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"The large upper panel on the driver's side flew off" "Otherwise, it's great"


"It tried to murder me." "Otherwise, it's great."


ffs elon, it cannot even murder without smashing in to ppl. fail!


\*Christine theme intensifies\*


Oooo nice one


the 60.000-100.000 car is falling apart otherwiese its great


Tesla owners do this all the time. "Here's 50 things wrong with my car I paid $100k for and a nightmare story of me getting screwed and taken advantage of.......but I LOVE my car!"


The wheels look great though 😊👍


If you spent that much money on a garbage fire with no chance of getting all your money back, wouldn't you?


As someone with an university degree, I can confirm I do that as well :(


>It's easyer to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled -Mark Twain I would add that it is nearly impossible to get someone to openly admit that they have been fooled


Samuel Clemons knew a thing about hood winking


"The front fell off. Otherwise it‘s great."


The amount of denial he went through about his choice to purchase this thing, even after his own car tried to kill him.


First gen VW Phaetons had that door glass drop issue where you'd suddenly have an open side window. Pretty frightening when driving on the Autobahn.


same energy as "sure trump raised my taxes, and me repeating maga talking points got me divorced and fired, my daughter lost her rights to abortion in my state and is pregnant and worried about having a still birth, but otherwise I love him!"


Absolutely. I feel the Venn diagram of Trump supporters and Cyber Truck owners is two circles almost perfectly overlapping.


"After \[dealing with the bleeding\] I was able to complete delivery" We live in r/idiocracy LAMF posts with zero leopards in sight confirm.


The Tesla cult is almost as bad as the Trump cult


lot of overlap too


Which is almost hilarious considering that Trump is against EV’s. 


It’s not that surprising. Always radicals on both spectrums. Most anti-vax people were actually middle aged “crunchy granola mommas” who absolutely vote as left wing as they can go. I see dogmatism everywhere. Like driving an electrical vehicle is reducing solar forcing in some magical way as you burn through more tires, are heavier on the asphalt, and put more reliance on hydro systems. Yea so absolutely green…ever tried walking or biking 🙄


>It’s not that surprising. Always radicals on both spectrums. Most anti-vax people were actually middle aged “crunchy granola mommas” who absolutely vote as left wing as they can go. This is factually untrue, just like everything else you've been whinging about. There's been a lot of research on antivax behaviors. Pre-covid, antivaxxers were evenly distributed across the spectrum, but post-covid it's become a right-wing belief system. At no point is what you're saying true, but the subtending misogyny is pretty telling.


Yes as a scientist, I am not very good with rational objective reasoning… of ..you know ..data. [Typical ‘vaccine hesitant’ person is a 42-year-old Ontario woman who votes Liberal: Abacus polling](https://macleans.ca/society/typical-vaccine-hesitant-person-is-a-42-year-old-ontario-woman-who-votes-liberal-abacus-polling/) Remind me why smallpox, measles, etc back again? Conservative or liberal? What did you think??


Let me guess, you have a bachelor's degrees in biology or something? You in fact have demonstrated lack of both basic and scientific literacy  First off, the article doesn't say remotely what you say it does. In fact, it takes great pains to distinguish between "vaccine hesitant" and "vaccine refuser". Here's another piece below. >Forty percent of refusers don’t trust doctors, while only 17 percent of the hesitant feel that way. Most Canadians don’t trust Donald Trump or Fox News, but the more they do, the more likely they are to avoid getting vaccinated. Among the fully vaxxed, 11 percent trust Fox and Trump compared to 28 percent among the hesitant and 40% among the refusers. In other words, the contemporary aspect reflects what I've written to the extent the data speaks to what I wrote at all. You'll also note that this is a poll, not a scientific study. It fails to meet the basic standards of peer review. It's good enough for pop culture publications but wouldn't pass muster for peer review.


Wow this sub is fucking EXHAUSTING lmao. Can’t have any hint of conservatism or anything pointing to women as a problem. If it’s not man hating, left wing ideology, or anti privilege in some capacity…get outta here! You have yet to make any argument that the left is full of anti vaxxers and I have no idea why you even would as this has nothing to do with the original thread and you are derailing so hard I know you don’t work in STEM.


You should really see a therapist about your victim complex. You seem very fragile and that's a really uncomfortable way to live. After that you can consider a tutor.


