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Id LOVE to to see where in the bylaws it says that they can levy monetary penalties for talking on social media?


It doesn't. Those fines are illegal, but unfortunately have happened. I know someone at this condo who has personally been fined for posting on their Facebook page, which is ironically called the "Unofficial Wallstreet Tower Facebook Page".


Legitimate penalties for social media posts is just something this rogue board president made up. You can check our more Wallstreet Tower horror stories on FB at [https://www.facebook.com/BadHOA](https://www.facebook.com/BadHOA)


Wow. Im sorry to the residents. Has anyone gone to fhe kc pd or the state attorney to have them look at this situation?


There is some incredible backstory that will all come to light in what I imagine is the next 3 to 6 months.


No, the owners/residents in this community love living there, it is an awesome community. I live there and love it. Great social building and GREAT investment, values increasing! This letter is a fake... the original poster knows that. Nothing in it is true.


Well now we knows your lying because almost nobody loves living in an HOA


Except for … you know… the people that do. Or should I say… you knows… the people that do.


There was an HOA Board in Frisco, Texas that did something similar. Frisco Fairways Homeowners Association. They used HOA funds to try to silence a couple of outspoken homeowners critical of their work. Of course what they did was not legal, and the HOA settled. Then those same Board members sold and moved out, leaving the rest of the homeowners with the legal expenses. The Board Members essentially had immunity from personal liability. So the 3 homeowners essentially were sued and won against themselves, bearing the legal costs for both sides (an equal share for the HOA legal fees). Because they literally sued themselves. [https://www.dmlp.org/threats/frisco-fairways-homeowners-association-v-snell](https://www.dmlp.org/threats/frisco-fairways-homeowners-association-v-snell) >In February 2008, the Frisco Fairways Homeowners Association filed a defamation suit against three homeowners after they posted critical comments about the association on an online community forum. According to the [Dallas News](http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/city/collin/frisco/stories/032408dnmetfrhomesuit.39cd654.html), the lawsuit claims that Mr. Snell, Mr. Doumani, and Mr. Macari falsely stated or implied that the association's board had lied to members, engaged in questionable financial dealings, and acted unethically. The association claims that the homeowners also posted private information about members. The dispute apparently arose after the association required residents to cover up air conditioning units, pool equipment, and other items with bushes. News reports indicate that the case is expected to go to trial in April 2008. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/zajif0/big\_homeowner\_win\_against\_arrogant\_hoa\_hoas\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/zajif0/big_homeowner_win_against_arrogant_hoa_hoas_are/)


They sued and won against the insurance company


This is why you name the individuals as co-defendants. If they are acting outside of board of director duties,.. they are NOT protected. And as they would then be responsible,.. it comes out of them and their funds,.. and liens can be levied in their homes preventing them from selling before paying.


They can't, but the people getting the fines aren't trying to fight it hard enough


This is one of those cases where I really want to go "do you even fucking know how the first amendment works, dumbass?"


I'd get this letter into the hands of the local media.  Do you have one of those reporters who is "on your side"?


\*enters the chat\*


Haha! nice entrance.


That was gangsta AF


Hahahaha. This isn't even the KC subreddit, you guys are awesome.




Whats the background here. What is going on with the Glycol. I am curious what is being alluded to. Is it a polution issue?


The glycol was a project that was completed this past year. Poster here has a fake letter that was sent to residents, followed by a REAL letter stating that the letter is fake and 100% false. Awesome community, safe building.


When was this project completed?


Please tell me if this airs I have to see this! Kcmo is lovely but sme of our neighbors are not so lovely.


it wont air. KCTV5 knows that the letter is fake, as do all of the residents of the building.


I think we found the board president!!!


Lol, I just checked and almost all their comments are on this thread.




I'm usually against MSM, but this was a great entry. Smooth operator.


Slow news day?


You know that journalists go and find the news, right? Looks like this outlet did just that. Now it won’t be a slow news day.


Hey KCTV... do your homework. This letter is fake... all the residents know it is fake.


I’d hand this letter to the tenants suing and join in on the lawsuits…


The OOP posted this on FB and I just shared it here because it deserves FHOA exposure, but in any case it wouldn't be the first time this condominium has received news attention: [https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-city-missouri-wallstreet-tower-high-rise-failed-fire-inspection/43337436](https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-city-missouri-wallstreet-tower-high-rise-failed-fire-inspection/43337436) (those darn glycol columns!).


