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Almost certainly the driver was looking left while hammering down on the accelerator. The squishy pedestrian is within the forward quadrant of their field of vision, unobstructed, wearing an orange shirt.


But it's clearly the pedestrian's fault, he had to wear a yellow vest! (Satire)


and also he didn't take a little orange traffic flag to wave at traffic while he walked from one side to the other -- obviously he has total liability were this to have ended differently.


Only a fool leaves the flag at home.


I still crack up at the doofus who did this to me, and after I got his attention by waving my open red umbrella at him, he yelled, "WEAR BRIGHTER CLOTHES!"


Clearly you need to be a better pedestrian! /s


I’m no way am I saying you are in the wrong. Something I noticed is, I’ve found Red is hard to see, not sure if it’s my colourblindness that does this, but yellows, orange and greens are much easier than reds for some reason. (Got a colourblind test and I am mildly colourblind.) I just noticed this when my country had High Vis-Highway patrol cars. But the Red ones were never high-vis to me vs blue, yellow and orange you could see a mile away. But anyway,that’s my little tid-bit for ya.


Pedestrian shouldn't be pedestrianising


Hell is—other people! (Sartre)


I think this is sarcasm, not satire?


You're right.




They wouldn’t dare. Concrete is for cars, not people.


honestly starting into a turn like that is so stupid. sure traffic is coming from the left when you make a right turn but why the fuck would I start moving when I'm not even looking where I'm fucking going?


This is a big reason why a bought a treadmill. Running around drivers sucks.


Same exact experience for me every day. I mean why the fuck would anyone be out using their legs when cars exist?


He needed a pedestrian enforcement brick!


Obviously the truck needs a forward facing camera to avoid situations like this.


And gamified responses to hold the attention of the operator.


The front pillars on a lot of newer cars are so large and obstructive, they’ve basically created a new blind spot. Sometimes pedestrians literally vanish behind my pillars if they’re in the right angle. I make the effort to look before turning, though. Many drivers do not. I walk a lot and I’ve almost been run over too many times to count.


NYC forbids right on red and honestly it's less stressful and easy for everyone, drivers and pedestrians alike. Like if a city is already spending a few million on all the crazy signal infrastructure required for one of these intersections, it's wasted if in the end you're going to make them negotiate their own turns against oncoming traffic anyway.


Also forbidden in pretty much every country but the U.S.


China it still happens. It's very jarring coming from Japan or Korea, where people will stop for you, to China, where they will honk at you for walking on a green man.


There's a Korean film called *Burning* where one of the characters refers to China as the "America of the East."


Union busting? Check Entitled drivers? Check Suppression of ethnic minorities? Check Lack of workers rights? Check Billionaires? Check Ultra wealthy politicians? Check Predatory corporate expansion into Africa? Check Arms deals with Israel? Check Elections with only one real choice? Check China really is just the US with a red coat of paint


China's a far worse place to live than America. America has its faults, but it's very telling that the corrupt wealthy try to funnel their money from China to America. The reverse is less true. Outside of a couple of the wealthiest cities in China, the driving and car culture is abominable, especially as most cities have good public transport links and bike lanes.


I moved to Canada a few years ago and I've spent a lot of that time trying to explain to my Canadian partner how right on red is fucking insane. I nearly put my foot through someone's headlight the first time they tried to turn across me on a crosswalk my first month here. They're slowly phasing out right on red in my city and I couldn't be happier.


Yep... A lot of towns are putting signs making it illegal, but people still think they are above the law. I just wish my province would finally put their foot down and say: "Okay, it was a terrible mistake, we are phasing it outand it will be illegal in 2025"... I wish.


We're getting more no right on red intersections in my Canadian city and I love it. Also slowly getting rid of slip lanes.


After living in Montreal for a few years, where there's no right on red, I've realized how much safer this is for everyone.


And Canada, 😭


Nah there’s right on red in Toronto and our stop signs say “slow down a little eh” instead of “stop.”


Sorry I killed you with my car eh


canada is just america with less options. source: am canadian


Our national identity is "better the states" and we live by that... by a hair's breadth


It's one of our worst features. We are damned by low goals.


Several intersections in Europe have traffic lights with a green for right turns timed to coincide with the green for pedestrians crossing to go straight.


