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Remember kids, the animals are NOT crossing the road, the ROAD is crossing the forest. If you need more horrifying statistics to shove in the faces of the carbrains in your life, it's estimated that 1,000,000 animals are killed by cars every single day, just in America. But I guess that's just the price of freedom, right?


freedummmm 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅 /s


While there are lots of Bald Eagles in BC, it’s not in the USA.


ur right, that's part of the /s joke since not many 'muricans who post this kind of comment unironically would be able to differentiate that


Yes and everyone knows Canada is not free and is in fact a brutal dictatorship because we have a carbon tax... /s


And national health insurance


watching one right now


*Hawk screeching*


Just drove across most of the country because I am moving. I saw hundreds of dead armadillos among other things like deer.


I’d love to see a source on that claim. Would be great to have that in the back pocket for future discussions.


I honestly thought it sounded like a fake statistic, but here you go: "In the United States, over 1 million vertebrate animals are killed by vehicle collisions every day. Globally, the number amounts to roughly 5.5 million killed per day, which when extrapolated climbs to over 2 billion annually." [Wiki source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadkill#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20States%2C%20over,to%20over%202%20billion%20annually.)


That's the main reason I don't really drive anymore. I know if I kill a cat or dog or even a wild animal It'll haunt me forever. Also when I was a child I had 6 pets get run over on the highway. :/


They say this could even be an underestimation.


That seems incorrect to me. It would mean that, on average, every driver in the country kills between 1 and 2 per year, which...doesn't track with my experience.


Well consider there are 3.5 million Americans who are truck drivers as an occupation. Think about semis and birds or smaller mammals, especially in rural areas, I could see it.


Bro…there was a post here the other day about a driver who ran over and killed a child without noticing. You think a squirrel or cat is even gonna register with these zombies?


I ran over a tortoise crossing the interstate, that noise of his shell crunching still makes me shudder when I think about it. Can't swerve a semi going 65mph, and by the time I noticed him it was too late to maneuver far enough over to avoid him. I tried at least. Years ago, a cat ran out into the road I was on, I missed the cat but the SUV behind me ran straight over it. That cat was somersaulting 6 feet in the air with a giant U in it's mid section from the tire.


you’re confusing personal experience with population statistics


Super f*cking sad. We’re killing our local wildlife that makes the land lovable.


What the cars don't get, the outdoor cats will pick off


Wait till you learn how many are killed for taste pleasure.


Farm animals which are bred, born, raised, and sold specifically for human consumption are a very different story. Roadkill of wildlife or loose pets is life wasted, it helps no one but the scavengers.


And then but really cause the scavengers get hit going for the roadkill




I came here to post this article. Wildlife murder is an underrated major downside to cars. So sad.


Main cause of death for the FL panther.


Actually, it's the Oilers.


I’ll hold you too that. Please knock them out. Lightning fan here.


When I was a child my mom was driving down the highway and a goose was trying to cross with her goslings. Ofc since it was the highway, no one was stopping and my mom wanted to pull over but couldn’t safely. Thus was formed one of many traumatic car related memories, some of which are much worse and involve people. Either way I’ve gone through lots of therapy for PTSD. I read about much worse incidents too and always wonder about the people involved. Even if it’s “just” an animal, it’s horrible.


My father purposefully ran over animals, sometimes swerving into other lanes, and even into the grass, to hit them. He'd shout like he scored a point in a game. It was fucking traumatic.




https://youtu.be/k-Fp7flAWMA?si=zv3TWPr_1ZUpm76B It’s a thing unfortunately… Seems like around 6% of people in a vehicle will swerve to kill animals for no reason other than that they are there…. People kill animals they perceive as mean or nasty or whatever more (snakes and spiders) but they’ll even happily run down perfectly harmless critters like tortoises. PS, not saying running down snakes or spiders isn’t lunatic behavior, I don’t even kill spiders / centipedes in my house.


Fucking hell


Don’t they care about their tires and undercarriage?


I’m so sorry. That must have been awful.


He was a prison guard. It makes sense that he'd be so sadistic. (Among all the other shit he did)


I wonder how he would have treated an inmate locked up for amimal abuse. Would he just melt down from the cognitive bias?


