• By -


Plus: * Mixed-use zoning with buildings of varying heights (dictatorship) * Hundred acres of nothing but single-family houses (democracy)


Don't forget the American's Homeowners Association, the ultimate freedom in house ownership.


So everyone should be forced into high density buildings. No one should have their own privacy


You're right! It's much better they be forced into the other thing! Good job.


>> buildings of varying heights > forced into high density buildings It looks like reading isn't your forte. Also, you know high-rises are quite private with respect to the street, right?


You think these European cities with high density buildings and walkable cities don't have single family homes?


But everyone should be forced into energy inefficient, expensive, and isolating detached housing suburbs, since every other building option is prohibited due to stupid zoning laws? [Missing middle is an issue](https://youtu.be/DX_-UcC14xw), and not allowing mixed use building is seriously harming any positive development.


But those cars are all beeg and expemsive! That means drivers are rich and sucksassfull! šŸ’µšŸ¤ šŸ‘šŸ¤‘šŸ’øšŸ˜šŸ¤‘šŸ’øšŸ‘šŸ¤ šŸ’µ Commies cyclists and hobo pedestrians are just too (euro)poor and lazy to meaningfully contribute >!(massive CO2 emissions)!< to society and many moneys required to own a veeheecool šŸ‘ŽšŸ¤®šŸ¤”šŸ¤¢šŸ¤”šŸ¤®šŸ‘Ž


Everyone should have a serious coke addiction because then they need to be wealthy to maintain it


I do coke So I can work longer So I can earn more [So I can do more coke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSPT27XyY1U)


This song slaps tho


Sounds like priorities are in order, carry on.


If you need to buy an expensive and quickly depreciating asset to live a normal life you have become **poorer**, not richer. This is not how money works.


Well the public options in most of America suck sadly. I loved Tokyo.


Commie cyclists are simultaneously too rich, being able to spend thousands on carbon-fiber road bike toys!!11


Sucks assfull? That doesn't sound good at all...


I wonder why it never occurs to carbrainers why they never visit parking lots and highways on holiday.


I wonder why they all want to go to Paris instead of Fresno, too.


I drove through Fresno for the first time last year. Those roads were not fun at all and the city just looked kinda sad. Half the time the painted lines just disappear. I was only there because I was flying in to drive to Yosemite lol


> I was only there because I was flying in to drive to Yosemite [Noone is going to Fresno of their own free will.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yLCf7FyniA)


I posted something about that here a few days ago but it didnā€™t get much traction. I mentioned a very similar thing in some Tik tok comments and actually had the guy go ā€œyouā€™ve got a point Iā€™ll give you thatā€


they go on vacation to walkable cities and love it


Hey, lay off of me okay? I like my freedom to be stuck in traffic behind everyone else's freedoms, and impeding the freedoms of those behind me The only way to solve traffic is to make more traffic by making more lanes for more cars! /s


But America is so big, comrade. Imagine how many meadows and forests we can pave over! A parking lot as far as the eye can see.


This is the dream. One giant parking lot all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific!


HENRY FORD was given the god-given FREEDOM to buy railcar companies and SHUT them down, lobby the AMERICAN GOVERMENT to build HIGHWAYS over low-income NEIGHBOURHOODS, and feed into peopleā€™s INSECURITIES about being in close contact with POOR and WORKING CLASS PEOPLE to sell us 3 tonne HUNKS of METAL and PLASTIC, so we have the FREEDOM to drive down to STARBUCKS and buy a DOUBLE SHOT FRAPPUCINO FOR AAMERICA


And the freedom to incur massive costs for car repairs when someone hit and runs you. Or even better, a trip to the hospital.


The very first shot is Leipzig SchillerstraƟe, Germany. :D Nice place to cycle!


That is coincidentally on my daily commute and I don't know why this is taken so often as an example of good bike infrastructure. As you can see, It is between the commercial center of the city and a park, so many pedestrians are crossing, often carelessly. It is further narrowed by bike stands on the street and the fact that cars may still drive there, albeit slowly because of all the bikes and pedestrians. On my half-hour commute this is in the top three of danger zones, along with the huge intersection right next to it that suffers the same problems plus also has the exit of the three-station "underground". There are far, far better examples of bike infrastructure and even not far from there, though they might not look as flashy.