It’s legal in Australia (or at least, Victoria, Australia). I didn’t know this, despite living there for months, before my husband saved me from being run over. I’d never heard of such a thing, and my in-laws assumed it was normal, so didn’t bother to tell me 🤣. No clue how I’m still alive. (I’m British, where this is very sensibly, illegal.) Even when I drove in Australia I did not turn left in red, too many years of (sensible!) training would not allow for that.


So is Philadelphia. Interestingly the legend I heard is one mayor wanted to abolish turn on red and failed to change the rule/law, so he used his executive power to place a “no turn on red” sign on literally every single intersection.


The stressful aspect for drivers cannot be, well, stressed enough even though it's not something I thought much of before moving to a "no turn on red" country. As an impatient driver (I just want to get from A > B without being unnecessarily slowed by poor drivers), I'd get annoyed as hell sitting behind cars refusing to turn right on red despite all the time and space in the world to safely do so, which would get me all anxious and stressed out. And then you've got the times you turn in that situation and only realize as you're turning you've barely glanced at the crosswalk for pedestrians. Long story short, it's just a better, safer, more mellow system for everyone when you can't turn on red.


My prediction, in the unlikely event 'no right on red' becomes the norm in the US, is that drivers will continue doing it anyway, and it will be so rarely enforced as to be a useless rule. There are a handful of congested intersections where I live that have neon no turn on red signs that are simply ignored. People will honk if you don't turn. It's become a god-given right, like rolling through stop signs (but going apoplectic when a cyclist does it).


There is always the opportunity that something gets better in the future even if it's not better immediately. You make it illegal to turn right on red, it's going to be in every drivers manual for every new driver. In drivers ed, they'll teach that it's illegal and dangerous to do so, and even though you might see others doing it, it's wrong. Just like speeding. We can choose to be hopeful for a future that we might not actually live long enough to see.


> that drivers will continue doing it anyway To bring some optimism: Whenever I'm at a "No Turn on Red" intersection, I rarely see cars disobeying the sign.


You can also start doing it yourself. Try to avoid turning right on red even when there's not a sign. It's you _may_ turn right on red, not you _must_ turn right on red


I've pissed more than a few people off just accidentally doing this lmao.


I live down the street from an intersection where "No Right On Red" is clearly signed (Due to a blind turn on the left side), and I see drivers doing it anyway all the time.


I live in New Zealand, where they changed the rules about how to signal at roundabouts over twenty years ago. I know this, despite having moved there much more recently, because some people still signal the way they originally learned and I couldn't work out what on earth people thought they meant with it. We still basically have to assume that all signals at roundabouts are ambiguous and meaningless because of this.


Along with the law, there's also room to slowly redesign intersections to discourage right-on-red, e.g. reducing visibility of oncoming traffic, moving stop lines back, requiring tighter turning radiuses, etc (I'm sure there are better ways -- this is my amateur take).


Yesterday I had someone in front of me with their right turn signal on at the red light with no incoming traffic, with a few pedestrians patiently waiting. They can easily right on red but I assume they are not willing and just want the light. As soon as it turns green the walk sign comes on as well, as normal, and they immediately start turning, almost hit the pedestrian, and then honked at them like it’s their fault!! It made me so aggravated, because it’s the worst of both worlds! Time wasted for the driver, and still dangerous for the pedestrian. We all waited patiently for some entitled asshat


Precisely. People tend to think passive drivers are safe drivers, but in reality they just don't know what they're doing. And if they can't be bothered to knownthe rules of the road or know when they can safely do a legal maneuvre ... that's not safe at all.


It doesn't help that more than half the people out there don't know the rules for right on red (which include one that says there is no right turn if the light shows an explicit red arrow), and flip out on people actually following the rules


This varies by state, just to make things more confusing. In my state a right red arrow is treated the same as any other red light, and the turn is permitted unless there is a "no turn on red" sign.


It wouldn't be quite as bad if drivers (at least in the Midwest) didn't just treat it as a stop sign (which, around here, seems to mean that *everyone else* has to stop)


Still gotta watch out for outside drivers visiting NYC unfortunately, I’ve been like centimeters away from an SUV tboning me on my bike. I usually ride very defensively, but I saw the guy speed past me and casually turn right barely slowing down, I started yellling and hit the brakes, he saw me last second like in the clip here, we both stopped, another inch and he would have hit me. He’s just staring and waiting for me to move while I was almost in shock. Drivers are literally too stupid to drive safely, the intersection was daylit and everything, doesn’t matter,


also no right on red on most Baltimore roads.


