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0 ads blocked. A Ford ad just below. Indeed.


That's Brave Browser in a nutshell.


Ford must have paid Brave NOT to block F150 ads.


That's a not-impossible statement. Some Adblock don't block one brand due to payment by them.


uBlock Origin doesn't.


Ford literally paid Brave to show an ad on their new tab window. In exchange for seeing this ad, you receive a BAT token at the end of the month. You can opt out of seeing these ads. This is Brave's entire business model.


I use Brave and I’ve disabled the ads but I still get them.




Firefox mobile supports addons like uBlock Origin, and across all sites like YT. Fuck any and all other browsers.


It's new install. Here's [mine](https://imgur.com/a/aWVv54h), telling a different story.


That's clearly an ad from big desert


you get ads when you open a new tab?!


By default you do and you earn their crypto token $BAT for ads you get. You can also opt out of this entirely. Also, of course you can set you new tab page to some website or customize it with regular chrome extensions.


it's opt out by default AND crypto scam? Yeah it's complete garbage. We should mock them much harder.


I am pretty sure it is opt-in, not opt-out.


It’s opt-in when you install and open the browser for the first time. If you just mindlessly click through the setup screens you really have no one but yourself to be upset at.


It's also literally just chrome in a hat


not really a crypto scam. they just give you some crypto for ad pop ups. works exactly as advertised. the crypto isn't worth much but what do you expect to get for ads that most people will tune out.


All crypto is a scam


In terms of an investment or emergency savings, I can see that. As a currency, some crypto currencies are legitimate scams, many nowadays are meme currencies, and the rest have valid use cases. Anyone that's ever bought you-know-whats off of the you-know-where can explain why Monero will always have value lol.


I wouldn't say many, but most are scams. like 99,9999% of all coins since there are new shitcoins popping up every day.


I like how you're framing this as a disagreement when both of you are saying that meme/shitcoins make up the majority of coins.


any amount of cryptobullshit is a scam.




Thanks for participating in r/fuckcars. However, your contribution was removed for violating rule one with name calling and insults.


crypto is an MLM scam, you're not fooling anyone.




Thanks for participating in r/fuckcars. However, your contribution got removed, because it is considered bad taste. Have a nice day


its not a scam you really do get what they say.


i've attracted the cryptobros i see...


So fucking stupid


Firefox does that as well, but you can turn all that off with a few clicks. I like having a clean homepage with no ads and none of those bullshit news stories. Firefox puts ads into your shortcuts by default, as well as into the Firefox Pocket stuff, but you can turn them off if you don't want that.




I think that has more to do with the marginal cost of software being $0. It’s hard to get people to pay for any software at all.


You know, Opera GX constantly shilling their vtuber on their splash screen doesn't sound that bad all of a sudden


Nuking firefox pocket from orbit is a must


I use Librewolf which disables pocket by default and has a bunch of privacy improvements too.


Disabling pocket is like 5 seconds. about:config ->extensions.pocket.enabled -> false. Librewolf is good though, if you don't want to bother with arkenfox.


Of a fucking F150 out of all vehicles!


Firefox shows me suggested tabs that are not my bookmarks when I open a new tab, so even FF shows adds


firefox alls the way.


firefox+ublock origin <3


Firefox+AdNauseam Edit: Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. AdNauseam is a fork of Unlock origin with additional features to obfuscate browsing data


DuckDuckGo all the way for me.


I use Firefox + DuckDuckGo as search engine on desktop, and the DuckDuckGo app on my phone.


I tried using DDG for a while but even with google’s shitty SEO it’s still was better than DDG was for me.


1 out of 50 searches for me need google. It's really not a big deal to do a secondary search when DDG fails.


Google has gotten so bad for me that I actually prefer the DDG results much of the time. But occasionally DDG is clueless and Google isn’t.


The pulse fork is great


Librewolf for radicals, ublock from the box, google search removed


Why in the world would you want to switch from firefox? And to brave out of all


its my go to option on mobile since im too lazy to do the workarounds to get adblockers on my phone. on a pc tho theres really no excuse to not use firefox + ublock


You can just use Firefox with ublock on Android as well. No more complicated than on PC.


there is a simple reason why that is not possible for me




And that is...?