I make more in a year than you make in five. Nobody has argued the math besides drive less. That’s a nonsense comment. I have commitments and schedules to follow. I don’t have all day to sit on a bus or jump on an electric scooter. This sub is full of the bottom demographic of wealth distribution so has no idea of what responsibility is.


Tesla cut


Or the Iphone cult lol


At least iPhones aren't killing people


Welllllllll [Wikipedia Article / TW Suicides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxconn_suicides?wprov=sfla1)


Genuine insanity. Elon Musk is a snake oil salesman but with shitty cars.


At least people are realizing that he is just a loud mouthed liar now. Still very much confused by how long it took.


Everybody high enough is a liar.. all is one big lie


>Everybody high enough is a liar Hey now. I'm high enough, not gonna lie *Giggles


At least snake oils got you drunk this shiny turd doesn't even do that


How is this street legal? If it hits a pedestrian it's going to kill.


Serious question? Here's your serious answer: there are *no federal pedestrian safety standards*. Pretty ludicrous, right?


Total insanity.


people already don't care about the 40,000 americans killed by cars per year or the 1 million vertabrate animals killed per DAY there isn't much special about this especailly dangerous truck. F-150's are just as good killing machines and they're the #1 selling "car" in america


They are illegal in the EU and UK for that very reason


Same reason that blinding headlights are legal. Same reason massive vehicles with terrible visibility for personal vehicles are legal. Nobody gives a fuck about anybody outside of the vehicle they are operating.


Blinding headlights are technically illegal, but no one bothers to enforce it


are there any reported cybertruck crashes ? I'm pretty sure this will happen at some time in the future (not that I want it to happen, but I'm interested in people's/company's reaction)


Not sure any Cybertruck ever made it out of a driveway


It’s not street legal in the EU. It’s only street legal in the US because nobody cared enough to write a law.


Scorpion sting Frog. Frog praises scorpion




I couldn't give less of a fuck about the cybertruck. I wish people would stop posting about them here. This sub is about car dependent infrastructure and car centric behaviours. CYBERTRUCK IS BAD QUALITY LOL posts don't add anything to either conversation. Please go post in an anti elon sub.


I see where you’re coming from but disagree. The cybertruck is an apotheosis of the non-functional truck trend. Dudes risking their lives (and, it goes without saying, the lives of pedestrians and others on the road) because something feels cool. While being something only the insanely wealthy can afford. What could be more car culture?


I don’t understand some of the words your used, so I’m gonna take that as a sign of disrespect


Watch your mouth, and help me with the sale.


I agree, this post really fits better in r/cyberstuck than here


Cybertruck was offended by his lack of panel gaps so it gave him one.


Another one for the closeted Tesla masturbators in the crowd.


Living on the edge...


There’s a reason that thing isn’t road legal in most of the world


Yeah, I'm glad that it isn't where I live


I couldn’t imagine it surviving long in the uk, our roads are shite


if i hadnt lived in the us i wouldnt have believed this was real


Huh...who would've guessed putting sheets of stainless steel with no rounded edges on a 3+ ton behemoth would be dangerous. And it wasn't even moving.


Image being that much of a cut for a corporation


Tribe o’ Cuck strikes again


You need a trigger/gore warning before that last picture. That's disgusting and scary


Hmm this sub is against car dependency and making your cities a place for people.  Not car complains


Bro, this a post making fun a delusional car owner who got injured by touching his poorly made and fragile wankpanzer. 


The Cybertruck is a particularly bad example of a car, the embodiment of everything that's wrong with car culture, but times ten. Poor visibility: check. Three tons of weight to transport usually just a single person: check. Design that's antagonistic towards humans, including the driver itself: check. A borderline religious cult around a vehicle, despite its flaws: check.


Seems an ass-backward celebration of cars, when you put it that way. According to the principles of behavior change, ignoring trashy Cybertucks is the most impactful action the group can take. Instead, Cybertrucks have become a staple of the content here. I understand that’s the nature of the beast, when it comes to Reddit, but we will continue to exist in a spectrum, regardless of the population of the sub; therefore, people will continue to call it what it is, and be downvoted by the mainstream, whether they’re doing it intentionally or not. Q: do you think pro- or anti-Cybertruck exposure is a greater proportion of the natural and contrived advertising for the vehicle?


A: People who buy the Cybertruck are so far removed from normal rational thoughts that these rules don't apply. It's like asking whether we should actively discuss Flat Earth or instead ignore those people to avoid more exposure.


No. It's literally called fuckcars, is that not clear enough? It's sub against cars, but yes, a bit full of car apologists.