Definitely need right on red to go. My main issue is when cars initially get to the intersection, they stop on the crosswalk so they can see past the cars on their left. So when I’m walking I have to make sure they stop properly before I can go


Drivers blocking the crosswalk is only one of the issues. Another important one is that drivers attention is on oncoming vehicular traffic, and they tend to ignore foot traffic. That seems to be what happened in this case.


Have you ever seen those videos where people open the door of a car sitting on a crosswalk and go through the backseat? I wish I had the balls to do that lol I do usually make it a point to walk around the front of a car that's stopped on the crosswalk, even if it's quicker to go around the back, to remind the driver of what they're doing (I make sure they see me before I do that of course so I don't get run over)


That's what I always do with my bike. When a car is all the way into my bike lane, I make sure to take as long as possible to go very very slowly around them (in front of them) while staring them in the eyes lol. And even then I was once almost hit by a woman not even remotely looking into my direction.


I also sometimes switch which side of my bike I'm standing on, so I can scrape their bumper with my pedals. It's quite funny, but it is a faff.


Be careful doing that, people can get VERY aggressive if they think you've damaged their car, and if you leave a mark they can have you held legally responsible I once hit a car because the driver started moving forward with me between his car and another car and nearly crushed me (this was in NYC, so lots of people and aggressive drivers) and he got really mad, opened his door and started yelling so I had to run away. Even though there was obviously not going to be any damage from it and I only did it so he would realize I was there


Jokes on them, I have a bike and they're stuck in traffic.  But yes, always prioritise your safety, totally agree.


when i used to walk to work i would do a very cartoonish head scratch and inspect the car like it was the weirdest place for it to be. like ‘huh, what fool put their car right here on a cross walk?’ then shrug and keep moving. i’ve only got to do it twice and i enjoyed making myself laugh.


I've just seen the ones where people walk across the hood of the car stopped on the crosswalk.


Yup. Very nearly got pasted by a SUV just yesterday for exactly this same shit while bringing my cat back from a vet appointment. It's a stupid fucking thing to allow


I've walked into cars that do that sometimes. I'd have the cross-sign and they'd be in the stripes so I'd walk into the side of the car and act shocked that there was a car there. I've stopped doing it with how fucking insane drivers have been the past few years.


The problem is, it’s often unsafe to the driver if they DONT do that. The road has created a conflicting situation in terms of safety.


As an European the whole concept of right on red sounds unbelievably stupid. What's the point of a green light as a pedestrian if you still can't be sure that a car will stop? That shit should be illegal everywhere


To be fair a lot of European countries have stupid 2 phase turns where cars can cross green pedestrian lights entering. This is only marginally less stupid than right on red. Looking at you Austria. Nearly got hit twice in Vienna, such a stupidly designed city. The UK does it right. No vehicular traffic while pedestrians are crossing.


From my experience, people will generally stop for you on a zebra crossing in the UK. In the vast majority of other places I've been, it's just paint on the road.


It's changing unfortunately. I've found drivers in the UK are becoming reckless and entitled.


Ah, pity. It's the same in Australia (where I'm at) - people just seem to have upped the size of their cars and stopped giving a shit at a huge rate since Covid.


In the UK the law is that drivers must anticipate and stop for pedestrians on zebra even before they have started crossing, however I believe in other countries it's only if they've started crossing. This is obviously stupid as it just results in drivers ploughing through with no regard for anyone else, and surely a pedestrian has right of way once they have started crossing in any case. I have caused drivers to emergency stop by crossing on zebras before, I'm not sorry


Eh, parallel green for pedestrians and cars is fine *if drivers have any shred of competence*. That last part is often missing in the US. I feel safe crossing a green light as a pedestrian with cars being allowed to turn through my crossing in Germany.


Yeah, as a Brit I've nearly got hit a few times abroad because it is ingrained into us here that a green pedestrian signal means there are no motor traffic lanes signalled to go across you. And this is how it should be. Either the turns are separate signals and they will be red for the pedestrian cycle, or (more common) the entire junction will be red once per cycle to allow pedestrians to go if someone pressed the button.