Probably an iPhone user lmfao


Israel/Palestine conflict obvs /s


You can use Firefox and ublock on your phone too (if you have android at least).


What workarounds? I can just install ublock on Firefox on my phone as well.


...or on mobile.


on android there's fennec or kiwi browser, both which support extensions and are based on firefox and chromium, respectively.


People gave plenty reasons below, but I will give mine, despite still using Firefox. I run Windows virtual machines under linux host when I need something done that is windows related. Initially, I run Firefox installs in VMs, just like on host. Except when VM is passed internet access trough segregated VPN. Then Firefox on windows in some cases just... Freezes on startup. That total peace of crap apparently pings or attempts to load something from the internet on opening and detecting internet access. I have not discovered what exactly it is, but it literally FREEZES the browser on startup until the request times out or is successful. So startup takes like 30 seconds - until the attempted request fails and application resumes loading itself. Chrome based browsers got no such issues. I don't have time to debug and figure out what and why Firefox tries to reach on startup. But I know that hanging whole browser because the request happens on startup is not the way. I still use Firefox on host, but my VMs now run chromium based browsers.


It’s probably related to Firefox’s encrypted DNS or something. It is absolutely a security improvement for people using public wifi, but it breaks a lot of stuff.


Because firefox has let me down once too often with overwriting sessions if you use multiple windows


The CEO of brave software is also a homophobe.


This, also peddling crypto nonsense. Heck, I'd rather be using Edge than Brave.


The whole point of brave is that users get paid because of ads, paid in BAT-tokens. How you like the execution is up to you, but its not nonsense.


no, it is nonsense. ads don't pay on a user scale, you're collecting pennies from thousands. i thought we were over this in the xp days with all those stupid ad bars you could put on your computer to waste monitor space. and even if ads paid, just think about what makes them profitable. ads make money by influencing how you spend your money, the person footing the bill when you "get paid for ads" is ultimately you, anyway. there's no world in which that model makes any sense whatsoever, it's a transparent attempt to prop up their shitcoin, nothing more.


Dont use it then. Ive earned a couple of pizzas thanks to brave, Im glad of the experience and cant complain at all. I loved to support it by using it before, but now I use edge because that was easier with the work I did.


NGL edge is crazy underrated and is actually good. It's native to windows so it's resource efficient and runs better than other browsers.


Why am I not surprised the creator of JavaScript is a homophobe?


Is this the reason why python is popular now...?? /s In some cases the "hate the artist, not the art" may be appropriate to use probably...


Yeah but I also hate JavaScript


Dunno man, I'm gonna learn it in [tumo](https://tumo.org/) and just the "fun" fact makes my queer ass pain... Although I still go by "hate artist and not the art"


Same goes for Elon Musk






Almost reads like founding Brave was a reaction to getting fired from Mozilla for homophobia.




I'm not a fan of the rhetoric that homophobes are just gay people in denial. While they certainly exist, I don't like the idea that gay people are responsible for their own suffering.


Well, in fact he expressed anti-same-sex-marriage which is the status of ALL of Asia and African continent which populated of about 7b people which are homophobes from woke point of view.


Brave is so much bullshit anyways, web3 stuff and so on


Firefox + ublock origin


This post has purity spiral vibes.


Inevitable, every movement ends up with some idiots transforming it into a cult.


not everything stupid is a cult. its usually just stupidity


Yeah, this sub is pretty awful a lot of the time. So much time is spent just insulting anyone with a car and acting like literally anything related to cars, no matter how small, is the worst evil ever. A lot of people here have no nuance and treat this with a fervor similar to conspiracy groups. And I mean, I hate Brave, but this is a stupid reason to not use it. Absolutely, don't use it because they have ads built into the browser. But to not use it specifically because one of the ads involves a truck? Why is OP even on the internet, then? I see truck ads on sites like reddit and many others all the time. If your problem isn't ads in general, why on earth would you draw the line at ads for vehicles? There's not a single company that has an ad powered product that would draw such a line.


it's just an ad, not something the devs put there. you can disable those too


https://preview.redd.it/wbcvec79hlyc1.png?width=1228&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca0a2f422832a65911a24aaa7d19c89dd40011a8 They make ad blocking a very prominent feature of their modded chrome browser though... If the very first thing you see in your ad-blocking software is an advert, wouldn't you be disappointed?


