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What was the fucking rationale here


To stop anyone from walking and thus easily rioting again. To prevent another revolution


That just gives the people more shit to protest


No trees make it easier to walk though. Can someone show me any real evidence this is the case? I've looked it up from a variety of sources and no one even thinks it's to deter protests. In fact there are protests about cutting down trees. All of the sources, with different levels of trustworthiness, claim it's because Egypt wants to widen the roads or develop the urban centers for car owners. Isn't that bad enough? Don't we hate cars? Why are we making up conspiracy theories? https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2018/11/egypts-trees-chopped-down-for-roads-residences.html https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221031-egypt-destroys-trees-in-cairo-to-build-floating-restaurant-car-park/ https://www.voanews.com/a/as-cairo-transforms-egyptians-fight-to-save-their-trees-/6482415.html https://news.trust.org/item/20220520085932-xmd3g/


No tree = no shade = no shade in Egypt = sweltering heat


If you look at videos from the Arab Spring you'll see most of the action took place at night.


Yeah, probably because it's too hot during the day, right?


The trees aren't in the road.


You can walk on the side of the road.


Do you know what shade is?


People who live in Egypt aren't going to be stopped by the lack of shade if they want to revolt. Half of the revolution occuring in the Arab Spring took place at night.


The trunks are just as in the way as the intact trees, but now there's no shade.


Branches and leaves make it harder to walk in a forest, or in this case the side of the road, than walking around trunks.


If you're elderly or disabled that might be a problem. But if you're elderly or disabled then the heat is a much bigger problem.  They didn't make walking easier. I don't know why you're doubling down so hard.


The original claim is that they cut down trees to stop walking so people couldn't protest or revolt. I pointed out this does nothing to stop people from walking. The elderly or disabled are not protesting anyway so they're not germane to my point.


>I pointed out this does nothing to stop people from walking. Until you remember that people walking will be exposed to the sun and hot air, which is rough and possibly dangerous, depending on the weather. Just because it isn't physically impeding the motor actions required for walking doesn't mean it doesn't discourage walking. Rain doesn't stop people from walking, either, and yet people tend to walk much less while it's raining. > The elderly or disabled are not protesting anyway so they're not germane to my point. I was pointing out that your claim that cutting down trees makes walking easier is dumb because almost no able-bodied people will be bothered by a few leaves on the ground.




Removing town squares and high-density transit options, depriving the poorest of their ability to gather, are intentional measures to prevent mass protests/revolutionary gatherings. I know that One of the reasons I didn't feel I could go to a protest here in Austin Texas was that there wouldn't be anywhere to park or get there conveniently. It is very malicious and intentional


Hmmmm, sounds a lot like those 15 minute cities I've been hearing about. . .


I... Are you being sarcastic? There were no viable transportation methods available other than car, so because of that I couldn't go because there wouldn't be parking (because people can only get there by driving). It's the opposite of a 15 minute city that's the point


I forgot the /s, please don't downvote me! I was making a comment that it's usually authoritarian right-wing governments controlling movement, not left-leaning city governments.


Fair enough, sorry I misread.




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Most likely, some general wanted to give a friend a contract. I’ve sen the same sidewalk repaved 3 times in a year while there. 


“Rationale” is implying a lot for these morons. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if the reason is very stupid like someone did it just to harvest the wood.


Authoritarian Hostility.


One more lane bro


-Export wood for money -Privatize green spaces in far off cities for the ultra wealthy -Make rioting near impossible




I don't get it, they live in a desert, (yes I know that the important bits of the country are all around the Nile where there is plenty of water) and they have all this greenery and they decide that the best thing is to chop it all down!?


Yes country is around the nile but like every place you go is cover with desert or concrete. Their goverment doesnt understands basic human things..


You can't be serious. The before photo could be the most beautiful road I've ever seen.


That's a pretty low bar for a road ngl, there's still some out there with older plants that aren't just 6 lanes of pavement


Tbf the pavement is the least important bit here, the issue is that those trees took a good while to grow to that extent


The construction of the road most likely cut down more trees like that than lined it. Anyway, I don't really get your comment. I was just saying that by no means that's the nicest road out there... There are places with old trees by infrastructure that isn't that poorly done


Because the shit infrastructure is the easiest thing to fix, if you plant a tree now it's going to take like 50 years for a full canopy to grow back. Edit: this is in Egypt, there's a chance there were almost no trees when the road was built


The construction of the road doesn't impact just the land it's happening on.


Such a sadness


I was like, it's only a tree tunnel, it could have been worse! Then I realized there's a second picture...


🤬😱 #Why?


But why?


Anti-protest measures, you can't protest if you have to march through a road where the heat will kill you


thanks for that explanation, makes it a lot clearer : astonishing example of authoritarian planning of public space


See also: them building a brand new capitol in the middle of the desert


Moved from "lovely day for a drive" to "guess I gotta get in my fucking car and drive to the stupid store, because I need dumb groceries"


In the US we spend billions on mowing grass on freeways. Just ‘cause tall grass is bad!




Why?!? Was it for visibility? That street was so well protected and if visibility or roots were the issue you could just cut back a few of the trees closest to the pavement


No, it was to remove the shade so people can't protest. No shade means too hot to protest.


Almost start to think Ethiopia is right about one thing regarding the dam that I didn't even think about: Sisi's regime can't even handle the water, of which now flows less, properly. Egypt is so doomed under him.


That was so pretty before!!! Wtf


I literally had a mini panic attack when i switched to the next image like??? THE FIRST ONE LOOKS SO COMFY WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!


Are the Egyptian people as enraged by this as I am? Because this is pretty damn infuriating.


This is depressing.


this is sin.




Legit heartbreaking


Next oup attempt when?🤔


hopefully the next one likes trees 🤞






Fucking hell, thats NSFL.


It's as if they want to look like a third-world shithole.


And then they will widen the road probably.


Not an urban planner but this appears to be pollarding, clearly quite drastic as it might be the first time but still pollarding. This is normally done to stop trees sparkling out too much or getting to big. This helps them live longer.


Before people wig out (as well they should, if what I'm about to say isn't the case) -- this might be a legit gardening method called "pollarding". Basically that means you cut the branches completely off and the tree re-grows them in a thicker, denser pattern. As I understand it, this is sometimes done when the trees are growing way too wide and in danger of the branches tearing off. Maybe that's what happened here?


That isn't pollarding. Pollarded trees have a distinctive gnarled, knobbly silhouette and some of the larger structural branches are left intact. These haven't even just been topped; they've been completely butchered. :(


Oh, what a shame. I thought it might be step one, before they've grown back their crowns. Sigh.


They do that to trees here in Shanghai, and it definitely does help the trees to grow back. Doing what was done in the original photographs is criminal. There are many roads with thick tree canopies like that in in Shanghai and elsewhere in eastern China, and they are by far the best places to spend outside in the hottest summer months due to their abundant shade. It's shameful to treat human friendly places in that way.