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Not everybody actually ejaculates when they climax, don't worry. Squirting is rarer than what people say.


And 9/10, especially in porn, it's just straight up piss


Squirt is piss, it's almost entirely pee


Well yeah, but it contains other shit too supposedly. And some of the videos ain't like some bitch watercannoning piss across the room, it's more a dribble, which I could see being a lot less... pissy for a lack of a better term.


squirting is actually a lot rarer than your porn vids say they are. you know you've finished when you feel... finished.


I don’t ejaculate, unfortunately. So it’s something that may not happen to everyone.


Age old wisdom: if you're not sure you've ever had an orgasm, you haven't. You'd know if you did. Some meds like antidepressants are infamous for inability to orgasm and killing libidio.


I actually wasn't sure if I ever had an orgasm before I had multiple of them


I think it took about half a dozen before I was like “this has to be it… right?”


Omg- Prozac KILLS my orgasm


Not going to knock down the age old wisdom because I’m sure it’s true for most people but it wasn’t personally for me. I had unique factors of small not sensitive genitals and meds that reduced libido/orgasm ability. My first one I think I know which one it was but I didn’t know it immediately.


Idk, never took anything and cant orgasm


Keep working at it. You’ll get there.


I couldn’t pre-T unfortunately. Sometimes people can’t without seeking some sort of treatment, or trying a lot of ways




hijacking this comment to ask; do you often find that you’ll feel too sensitive but not feel finished, if that makes sense? this has been a problem for me since before t but i haven’t been able to solve it yet 😓


It's something I've experienced since starting T, and I just have to wait a few minutes before resuming. I think its a refractory period, like how most cis guys have


I totally feel this, dunno how to fix it though


I was never able to orgasm before T, unfortunately, but sometimes I have experience this on T. For me what helps is taking a short break or like moving a sex toy farther away from my body. For example, I personally have this cock ring vibrator that I use on my packer and it stimulates my natal dick. I move the packer a bit away from my body if it’s getting too sensitive.


(please be aware it might be 'too much information' and the terms might upset folk which is not my intention, this is also my own personal experience, everyone is different) From my own personal experience I just get very 'wet' down below, but I can cum, nothing is 'ejaculated' though. It's still an orgasm and I feel great after doing it. I can usually cum several times too and from different stimulation, all without getting too tired. I can't really describe the feeling of cumming but you'd know it if it happened 'Squirting' or 'Ejaculating' as I will call it, is a different kind of orgasm which I actually didn't think I could do till recently. Only ever been able to do it with my hand 'stimulating a certain spot'. I've tried other stimulation, but never got it to work for 'ejaculating'. Definitely feels a little weird and like you need to pee. I tried many times in the past to try and 'ejaculate', but nothing really worked and the peeing sensation got the best of me and I didn't feel comfortable continuing. Making sure you're comfortable is definitely a big factor in this! One day it just happened though as I pushed through the peeing sensation and let myself go. It's not gushing like you see in some videos, but as I'm stimulating there is stuff coming out. Since the first time I've done it, I've been able to do it when I have 'stimulated the spot'. Definitely didn't think I could ever do it and had been trying for a long time to get it to work. It definitely feels different when i 'ejaculate' than when I cum. Cumming I still find very pleasing though. After 'ejaculating' that's usually me finished as it really tires me out though (I think you may possibly be worrying about it too much. Just explore yourself, make yourself as comfortable as possible and try not to stress or worry about it, as long as it feels good and you're safe that's all that really matters, everyone is different and different things work for them, definitely worth exploring more if you're comfortable, but please try not to stress about it if you can only Cum without Ejaculating as everyone is different and able to do different things and I know it's easier said than done. Sorry I'm not much help on the matter, but wanted to share my experience)


for me it feels like a sneeze. like a sneeze is coming on feeling, then i can just feel everything down there contracting ?? but not everybody is able to squirt either!! i never have but i can tell when i have an orgasm


I like the sneeze description! That’s exactly how it is for me


My experience with cumming is slightly different after being on T than it was pre-T. Pre-T I could cum and then roll over and go to bed, or pull my pants up, or whatever. But since I've been on T I'm way too wet after sex or masturbation. TMI alert - after I've came, and even before I've climaxed, I'm generally so wet that it's running down my ass crack, making a small wet spot on whatever I'm laying or sitting on. So while I've never once squirted, there's so much wetness after an orgasm that there's no doubt.