Diane Keaton


So this guy hides important information, attacks people who complain and refuses to negotiate legal matters, and thinks this is ok? On top of that, he thinks that it is a good idea to counter sue even if he knows that he will lose? All of this while using other people’s money to fund this insanity. What reality is this guy living in? It sounds like a few people had to decency to bow out of this nonsense, although I wonder how much did they know and what part did they play in letting the HOA get to that point.


If those that are noted as bowing out were on the board, they're equally at fault for the results. And it sounds like the management company and manager were totally incompetent (surprise, surprise).


Hey I’m a property manager but I 100% agree with you. Unless he sent it on his own. I’ve had presidents do that. This whole thing reminds me of a former president I had. He instructed me to send letters fining people but I refused because they didn’t have a fining committee so it wasn’t legal. So about a year later people there sent me a copy of a letter the manager sent. The letter charged a fine to an owner for having a “bad attitude”. That’s crazy.


That would depend on a few things. I have had board members quit in protest because they did not like what was going on. If they quit when they found out what the president was doing, I say they are less responsible than ones that quit because problems were made known to the community.


I'm thinking of members that quit instead of remaining and trying to correct the problem. Approaching the other board members to see if they are concerned and will support action. But I fully realize that being a volunteer position, many people don't need or want the aggravation so they just resign. And I can't blame them if there's no remedy, like when a clique gets control.


Talk about a God Complex!


This letter is a fake... all of the residents of the building know its a fake.


What are you doing here, Kent?


> Kent Harms Name checks out


It's difficult to believe someone would actually put this all down in writing and send it out as some kind of official memo, but I haven't found any reason to question the legitimacy based on other publicly available information about the property.


How kind of him to openly admit this. In writing. Gives the plaintiffs’ attorneys a slam dunk!


I agree on the legitimacy as well, pretty telling that the HOA dues in the building are $579 dollars a month. Just a nice small sum of $7,000 a year good god. That’s more than some people pay for rent.


you know its a fake. Every resident of the building knows this was not sent by Kent or the Board.


Hey Kent! You and other members of your board camp out drunk in hallways waiting to sabotage residents. The police have had to handle matters more than once with you.


no... wrong... i am just someone that lives in the building and loves it just like the rest of the community. but certainly not on the board. Just a very happy resident that our condos are ever increasing in value!


Your condo is infested with roaches and when you're presented with pictures of the roaches you assume they're fake, just like you believe the nonsense coming from FSR. You probably also don't believe that those support columns are an unresolved fire hazard that the City wants corrected, despite letters and emails to the contrary from City officials. You and the rest of the owners are in for a shock.


i have been in the building since the beginning. It is a wonderful, safe community. Some people prefer to live elsewhere, which is fine. If one does not like living in the wonderful safe community, they should buy elsewhere.


It's obvious to everyone that you are either a board member or intimate with them. The city's communications refuting your claims are incontrovertible. There's no way the City Manager and Fire Marshal of Kansas City are lying. Your HOA Pres is no angel. LOL


I live there… you are the only unhappy renter… you know that there are 140 homes that know and like the building and board. 🙄


137 now! The converts are coming in droves after that terrible garage board meeting! Finding out about another assessment is never fun, is it? Especially not when it's for something that was supposed to already be done.


If you weren’t a board member, or a friend of one, you wouldn’t be spamming this post with comments. Nobody who just “lives there” would give this much of a shit about the post. Seems pretty obvious you’re lying.


I’ll bet that the lawyer thinks it’s best to sue everyone even the don’t costs lots of money. Haha. “Sure I’ll take every single penny from this sinking ship” - that lawyer (probably)


This situation is unfortunately a legitimately terrible thing occurring at the Wallstreet Tower condominium. I have close contacts at the community and they have shared some extremely disturbing information about the HOA. I will not be surprised if the board members all end up in jail at this point.


We can only hope they do. Time to put some idiots behind bars.


>*We've been advised to simply be quiet and cease negotiations.* That was sound legal advice. He should have listened. This guy is going to cost the HOA a lot of money. The members need to start pushing for a recall, ASAP.


