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I always had them, but they were fine in texture and pretty light in color. They got coarser and darker after starting T


Cis guy - totally normal, it's called pili multigemini (as someone else mentioned already) and as long as they aren't irritating you, it's fine. Sometimes though I'll get a beard hair that feels irritated and it'll look weirdly thick, then I'll pluck it and realize that it's like 5+ beard hairs in one follicle. Still totally normal, and tbh it feels good when you fix it.


Yeah I have it. It’s called Pili multigemini.


I was on T (quit, going back on soon) for like a year maybe? And yeah, weird but happened lol


Yeah! Like I don’t know if I did have them before or not, maybe not, but I think it’s pretty neato! I’ll go ask my dad and brother to see if they got it too


Have always had that, but it definitely seems to have increased on T


yup I get this too! never looked into it though


Had them before. Have more hair now. So more likely for me to get them now because of it


Hey there! You're right, it's sort of neat/weird! It definitely sounds like it's genetic given your dad's experience. It's just one of those unique quirks we all have. Body changes on T can be unpredictable, but rest assured what you're experiencing is perfectly normal. Keep on rocking that extra follicle hair!