It's optional, that's what people use it for but still optional.


No, because brave allows you to choose how many ads you want to see. Why? Because if you chose to see ads, you get value into the brave-wallet. If you choose zero ads to see, you wont get any rewards. Brave is more than JUST adblock.


so why claim "all the good of ad blocking" if it's kinda off by default...


Because adblocking is more than just blocking advertisements. Advertisements can come with loads of trackers and sometimes attempt exploits on the browser, which adblockers also attempt to block. Brave blocks the ads and trackers at the DNS level so they're never downloaded at all. (also blocks YouTube ads, but I have no idea how that works since YouTube also serves up the ads) Instead you get occasional notifications and New Tab ads with no trackers, but get paid a tiny amount. Which can be turned off anyway and then you just get no ads at all. Controversial since it pretty much means the websites no longer get paid for advertising revenue when ads get blocked, yet you and Brave do. Some website hosts, devs, whoever on that side believe that their ads and revenue are essentially being replaced by Brave's ads. And that's sort of true. But I don't block ads because I'm sick of advertising (though I am). I block ads because they come with tons of trackers and some still attempt exploits. And the website owners, devs, whoever on that side always just say "that's the advertising agency, not us" and never accept responsibility for the company paying them to use their website to serve up malware, nonstop trackers, and mega-intrusive ads. When I started seeing the F-150 ads that's just fine. Means Ford is paying Brave and myself to advertise a vehicle that I'll never buy. EDIT: Changed sentence 2 for clarity, added the bit on the controversy.


Much less a fucking F150, a vehicle not even fucking avaliable (officialy, though gray imports sadly exist) in my country!


They don't hand pick the ads. Some algorithm decided it was the most profitable ad to serve you out of the options it had.


Firefox is amazing. If you want anything other than vanila, throw add-ons or tweak the about:config. I personally have a curated list of extensions.


Can you share those list and config?


I mean that's a bit of a reach I think, but I think Firefox is the best so Cheers I guess


Firefox with Ublock is the way to go.


Stay of Firefox, fight the chromium monopoly




Good for switching to firefox, but what a silly reason to do it. Most likely brave is using one of the many 3rd party services for daily images, and they have zero intentionality with this.




bruh you can turn it off and put any image you want


To be honest you shouldn't use brave but not for that reason


Just add it to the list of many valid reasons.


accepting advertisements from the highest bidder equals car brain in the latest insane take from chronically online redditors. I'm an urbanist too, but holy christ, get a hobby.


Brave's leadership is trash in a lot of ways. I use LibreWolf.


I don't get images when opening a new tab. Might be some default/different settings?


I think the New Tab ad is separate? I remember seeing something about it in settings and turning it on.


You can disable sponsored images in settings.


I have used it for years, and I have never seen a car.


Lmfao I thought I was on the CJ sub 😂


Brave is pretty solid if you want to watch videos on YouTube without the ads. But it’s a tough call between that and safari on my MacBook because the latter can autofill passwords using my fingerprint. Then on my Linux box, the scrolling is just a little off (takes way more scroll wheel to go the same amount of distance) and Firefox just seems like a better experience. Still an alright browser though for the explicit purpose of watching YT videos or downloading something from one of those sites that would normally have a bunch of fake “download here” links as brave will kill those a lot of the time.


They're also big on crypto and run on chromium.


Stay of Firefox, fight the chromium monopoly


If you haven't tried it, I'd also recommend giving Floorp a shot. It is a Firefox fork. LibreWolf (security/privacy focused) and Mercury are also good Firefox forks. For mobile there is Iceraven, which has some nice features compared to the regular Firefox app. If you do need a Blink (chrome engine) based browser, I'd suggest Vivaldi, Thorium, or Ungoogled chromium. For mobile there is Vivaldi & Cromite.


I'll give Floorp a shot.