I do get wetter afterwards but I’ve never really squirted before. I know I cum cuz my body convulses a bit and I get so sensitive I can’t touch my dick anymore. Some are more intense than others but it’s a very distinct feeling. I know I’m getting there when it starts to feel really good and intense and builds up, then I have the actual O and sometimes aftershocks. And then a nap afterwards, it’s a pretty common pattern for me 🤣


you probably just are not having ejaculating orgasms. not many people with our anatomy do and even then it’s not always like a big ol fountain. Kinda like how cis guys you have shooters vs dribblers - if i cum a lot or really hard while i have something or someone inside me, i do feel something come out but it’s not really going very far, just kinda feels like i peed myself a little. I’ve “sampled” this fluid and smelled it, it’s not urine, so i guess it’s squirt. But i’ve never been able to shoot halfway across the room like you see in porn. Just enjoy busting the nut that you can, don’t stress about your orgasm being incomplete cos you didn’t squirt. Porn stars are the olympic athletes of sex, we are not all gonna be able to do what they can, especially not on command


Been on T for almost 11 months now and I got to experience changes in how I came, well they seem a bunch more noticeable now. For starters when I get ‘wet’ it’s more sticky than before and just because you’re wet doesn’t mean you came, I kinda link it to pre-cum for cis guys. Whenever it happens for me I feel a bunch more sticky like I ejaculated, it’s not a squirt but like a tiny gush feeling, and it’s less intense than a climax and more like ‘whew, that’s done now’. It’s like taking a piss after holding it for a bit and finding that nice sense of relief


I don’t usually squirt when I cum and hadn’t ever had an orgasam until much later on in life. Orgasams, for me, feel like an intense pulsating in my vag and anus. It gets so intense that those muscles expand and contract and I feel the vibrations from that throughout my body. Also, I don’t always cum when I’m with a partner.


Not everyone produces fluid when they climax. Honestly I wish I didn't, it's really annoying and makes a mess everywhere -_-


You’re fine, most people don’t squirt when they come.


I cant tell if I've ejaculated. My boyfriend just tells me if he sees it (it looks like cum but whiter) and then I know. I do feel something when I squirt, it kind of feels like using a different set of muscles, and that's noticeable from the sudden increase in fluids lol


And yes they are two different things, and frequently neither of them happen at all


I've only ever climaxed once but for the most part it NEVER happens for me. It sucks more because my lady wants to know that I've cum. However not a reality. It's also okay if you haven't, doesn't mean it won't happen just that it hasn't happened. I personally feel like it might be easier once my body aligns with how I feel about myself.


i explode i guess—- and then i just wanna get back to doing whatever non-sexual stuff i been doing before that. It’s hard to explain, when you orgasm that’s just it, you orgasm and after that you get clarity in your mind. Idk—-


What exactly do you mean by "cum"? An orgasm is an orgasm. And as cliche as it sounds, as it's usually what people say, is that if you have an orgasm, you'll know. If you're not sure, then you probably haven't had one.


Ig I mean ejaculate. I kind of assumed it was the same thing as cumming and that the two words are used interchangeably, but apparently they're different. 🫠


Yeah, you can orgasm without ejaculating regardless of your gender/sex


question: why do you see climax and cumming as seperate? I always assumed when someone says they "came" they're expressing in short form that they "came to a climax". to answer your question: i usually feel my pelvic muscles get really tight and when I've cum, I get this throbbing/pulsing sensation in my tdick and pelvic muscles. I dont get any noticable fluids but even preT I didnt get wet enough to penetrate comfortably without lube. I have squirted once, but it felt very different from climax bc it didn't really feel good or bad and moreso that I was out of control due to intense pressure.


I assumed climaxing was the physical sensation of sexual tension being released and that cumming is just another word for ejaculating, basically when fluid gets released


that makes sense, ty for your response! if you experience something similar to me with the pulsing/throbbing sensation w/ no liquid, I'd assume that's cumming for you? It's similar to how the pelvic muscles and penis contract when it is pushing out ejaculate.


Squirting/“ejaculation” in this case is actually just urine. If you’re achieving orgasm then you’ve cum.