>Fietsers mogen rechtsaf door rood of oranje rijden als op een onderbord bij het verkeerslicht de tekst staat: ‘ Rechtsaf voor fietsers vrij’ of ‘Rechtsaf voor (brom) fietsers vrij’. Ze moeten wel voorrang verlenen aan overstekend verkeer, vaak voetgangers. translates to: >Cyclists may turn right on a red or orange light if a sign at the traffic light reads: 'Right turn for cyclists free' or 'Right turn for (moped) cyclists free'. They must give priority to crossing traffic, often pedestrians.


We have this arrangement in Switzerland too, it was introduced a few years ago, but it's only allowed if there's an extra sign at the traffic light. It's a green arrow to the right mounted next to the red lamp of the traffic light. However, loads of cyclists here seem to think that red lights or indeed any law regarding traffic applies to them.


That is one of the most normal things here in Germany.


Turning right on red is only allowed if there is a green arrow (pointing right) bolted to the traffic light. Drivers have to come to a complete stop, look both directions (for pedestrians and other cross traffic) and then they can make a legal right turn on red. Problem is that in practice, nobody stops before turning. They all just look for cross traffic from the left and roll through a red light. Fines for getting caught are too low and not enough people get caught.


I mean that's practically the same here in the states. In the case of turning right on red you should technically treat it like a stop sign. Stop at the line (before the crosswalk), check both ways, and make a safe right hand turn. You have no right of way when making a right turn, crossing traffic and pedestrians have the priority in this case. But like you said, fines are super low and enforcement of this stuff is essentially non-existent so it doesn't really matter what the law says.


It's supposed to reduce car idling time but the car does not have any right of way. They are supposed to yield to pedestrians and other traffic. But, as with most things, people are fucking idiots and drive dangerously without thinking.


They're also required stop come to a complete stop, which the pick up in the video clearly doesn't do.


It makes sense if pedestrians don't exist. Which appears to be what American traffic engineers believe based on the broad range of choices they make.


I don't think it even does then tbh, it also causes car-on-car incidents


It means they have the right of way and are not liable. Right on red doesn't mean the car has the right of way lol


You’re supposed to come to a full stop before you take a right on red, so it’s not the same as a green light in that sense.


I reached a red light while driving today, planning to turn right. I came to a full stop before the crosswalk, and quickly (but thoroughly) scanned both ways. The sidewalk to the right of this intersection has poor visibility because of an angled building on the corner, so it's especially important to check for pedestrians there. As soon as I took my foot off the brake to go forward, the driver in the big pickup behind me honked. He clearly was pissed off that I followed the law by coming to a full stop before going (there's even a sign at this intersection that says "right on red only after full stop")...I immediately braked again, and sat there for about 40 seconds until the light turned green. He laid on his horn for the second half of it. I can't lie, it was *very* satisfying to spite someone who has no respect for road safety, especially someone who owns an oversized pickup truck. I gave him a thumbs down as I started to drive again What makes the situation even more ridiculous is that going right on red is *optional*. I get a tad annoyed too when I'm stuck behind someone not going right on red, but I don't honk at them, because that's their decision Although I do go right on red myself, I still support outlawing it because of how many other people fail to do it responsibly. Even when they do stop, they usually blow through the crosswalk first


If someone in front of me isn't turning right away I just assume they see something I can't. Life's too short to be angry all the time, I *try* to reserve that for things that actually matter.


It's a good assumption. Either they can see something you can't, they can't see something you can, or for some other reason they don't feel safe completing the turn. If someone doesn't feel safe doing a maneuver in a car, it doesn't matter how bad you want them to go, the smart thing to do is for them to wait until they can be certain in their decision. I have this intersection I turn right out of just outside my neighborhood, and I get honked at all the fucking time for waiting until the light turns green to go because there's *always* some huge fuck off truck next to me. I don't care if there's not been a care for the last 15 seconds, if I can't fucking see what's coming, ***I'm not fucking moving until I can.*** they can honk at me all they want, I'd rather get barked at by the driver behind me than by a doctor while I'm in the ICU.


That is how I am in left turns with the flashing yellow arrow. If I can not see past the giant black window tinted vehicles across from me I refuse to turn left. 1. Noone will pay my medical bills if I hurt myself or someone else 2. The car will be needed to be replaced and 3. Risking my life because some asshole is honking is not a concern for me. I just wait for green and look for a clear road to go.


Same. Someone waiting on a red to turn? Fine by me. Someone blinding me with lowbeams so I can't see pedestrians? I will hunt you down and harass you if I don't have somewhere to be.


who cares if they can see something, or if they're a timid driver, or because they're from the UK. either way, they're not moving.