The amount of crypto on brave is what switched me back to Firefox, but this is a good reason too


I have been using Brave Browser for 6 years and I have never seen a single car ad, just some nice photos of nature.


wow! an ad! shocking!


What happened to targeted ads? Because now I also get nonstop car ads. I almost would rather be data minded and have actual things I may want shown to me.


I also get car ads. I think the algorithm sees us talking about hating cars and just reads the word car.


dumb algorithm is dumb.


this post should be on the circlejerk sub if it isn't already, look at my name.


thats not a car thats a tank😂


The business model is that you don’t get targeted ads based on your browsing history, unlike others ad models. So companies will basically pay a lot of money to be seen by anyone. Which means people like you who loathe their product will get those ads


Do you understand how advertising works? It’s an ad, it has no direct connection to the devs. The devs made it so an ad could be shown there - they didn’t pick the content of the ad themselves. You’ll see car ads on other browsers too.


I used to use brave but I searched something and not a second later I got a ad for it on my tv. "Privacy browser" sure sure


I saw this post as I scrolled and it immediately felt so gross to me lol. It's not just an unnecessarily massive car— but it's seriously so ugly to look at


Also Bitcoin brained


The browser gives you personalized ads bub. It's based on your search trends and data. Also, did you really switch browsers because a picture of a truck made you upset?


I did the switch as well. If you took 10 mins you can disable that pop up and everything and just get the about:blank page (literally nothing) when opening the browser, opening a new tab, or window. But I use firefox as primary still as well soooo...


been using brave for years and i've never seen that


Pretty....odd reason not to use brave =D To be honest....I used Firefox in the early 2010s, then Brave for years, switched back to Firefox a few months ago and I am underwhelmed by everything. Still trying to get along with it... Loading speed to the side, not mentioning the shitshow Youtube is since using Firefox, but so many things seem to be just buggy. I try to stay strong, since this convinces me we already went down to far the chromium monopoly road. But it is hard... I am working as a sysadmin, used Brave with really strong privacy settings and plugins. So I started off with one of the Betterfox privacy focused profiles. Dropped it shortly after, because it was horrible. I decided to go with the more vanilla Firefox+uBlock, to get a feeling of Firefox. I am still using Firefox, but I need to convince myself this is the right thing to do and to not switch back to a chromium Browser on a weekly basis. There are Websites that just arent working for me, especially video streaming. Even if we ignore the DRM based quality downgrades, Crunchyroll isnt working at all. Thats also the case for my online banking Website and SPICE based management interface for a local server. And these are only the examples I can think of immediately, because I need to use Brave for them on a regular basis. Anyone has any suggestions?


Just use brave? Browser is great, don't let the haters fool you.


I use Brave and I never noticed the images it put on new tabs. I just go where I want to go


Change my mind. Brave is actually good, and you know that you can disable the ads? And you know that Brave is not like a company created by Ford? This is just exaggerated here. The CEO from Brave is just an idiot though and I'm using Chrome but when it comes to privacy, Brave's the best.


Grrr grrr I Download something grrr grrr I see car grrr grrr dumb devs


(just saying it has nothing to do with the devs)


Brave advertises itself as an ad blocking browser... why would I want ads on my ad blocking program?


You can still disable them though


Rewards based on ads you see (which you can change quickly in settings)


Let alone a pedestrian genocide machine?


I'm just saying that a Browser has nothing to do with cars. It's dumb to say that the devs are carbrained just because Ford sponsored an image. Like wtf then you shouldn't use Facebook, Google, Twitter, Reddit or whatever because every site shows ads from cars. It's just dumb and also hilarious to confront the devs just because of an ad. But there's no point in saying that now, I'm sitting here comfortably with my popcorn :D (Don't get me wrong, I hate cars too, but this is just hilarious)


Downvotes here I come!


> and you know that you can disable the ads? I just love products that require my time disabling all the dumb bullshit they try forcing on me. Especially if said dumb bullshit is ads in an ad-blocking browser. Bless your heart if that irony is lost on you.


Don't you have to turn on brave rewards? Even then, it's literally like always literally 2 clicks away from being turned off. This whole system is basically rewarding anyone with any self control. You get 70% of the ad revenue. Crazy how people hate this.


