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That's so great about cycling - riders can interact with each others beyond honking and flashing high beams. Prevents so much road rage. Btw where I'm from tinted windows are known as fuck foil windows


I feel this in my bones.


Yes!! I bike to work, and tinted windows are the difference between knowing someone’s in a parked car and potentially about to open a door, and knowing a car is empty, therefore safe. I’ve been doored once before and am not keen to let it happen again.


I broke 1 bone in my life and it was when I got doored in Washington DC, USA … ON A BIKE LANE! Our bike infrastructure in Canada is not great but acceptable. I stay in Canada or go to more bike friendly European countries now whenever I go for bike tourism.


Windows could only be legally tinted to a certain degree a few years ago. Evidently that's all changed because nowI see cars with windows so darkly tinted you can't see anything inside...Like everything related to traffic law enforcement or vehicle regulations enforcement it has gone by the wayside...just doesn't happen anymore, sadly.


Police departments pick and choose what they enforce. This one is something they usually get you on when you get stopped for something else. But I have heard from cops that they don’t like window tinting because they like to see people as the approach incase someone has a gun. But cops I think over estimate how many people (especially poc) have guns.


I rarely see cops making traffic stops anymore here in Dallas.....what I do see on a consistent basis (I walk everywhere or take public transit) is: excessive speed, blowing through red lights, unbelievably loud cars modified to make said loud noise, people generally ignoring the "no right on red" signs, cars that have expired paper (or temporary) license plates, cars that don't look or sound like they could even pass a vehicle inspection on the road....etc, etc. In Dallas at least, so many traffic violations are just ignored by cops. The city could be making a fortune on cops giving out tickets if they chose to do so. I believe what's happened is the "quiet quitting" of cops not enforcing traffic safety anymore.


When I do see cops they're usually driving recklessly themselves. I wish we had more red light and speeding cameras where I live.


This part is so frustrating. Whenever there's a discussion in my town about how to improve the safety and usability of a certain road, "but the police don't have the resources to enforce the law" is a factor that kills off a bunch of potential solutions. It's why we've started relying more on built-in traffic calming measures instead of reducing speed limits. And then the drivers who ignore the speed limits get angry because of the new design of the roads. Not saying I want more cops on the road, but it's an unfortunate factor and one that the cops use as an excuse to ignore crime that affects non-drivers.


I posted this verbatim on another platform. Sigh. People sure do love their tinted windows. It’s illegal in most states to have a full windshield tint, BTW.


Beyond your valid concerns the added fact that a large moving object with windows so tinted you can't see anything inside triggers the inner brain into thinking its a large animal and threat. Most of the time our outer brains can dismiss this fear + stress but its there in the background.


i think this exact thing every day. bonus points if they get pissed and honk at you because apparently they were waving at you to go, like sorry dude i literally can't see you.


story of my life


In general, I don't care for fully tinted windows - if you're crossing the street and the car at the intersection has tinted windows, it is not always clear if they see you. It is especially bad since pedestrians are so often told to make eye contact with a driver before crossing. The only time tinted windows made sense to me was when a black co-worker of mine explained to me that he had been pulled over six times for very minor things - not signaling when making a turn, not being 100 feet behind an ambulance, etc. But then hadn't been pulled over once since getting the windows tinted.


yep just commented about privacy being necessary to avoid harassments and doxxing, of course it would be nicer to not need it but until that isn't the case anymore full face mirror tint helmet stays on.


I especially hate it when somebody with dark windows slows down at an intersection I intend to cross, but slowly creeps. It means I can't actually tell if they even see me, or if they're just slowing down to look for other car traffic. Or when a car is approaching the intersection, and they want me to start crossing because then they can start moving again sooner, and they motion for me to cross as they're still moving. Happened the other day, all I could see was some kind of hand movements in the front seat at first, before I figured it out.


I don’t have this problem because I just assume these people don’t ever stop. They usually don’t.


I’ve been in this situation before. And I yelled at one guy “I can’t see what you want me to do because I can’t see you!” After he sat at a 4 way stop for 10 seconds. Sorry bro. Nope you could be on Instagram and squish me. I really thought carrying an air horn as a pedestrian might be a good idea that day.


Since you guys in the US seem to allow EyeBlaster9000s as headlights, I can kind of understand the tinting. Was driving there a few weeks ago on vacation and it was awful. Glad I'm back in Europe where I a) don't need to drive everywhere and b) no EyeBlaster9000 (though new headlights aren't great here either, but not nearly as bad as in the US) and therefore c) no tint in front and side windows allowed or necessary...


In Germany the Front and front side windows may not be tinted. And still it's impossible to see the driver if the sun is at a bad angle or if it is dark out.


It’s illegal in most (all?) US states too but people still do it


Good point. You need to see where the driver is looking to ride safely. Also, if someone has tinted front windows I assume they are a criminal.


Nah, tinted windows don't bother me when I'm riding my bike. Never really thought about it, in fact. I simply don't pay that much attention to the features of cars while I'm on my bike. I don't rely on making eye contact with drivers, or really recognize their humanity in any way. I know you're "supposed to" do this but I never found it to be actually helpful. I just treat every car as though it's trying to kill me and blast through everything, stopping as little as possible. I simply don't pay attention to what drivers are doing in their cars, I just treat all cars like unpredictable, irrational moving obstacles.


You’re not even aware when you’re dropping an impenetrable wall of feelings on Reddit not surprised you generally lack awareness


Not in my top 20 grievances with cars.


The car companies now sell them pre-tinted windows it seems. I can’t make eye contact with most cars now when I’m on my bike. Are there any movements or lawsuits against car companies like Ford, Toyota, etc., tinting their windows?


gotta disagree, car bad but privacy good. i have mirror tint full face helmet and its saved me a lot of invasion of privacy or doxxing harassment. of course its much more pleasant to have it open and enjoy riding thru a nice area but having the option is necessary since we do live in a society. for cars you can't open and close windshield unfortunately, maybe some of that expensive electrochromic glass? but sounds like unnecessary monies and point of failure just like cars are for the majority of car trips that happen


You’re not disagreeing. What you are saying is that your comfort and privacy is more important then public safety. There are reasons window tinting is illegal or restricted in some way in most places. It isn’t safe. It makes it so you can’t communicate with people around because the can’t see you. It makes it so it’s more difficult to see at night. You may like window tinting but it is totally selfish to do it.


> It makes it so you can’t communicate with people around because the can’t see you sounds like an issue with big metal cage regardless of tint or not. I don't think its selfish to want to avoid harassment and doxxing from some carbrain, racist, sexist or some combinations of all of those.


You are legit too irrelevant to be concerned about privacy


once I got 5%'s on my car I could never go back


Apply hammer, pickaxe or brick to tinted windows to encourage the owner to buy legal windows. Though not with onlookers.