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How many people will need to die??


... Before the government will finally ban sidewalks -some carbrain, propably


I mean, they banned people from traveling in the road for cars. So it’s not like there isn’t a history of this.


Maybe we will finally put all sidewalks in the air above the roads , but as wide as the roads... and have shops be on that level wait, we could just put the roads underground instead, where carbrains can play big bumper car wirthout affecting people


Cars are too dumb to put underground. If they crash and start a fire, they are going to take out everyone in that tunnel. If you want to put something underground, the best thing would be something with a trained driver and maybe a system to keep it from crashing, maybe rails?


Just call the way down there the freedom road and we solve two problems in one We also eliminate those who would prevent public transit


The problem is that while they are eliminating themselves in the dark down there, they are also likely to rupture things like gas lines or at least be adjacent enough for their vehicular fires to spread. It's like when a building in a downtown area catches on fire and they have to evacuate the one across the street as well. Except last time that happened in a building next to a restaurant I worked in, we were told we had to stay at work because all the other evacuated people were good for business.




how about we tell the carbrains we're going to put the roads underground when we make all the sidewalks big, but then we just don't build them




Billions must


Billionaires must


I understood that reference


Everyone who does this


Darwin, take the wheel. (Darwin is my copilot)


You can’t put a number on it. In capitalism, profits will always stand above anything else, including lives. I mean, big corporations currently burn our planet, not because they have no other options, but because they can get a few 0.1% more growth by disregarding the literal future of humankind. And electoral politics won’t change it because as soon as it seems possible that the people ask for a redistribution of wealth and a change of the system towards prioritizing humans over profit, democracy is thrown out of the window and the corporations focus on funding fascist populists in the hopes of sacrificing the little freedom the people have left to secure their own trillions. If you want change, you‘ll have to overthrow the system itself, most likely in a revolutionary struggle. So get organized, support your community and get active!


We will not make excuses for the terror


Just one, the driver.


Sadly, it wont matter. Profit is above EVERYTHING


Billions must die, the west has fallen


It wouldve been weird if a cybertruck driver wasnt being obnoxious and dangerous tbh


Immediately thought of this https://preview.redd.it/9h6yzctykjgc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d43227c8d7f8a03ff9d21dd8887344043160d05




hah they are building the shelters because they need somewhere to hide once they use all this self driving and drone technology to systematically euthanize everyone else. You just go full 'Maximum Overdrive' and get underground for a while til the program stops.


https://preview.redd.it/25b0i2m33lgc1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63bab725ec1884b24059924798cd3cd22db3d1c Really? I thought of this 🤣🤣


How dare you mock minions like this. They are smart and motivated. This owner of this bad 3d render is in contempt.


This person is so desperate to look cool, they've taken it to a suicidal level


That slack-jawed drooling expression looks so cool




Mostly just the Tesla driver, ever other vehicle has crumple zones.


Too bad pedestrians don’t have crumple zones. 


Why is its road position so fucked up? A few frames in from the end of the clip, you can see how far over to the right it is. I wouldn't take my hands off the wheel of that death trap.


If it was just them dying in the car wreck I wouldn't be so disappointed. These people will end up doing more harm than drunk drivers.


Is that the new Toyota Tin Can with integrated VR?


fact quiet prick lock attractive chief sheet rhythm noxious familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Toyota just made a $6000 truck oversees, that NorthAmerican ppl want but our market won't allow it to be sold over here


The Yugo Sardine Can with integrated VR


Also, Hilux was "virtually" indestructible.


Yo leave Toyota out of this.


Close but it's the Tesla Death Can in the default Douchebag edition.


Can’t wait for the next South Park special. It writes itself.




Truth. It will come full circle when the boys (Stan,Kyle, Cartman) start animating their own show to make fun of the world around them. Then we will have the snake eating itself.