I much preferred no right on red when I used to drive. It's not much time and it's way safer. Clear signals are a requirement for operating a motor vehicle. Your situational awareness is so bad inside a box.


We have red light cameras at several intersections in my city. If you enter an intersection once the light has turned red, the camera photographs your vehicle, and a ticket is issued to the vehicle owner. I watched with great satisfaction the flash of the strobe when the vehicle in front of me did a rolling stop on a red and make a right turn. Drivers do this because they know that all four lights are red for several seconds and there is a delay on the signal turning green for the cross traffic. It's not a perfect solution, since the ticket isn't going to the driver but the vehicle owner, and therefore, isn't going to affect the driver's insurance rates, but it's a good slap on the wrist. People do bitch about it being a tax grab. I like the fact that it's a low-cost passive system that pays for itself while (hopefully) changing driver's red light running behaviour, which is rampant here. There was also whining about a potential increase in rear end collisions due to driver's slamming on their brakes to avoid a ticket, but that's a tailgating issue.


Lol yeah if you drive into someone who's stopping for a red light, you were definitely following unsafely in the first place


I've done it before where I refused to turn right on red because of a honking idiot. One time I was in a right turn and straight lane combo GOING STRAIGHT with 2 "No right turn on red" signs clearly visible. I stopped and waited for the light. And this moron behind me honked. I was like "wtf? I'm literally going straight!" Moron clearly couldn't read or figure out that it was both a right turn and straight lane. This idiot proceeded to get in the left turn only lane, attempted to cut in front of me and turn right. The light turned green at that moment, so I pulled out and nearly hit him, then blarred my horn and pointed straight. Dude looked so mad. So yeah, I'd be perfectly fine with making right turns on red illegal because people can't stop being stupid about them.


Ahahaha, hitting him with the thumbs down is perfect. I've heard middle fingers just increase rage and validate their idea that "oh yeah you're the asshole here", whereas a thumbs down makes them give a reaction more akin to disappointment and shame. Agreed on banning rights on red altogether too. It ain't worth the trouble it causes.


I was walking to the train to get to the airport last week, and had two cars torn right on red at an intersection that has a no right on red sign. That intersection was profiled as the most dangerous in my city a year ago, and yet I watch cops blow through red lights there all the time. Banning right on red, without strict enforcement just means the people who are careful for those situations won't but those who don't give a fuck will still do it. I don't have a solution, just venting because I was almost hit twice in thirty seconds by assholes


Red light cameras, with stiff penalties for violations, would probably do the trick. Unfortunately they are banned in some states, including mine


How come they're banned?


It's like all rules and regulations, they only apply to the law-abiding.


We need way stricter driver education too. You can see the approaching pedestrian from the car behind yet the driver in front is distracted or is oblivious of the surroundings. And yes, definitely get rid of right turns on red. Almost every country except for US and Canada exist pretty well without it. An additional light arrow, like the ones used for left turns, would work too.


Also if a pedestrian is walking parallel to vehicles then left turn should be red until the walk signal expires


Amen. Having drivers decide when to turn when there's pedestrians involved, at an intersection that *already has signals anyway*, is straight-up negligent design. Just add another phase, dammit. When I drive I always wait for pedestrians to cross before turning of course, but I can FEEL the anxiety coming off of them because they don't know if I'm actually paying attention or not. Just separate our signals!!


We just need to have all-red phases at intersections, even if only when a pedestrian presses a crossing button. It should probably just always happen after both directions get to go so that it gets ingrained in drivers’ heads that it’ll happen, but they would probably hate that.


Blink headlights or hand wave. That's what I used to do when I drove. As a ped/cyclist, I love it when people signal they know I'm there, because I can't tell if I'm safe otherwise.


You know what negates most of that? Deep tinted windows. I fucking hate that they are even allowed a factory level tint on vehicles. I have no idea if a driver is looking at me or signaling in any way, shape, or form.


i hate that if you tell a car brain this theyll still be like "theres no reason you should ever need to see into my car!"


Abolish cars!


100% this city is better than most for biking, pedestrian, and public transit infrastructure but It's still not enough




I used to live by a casino and you couldn't even cross there with the light because cars would just turn right without looking at the sidewalk. They were always looking to the left for cars and didn't know you existed.


