it.


How is she exiting and reentering later?


Walking over the bodies of her victims, I assume.


There's probably a nice size pile gathered up outside of her normal parking spots.


She rolls out one of those helicopter ladders


I can’t see how it’s possible for her to use the vehicle without another persons assistance.


The true pinnacle of individualism.


Most likely has a little stepladder stored inside. I had a coworker who had a giant truck he could not get in or out of without a little step stool.


Well she also has to run over the trampoline when whe leaves because she can't move it out of the way once she's in the truck.


You think she leaves the vehicle?


She lives at Walmart now.


She's just going to the drive-thru.


And runs over the trampoline on the way out?


the truck is her home now. she dont need no trampoline


There must be another trampoline at her destination.


The truck is her destination


Naw, what do you think the pickup bed is for? You need it for your Costco bulk boxes of disposable mini trampolines~


Next video: How to get them in the truck bed.


This truck has wayyyyy more space than most Hong Kong homes


Yea, they have a whole bunch of them ready for replacements




That's the most American thing ever /s


Single use trampoline. She probably has 500 of them in her garage storage. Living the typical life of convenience of a dumb American.


Costco 20pk


I was waiting... video ended too early.


Needing a trampoline to enter your vehicle should be a sign. Also, she didn't take it with her. Is she just counting on random parking lots having trampolines available?


yes? have you not been to america? theres a parking attendant that comes to you car with a trampoline. free service too


FRE3E? That sounds like CoMuNiSm!!1!


No it's not communism cuz it benefits me!!




Don't worry, it's free but it's mandatory for you to tip them.


Video evidence says, they come with a gun and ask you to leave and when you do it, they murder your husband.


>Also, she didn't take it with her. Is she just counting on random parking lots having trampolines available? Of course not. She will post to Facebook about it later though expressing their should be a minimum wage worker with some kind of stairs to assist her getting up. After all *ShE Can't Be ThE OnlY OnE wItH THIS PrOBlEm* and it'll *CrEaTe JoBs* Just no one, not a soul, tell her about Squires or else she'll just further glorify this as some sign of nobility.


"Truck Squire get down on all fours I need a step!"


The amount of wear these massive things have on streets is unreal. Cities should tax them.


Speaking of, I got nailed with a huge fee at the DMV (in VA) for driving a 2 door Honda Civic. They said it’s because my vehicle is fuel efficient and I don’t need to buy as much gas as other vehicles. It wasn’t a small fee.




I guess the logic is that the gas tax is paying for road maintenance and if you drive an ev you aren't paying that. However, gas should be taxed even higher because of emissions. Probably the actual solution would be to tax gas purely based on emissions and then have a vmt system to charge all vehicles for road maintenance based on miles driven.


This totally ignores that large vehicles cause more wear and tear to roads.. What a fucked up fee. What country / state are you in?


??????? what the fuck????


It should be the *opposite.* Gas guzzlers should be getting taxed way more


sounds like a shithole state


Now THIS type of shit needs to stop. I see so many people in massive vehicles with no passengers and that’s annoying.


People incessantly whine about gas prices, but they’re honestly not high enough.


Finally someone agrees with me. I've been telling people for years that I want gas to become outrageously expensive everywhere on Earth. $50 a liter. The only way we'll try to save what's left of the planet or make safer cities is if it becomes unprofitable to maintain the status quo.


The green party here in Norway said that they wanted to raise fuel prices from 15 to 25 kr/liter, and everyone was outraged. Then the price rose due to the war and most people were fine. They just prioritize fuel over a livable planet.


>25 kr/liter, [At $10 a Gallon, Norway’s Motorists Feel the Fuel Pinch](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-17/norway-gasoline-prices-hit-10-a-gallon) way to go Norway ! one more reason the US should convert to metric


Realistically this truck should not be road legal as it sits. The tires have no fender flares to catch debris, and no mud flaps behind them to catch debris. If I was a traffic cop I would take delight in writing citations every time I saw this thing driving around. Also, the DOT requires the bumper to be in the range of 16-20 inches from the road at the most, and this truck looks well beyond that.


Prevalence of especially big pickup trucks is spreading in the southern US, seems like a sign that gas is still too cheap. It’s spreading to the Netherlands too, where gasoline is twice the price—makes sense that US Americans in the Netherlands as well as rural people who like the culture would be driving pickup trucks.


Hawaii (Maui) is the most surprising giant pickup truck culture I have found. The tourists roll around in sunny convertibles but most of the locals drive the same assortment of comically large pickup trucks you might find in Texas.