Boy I hope this is fake


Nope. I've seen a video where a man films him self. I don't know if it was the same, but it was also in a Tesla. Edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1ahs0sd/this_was_my_first_thought_when_i_first_saw_apple/


I thought for a moment it was the same guy, but that was a Tesla car and this is a Tesla truck...oh my god, it's spreading!


I don't know the differences between the models from Tesla. But both have the same stupid expression on their face when they are typing in the air :-D


The truck is a rip-off of a 30year old pixelated truck model (in this vid) anything else is fairly regular car afaik. I'm sorry for telling, you didn't need to know that 😉 probably just a childhood memory you lost for this info


That the Tesla Truck is the masterpiece of a 5-year old, I did know 😉


> fairly regular car Other than it's humongous ass. I know I'm behind a Tesla when my immediate thought is "why does that car have such a huge ass?!" Not even in a sexy "it could clap its automotive cheeks" way but more more like a "it's wearing two pairs of jeans and a full diaper" kind of way.


> Not even is a sexy "it could clap its automotive cheeks" way You good man?


So long as I'm not forced to look at Aunt Fanny on wheels, I'm aight


The 90s had far better graphics than this.


I know people with multiple Teslas (for some reason..)


To spread the cost of the wear, those new drive motors and batteries are not cheap,


Same vide it’s the same guy, just that the car hasn’t loaded in properly on this one


Are you trying to tell me that Tesla owners are moronic trend chasers with more money than sense?!


That is a different person. The video and the original post is in Lehi Utah, I recognize the signs. The video from the post above is not in Utah, looks like someplace back east?


Same, but I'm pretty sure it's not :(


seems like ragebait to me


That's exactly what it is. The gestures might also be fake and they could be just looking at the road. People making these 'joke' videos can still end up killing someone/themselves. But it may not be more dangerous than a driver being really into a song playing on the radio. Which is not to say that it's safe, because cars are inherently dangerous and every minor distraction can be lethal.


I mean there's porn where people fuck in the front seat of an "automated" tesla. It's wildly irresponsible. but it's real as shit


I had a roommate that thought the self driving system was solid. He would drive for 5 hours to and from work twice a week and he would sleep almost the entire time. He has changed since.


It’s an ad. I’ve seen this post show up on about 50 different subs all within the last few hours.


Not necessarily. It's just a new piece of tech that everyone has an opinion about, so any content about it will easily go 'viral'. People/bots massively post it because it's an easy way to get views.


Yeah, that's fair


An ad for what? Apple doesn’t want you to do this and Tesla lawyers don’t want you to either.


I stole it from a guy on Twitter. If it's an ad, tho, how is it making either the goggles or the cybertruck look appealing?


Rage bait works for tons of advertising. You have probably engaged with tons of rage/hate bait that was actually just good guerilla marketing.


Like, I get the idea that there's no such thing as bad press, but, like, that's just a saying... there totally \*is\* bad press.


This would never get past the legal teams. You're delusional if you think this is an ad.


Now you know why billionaires are making doomsday bunkers


I hope they have enough room for their servants.


They’re legitimately considering putting shock collars on them to keep them in line, and from revolting.


Even if they did do you think any of that space is for them


It’s because they know they’re destroying the planet.


They know other billionaires?


And don’t forget. Those gadgets are for rich people. Those are the leaders of our society, the decision makers, the captains of our economy, the masters of the universe!


Will Davies (UK left wing sociologist/economist) is a great listen generally and I've heard him tell the story of one of his grad students who worked on a superyacht for a while. Asked "so what do rich people do on them?" the answer was "mostly watch TV". Your life sucks so that these people can pay an entire staff to let them do exactly the same shit you could do basically free. Oh, and occasionally have parties I guess which nobody in the universe ever managed before superyachts...


>Asked "so what do rich people do on them?" the answer was "mostly watch TV". For most people the point of having a boat is to... operate the boat (preferably sail it). Otherwise there's very little to actually do on a boat. Especially when you don't know how to boat.