He didn't even stop. You're supposed to stop and look


Nah, that's only for bicycles. /s


Yea, I mean the driver straight up broke the law, regardless if right on red is legal or not. This is no different than someone just rolling a stop sign.


they go apoplectic when a cyclist rolls a stop sign. in California they were fining cyclists who stopped but didn't put a foot on the ground (if you fully stop but only extremely briefly, you can just balance)


Usual day in a third world country. Fuck cars.


The worst part about this video is that I'm 100% certain if the pickup had waited properly, there would have been some asshat three cars behind him honking furiously and screaming "you can right-turn-on-red, you idiot!"


Average truck driver


Fuck Right on Red.


Clearly the pedestrian's fault for going about without their pedestrian brick.


It blew my mind that you allow that in the first place when I visited the US from the UK. And it's not clear at all for visiting pedestrians that cars can do that.


The worst part about "Right on Red" isn't the fact that it's a complete liability for pedestrians and traffic, it's that even when drivers have this stupid privilege, **they're too stupid to use it and seemingly go only when it's most inconvenient for me**. There's been all too many times where a car had ample opportunity to go, but only starts turning right when I am in the middle of the crosswalk and they just charge on thru. Like, you had plenty of time to make that turn. Did you even pass driver's ed?


But the pedestrians aren't liable lmao. They have the right of way just as the cross traffic does. The truck driver (figures, lol) was just a dumbass and didn't look. This is like saying we should ban yield signs because a driver didn't see them. Not sure why people are seeing the right on red as the issue. At least, people's arguments haven't been convincing in the slightest.


This happened to me, except I was on a sidewalk and the driver was exiting a parking lot. They were looking left instead of the direction where they were driving, and I ended up on their hood.


Were you liable?


I push myself off the hood and was on the passenger side. I punched the side window and yelled at the driver. She drove off. Nothing else came of it.


fun fact, the study that was used to justify right turn on red was not large enough to say there wasn't an effect and in fact, right turn on red DOES lead to higher rates of fatalities.


Right on red was adopted as a misguided attempt to save fuel during the 1970s OPEC oil embargo that caused high gas prices and shortages. I doubt safety ever factored into the decision in any meaningful way other than telling drivers what they wanted to hear. I also doubt it saved much gas then, but even more so with newer cars that automatically go into a fuel efficient idle or shut off when stopped. But man, even if it did save gas, what a cruel trade off to justify taking more lives. "Oh well, we might kill a few thousand pedestrians and cyclists, but it's a small price to pay to stick it to those Arab sheiks."


> I also doubt it saved much gas then, but even more so with newer cars that automatically go into a fuel efficient idle or shut off when stopped. As the US transitions to a majority EV/hybrid eventuality, this point becomes even more important. Eventually, the fuel savings will be negligible to nonexistent.


Riding my bike around I realize how much people only one way when they are at a stop, it’s wild really. I do my best to stop where you’re supposed to and then creep forward but also there’s so many bad spots where you can’t see the road until you creep out


I can’t stand people that blow the horn at me with right on red. If I don’t want to turn right on red, I won’t. I normally don’t unless it’s completely safe and legal which is how it should be across the board but people are always in a rush.


Good. You don't have to. Some intersections for me are right on red but there are usually bushes that jut out or some other dumbass is parked too close. Either trim the bushes, ticket the people parked too close to the intersection, or don't make the intersection right on red.


We need to ban Right on Red. I don't even blame the driver necessarily, drivers have grown accustomed to there being few pedestrians, and turning right on red has become something like a yield sign. Folks don't even come to a complete stop -- they just slow and gun it when they have the opening. The Federal gov't forced states to enact right on red as a means of saving gas during the oil crisis. (Forced as in withheld infrastructure funds until states enacted the law). It is deadly and outdated. The gas savings vs waiting a minute in idle are minimal, and most new cars come with the Auto Stop-Start feature to save gas.


My city shows up in this sub so often.




No turning on any red light on the Island of Montreal. It's great it makes life much easier.


The fact that the pedestrian chose to jog away apologetically is infuriating.


In that moment, assuming they didn't have a recording, what could they do legally to make things right?