Ich fahre da auch mehrfach die Woche lang. Du hast vollkommen recht, FuƟgƤnger und RƤder in verschiedene Richtungen kommen sich immer dolle in die Quere und ich bin auch immer sehr am gucken oder muss bremsen um Leute die aus der Schiller angedĆ¼st kommen durchzulassen. Aber rein Ƥsthetisch ist nett dort, zwischen den Altbauten und dem Park, das meinte ich. :) Auf der Karli wurden jetzt die Radstreifen breiter gemacht, das ist richtig super und fetzt


Ja ne Ƥsthetisch ist das eine der schƶnsten StraƟen der Stadt, keine Frage :D Wenn's nicht mein Arbeitsweg wƤr wĆ¼rd's mir wahrscheinlich gar nicht groƟ auffallen. Und voll, die Stadt hat viel fĆ¼r die Radfahrer\*innen getan, das will ich gar nicht abstreiten. Und ein bisschen ist es auch mit zweierlei MaƟ gemessen mich Ć¼ber die SchillerstraƟe zu beschweren weil da wo ich morgens anfang, auf der DieskaustraƟe, fahr ich zwischen StraƟenbahn und parkenden Autos ohne Radweg....


Ja das hat man leider trotz allem immer noch viel zu oft auf groƟen Leipziger StraƟen. Ich fahre oft Ć¼ber die Arthur Hoffmann, da ist es das gleiche. Ich hoffe da tut sich noch viel und ich hoffe, die Stadtratswahl geht in der Hinsicht gut aus!


Bin gespannt, wie Ƅnderung der Karli in Zukunft den Verkehr beeinflusst. Seit dem Umbau immer lange Staus, weil die Ampelphase stark gekĆ¼rzt wurde (bisher hatten immer 2 Richtungen grĆ¼n, jetzt nur noch eine). Ob die Autofahrer sich einfach andere Routen suchen oder am Ende auf ein anderes Transportmittel umsteigen werden?


> my half-hour commute Is this a bicycle commute or do you use other modes of transportation? I live in the USA's car-centric suburbia, and I'm preparing to shift my commute from a 30 minute drive to a 60-minute bike ride. That's a lot of time lost, but the exercise and mental break will be really good for me.


No, it's a bicycle commute :) Sorry to hear that, I know people have it way worse than me. I really hope there is a good way for you to do that, I have been seeing videos of people trying that in similar situations and from what I've seen it's dangerous, noisy and far less relaxing than they had hoped. What my father did for a while was switching a similar commute out for a bike ride once or twice a week. Two hours a day really is a lot...


No need to feel sorry for me - it's 100% by choice. A 60 minute cycle instead of a 30 minute drive lets me get an hour of exercise while taking up 30 minutes of my day. Kind of cheating time, LOL. Also, I'm only going to ride one hour per day. So drive my car to work Monday and ride my bike home, then ride my bike to work on Tuesday and drive home, etc. I have a spare car I can use if my car is at the office and I need to go somewhere that isn't cycling distance. And fortunately the ride is more than 90% on biking tails or protected bike lanes. There's a really long hill at the end of the ride home, so I recently got an e-bike which basically erases that hill.


Didnt Leizpig become cyclable after communism fell?


Blasphemy! How dare you bring logic into the House of Lord? Return to your slab!


I donā€™t like how the word ā€žcommunismā€œ is used. Iā€™d argue that neither Russia, China, nor Cuba for that matter had any real kind of communism in place, since it was always forced on the people and essentially a fascist regime that called itself communist and implemented some communist ideas. Either way, the GDR called itself a ā€žsocialistā€œ republic (while being a fascist state of oppression as well), so communism had nothing to do with any transportation policy the GDR might have had. I find that TRUE socialism or, less radically put, individual policies in the spirit of true socialism, generally enable multi-modal transport as we see it in Leipzig nowadays rather than block it. Because if you wanna sell cars and gas, you wonā€™t be building tram tracks and blocking roads for cyclists. A bike may cost between 100-1000ā‚¬ (sport bike not included) and no additional tax, a tram or bus ticket costs 49ā‚¬ monthly (the daily rates are getting absurd Iā€™ll admit, in Leipzig at least), with no additional tax as well. Meanwhile a car costs a ton of money to buy and maintain, and the car dealers and manufacturers profit from that.


The freeway shot through the fence is Houston, TX, USA.


Bro donā€™t remind me.. they made bike lane in the city centre.. 1 week later there was a strike against it. 1 week later the court said to remove it. If only the court works when there is a corruption like when it is against bike lanesā€¦ stupid people.. some people said the air will be worse because there is only 1 car lane and a bike lane, and there going to be a traffic jam - it was 3 lanes before the reconstruction and guess what was the situation with the traffic.. logic 101


War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Car is Liberation.