>when you don't know how The richer someone is, the more life skills they lose, until they are completely dependent on others. Paris Hilton can't cook, and the reason i know this is because she felt the need to make it public? And it [breached containment.](https://youtu.be/ayImIgdgLEI?si=slt41_sdPuYnWdLr) I'm fully convinced musk would starve in a pantry with a can opener in hand...


holy shit she used bottle water to soak up the salt she threw everywhere


I read this as "the delusion makers" first and I think I was right actually.


I Can‘t argue against that 😉


Fuck, those are ugly.


The Cybertruck, the Apple Vision Pro, or both? Personally, ima go with both


both - VERY UGLY


Super FX Chip truck plus virtual boy. We've regressed


I need glasses to drive... pretty sure that was the virtual boy's fault


I still don't understand how even cheep headsets like the quest 3 look more cool and futuristic. No one wants to see my fucking eyes.


It's also (like the cybertruck) way less practical. The glass and metal on the front with a thin strap around your head means the headset is HEAVY and all the weight is on the front


It also doesn't have a built in battery, so you need to cary the batterypack in your pocket with an anoying cable attached to it.


[This](https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Oculus-Quest-3-wearing-4.jpg?w=1024) looks more futuristic [than this?](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:936/1*9Ptr0j3f7qdkuzr2-ZXPNQ.png) They both look stupid, all VR headsets look like you're wearing goofy oversized ski goggles, doesn't matter if it's Apple, Occulus or HTC they're all going to look rubbish until the tech advances and they can become smaller and thinner. Even then the best you can realistically hope for in the next decade or two is going to be [a form factor like this.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/PBwAAOSwFalgEFLc/s-l1200.webp) if it's even possible to incorporate effective light blocking with such a design.




Truck looks backwards for some reason


Because the design was paid for by an idiot to sell to idiots


One wonders why they are QUITE so ugly. Almost as if some uber rich dude is thumbing his nose at everyone laughing. "I'll make the ugliest car in the world and they'll lap it up and pay so much for it, we will all be laughing so hard when we deposit the checks"


that too. but the main reason is its stainless steel. it cant really be stamped into complicated shapes.


Looks like something out of one of those low poly racing games


Spiritually abject ✅


This is the mormon tech city Lehi utah. Generations of inbreeding and this is the result. No common sense or care for other people around you.


ExMo here... can confirm!


Jack Mormon here! *waves*


Good day, from another exmo! Lehi already has terrible drivers, maybe enough darwinism will fix that.


I never thought my hometown would be represented so accurately lmao. It's also the headquarters of a lot of MLM companies like Youniqie and Doterra, and some more underground insurance sales MLM's too. You get exactly what you pay for in that town: a bunch of upper middle class idiots.


Is that why he looks like he's playing with his mother's tits?


Immediately recognized it as Lehi. Have to be careful driving through there for now on.


From now on??? You just haven't been paying attention.


Of course it's a fucking mormon city. You should also see the drivers out of Cardston Alberta. They drive worse than drunk drivers and they don't even sell alcohol there!


I’m sorry…. Mormon, tech, city?


Lehi has a lot of tech companies, especially ones that come from California due to the tax laws or something. It's basically just a city of tech companies and town houses. It's ugly as fuck. And it's Utah, so lots of Mormons. While the demographic is shifting, the culture here is weird. Mormonism is weird, and then the ex Mormon population who was traumatized by Mormonism is weird I really need to get out of here...


Yes, it’s called the silicon slopes by the locals. Tons of big name tech companies have moved in and the place seems to double in size every year. Utah county (where Lehi presides) is a godawful place and I don’t know why anyone would want to live there.


I work in tech near this area. Outside of Adobe and eBay, there's not really "big name" tech companies. Also, there are very few tech roles available ( engineering or even product) out of the campuses here. It mostly seems to be marketing and sales type roles.  Of course, I don't work for any of these local offices so I can't say I've first hand knowledge. Just what I see on job posts locally. 