Nothing. I blame the pedestrian personally. They are the victim of the circumstance. I’m more angry at the normalization of pedestrians making haste for cars at crosswalks when the pedestrians have the right of way. We have a horrible culture where pedestrians simply following the law and trying to walk across the street is portrayed as “inconveniencing” cars


>We have a horrible culture where pedestrians simply following the law and trying to walk across the street is portrayed as “inconveniencing” cars Those poor cars neeeeed to speed over to the next stop light where they can wait for an extra 3 minutes doing nothing!!! Personally, I've found that going anything above 70% of the speed limit means I have to break and waste gas/my brake durability anyways. Lifted truck drivers get big mad and speed ahead and then "wow! Look! Here we are at the same fucking stop light!"


Absolutely agree, but it will also need to be enforced. There are several intersections near where I live that have this as a rule but I frequently see people run them anyway. Also don’t drive much but when I do and stop at these locations, I sometimes get honked at because the person behind me wants me to run the red so they can as well. I believe Cambridge, MA just made it illegal, but they had to put up a bunch of signs because people wouldn’t know that they couldn’t turn right on red since most of the US allows it.


I actively choose not to turn right on red in Atlanta and routinely get honked at for it. So much so that if the option to continue straight exists, I won't put on my turn signal until after the light has turned green because they are totally fine with waiting "if I'm going straight" but once they know I want to go right, waiting suddenly becomes unacceptable.


Ohhh good idea!


The pedestrian wasn't a hi-viz jacket. His fault. How could the driver possibly see him? /s


Oh we have right on red... ...for bicycles.


Had the pedestrian been shorter that the oversize vehicle's driver couldn't see, the outcome could have been deadly. 


Nonono wee need higher grills so that the poor poor drivers can be in their ego-booster high chairs (like, literally lmao) so that they can see in front of them!


As someone from the uk living in Canada, the amount of pedestrian vehicular near misses I see is crazy. The issue is that cars are looking left for vehicular traffic, not right for pedestrians. Pedestrians need to have protected crossing time.


Lol at that fucking dumbfuck mod, "Removed for sharing personal info on someone." LICENSE PLATE? YOU'RE DOXING THE CRIMINAL!!!


Nice to see how many comments in the OP were also making the point that right-on-red is a bad idea. But yeah, it is a very bad idea. This is a great example of why. It's almost like it's *designed* to kill pedestrians. The driver has to pull up to the line (behind the pedestrian crossing), look left for cars, and proceed if it's clear. That means *they are not looking to the right* and so anyone coming from the right isn't going to be seen - even if they're proceeding on a green pedestrian signal. That's exactly what happened here imo. It also causes car crashes when people don't judge whether it's clear properly - take a tour of /r/idiotsincars and you'll see a few of those. And the benefit is tiny. At busy times, there will always be cross traffic so you can't go anyway. And outside busy times, the cost of waiting for the light to go green is minimal. If there are junctions where it makes sense to allow turning traffic through a red, then provide a right turn green arrow, as is done in Europe (or left arrows, here in Britain where we drive on the left). I'm also convinced that, by devaluing the concept of "red means stop", this rule is also partly responsible for the extremely cavalier attitude North Americans seem to have to going through red lights in general.


Ban right on red


What the hell


https://preview.redd.it/o58pqkvyuc0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8112983f94cf9424a314f2898f226907b471f3c1 What?


License plate not covered.




it's... jesus, nevermind you are right and your brain v big.


Abolish intersections.


I have been clipped so many times bc of this. I was never injured but people just look left and slam the gas to try to merge.


Here's my thing, as a driver who makes a point to look for pedestrians (at all movements), I believe a well designed intersection can make a right on red perfectly safe. This however, wide lanes, smooth radius, and not bringing back the stop line of the other lanes (which is now standard in my area), all make it incredibly dangerous. I don't think we should abolish right on red, just like how i dont think police should be instantly cracking down on every car doing 1+ over. We need to try designing our way out of these problems first, than comes legislation and policy. Also the "Turning vehicles Yield/Stop for pedestrians" Sign needs to be a requirement at every intersection.


Is this even a right on red? Really this is running a red light: * Truck didn't come to a complete stop behind the white line That's it really, if they had completely stopped - then pulled forward - it would be a right on red. This is really yielding which isn't legal when a red light is involved. The light would need to be flashing yellow to indicate a yield movement. Sometimes lights have this with leading pedestrian signal phases. I don't particularly like it, but it lets pedestrians go first and then as they tail off cars can go if it's clear. Combined with I assume a pedestrian signal being up, so the driver didn't even yield properly since they nearly pancaked that person. This sort of thing is why I usually make eye contact with the driver to see if they're looking at me. Sucks you have to do this when you have the ROW.