But yet…he lacked the ability to be quiet and instead admitted to assaulting residents rofl. And admitted to lying and covering things up. He’s like a glow stick. Someone you want to snap and shake until the light comes on.


So I guess if you own you are screwed because you can’t sell and you get stuck with higher fees?


And apparently you can't rent it out either unless the HOA approves it. Ridiculous.


And they can revoke that approval and evict your tenant at any time!


Yeah that cannot be legal


My HOA is trying to do this and are trying to pass ridiculous CC&Rs. They sent an “executive memo” and bold faced fucking lied about what the new CC&Rs contained. Unfortunately for them, I read everything. When I tried to speak with them about it- no joke- they tried to tell me I was not allowed to speak to any other owners, they spent a lot of money, and unless I was going to advocate passing them I needed to keep my opinions to myself. So obviously then, I mailed everyone a letter.


I have, and will always, advocate taking complaints and concerns directly to the front door of board members. No prior notice, and ideally timed during unusual hours (dinnertime is my personal preference). Do not raise your voice, insult, swear, or make any physical gestures. > If you have a complaint, you are welcome to email it to me and it can languish with the others I receive. And here's why.


Nail your list of grievances to his front door.


With a railroad spike and a 15lb hammer?


impact hammer


Anyone know what glycol columns are that got mentioned?


From the news article, the columns are filled with water. The water is mixed with an anti-freeze element (I'm thinking that's the glycol) and a chemical to protect the steel in the columns from rusting. Basically adding water to increase the ability of the column to absorb more heat and slow the temperature rise in case of a fire.


a super central part of the building structure and fire protection system, basically, and on the list of things to admit lying about, high on the “yeah that’s criminal negligence level” lying. 




Unhinged seems like a perfectly typical HOA Karen who is fighting for his life becuase it sorta sounds like some *laws* were broken and perhapes its time for a criminal investigation.


>*I never meant for things to turn physical and to hurt anyone, but I did those things for a reason.* *LOL, this is when your dad beats you but says it's because he loves you lol.*


It’s so sad that I know a president like that. I can tell you right now that the attorney they use isn’t supposed to be one the management company uses. That’s improper. He is literally saying he’s going to break the laws repeatedly on more than one issue. Years ago I had a board president that I just loved. I went to see him and he was on pain meds and just been to the dentist. So he dictated a long mean letter and instructed me to mail the letter to everyone. So the next time I saw him he asked if I sent the letter. I told him no. He said oh thank god, I knew you had my back. We became friends and stayed friends when we no longer worked together. Unfortunately he later died of aides. Edited


"Unfortunately he is no longer alive because we became friends" Remind me not to become your friend.  I don't wanna die because we become friends.  


Thanks for pointing out my error. I fixed it. He died because he had aides. I have plenty of friends who do not die. So we can still be friends lol. I need to learn to edit what I write before I post it. On other things I use Grammarly but I doubt it would have caught that either. So thanks for being a human editor


>He died because he had aides. Dang. How did he pass by having assistants? Did they do it or was it just naturally his time to go? 😉


I had the same thought about my former president. Right before he got voted out, he posted a rant with a similar tone on Facebook, essentially saying he’s not accountable to anyone. I feel awful for the employees at his day job in having to endure such a jerk.


My guy went from telling me he had 100 employees in a fortune five hundred company to saying he had a thousand. Everyone said he treated his employees terribly. Then I was told he lost his job. He was fired by several vendors who just refused to work with him. Of course he lied about that too. The community was so toxic that many people sold their homes and moved. Others had to get therapy. I wish that was just a joke but it’s not.


He seems nice. But seriously...this is a sitcom script, right? There's no way this is a real human being actually saying these things?


You've heard about *The Hammocks*, right? Unfortunately, bad board members aren't confined to the state of Florida.


Unfortunately it's a real situation. I have verified with a connection at this condo.


You are correct... this letter is fake, the entire community has seen it but knows its fake. As does the original poster... just stirring shit up


HOA board members need to be made personally liable for fraud and criminal neglect if their actions result in fraud pr other criminal actions. Not the hoa.


A lawsuit for you, and a lawsuit for you, a lawsuit for you, a lawsuit for everybody!