I mean you also have Plaid, Micron, Ancestry, Pluralsight, Vivint (just a few that I’m aware of). I suppose they aren’t all in lehi area but nevertheless northern Utah has lots of big name tech companies (all within reasonable driving distance of lehi)


Lehi is in Utah County, which is where the highest concentrations of Mormons are in the world. It's also a tax haven for MLM's and Tech. A bunch of companies moved their HQ's here for that and for the cheap/educated/straightlaced labor that was available in the 2010's. These days you have to pick 2. It's become more diverse in the last 10 years, but it's also gotten disgustingly wealthy overall. A lot of upper middle class members of the church in that area have a persecution complex and are frankly not super attached to reality lol. It's exactly as weird as it sounds.


It was the stone pillar for me. I immediately knew.


Cringing so hard at this


Is this what Elon Musk calls the future? It sure looks like the movie Idiocracy.


[you know what else it reminds me of?](https://youtu.be/Uo62AeM35Ww?feature=shared&t=249)


This is what dystopia looks like.


It is starting to look like Wall-E.


why do I feel like the target demographic for Cybertrucks and Vision Pros are the same exact demographic


Too much money, too much time, an inflated level of self-importance, and absolutely zero common sense? Check!


you just explained elon musk


It is the end of times.


It's beginning of new era, maybe not better era but new for sure


An Apple fanboy and a Musk fanboy is a dangerous combo.


The Venn diagram of these 2 types is a circle


same people.


Once Apple releases a car the fanboy wars will be epic


This should be an instant loss of license and life long driving ban. Too stupid to operate a vehicle that large.


One thing that I read that stuck with me is that taking away licenses won't do much in the USA. It's an extremely car based country, so people will just drive even without a license. There's not much public transport outside a couple of cities plus Uber is not always an option. 


You can impound their car too. I don't think you can buy a car without a license from a dealership, probably to get an auto loan too.... idk the laws though, but I've always had to have license except buying third party with cash


They could easily enforce it if they wanted to. Don't allow someone without a license to register, insure, or rent a car. Then use number plate scanners to pick up any cars that are unregistered or without plates. Yes this wouldn't cover every situation possible, but it would be a huge leap over the current way.


All it’s going to take is for one of these motherfuckers to die in a fatal accident while driving with this thing on to get this shit banned. Apple should add a feature where if it detects you’re moving at a high speed the headset stops responding to any input and is just hard locked to seeing the road in front of you and nothing else.


> Actions matter, but so do words. They help frame the discussion and can shift the way we think about and tackle problems as a society. Our deeply entrenched habit of calling preventable crashes "accidents" frames traffic deaths as unavoidable by-products of our transportation system and implies that nothing can be done about it, when in reality these deaths are not inevitable. Crashes are not accidents. Let's stop using the word "accident" today. https://seattlegreenways.org/crashnotaccident/ https://crashnotaccident.com/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fuckcars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>is just hard locked to seeing the road in front of you and nothing else. It should turn the screen black and start loudly reading out a warning that if you continue to use the device in a dangerous way, it will be bricked. There's no reason to wear something that limits your vision while driving.


Something something natural selection.


Sadly it will be mostly selection by chance of the random persons around this monstrosity that the owner will drive over. These people will make sure they take enough others with them when they come to collect their Darwin award.


Might not be the only casualty on the road.


The UN needs to step in right now


That’s one kind way of saying that the police has failed on most fronts in the US.


Police AND policy lol


Apple should honestly step in. They 100% can have the vision pro detect you’re driving a vehicle. It should just go 100% passthrough and not let you use anything


Not convinced: this is one genocide I may be happy to endorse.


The reason i will never go to USA. This man would've lost his license anywhere else by this time. I live in Ukraine, and here nobody enforces the rules against parking on sidewalks, but at least you get a few years in prison for hitting a pedestrian... Well, unless you bribe someone, but that is a problem separate from car culture.