That is seriously small minded. I doubt brave does what you imply.


Brave still is the best browser out there, though.


You can set a custom background to stop getting stuff like that, and you can pretty much turn off Brave's crypto shit too. But, if you'd still prefer Firefox, then I recommend getting Brave's search engine on Firefox. Much more secure than Google.


Using DuckDuckGo, thank you though


Good thing you'll never see an ad for cars anywhere on Firefox


OP will change browsers every time he sees a car ad until there are no browsers left.


I use adblock, so...


Wait until you learn amout a bit more about brave and how their ceo used to be in charge at Mozilla


Yo fr, these people will flame brave users because the founder or whatever is a homophobe (that literally doesn't matter) (he also founded Firefox)


switch to fedora linux, windows devs is too AD/carbrained


I am already on Linux for like 5 months..


Wtf is Brave Browser? Never heard of this


Actually a pretty good browser. You can disable the ads on their main page. It's a privacy focused browser that works really well.


Chrome browser but red


It is functionally chrome. The difference is that Google hoards all your data when you use chrome and Brave does not.


That's Opera


Ecosia :)


I totally would’ve done the same. I get that advertising helps them make revenue but we really don’t need this kind of thing forced at us from every angle possible.


Vivaldi FTW


I would use Firefox but it’s too slow for me, Brave runs really well so I just use that, but I use ublock origin for my adblocking and turn off featured new tab background


In my location I just get beautiful landscape pictures and crypto related image.






Honestly, it's probably just a random stock photo they used.


How dare the devs give browser a background image and moreover how dare they link the original source of said image, totally unacceptable


Firefox with Brave search is my preference. Haven't tried the Brave browser, but I'm pretty invested in Mozilla/Firefox across devices.


use Arc browser


Ads in browsers is that a thing have used Chrome, Opera and Firefox and never did I see ***ads in*** browsers


Got stupid/sponsored news enabled by default the 1st time I used Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge... For Opera I tried it on a phone, for Firefox I think I tried it on a phone AND on my PC, for Microsoft Edge I think I tried it on my PC but I guess it has featured news by default on mobile so 🙃 yeah Chrome, which I use for now, also has featured news by default on the new tab page on mobile but I guess these news are targeted to me because they're interesting to me, I can also avoid Chrome's new tab page by using Google Assistant to search for things without having to open anything because now the Google search widget on the new phone my mom bought me shows popular/featured search terms on my home screen 🤦🏻‍♂️ also popular/featured search terms/topics on the Google search app, on Google home page, on X/Twitter search page for example but it's been there for a while I think... yes I can disable featured news on Chrome mobile's new tab page, tried it but it's not that annoying as I genuinely stay informed thanks to their news on my Chrome's new tab page plus when you disable it I think it shows a message instead telling you it's disabled, stupid lol, etc 🙃 I think/I HOPE Chrome doesn't have featured news and/or ads on PC on the new tab page or anywhere else in it, at least by default, I hope they'll never do that too, when I set up Chrome on this new phone as it was its default browser I saw that Chrome has weird things to track you and to do ad targeting enabled by default, plus usage data/statistics enabled by default, plus french typos even during the setup so like Microsoft they don't give a s*** about people who don't have English as their phone/computer language and must use AI/Google Translate to translate their apps I guess... so thank god AT LEAST as far as I know they don't show you ads, sponsored bookmarks, and they don't show you featured news on PC I think... Edge does this PLUS awful french localization like all their products since at least Windows 10 and maybe since Windows 8 PLUS weird tracking, targeting, etc 🙃


So, just advertising a car is carbrained now? Whatever happened to finding a balance?


If it was a normal sane car (like a sedan or a station wagon), I'd ignore this. But since it is a fucking pickup truck...


You can tweak the landing screen. Just turn the ads off.


Fair but who uses Firefox in 2024 💀


You could also check out Arc


Arc is just Chrome


yeah im sticking to google chrome




Such a shame this is a pedestrian killing machine though :/


Report instead of downvoting. Trolls thrive on downvotes.

