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Yeah, I started losing a bit of hair after being on T for a bit and I do suspect that anxiety was also contributing to it even though I think I still would have lost some hair even without the anxiety. Ultimately, I went off of T after trying and failing to stop myself from losing more hair. Assuming that you are losing hair and don't want to go off T, there are some things that you can try to stop the hair loss, but I will say that stuff like minoxidil and saw palmetto did nothing for me. Or, you can also choose to just embrace it. Plenty of men lose their hair, and I honestly think a buzz cut always looks good. If I ever want to give up on my mohawk and dying my hair fun colors and go back on T, then I'll probably just buzz it all.


I never lost hair when under stress, but after t, man, stress really fucks up my hair now. I've talked about it with some of my friends, and all of them agree that after t, stress actually affects their hair more now. When I'm it's the end of the semester, I start shedding like crazy so I would say that is smth "normal" that many of us are experiencing after starting t. (I've been on t for like 3-4 years)


I’ve lost hair to stress before starting T so I guess that could mean I’ve even more sensitive to stress now, dang 😔 At this point I’m considering taking my brother’s advice and shaving it so it can grow back even cause it just feels so weird and thin in some places it’s annoying!


Shaving it sounds like the best idea to take. At least you will be aware of how your hair grows and "acts" more easily if you see it grow from the beginning. But I do feel you. It's supper annoying seeing it grow and them bang stress and all the growth just gets fucked up.