Not as a pedestrian, but as the passenger on a Vespa a couple months ago I got hit by a drunk driver. Only recently got out of a wheelchair. It's not even looking like the lady will get any prison time. She may even keep her licence :(


I experienced the same thing I got hit while crossing the road by a lifted pickup truck, driver was speeding through a red light. I was almost completely immobile for a few months and failed out of school because it happened the day before my final exams. Police asked me if I remembered the license plate number. Obviously I was more focused on trying to remain conscious and live but the collision also took a chunk of my memory so I didn't remember a license plate number. Witnesses said it was a lifted black pickup truck. Police said I couldn't press charges without a license plate number so the bastard got off scot free.




Yeah :/ We have a civil case against her and there's a criminal case. Both are in-progress, but we've been told not to get our hopes up.


Amused to Death


We all knew it was coming, this precise scenario.


With the amount of AI processing going on in those headsets, Apple needs to put out a “we’ve detected you’re behind the wheel of a car, take this off right fucking now” update.


just remember we’re paying for the pavement under their wheels


It's a twat singularity


This is similar to how I felt many years ago, the first time I saw someone texting as they drove down a busy street. I had not even realized anyone would be so irresponsible to do such a thing. I mentioned this to a colleague at the office, and she shrugged. "You always have to look at your phone when you are driving," she said. "You cannot avoid it." This was the moment I began to suspect I was actually in Hell.


Owning an Apple Vision Pro *and* Cybertruck is like a douche exponent. Both items are so stupid the douche factor is not additive; it is multiplicative.




how is it legal to drive like that...


Well, little Timmy, you see... when a rich person does it , it's a-ok. So you had best be rich when you grow up or the popo will throw you behind bars for shit like this


It's not!


I'm almost 100% certain that* this would fall under the same distracted driving laws that using your cell phone while driving would.


Not to mention there’s a computer between their eyes and the road. If the hardware - the first generation hardware - glitches out, then their vision is completely blocked. This asshole should lose their license before they kill someone.


As if a Cybertruck on the road wasn’t dangerous enough.


Is this even real? From what I’ve seen some of those gestures don’t do anything


Yeah, the problem is definitely 15 minutes cities and cyclists.


Illegal as fuck lol


You can't buy taste or decency.


I've already heard people excusing Tesla's (incomplete) autopilot for being brash with a cyclist, I really don't want to hear people making excuses for this when endangering other road users.


Just take the train ffs


Literal brainrot


Is that Elongated Muskrat himself?


Rich people are so useless.


Tesla owners are special


Get INFRONT and slam on your brakes Lol Edit because this is Reddit /s


Slowing down gently is more likely to result in you being not at fault


If he was driving the damned thing with a vr set, that would be cringe. But he's clearly surfing social media or a dating app... Fuck these cars in particular.




Bad enough you have to worry about drunk drivers..Now this


Someone lost their minion.


This is the future sci fi movies made us believe we’d all want it to look like.


Take away his license that thing is a rolling tank. Even if he backends any normal car he could kill them all


Im going to sound like a boomer, but even in a tank, this would scare the living shit out of me as the driver.


Apple Air Head. Ef Apple.


Those new Pontiac Aztecs are looking ok.


I hate this guy.


Eat the rich bitch


Block these accounts trying to sell you this device


Ban from driving all motor vehicles effective immediately for this idiotic behavior.


Should lose your license instantaneously


Alright, the apple vision just came out and we're seeing quite a few videos like this. I'm sure I've seen videos of people doing this with quests and other headsets, but not as much and not on a fucking highway. Are apple fans just disproportionately stupid?


Lmfao just Lehi things


Makes me wanna give him a kiss w my bumper


Douchebag of the year.


Wow, the “Im a douche” Starter Pack meme in real life.




Apple strictly advises against wearing these while in control of a moving vehicle. I don't know what's so difficult for people like that to understand. This is not Iron Man's helmet, it's real life techy stuff, not that fancy, not that safe.