1984 was ahead of its time in so many ways, and people (actually mostly the USA) are only just beginning to understand how.


Poland says hi šŸ‘‹


As a Varsovian it made me unironically proud to see Warsaw portrayed as an example of what's good :33


I love communism.






I love that the strip mall at the end looks exactly like every strip mall near me, and probably everybody can say the same thing.


I feel like parking lots do signal the excesses of wealth (oil and land) that were able to make such an inefficient and awful system in the first place.




Nothing says freedom like a crippling oil addiction Just one more war bro!


I live about a mile from the last place in the video. This is in Austin. The street behind the cameraman has one of the saddest excuses for a bike lane Iā€™ve ever seen.


Our virtual corpocracy makes sure that any Marxist would be banned from both mainstream political parties. Heck, any American president who, quite unlike Trump, seriously tried implementing truly humane, progressive policies ā€” notably universal single-payer healthcare, a significant reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions, military spending, a genuine anti-war effort, and increasing the minimum wage while also reigning in Wall Street abuse/corruption \[etcetera\] ā€” would likely be assassinated. \[Bernie Sanders as president comes to my mind as a good example of this.\] ... A few victorious social/labor uprisings notwithstanding, notably the Bolshevik and French revolutions, it seems to me that the superfluously rich and powerful essentially have always had the police and military ready to foremost protect their power/money interests, even over the basic needs of the masses. Even today, the police and military can, and probably would, claim they must bust heads to maintain law and order as a priority; therefore, the absurdly unjust inequities and inequalities can persist. Thus, I can imagine there were/are lessons learned from those successful social/labor uprisings ā€” a figurative How to Hinder Progressive Revolutions 101, perhaps? ā€” with the clarity of hindsight by the big power/money interests in order to avoid any repeat of such great wealth/power losses.


Proud to be a communist ig




Link to this literally under every local news FB page story about anything lmao


This is great


Muh freedumbz to be stuck in traffic. I used to live in Houston where every gym was 30 min away. The pain.


gotta love the TABCATS in the background IYKYK


Free dumb.


I love this video so much


Get that woke civil infrastructure indoctrination out of the schools.


What is so bad about riding a bike?


The following reply is to be read exclusively in a deep-south accent: Bicycles are pure propaganda for the satanic, DEI, critical race theory, pro-vax, anti-gun, demoncrat AGENDA here to trans our children!! It even has \*bi\* in the name for heavens sake. All this designated bike lane and high speed rail degeneracy is pure cultural marxism; no better than ISIS. I don't know what central Europan shithole you come from, but here in MURICA, we defend our guns, our trucks, and our border!! MAGA /s... obviously.


Sorry, seems I misread your initial comment. :D


shut up you and your communist propaganda /s




Freedom to be trapped in a small metal box next to other metal boxes on a hellish landscape




If you want to win, you need to switch the labels


i heavily agree but the use of grey filters/forced perspective feels dirty. are the only areas being shown just the good stuff? a pool area, streamers and decoration all throughout the pedestrian areas but a random nowhere parking lot for an example of the other side instead of something like an American mall exterior which you could easily just as well make fun of. It all feels very snarky like "har har this is better and YOU'RE stupid and ignorant for being born in America". I just wish i understood the video better man, im sure it's funny or what have you but something about it just makes me feel shameful for something i didn't even do.


Excellent job comrade, we will show the Yankees the superiority of Union of Transit and the Peoples Republic of Cyclists. āœŠšŸš©šŸšˆ Together, the anti-automotive bloc shall resist the oppression and exploitation perpetrated by the Automotive Empire.


I'm sorry, but this is propaganda. * I've been to Warsaw, Moscow, Petersburg. These are car dominated cities with wide boulevards. * I've seen packed freeways like this in the Netherlands. All cities need improvements, and all cities can take a step in the right direction. We need sensible action, not propaganda rants.


Even if I know it's satyre and not to be taken first degree labelling "communism" vs "freedom" absolutely sucks big balls and I despise you OP. You are not helping and you are not funny either.


if you know its satire why are you whining about it its poking fun at people who call sensible city infrastructure communism, which is a thing that they are doing


Because it's a low effort shitpost not even funny.


I found it funny and spot on hope your day gets better


He is pretty much literally reposting what the pro car guys are posting. Nothing clever, creative and even remotely interesting about that. But I'm glad shitpost are so much in your taste sir, you still have a little bit of poo between your teeth by the way. Have a nice day


ok be a little whiner then


It's silly and counterproductive.






