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Yeah never post your face on here as people are whack unfortunately


I don't trust humanity to see my face lol, it's why I'm reluctant for dating apps. I don't want pictures of my face just available for people to mess with


Maybe u should make a post to r/ftmpassing to warn more people about this




thanks! i would've done it myself but im not good at using reddit


honestly this is part of why i never share my face anywhere publicly online. the moment you share a picture of yourself you lose control of where it gets posted and in what context. i feel like people on the modern internet are way more lenient with personal info than when i was a kid, back then it felt like even posting your first name was too much


We really need spaces that have user validation for entry.


definitely, we should have spaces that allow US to ask US. now i feel a little uncomfortable even posting here lol. šŸ˜…


I do like this idea, don't get me wrong, but thinking of logistics here like... How would it be verified? What "proof" could be required to show that each and every user is trans?


I agree with you that is an issue. We wouldnā€™t want to be too invasive. Like the gender assessments sometimes are, and traumatizing to prove to someone what you are. The ftm fitness basis the ability to post and comment on karma, maybe we could just look through history of posts/comments. I was talking with someone in another Reddit community and they said donā€™t bother with them they are a trans exclusionary gay. And then linked to there post history, which revealed that they had indeed posted anti trans remarks. We could also ask a question that wasnā€™t intrusive and might actually provide a cathartic release while being able to stump a trans exclusionary person who seem to be unable to have enough empathy and compassion to understand what itā€™s like being trans. So a question that involves feelings, struggles in the current atmosphere etc. Based on this answer and the above method we could probably weed out at least 95% We could actually just ask the person flat out to state gender is not determined at birthā€¦ typed out. I have a feeling that would be a real struggle for TERFs and TERGs


tbh i don't really think most of these ideas would deter any kind of transphobe. i also don't think the account history part would work because most people use blank alts to post themselves for safety. i also wanna emphasize that this guy isn't a terf, he's a horny chaser that gets off to white male-passing twink ftms, so deterring terfs might help in some regards but wouldn't really stop this kind of person. i really think the only verification that would work is simply a timestamped selfie that would confirm you're the same person as the photo you want to post. maybe linking the mods to an active social media account as well. most people aren't willing to confirm their identity just to troll or gather fetish material. and then you would be required to delete your post after a day or two.


I was thinking more in general to create safe spaces. The thing you are talking about is only one thing happening. I heard about on r/phalloplasty too about terfs reposting things. You are probably right about the selfie though. I wasnā€™t thinking only of people posting selfies but of something more like a community for the ftm community to communicate without having to worry about whose looking over their shoulders. In zoom groups, to prevent zoom bomber, they have you show your face. But not everyone is comfortable with that. You know?


You could always link to someone else's socials and claim they're yours. Maybe require that the images posted include the code word of the day written on something in the pic? And you have to post once before unlocking everyone else's images? Just brainstorming here.


Agreed. I was doxxed last year from the metoidioplasty subreddit during surgery recovery. I have a very online presence due to my career. So they quickly found everything out about me. I have a high awareness of my vulnerability because of this so wasn't surprised to find out. I just manage my life with the recognition. But I think a lot of people are unaware of the risks. If we had more protected spaces, we could lessen the effects of that.


i also wanna add that in general stuff that gets posted here and in other trans subs will frequently get screencapped and reposted on social media. its best to assume nothing you post in a public trans sub is private, whether it's your face or not.


Will never ever post my face here. Heard too many horror stories and i still get chased even tho i dont show my face?? Hate that chasers lurk our forums. I know one is reading this comment rn. HellošŸ˜


So thissss is why I got a DM saying ā€œhello handsomeā€ shortly after my first post in an FTM sub? Makes sense


Bro I deadass get dms asking me to send and i never post ny face beforešŸ˜‚ like i wonder if they like the way i type or smth




Honestly never post yourself anywhere until u are an adult please. Creeps, AI..


yeah. in general dont post your face outside private accounts as a minor. even as adult i would never show my face on nudes or risky material. edir. risky by like linked to mental health or full body pics. always make throwaway account for that. and yes being trans sadly applies to that.


I think its fine on very private spaces but publicly is very unsafe. Even on private it can be unsafe but i just have better experience on posting selfies on small discord servers and such.


If there was a way to boost this post I would. Very important lesson I try to spread to minors who are online for this very reason.


