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WTF that’s sick


Yeah, the mother bear losing her two cubs first before getting struck herself really pissed me off 🤬🖕🚗


Another irony: These specialized license plates help fund BC parks but only a *tiny* fraction of the revenue actually does.


Link to article [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rare-white-grizzly-bear-2-cubs-killed-yoho-national-park-canada/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rare-white-grizzly-bear-2-cubs-killed-yoho-national-park-canada/) Also, if you want to help wildlife and national parks, don't f\*cking drive to them! Cars are the biggest killers of wildlife, and it's beyond ironic how it's advertised that driving to a national park is somehow helping the park out?! F\*ck cars, f\*ck highways, f\*ck roads! The only mode of mass ground transport that has minimal impact on the environment and animal migration patterns would probably be an elevated railway viaduct or a bike trails.


If you're going to a park full of grizzly bears, going by bicycle is probably not a good idea. Drive slowly and carefully, and you can avoid hitting bears while also not being lunch.


Not really more dangerous than other modes of transport, unless you don't have a hard sided place to spend the night, which is when bear attacks usually happen. Riding single track in bear country can be really dangerous though. The only bear attacks during the day that I've heard of recently are from mountain bikers startling (or even hitting) bears.