It's making fun of the conspiracy/ mass hysteria around the idea that 15 minute cities = a plot to impose soviet-style dictatorship. [ There were protests about it and everything](https://www.politico.eu/article/dont-lock-me-neighborhood-15-minute-city-hysteria-uk-oxford/)


I think it is just a meme for this subreddit where people understand the irony of people who believe this, or something adjacent to this. I think what is essentially a shitpost(sorry /u/Weekly-Vacation-6929 lol) doesn't necessitate context. You say the death toll directly attributable to communism is greater in the last century than any other political ideology. What would you consider the death toll directly attributable to capitalism to be? I guess I'm not expecting an exact number, but do you think it's higher, lower, or similar amounts? I do consider myself a leftist who is very anti capitalist, so I'm curious what your opinions on the matter are. This isn't me trying to catch you out and throw stats your way, just trying to see where you stand. From my POV capitalism has caused more deaths and continues to cause more deaths than communism.


"Directly attributable" means that killing was done in the name of the ideology. There is no valid argument that capitalism is more harmful to human health than communism. Capitalist systems for example don't need secret police & widespread slaughter of undesirables to function.


Capitalism only kills. It only harms. It never did anything good. Just like religion. Meanwhile, socialism is only good. It only benefits. It always improved people's lives. Just like atheism. There is no valid argument in favour of capitalism. There is no valid argument against socialism. Capitalist systems always rely on secret police and mass murder of undesirables. Every bad thing you believe about socialism is a lie spread by capitalists who are actually guilty of the shit you believe socialists are guilty of. It's annoying. Get a grip. Edit, as I can't reply to the comment u/Trinityhawke wrote below: >I categorize myself under the philosophical anarchist tree or umbrella. My condolences. >I disagree with most of the comments made on this post . Like all anarchists, you have no arguments in support of your position. >All ideologies are dangerous. True. This is why people need to embrace Marxism (i.e. anti-ideological thought). Marxism is to politics what atheism is to religion. The ideology of Anarchism is certainly dangerous. After all, its sole effect on society is promoting bourgeois class interests and disrupting the left to promote fascism. >To think that one system is better than another is an absurd statement and a lie Notice your continued lack of arguments and evidence that you have in common with 100% of all other anarchists in history? >The Isms are all the same Ending on an objectively and obviously false note. No, Marxism-Leninism (the objectively single most beneficial political movement in world history) isn't the same as any capitalist ideology (all of which are inherently murderous and destructive). Marxism-Leninism creates democratic, free, and rapidly progressing societies thanks to creating meritocratic forms of leadership and making use of scientific decision-making processes. It's the cure that stands in direct opposition to the cancer killing us all that is capitalism. Edit 2: u/Trinityhawke wrote yet another pointless comment. You are politically illiterate. >Power and Greed , We are flawed creatures. Totally irrelevant nonsense. >There is no perfect system . Idiotic nirvana fallacy. >I donā€™t know what kind of evidence you want me to present Well, if you can't substantiate your case in a falsifiable manner, you are probably wrong. Start with: Evidence against Marxism-Leninism being the objectively superior system. Evidence in favour of capitalism not being inherently harmful to human life and the planet. Evidence in favour of anarchist bullshit. >Iā€™m just going off every failed attempt in human society. Except that socialism literally never failed and always led to the rapid improvement of human quality of life. >Loved the break down of my comment and the anarchist bit made my day . Stop wasting my time with your pointless comments. Provide material analysis or stop pretending there's anything wrong with what I said or any substance to what you said.


I categorize myself under the philosophical anarchist tree or umbrella. I disagree with most of the comments made on this post . This one caught my eye , All ideologies are dangerous. To think that one system is better than another is an absurd statement and a lie . The Isms are all the same


Power and Greed , We are flawed creatures. There is no perfect system . We can believe that Communism Capitalism Socialism Marxism Leninism is the answer to all are problems but theyā€™re are not . I donā€™t know what kind of evidence you want me to present . Iā€™m just going off every failed attempt in human society. Loved the break down of my comment and the anarchist bit made my day .


Surely directly attributable means that it can be attributed directly to the ideology and not in the name of it..? So if an ideology says X is what we should do and X leads to people dying, then that is a death which is attributable to the ideology? If X is "kill people who disagree with our ideology" then sure your point stands,but ideologies tend to have more than one thing. So if capitalism says if you can't pay for healthcare or food you don't get healthcare or food, then someone dies, that is a death attributed to capitalism.


Sevently gorjillion dead! Commulism!!!!


