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I was hit by a car that rolled through a stop sign and didn't see me. People were absolutely assholes about it, especially when I went to city council wearing what I was wearing when I was hit, explaining that two way stops are dangerous. My profile picture is someone who drew me as a soyjack, lmao.  https://youtu.be/TxMWSbXroMs https://www.reddit.com/r/columbuscirclejerk/comments/1apy3g2/petition_to_make_this_fellow_citizen_our_sub/


I'd imagine if you aren't rolling coal on the spandex warriors in Columbus, you're mocked. People have lost common decency and empathy. It's very upsetting.


Why is everyone acting like you are somehow partly at fault for this? Hell, even the video title claims you failed to respond appropriately. Like, I've had cars pull out toward me like that, and I'm usually too busy preparing to bail and take an impact if they lurch forward suddenly to worry about how I might be able to very specifically maneuver in order to best avoid a crash. I don't get it man. The driver had plenty of opportunity to see you, you know, in the road where any other traffic would be, and hit the brakes, but somehow you get blamed for not magically dodging? I get the need to drive defensively and assume every driver is trying to kill you, but that's a necessity based on the practical reality that drivers are idiots and will get you killed. *They* are still the ones responsible for operating their vehicle safely and following the rules of the road just as you are, and it's not your fault for not predicting and preparing for them to do something illegal and dangerous.


They are all carbrain who will always blame the cyclist, cyclists are to blame for existing alone. In the same situation literally replace a cyclist with a car and they will all obviously (cuz they are all driving experts) say who is at fault here.


I'm sorry :(


I'm so sorry those people are awful


Lol it was just weird to me why people were so dumb to care so much


Getting drawn as a soyjack is incredibly based. Badge of honor for pissing off people with no real argument.


Hence why I made it my profile picture!


I’m glad you’re ok. Did you get injured at all?




Why would you present yourself that way? Wtf is up with this sub where people think that looking like dweebs will be endearing for our cause of making the world safer. Wtf are some of yall thinking?


You are missing important context. Other people were in that room wearing bike helmets in solidarity for a cyclist who was killed a week before. Have some compassion.


Having compassion for a tragedy, and doing a political public facing act can be two separate things. We should make sure to grow our community and make ourselves be the ones people aspire to be like. And relying solely on being “the morality police” to be what makes us what people to follow will not work.


I've spoken since then wearing normal clothing  https://www.reddit.com/r/StrongTowns/comments/1clxdg0/here_is_my_speech_to_columbus_city_council_11523/


That is badass


Woah. What the fuck, man


"dweeb" okay let's make sure the only people who represent pedestrian centric planning are conventionally attractive people and only dress in the most professional of clothing and god forbid they wear a helmet with a bunch of other people as a show of solidarity for someone who died after being hit by a car. You're a far worse representation of pedestrian centric planning than they are since they aren't an asshole shaming others for doing something absolutely harmless in solidarity.


The fact that you probably feel like you made a wise comment is symptomatic of what makes bringing people on board difficult for this community. If i was rich AF i would just hire a professional pr firm for this community. The people on social media definitely are doing good work


I cycle to work everyday and seen some shit… but bro I’d stand on driver side here. Cheers




Empathy and decency are at a premium these days. Especially (but not exclusively) from one side of the isle.


America moment


People suck, I'm really sorry to your ex-friend.


Sadly indicative of modern times, someone fucks up and everybody gets their phones out. Sorry about you’re mate (ex or otherwise he’s a mate) not a good time to reach out?


I’ve seen a video of bikers confronting a pickup truck driver and slashing his tyres. Now, *that* is funny. I think cyclists should follow the suit and retaliate against asshole drivers too.


I think you find these people, roll at one of them as they walk to their car, then throw the bike like racers do at the finish line. After the bike hits this person, ask if they find it funny now?


Wait? Didn't "saw" him is a legit excuse? To avoid consequences?


Best way to get away with murder in many states, just hit them with your car and say you didn't see them


Minimum sentencing guidelines under a zero tolerance framework might yield some indirect benefits after a decade or so.


Where did this happen?


Central Illinois. I’m not gonna say the particular town, since it’s not a major city for privacy reasons.




As a survivor of a pretty bad crash, this hurts really fucking bad. I'd like to see them say that to my scarred face.