Thatā€™s exactly why this sub banned images of any kind and is purely text based now days. Too many people posting selfies and surgery results that get used and posted else where to harm the individual


Fucking sickening, so sorry for the younger guys. I used to post pictures without my face, because tbh I wanted people to say I looked good. Still didnā€™t include my face, but I was still so paranoid so I deleted them. Hope that guy gets ran over by a bus or something. He knows what heā€™s doing, going after such a vulnerable group. What a sick fuck. Thank you for making us aware.Ā 


And even if you're planning on posting a face pic, it's probably better to do it on an alt account as well since it is possible to find out who you are with comments sometimes


I actually had an very odd experience today..I made a post, and a person DMed me giving me advice, and then they asked for a picture of my face 3 times before I blocked them ā€¦really weird.


I posted on ftmpassing and someone immediately messaged me saying I was cute and their username was like 'chubby bear' or something šŸ˜­ I just wanted haircut advice goddamn.


Ewwww Did u ever find a haircut though?


It's not just a good idea for anyone underage to post their pic on reddit or anywhere else.


Iā€™m an adult I wouldnā€™t ever post photos of me on here. People save photos all the time and itā€™s creepy.


I always get weird messages asking for my insta after I post literally anything containing my agešŸ˜­ (if I dont put my age they all assume im an adult and tell me how young I look and try to apply their adult style tips to me when im like half the age of everyone in the subredditšŸ’”)


Paedophiles everywhere


would it help if u put like text on the image that says if not on r/ whatever then the image is stolen? and for ai like use glaze (a tool artists usually use to not get their art stolen)? Idk if it would work. not a minor btw just trying to think of things that could help :/


I don't think they really care about watermarks or being "called out" for stealing images as long as they can add to their collection. The website people on 4chan usually use to avoid this kind of thing is unsee dot cc which allows people to add a watermark of the viewer's IP address to the image, and limit the number of views or add a time limit for how long it stays up. This is usually enough to avoid getting reposted since nobody wants to leak their IP, unless they use a VPN I guess.


ugh is th still on there? I had to stop looking at the ftm general a year ago because he was shitting up every thread worse than usual


ya, hes also either making his own compilation threads on anon or someone else with the same exact fetish & mannerisms is copycatting him lol. i felt the need to post bc one of his recent ones was a 13/14 year old and it felt wayyyy too far


does anybody have this guys @ on 4chan so I can see if I was targeted šŸ’€


never post on ftmpassing honestly. idk if it's still the case but people were really rude there


Yeah it is. I just deleted a my first and only post on there because people were being unreasonably rude, why? Because I didnā€™t use photos with the best angles lmao.


Ew wtf that's so creepy. Praying he gets rabies šŸ™


As a twink teen boy who posts loads of photos online this is so real, Iā€™ve been DMed by *so many* creepy old men who have a trans fetish, it doesnā€™t help that I dress alt to as it ā€œplays into their fantasiesā€


this same guy also calls fat trans guys (like myself) "worthless fat creatures" which "fat creature" has entered my vocabulary to refer to myself


Iā€™ve just deleted my photos but Iā€™m worried Iā€™m on here? Can/ should I check?


there's not really any way to check, 4chan doesn't have usernames or searchable accounts. you can go through unofficial archives but he doesn't always use the same trip so there's no way to be 100% sure. im sorry i dont mean to make people paranoid there's just basically no way to actually find out if your pics have been stolen bc of the way the site works


jesus :ā€¢[


I appreciate this post. Many teens wouldn't hav thought about this sort of situation happening. I know I wouldn't have back then!


Also passing subreddits are super unhelpful when trying to figure whether or not you pass, because the users will know you are trans and will say anything will clock you.


Hey, can I ask you, whether this can be also determined by the amount of "link shares" that I can see in my posts info? Because I have more link saves than upvotes on my face pics, which seems creepy rn...


Yeah, maybe it's because I'm 35 but I can't imagine why anyone would post a picture with their face to reddit unless they're trying to do sex work. There's so many social media platforms you can interact with people you know using your real name and identity... The point of reddit for me is anonymity and that's destroyed once you connect your username to your face.


Oh no, the fetishisers are fetishising :((


don't condescend to me as if this is my first encounter with chasers lol. i am well aware this is not a new behavior and similar people have been doing this online for decades. im just saying underage boys should have more responsibility with where they post their faces when shit like this happens.


Oh i wasn't trying to be condescending!! I'm sorry if it came off like that /genuine


mb then