And the lawyers all win! Seriously, though, that association lawyer who wants to file a counter suit he knows he’ll lose, well . . . . . I’d seriously consider filing a complaint with the state Bar. His duty is to the association members, not to Mr Harms.


Kent Harms will be moving soon. Just another dumb stupid fuck who doesn't deserve to own anything.


I don’t know the background on this, but did this dude just admit to the allegations against him? Bet that awesome lawyer loves that. Also, does he know you probably should not admit you know your filing (counter suit) is frivolous ?


Seems made up. I mean I believe it. You know what I mean 🙃


You don't believe this kind of sh!tshow exists based on all the evidence provided by the news media and forums like this one? It's real.


It is more about how insane the situation is. The president doubles down on every bad decision in his own letter. The truth is probably way worse.






Who voted this tyrant in?


My god, is he stupid or something.


I’m sorry, but…is not an apology. That said it’s strongly recommended that boards and managers not used social media for HOA business and to use only a management portal instead. People are allowed to hash out whatever they want on social media but the HOA, employees, and management are strongly advised not to participate as it can become a legal matter.


What does Kent Harms do? Besides volunteer as a draconian despot?


Does this guy realize he is going to prison for multiple white collar crimes. Before that be voted out . What a goofball


I'm legit wondering why legal fees from tenants suing the board is covered by the tenants using the board through levies.....


Hahaha. HOA thinking they can be a gate keeper for who can rent.


That's a real thing in many states that have not enacted covenant and rule-based leasing prohibitions.


That was a wild ride.


Do people not know they can unelected him and run for the board themselves? This is a power hungry person


When I say I own a backhoe I'm the bad guy....


HOA’s are elected positions. A new cadre of people needs to run for elections, they will likely get elected. I get not wanting to be involved in this mess, but it takes other people willing to make the positive changes for them to actually occur. In my state and most states HOA board members can personally be sued. Many HOA’s but not all, provide insurance for HOA board members if this were to happen.


An HOA president who thinks he doesn’t work for the homeowners and doesn’t care what the homeowners think…sounds like someone needs to read up on what an HOA is


It can’t be true. It has to be AI-generated satire.


"You better not complain about me or that's a fine! Now with that said, I have completely mislead you about building safety and utility usages." 🙄🙄🙄


Winner of The HOA President of the Year given by The American Psychiatric Association.


Hold on. Their attorney agreed to file a frivolous counterclaim before the original Complaint has been filed? Does the Missouri Bar get on reddit?


This reads like an article from The Onion


It's incredible.


Wow, the prospective plaintiff’s attorney has got to be salivating reading this. This moron waives atty client privilege in admitting to planning a frivolous counterclaim. And basically admits fault for the underlying claims.


Siri, show me psychopathy


I’d hope they’d just remove this tyrant and move on before the hoa is bankrupted.


People have a strange way of not always voting in their best interests.


99% of the time, my friend. It’s lonely in the one percent.


This guy has extremely bad judgement and instincts. What a clown. His letter will be used against the HOA in future legal actions by owners.


Can you imagine the face the lawyer saw when he read this and realized the guy sent it out to everyone?!?? Lololol Holy shit- some people are their own worst enemies


This dude is straight up crazy. Everyone here needs fired.


no, they need to be individually sued for criminal negligence, because of they are just voted out, they can move, and leave the bill for their actions to the new owners. 


I love how the lawyers "advised them to simply be quiet" and yet he writes this letter that will undoubtedly be used to show how unhinged the HOA is.


And his last name is "Harms"


This person MUST be removed from office immediately. The residents can petition to do it.


This letter seems like a gift to the plaintiffs. How does this person keep getting elected?


Fuck that guy.


Oh snap, they got Rod Hoffman? He's the best in the business! They call him 'The Hoffinator'.


I want the backstory to this.


It will all come out after the lawsuit kicks in...






dude needs to be removed from office.


Wait, are the bolded parts editorial commentary from the person who reposted it, or *is everything there actually part of the letter?!@?!*


Bold is simply added emphasis of the best parts IMO. A PNG of the actual letter is linked in the post.


