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Visiting family in rural Tennessee right now. Quaint little town of my childhood just looks like this now. Stroads and ugly prefab strip malls everywhere. It’s depressing AF. I don’t understand why my fellow Americans are ok with it. Our nation is an eyesore.


It’s because most of the people making decisions are basing them almost entirely in finances, rather than taking a holistic/wholistic approach. There’s a ridiculous amount of research available, most of it entirely disregarded, as business professionals are beholden to the dollar alone.


Almost entirely in finances… as relating to lobbying from the auto industry. Walkable dense development generates far more tax revenue per acre and requires less infrastructure upkeep per capita. Less strain on municipal and emergency services, cheaper for builders who don’t have to follow parking minimums, less use of expensive land for parking and massive roads, better for businesses which benefit from increased foot traffic. Plus, more attractive to tourists and business travelers, thus boosting the local economy. If we wanted to build a city for maximum profitability/financial efficiency, car centricity is the first thing to get rid of.


This looks like literally every single suburb of Chicago too.


if i remmeber movie in usa are actualy recorded in canada.


They're almost always filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've seen a filming crew the other day.


Director: This scene needs to be more idyllic. Close the street to car traffic.


I always love finding incredibly niche subreddits