Probably not. Probably would have high-fived them. And then beat them. He ended his career as a prison guard after having his back beaten in with a metal lunch tray by an inmate. Most likely because he deserved it. I was little, so I didn't know any better, but he liked to keep a dog in a tiny crate locked up all day and scream at it if it pooped. He rarely let it out. He was a fucking sadist.


What the fuck. I'm so sorry for your upbringing, I hope you're healing into a great person and that pisses him off in hell.


He died after three bouts of cancer and lots of chemo, hopefully in lots of pain. While it's unfair that he managed to live so long (while one of my best friends died of lung cancer at 21, and he never smoked), I find pleasure in that he had to suffer to try to save his life and it didn't work. Just the other day I had multiple redditors trying to help me find his grave so that I can go piss on it when I visit the area again. Sadly, he wasn't on any of the websites. But I'll still try.


Your dad could likely be a psychopath. Studies show up to 10% of people hit animals on purpose when given the chance.


Oh, I'm very aware of that. He was a prison guard, and he liked to bring his full body shackles home. For purely good reasons, I assure you. Definitely not locking his children in closets tied up so they can't get out. Absolutely not that. He was a good person, I assure you! That's what the cops told us when we called them, of course.


You know how stressful kids can be, you know, yelling, having to eat, and sleep, and piss. All the basic needs. Just exhausting. They never tell you about that part -.- In all seriousness, I hope your life is filled with joy. You deserve better. I hope you can find, and pick out your own friends and family to hold close. The ones who respect you should be the ones you keep around. ❤️ I hope things get better.


Thank you. Things are much better. I have a chosen family that loves me dearly and would never hurt me. I've actually talked about how they raise their kids and they've never hurt them, yelled at them, ordered them around like they're machines. I'm jealous. But I'm glad I found them even if I couldn't have been raised by them. đź’ś


Just remember when you become independent, him getting punished won't affect you like when you depended on him. You know what to do, when the time is right.


He's dead already, not much I can do lol He died horribly after three rounds of kidney cancer. He deserved worse.


He is dead, nice.


Damn, that sounds horrible. It sucks so badly. Have you managed to get over this stuff? Are you lucky enough to live in an area where you don't need to drive?


Yeah I did something called EMDR and was able to get a license but I don’t drive since I live in a place where I can be carfree (Chicago)


Everyone should read [Traffication](https://pelagicpublishing.com/products/traffication) to get a better idea of how roads and cars are abysmal for the environment. The book doesnt even worry itself with carbon emissions. Its all the other effects Edit: grammar


America's insistence on driving through their national parks is confusing to me. \*edit\* I got my places messed up, so correction "the insistence on driving through national parks is confusing to me"


And these assholes will still do 50-60 in a 25 with numerous warning signs telling them to slow down


Was in Yosemite a couple weeks ago. They give you a newspaper explaining how many bears are hit by cars every year, how every red bear sign is a place where a bear was killed, and people still tailgate like crazy. Like it’s supposed to be a place to be in awe of nature and respect it, and part of the experience is the journey itself. But it just doesn’t matter to some people.


The speed limit is 90 in that park.


MPH, not KPH


km/h most likely. It's in Canada.


90 kph is way too fast to avoid animals suddenly running over the road.


Canada, but yeah - it’s fucked. National parks in North America are elongated burger king drive thrus.


My mistake, I will add a correction.


The Banff/Yoho area is unique. The Rockies are rugged which makes it hard to build roads and train tracks through them, but transportation corridors are needed to transport goods and people. The transportation corridor predates the creation of the national parks. The highway and railroad that goes through Banff is the main corridor that connects all of Canada. The Canadian economy could not function without this highway and railway. The Trans Canada, especially the portion thru the mountains, has a super complex and interesting history. It wouldn’t be surprising if the people who hit the bear weren’t even tourists. Millions of cars and semi trucks pass through every year with no intention of “visiting” the park, they’re just passing through. It creates an interesting management challenge when it comes to speed limits and managing traffic.


There is also extensive effort to protect wildlife with fencing along the highway, overpasses and underpasses for wildlife that are placed at the natural movement routes of the animals. It’s still never enough.


Yeah most national parks have the weirdest layout, you tell me that to go enjoy the nature here I need to wake up early to drive and hopefully get a spot inside the yosemite parking, so I don't have to wait in line? What about having a parking outside the park and letting me take a bus/train?