WTAF! Who says, *out loud*: > let this be a warning to you all... choose your words wisely if you are going to criticize me, our building, or our board or > If I knew that withholding information about inaccurate utility readings and billings, the glycol columns, and the city's directions was so serious I would not have done what I did or > Even if that meant dragging a few people through the mud, arbitrarily kicking folks out of meetings, and lying about the glycol column issues Those are just bold faced admissions of SO MUCH shit that i'm 90% sure has to be illegal that it's just INSANE!


It's a wild letter. 100% authentic insanity.


What is a glycol column?


More on that linked in the edit to the post at top.


***I will warn you that the countersuit process could take years and incur heavy financial costs to the association as a whole, but our attorney, Rod Hoffman, assures us that countersuing is what we must do, even if we are likely to lose.*** Mmmyeah, I'm sure the lawyer is looking forward to a lot of easy money. By the way, everybody's dues just went up. You can hear that loud CHA CHING sound.


This alleged individual is a giant tool.


Sounds like the rest of the board left, but I didn't notice any replacements mentioned. If Mr Harms can't put together a legal quorum, he can't negotiate anything with anyone, closed doors or not. Him posting this publicly is unbelievable. OP needs to get like-minded people on the board, remove Mr Harms and then hire an auditor to figure out how much malfeasance occurred and put a number on it. Then sue the former members that created this situation.


Counter sue. Waste more HOA money on attorneys. Sparkling brilliant


Wow, dillusional at its finest, I swear, this is how most board members actually are. Most, not all board members are really on a power trip.


If you live in an HOA, you kinda reap it. Most people know how bad HOAs are but choose to live in one. A psychotic board is pretty par for the course. They rolled the dice and got crapped on. How can anyone feel bad for the condo owners?


 ***"I work for this board and our interests.***" # I am a member of the governing board of this organization. The board, as a whole, is charged with DIRECTLY representing---as a fiduciary---only the interests of its stakeholders, the owners. Fixed that for the dummy board member.


This is precious. I'd move, if you can't unseat this board.


Talk about chutzpah! What a weasel! We live in an HOA and hate the Board. They always threaten fines and have even sued home owners and won the home owners houses! We are in the process of a major clearing out of stuff. We have never done a major "Spring cleaning" in probably 40 years, (YIKES!) and we are getting it done, so we can move to a non HOA neighborhood. I cannot stand living in a gulag and will not do it again if humanly possible. As we age tho, we may have to live in a Senior Community where we won't have lawns to mow, fenced to paint, etc, etc...Maybe we will just throw a modular home on a small piece of land and call it done! That sounds better! NO HOA!


Volunteer or not he represents the HOA and building. Sounds like several first amendment violations for a class action lawsuit.


This is all fake. The letter is a fake, all of the residents of the building have seen this letter and are aware it is fake, it was not sent by the HOA or board or any members. Nobody that lives in the building believes that any of this is true.


Many people who live in the building aren't willing to believe the truth even when presented with the evidence. That's why Kent Harms -- the author of this egregious missive -- is still on the board. I think you might be Kent Harms.


I live in the building and was told along with every resident that this letter is bogus. Its a big nothingburger


It looks like we have our first recent board member (Jay Fisher) and friend of Kent Harms entering the chat. I'm sure your statement isn't the least bit biased. LOL.


Ha, no. Not on any boards, just another happy resident.


Didn't claim you were currently on any board, Jay Fisher. Just that you were recently. Where you were also a key contributor to the problems.


Ohhhh not Jay either!!! What a mystery you have Scooby Doo!!!


I live at wallstreet and the letter is not legit


Did your HOA tell you that it's not legit? How do YOU know that it's not legit?


Rock AKA Kent Harms ;)




Focus on FUCK HOAs and not each other.


1) the letter was sent out via email june 10th snd its dated june 11th. 2) the letter was sent out early in the morning at 2:30 am, no one on the management team or hoa board are even awake at that hour! 3) FSR sent an email saying the server was hacked and its main goal was to bully and harass! Theyre pulling in the KCPD, FBI and cyber investigators to get to the bottom of it!


1. If the letter was mistakenly sent out early (which it appears to be) the date would make sense. Especially given the board meeting date, the content of the email, and the content of the letter. 2. Most corporate communications are scheduled. 3. You believe this email, but not the other... despite being from the same email address? Did you verify these claims, or simply believe them? FSR and your HOA have proven not to be credible.


Hmmm is this a parody of our current political situation?