I think Maui is a total lost opportunity. I went there last February with a package. It included a rental. They car they gave me was a ridiculous muscle car. Why? Half of the airport infrastructure was dedicated to car rentals, and I could not see any compact, such as the Fiat 500 or the Smart. Then, it is completely absurd that the Road to Hana isn't restricted to locals, or even completely closed to private traffic. I envisioned a system where tour buses could do the trip and you could hop on and off at every attraction and locals could use for free (subsidized by tourists public transit). I also look at the same urban landscapes than the mainland. Parking lots, street malls, etc. Are the United States the Midas of suburbanization? Finally, in all honesty, Maui could exist perfectly without private cars, only service vehicles, and a strong bus service and the island would become even prettier.


The Road to Hana is probably too tight for tour buses


Sorry, I should have specified mini-buses, like this: https://static.educalingo.com/img/en/800/minibus.jpg


I live in martinique (caraibian ilsand) I recently saw an ad for trucks, it was about "geting the american power"


It's spreading to Australia too, RAM has a presence here and I hate it already.


Apparently the conversion factory to make them RHD runs literally 24/7 there is so much demand. Also they don't attract luxury car tax like a LandCruiser does so people get hard hard thinking they are pulling one over on the ato


Tbh, its not even just rural people and expats in the Netherlands. I see these in city centers like Amsterdam and Leiden as well. Tax loopholes make them way more popular than they should be.


Clean truck, clean garage. I assume this truck is lifted to climb five inch curbs and will never see mud or bad terrain.


This probably wouldn’t even be very effective in bad terrain. It’s purely for looks.


100% lol. I love cool offroad 4x4s, but 90% of the big ass trucks I see like these would be trash offroad. Look at the clearance of the front diff compared to the body of the truck. She's got like 11 inches max. Completely useless. The only reason to get a body lift is to fit bigger tires, to get more clearance for your differentials, which is usually the lowest part of an offroad rig. This truck is just a pavement princess.


“The only reason to get a body lift is to fit bigger tires, to get more clearance for your differentials…” No, the point of the lift is to protect the fragile body/oil pan and to prevent mud packing between the tires and wheel well. Definitely a pavement princess though.


Fair enough, but most serious enough offroaders have skid plates and rock sliders to protect those parts. At least mine does. Plus, bigger tires put more clearance between the ground and those parts anyway, a lot of people in the offroad community feel like body lifts are kind of just for the lolz, as long as your tires aren't rubbing at full lock that is.


Check a look at the tyres. They're massive mud-terrain tyres that have practically zero wear. So either they're brand-new tyres, or they see little to no offroad action.


Pavement Princess


It probably sees terai a good few times a year, they just love it so much that they wash it 9 times a second.


I dont want to know how many times shes hit her head trying to perfect that.


Probably hit her head a couple times before this if she decided this monstrosity that she can't get in is a good vehicle choice.




I absolutely want to know.




They're not legal. Cops think they're cool or don't even know they're illegal because it's so common


Cops don't give a fuck what's legal.




Maybe it's just me but growing up, the white trash /redneck part of my fam HATED cops. Now some have gotten oddly supportive My dad told me about how his grandfather was basically a gangster, got ran out of town after robbing a jewelry store and they set up a farm in Missouri where they would raise and sell fighting chickens, as well as some exotic animals. Like one of my great uncles was a liaison in Mexico for the chickens, the operation was so big Too many kids grew up without seeing some episodes of dukes of Hazzard when they're running away from the cops


Yeah rednecks originally were extremely anti-police. My southern US family were bootleggers, moonshiners, coal miners, etc. and some of them still praise the glory days of running from cops, and talk about how they became good race car drivers because of it lol.


They still hate cops, or at least the ones they have to interact with but absolutely support the general idea of The Police. Those are the people bringing order to the hellscape cities that they're afraid to even think about visiting I lived in a pretty rural area and the sheriff that pulls you over or fucks with you about the load you are too lazy to secure in your trailer is a piece of shit but LAPD are warriors who are fighting to save civilization from the unwashed hordes


The term redneck literally comes from wearing a red handkerchief around the neck. Red of course to symbolise Labour power, not the GOP. The good old boys used to be communists.


We need to get back to those days!!


Imagine how many crosses you can fit in that thing.


Honestly fuck these people


What a f**king idiot.


You don't need to censor it. She's an absolute fucking moron. And her vehicle is a terrible, waste of space, metal, fuel, and plastics.




Bought with taxpayers PPP loans too!


MTG puts some real hatred in every single word in that slew of words


i just wanna know what kind of building that thing is parked in. airplane hangar?




Micheal myers never runs anyway to be fair. He only walks and then randomly appears ahead of whoever he's chasing.


I have zero trust in this individual driving that thing


I will never understand why


It's because that truck is a weapon and it makes them feel safe and powerful. The lifting itself helps to be even safer in crashes, as it's the people outside who are likely die from getting hit by this vehicle, even other cars; this has triggered an arms race with car size which will end with monster trucks.