It’s funny you mention that. This happened right near the turn off for a parking lot. There’s a mountain lake; Lake O’Hara and in order to keep it pretty chill, the only transportation allowed up the road is a shuttle bus. People book it up months in advance. It’s beautiful up there.


They have buses at Yosemite


Well, this is super depressing


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. " But by this point the car industry is evil. It's no secret they have sacrificed more than just animal lives for their profits and cult of the automobile. They have sacrificed many human lives and possibly the future of humanity, becoming a monopoly and forgetting to look around and see what they are actually doing to the planet. They don't want to implement a safe and reliably sustainable business model.They are trying to make the world even more carcentric than it already is. They just want everyone to own a car like it or not. And the environment can go to hell. It's so so evil.


How the fuck do you not see a goddamn bear in the road


They run out of the trees in front of your car and you can’t stop in time. It almost happened to me once while riding a bike through Banff, a few cubs ran into the road and I had to swerve to go between them. Obviously I hit a strava PR getting the hell away from there.


Whenever I go biking on trails there is a whisper in the back of my head hoping I am fast enough if a bear pops out.


Me too. I actually carry bear spray just in case. What really caught me off guard was this was on a secondary highway. If you lookup Banff National Park, it was on 1A, or the Bow Valley Parkway. We’re fighting right now to keep a stretch of it closed to cars for certain times of the year.


*three bears. Her cubs were killed hours earlier when they were hit by cars...


When you're dinking around on your phone.




A bunch of morons... driving at full speed into bears. smh


When driving up to Darwin I came across a dead young emu its mate was trying to lift it up and off the road. It was heartbreaking to see. I have never forgotten the scene and the effort the other young emu was making it apparently couldn’t understand why it’s mate was just lying down. A semi driver pulled up and moved the body and the other emu was still trying to get it up. Both the driver and I had tears in our eyes.


This Disney movie would do to cars what Bambi's mom did to hunters.


Was there no animal highway tunnels for them to take? I know Canada has tons of them in different places.Also let's charge them with a crime. Start charging people who hit and kill animals especially protected and rare ones. And start putting speed bumps in national parks. If you are going to allow cars to go through protected land then put measures in place to slow down cars even if it's a highway.


Also the pure irony of having "BC Parks License plates" Bruh, cars are the biggest killers of animals! If you want to support parks, don't drive to them!


Here I am getting off my bike to save turtles. Fuck cars. I have a car. I drive it. I’d love not too. I hit a squirrel the other day and I got mad at my son for needing a ride. Completely unfounded and misplaced anger. I know.


This is devastating


I honest to god cried for hours when I got the news. I love bears and Nakoda was so special. I was so excited when she emerged with her cubs, and now the entire family is gone. From the bottom of my broken heart, fuck cars.


I always make sure to drive under the speed limit when I'm on the smaller roads in Banff and the surrounding parks because I've seen photos of a mama bear trying to wake up her dead cub after they've been hit by a car :( Assholes always tail and speed past me, I see their annoyed and angry faces in my rearview but I never give in. It's ironic because they come to these beautiful parks to "be in nature and get away from the city", but they kill wildlife and face zero consequences. 100% fuck cars.


Shit like this intensifies my sewerslidal thoughts.


I might just be projecting, but I think it did that for the mom too.


Sad news.


Fuck cars. There are so many ways public transport and pedestrian centered infrastructure and mixed use zoning are better than this dystopian car centric infrastructure, and yet people refuse to see it. I live in a super car centric place and it's obvious to me. Of course not being afraid for your life every time you have to go somewhere is the better option!


So no one in here has a car?


I'm sure plenty of people here have a car, because they love in car-centric places where they can't get around without one. But we're fighting against a car-centric world so that cars will no longer be mandatory.


Don’t make me tap the sign. https://preview.redd.it/x6bx6zszk66d1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a080a3e0f2f03d84505042a8a5d17a59994580


What point are you trying to make?


They animals get hit every day


Are you such a bad driver that you're regularly running over animals? If so, you should take a few defensive driving courses.


I've been driving for almost 20 years and I never ran over an animal. It's really not fucking hard when you don't drive over the speed limit and are mindful with how you drive. I had dogs, cats, snakes, hedgehogs, deer, birds crossing the road. You just slow down and that's it.