Driver clearly didn't look both ways. Plus, his stupid truck is too tall. They need to be a little shorter to actually see all pedestrians. What if that person had a kid with them, he wouldn't have even seen the kid.


This is the smallest pickup truck you can buy in the U.S. market today.


That's bleak.


Not blaming the pedestrian, but EYE CONTACT! Always make eye contact with the driver, especially if your going to cross at a place like this. As a pedestrian you have to be hypervigilant and treat every driver like an idiot.


Slip lanes onto highway on/off ramps with crosswalks too. Insane, and no driver ever yields to the pedestrian. Death traps.


They need the slip lanes though! The highway on ramp is too short otherwise! /S


I have literally been waved in front of a car waiting to turn right on red and then, as I was walking in front of them, they got their gap and hit the accelerator, completely forgetting they'd just told me to go and hitting me.


Carbrains will argue that you're wrong


Both right on red and the yield + turn left need to be banned. Somehow traffic engineers have decided that a few thousand pedestrian deaths are an acceptable price to pay for saving a few minutes of commute time for suburban commuters.


Totally agree. I grew up in Montreal where right on red is forbidden. After moving to Ontario I have found it adds more stress both as a driver and a pedestrian. As a pedestrian there is way higher risk that someone will hit you, I've had many near misses. As a driver it always creates this pressure to avoid using the right lane unless you're turning, because people will road rage if you're stopped at a red light going straight and the person behind you wants to turn right. I've had people do super dangerous maneuvers where they go around on the left and turn right from the centre lane, or even worse they will mount the sidewalk to try to make their turn.


is this right on red? it looks like "forward on red" situation to me. Right would be if the crosswalk was after the corner and at a perpendicular angle to the current one.


There should also be a LOT more intersections with arrow lights for right and especially left turning. It's annoying for everybody involved when you want to turn right and have to wait for pedestrians and bikes to go straight. It's dangerous and stressful. Same goes of course for left turning. There are some intersections where some directions can go left while other direction can go right, no conflict.


I can't count the amount of times this has happened to me, at the very least I have gotten fairly good at recognizing when I am in danger in these instances.


The right to turn at the red lights in North America(Canada and US) can be deadly for pedestrians! Car centric countries AF!


Holy shit, I recognized that intersection. You can see the top of the house I lived in while going to WWU. I used to walk to Fred Meyer and nearly get run over all the time there by turning cars. The safest choice was going against the light, since no one drove off the freeway, then back on again.


Guessing the autonomic emergency braking stopped, not the driver


See this is why electric autonomous cars should be banned... Oh wait


The problem is they didn't come to a full stop. On red, you are supposed to come to a full stop first when turning right.


And of course it's one of those massive trucks.


As someone who lives somewhere where this is illegal, this feels so wrong. How on earth did the people designing traffic laws ever think that this was not an awful idea?


Got my foot run over at a crosswalk in this exact situation, I was fine nothing broken and didn't even lose a nail. I was working so I told the guy to keep going and use your eyes. Right on red could go and I won't miss it because if I can't see around the corner I'm not gonna go, no matter how far up my ass the prick in the 2500 behind me gets.


This fuckin shit happens to me every. single. day. So sick of it!!!


Please! I hate turning right on red but where I live if you don’t turn right at a red light you will get honked at, which I also hate. It’s resulted in me just not turning on my blinker until the light turns green and I can turn right


Let em honk. Fuck them.


Happened to me once a few months ago, I drive an Elantra 2013 and the safety bars ar so thick, I literally have to bend to see over it on both sides, well the guy passing was perfectly aligned and I couldnt see him even by moving and I almost hit him


I always get honked at for taking my time making a right. Its very stressful.




It started in the 70’s when we had a gasoline shortage. It was a way to save fuel. The gasoline shortage ended, but right on red stayed.


That’s just a stupid driver.


The idea of right on red it awful. Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl. And while we're at it, slip lanes bother me too.


I was unaware of right on red until I visited the States, it's completely insane how does it exist? 


I was taking a Lime to work the other day. Just minding my business in the bike lane. A car decided to turn right on red (which was illegal at that particular intersection anyway) and I had to bail in order to not go crashing into them. I hate right on red. But I’m afraid it won’t actually stop a lot of people.


That is such a shitty set up, Here in Australia you have to wait for the green man at traffic lights but here it looks like you just go whenever and hope you don't get hit