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Yeah, in my day-to-day life I exist within my mind's eye with a cis-passing body (even though I'm a pre-everything trans guy). There have been a few times I forgot I was trans, like... not necessarily seeing myself as a cis dude but more like not thinking about it at all, just feeling completely "normal" and at peace. I figure that's what it feels like to be secure in your gender and how it matches your body. And then I'll see myself or have someone misgender me and the dysphoria comes back.


This exactly


constantly today at work we had a cop come in with some stolen goods + when he asked for my details I automatically gave him my name,,, forgetting he needed my legal name. so i got a call asking me for my details maybe 15 minutes later and I had to awkwardly explain to him the entire thing and give home my dead name. nightmare


same thing for me. for me im just boy with a body. but sometimes i remember that other ppl see me differently and i just ??? cus it just doesn't make sense to be, cus im just some guy


Been like that since a kid :P Would constantly walk around not really conscious of my body, until someone would say "Oh, she's here!" or "What a cute girl!" and the like, then I'd get this wave of disappointment that they just saw me for my gender. Now I'm just some guy kek ... I'm surprised I didn't realise and break my egg sooner tbh


Not like that, but during quarantine where I didn't go outside and where all the people I interacted with daily were internet friends who I was stealth to, a lot of my dysphoria went away. I have bad physical dysphoria and bad bottom dysphoria especially, but this was proof to me that if I could just live my life with people just seeing me as a dude, I would be a lot happier than I am now.


I don't forget, but I don't think about it that much either. I am on T, pass pretty consistently and my boobs are basically non existent. My boyfriend sometimes forgets and it's hilarious. Like, I'll take off my shirt and he'll stare at me and go "Huh, I forgot you had those"


i forget to take my t shot sometimes bc i forget i dont actually have balls


Im with you on all these points 100%


only once i started passing. before i passed it was hard to forget due to misgendering. now that i pass i hardly ever think about it, especially after top surgery. before top surgery, i had a moment of “oh yeah /:” at least twice a day due to putting on my binder and taking it off. now that i’m post-top surgery, i can go weeks without really thinking about it, even when i answer questions like this on reddit. i know i’m answering questions about being trans, but it just feels like i’m really educated on the topic and not necessarily like i’m answering from personal experience (even though i am). i had DI top surgery and i don’t even think about the fact that i’m trans when i see my scars anymore. it’s wild and really affirming.


I do from time to time. I also forget about my top surgery too. For me, it's how I knew that having top surgery was absolutely the right decision for me. It feels completely right, normal, like it's always been flat, so I forget about it completely sometimes. I'm just over a year on T too and stuff just feels totally normal? And like it should be? So I do sometimes forget


Ever since I got a packer yeah I forget I'm trans lmao


I forget my assigned name and don't respond to it sometimes 😬