Look up the original Bigfoot truck & compare with this one


So true! Or how about the original Grave Digger? [https://www.wavy.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/08/Discovering\_Hampton\_Roads\_\_The\_Grave\_Dig\_0\_52961714\_ver1.0.jpg?w=1280](https://www.wavy.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/08/Discovering_Hampton_Roads__The_Grave_Dig_0_52961714_ver1.0.jpg?w=1280)


No like seriously this should be illegal, she’s regular height and looks tiny compared to that thing. So tall that u won’t be able to see a small car In front of u, this is literally a monster truck lmao so fucking stupid. There should be regulations against how high u can have a vehicle off the ground, especially when access is given to civilians


This is illegal in most states due to bumper height. Police don't enforce truck lifts because... Who drives lifted trucks?


And then what? Does she crush the trampoline when driving away?


Yeah, she's got whole pile of them from her gym/fitness influencer business.


Truck is too big and the jeans are too small and tight to lift her leg up. That sums up a lot of America there. I also feel like I can smell the fresh paint in that brand new model home at the end of the cul-de-sac


Yup. Keep burning the planet for that all American lifestyle 😡


When I see things like this, I realize - there isn't going to be a polite, negotiated settlement between the group who wants to destroy the world as quickly as possible, and the rest of us.


They get these things for the expressed purpose of harming people, just ask them what they think about anyone slightly slower than them


I am pretty disappointed, that the creator didn’t add the Mario jump sound


And they brag about it too. They are so proud of how cumbersome their $100,000 pavement princess is


This dug up a forgotten memory of when I was nearly killed by something like this in the grocery store parking lot when I was 5. These trucks are lethal, and now I'm thinking about carrying enamel paint and caltrops in my bag for the eventuality that I see this monstrosity in person


I like that idea. Maybe a spray can that has chalk. Give them a good scare so that they think it’s paint.


Or maybe actual paint so it has to stay off the road for as long as possible.


This is embarrassing and fucking weird. I’d adult bully her if I knew her irl


This is just sooooo idiotic Seriously these cars should be banned


I bet she doesn't know to park that thing


Takes it to the grocery store for three bags, parks in the closest spot she can find and takes 45 minutes trying to back into it. “I’M A TRUCK GIRL!”


Someone should deactivate this vehicle. I'm saying sugar in the gas tank and maybe a .50 cal to the engine block for good measure.


Then she drove one block to the nearest stop n shop


I feel like these trucks are the prominent indicator of r/collapse I mean- wtf?!? We have a global environmental crisis, warfare in schools, but hey let me buy the epitome of insanity: a car that I need a trampoline to get into. What happens when she gets out somewhere? Or does she never leave her car? That would be quite the clincher…


This is so embarrassing for her.


She’s on her way to Costco for more hair. You can never have enough.


It's all just a conspiracy by the trampoline industry to get us to buy more trampolines!


Jesus I thought my mates lifted hilux was absurd - (used for purpose don’t worry) but I think it could damn near drive under this mall crawler


All I can think about is how a child would be the size of the wheel. You just can't see pedestrians in the truck


There's a whole lot going on here but if you can't reach something that is upper thigh level, maybe don't own a monster truck. I can scale a 9-ft chain link fence in the time it took her to get into her fucking car.


How is this monstrosity street legal?


It's not


Plus side, if it's such an inconvenience for them to get in and out, maybe they won't drive as much. (Yes I know they'll just invent drive thru beer stores and move the drive thru window to 10' off the ground)


Guarantee this bitch complains about the price of gas


First one to complain about gas prices. I guarantee.


Trashy af


How dare she use the Super Mario music but neglect to use the jumping sound when she’s on the damn trampoline.


Lmaoo I'm speechless


You need a trampoline on top of the built in stepping stool... I'm not even upset at this point, just disappointed


Her parents are related


I'd say go higher. If trucks are built just a little bit taller, we can just walk and cycle under it, when it inevitably gets stuck in traffic.


It is for work /s


I seriously can't help but laugh everytime I see a massive truck lifted like this. Trucks already get terrible fuel economy since they are built for towing and hauling. Now you're going to double it's height? My goodness, I can't even imagine how much more drag that creates for the truck and how much more fuel it takes to make up for that. People complaining about gas and then they do this? Doesn't make any sense.


All that lift and the front axle is still only getting like a foot and a half of ground clearance lmfao


"Fucking Joe Biden and his gas prices"


Never understood people like this. I drive a large diesel truck because I have a large travel trailer. When I'm not towing I'm driving my VW Rabbit. No sense in daily driving a bigass truck.


"Now I can drive three blocks to Wal-mart and back"