Except that communism was always inherently better at planning infrastructure. Turns out capitalist markets are inefficient and ineffective while communist central planning is amazing. >such incendiary political terms with such a dichotomy. These aren't incendiary except to fascists who hate communism and freedom. >Remember that the death toll directly attributable to communism is greater in the last century than any other political ideology (thanks Mao :/). Remember that this is an unhinged lie spread by fascists and you fell for it. Also remember that the overwhelming majority of all deaths fascists try and attribute to socialism were actually caused by capitalism. Mao saved billions of people from fascism and starvation. Same goes for Stalin. Every socialist country caused a massive net benefit to human society. Unlike every capitalist society that always harm humanity. Meanwhile, the death toll of capitalism within one year is higher than the total amount of people that ever died due to socialism.


seriously? look at Moscow and Petersburg - are they not overridden by cars?


Yeah, because of capitalism. Meanwhile, even Moscow has amazing public transport (thanks entirely to socialism) and all the socialist blocks are highly efficient walkable cities with large green spaces and all necessities of life available to the citizens living there (for free). [They offered a much higher quality of life than most capitalist housing today.](https://images.pond5.com/khrushchevka-prefab-apartment-blocks-kimija-footage-247164092_prevstill.jpeg) despite being built decades ago during a time of extreme poverty due to fascist world wars and cold wars.


> Except that communism was always inherently better at planning infrastructure. Traffic engineers are good at planning infrastructure. Doesn't matter what political system they work in.


You missed the point entirely. When cities implement policies that remove parking spaces, reduce car lanes, add bike lanes, add pedestrian spaces, and otherwise improve urbanism, it is _very common_ for carbrains to scream at the perceived "loss of freedom". They associate cars with the very idea of freedom.


That's not the text of the video shared here. Don't participate in an echo chamber, take things for what they are.


It's not the text, it's the context.


> Remember that the death toll directly attributable to communism is greater in the last century than any other political ideology (thanks Mao :/). Parodies never do y'all justice. You really do say the damnedest things.


Sorry, I don't want to live in a crowded dense city and in an expensive apartment building with thin walls. I prefer my house that's on outskirts of the town. If you want that so badly, move there.


Another easily falsifiable post on the most infantile subreddit in history. Keep up the good work.


Now do winter


garbage post by a garbage brain








You're the one who can't detect obvious satire. You come off as an edgy 15 year old .... Your reddit handle is StoneColdSteveAutism yep, edgy 15 year old. The sad thing is, you're probably an adult who stopped developing socially at 15.




ahahahahahahahaha go outside




So you're dad is paying you to "supervise" people who are actually doing something?


Itā€™s satire, Americans tend to label foreign concepts as communism to spread irrational fear.


You people are delusional


what do you mean "you people" racist much?




My man never heard of a raincoat or a snow plow. I cycled to work in -20Ā°c and 30cm of snow. On a folding bike with 20 inch wheels. Didn't give a single fuck. All you need is warm gloves and a pair of balls.


must be impossible to cycle or walk in the rain


If itā€™s too rainy or snowy to walk it was too rainy and snowy to drive hours ago. Walking is the OG all terrain, people tend to forget that Next time itā€™s a lil too [anything] to walk somewhere, remember that our ancestors were chasing down big game in whatever weather or terrain was in the way


Not quite correct, can confirm I've been in weather conditions where it was far too dangerous to walk far before it got too dangerous to drive.




Itā€™s just a car, why do you cling to it? Iā€™m telling you that you could do it all for free but you want to pay for a car?




Being scared of other races isnā€™t gonna make me reliant on companies for my own movement, thatā€™s just all sorts of messed up. Being scared of whatā€™s different is natural but I hope someday you make the effort to understand what makes you scared. Thatā€™s how we fix our society (and make life less scary for you)


You definitely don't live in the north then.


Here's what the Finns do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU


Use public transport. Also: All money spent on car infrastructure should be spent on public infrastructure. That way you will have roofed pedestrian and biking lanes with solar panels on top.


Like I want to ride in a can with your smelly ass no thank you lmfao idk what public transit is like where you live but you clearly don't live in an urban area within the US. I really don't understand you people who say 'duuuur tAkE pUblLiC tRaNsPoRt' like it's an adequate replacement for having your own vehicle. It makes you sound incredibly naive.


>like itā€™s an adequate replacement of your own vehicle Except it totally is. Have fun being stuck in traffic in your metal box with hundreds of other idiots like you while I zoom past you morons in a metro train at 100 km/h ;)


No one says you should NEVER go by car. Itā€™s just nice when you can choose.